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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    So in Portalfig's blog, a few of us noted how many of us had so many profiles made. After thinking of what to do, a few of us (myself included) wondered if we could have an RPG. So I ask, why not? Of course, I won't be the one to do it, because I don't have the skill necessary. But who knows?
    Also, I retook the test again. I only got better stats. Here they are.
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 12
    Dexterity- 11
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 14
    Charisma- 13
    EDIT: Bumped so this doesn't drop off the face of the blogs too soon.
  2. JiMing
    So today, me and a fellow member going by the name Ghabulous Ghoti played an online Brawl match. Wow, I got my butt kicked so badly it wasn't even funny. (Okay, maybe it was)
    That guy left no chance for me to retaliate, and I exposed myself pretty much all the time, so time and time again, I would go blasting off into the distance. Perhaps it was my choice of characters, as I played mid-tier characters Sonic and Toon Link, but he managed to pummel me with Captain Falcon (well, he was Fabulous Falcon, so maybe his sheer awesome alone did me in).
    I guess I have no one to blame but myself, a majority of the time I've played Brawl was the Subspace Emissary, trying to unlock every character, and only recently did I try and improve my skills in a normal Brawl. If anyone wants to Brawl with this noob, my friend code is 4943-6690-9221. (Just expect a lot of lag)
  3. JiMing
    Prefacing this blog post, thanks to An/A Blade (or just Blade) for sending me her MH4U Demo code! I played it and I loved it, and that's why I'm here playing and gushing over this game. You're awesome!
    Anyways, like I said, I'm playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and loooooooooving it! So naturally I had to share the love with everyone else! I thought for a grand total of one minute and decided to do brief blurbs on what I think of all the monsters I've fought so far. I dunno if this could actually become a series cause there's a rather large amount of monsters to fight........
    But for now, enjoy a highly unprofessional examination of every monster I've fought so far in the early game!
    (note, for this entry and possible others, if the monsters have a confirmed gender, I will refer to them using the appropriate pronoun. If not, I'll use 'they', 'them', 'it', etc. Hope that's alright with everyone!)
    Great Jaggi

    Oh look, it's the first big monster anyone fights. Let's get this out of the way, I don't hold any respect for him, and neither should you. Heck, there are 14 optional tutorial missions for all the weapons, and what's the monster they make you kill? The Great Jaggi. And for good reason, he's strong at first but when you start figuring out the game mechanics and get decent armor, the Great Jaggi becomes a non-issue.
    That's not to say I don't like the little veloci-thingy though. He's actually one of my favorite monsters so far! There's just something charming bout it's tenacity in battle even if it's gonna get crushed..... I suggest whenever you fight him, you just take him out as fast as you can, and salute his corpse afterwards for effort.

    Now this guy still gives me a little bit of trouble. He's not really any stronger than the Great Jaggi, in fact, he might be weaker? I'm not sure. But those wings aren't just for show, he is nimble. Combined with the fact that the Seltas isn't that huge a target to begin with, I don't land as many hits per second as I would with other monsters. I spend the better part of the battle sheathing my weapon (I play Charge Blade if anyone's curious) and just running after it.
    Uuuuunless he uses the flying ram attack into a wall, in which case I pounce and slash the heck outta him. But hey, fighting the Seltas is still quite a rush and overall this bug thingy is cool!
    (Addendum: So my mentor advised me to use Flash Bombs on this and flying enemies. Turns out it makes them drop like a rock. So uh........ Oops. xP)
    Kecha Wacha

    Okay besides looking smarmy and being gross, the Kecha Wacha is a fun monster to fight. It swings around certain areas, which would make it a tough fight.... Luckily throwing a well timed Sonic Bomb makes it drop to the ground in an instant. I'd abuse that strategy more if the Kecha Wacha didn't put its ears over its face at points during the battle, but eh what can you do. Their fighting style's actually pretty wild and erratic, slamming the ground and leaping from place to place and such. Not a bad monster for a noob to be fighting!

    This thing is basically the Great Jaggi but faster and more powerful. It's also way more jumpy! Unfortunately they lack the charm the Jaggis do. I'm not sure how to describe it... But the fact they only appear during expeditions and online quests which leads to a lack of overall presence might be a contributing factor? I'm not sure.
    Oh, and once while I was playing with Blade and another friend online, our connection was wonky when fighting this thing... And the Velocidrome proceeded to teleport across the arena. Constantly.
    It was hilarious and scary at the same time.
    Yian Kut-Kut

    (okay no actually it's silly to watch fight but surprisingly tough especially considering it's smaller than the Great Jaggi. I'd fight the Kut-Kut more but there are bigger fish to fry. =P)

    This is one of my favorite early game monsters. Part of it's the design, it just looks rough and ready to kill.... Not to mention its attacks and animations are actually rather brutal. The Tetsucabra digs boulders from the ground and smashes them with its tusks for crying out loud! And when you mount the monsters, it's the only one I've really seen outright try to flatten you under its weight!
    Not to mention the armor made from this thing both looks cool and is incredibly useful for the early game! This is a cool monster!

    This thing is basically the Velocidrome if it could paralyze. Not much else to say about it.... It's an alright monster I suppose.

    (I don't like this monster very much in case you couldn't tell. I do however, enjoy killing it!)

    I'm gonna be frank here, this is my FAVORITE monster to battle so far! It's not as nimble as the Seltas, but it's more nimble than the Kecha Wacha, and has some power behind its attacks to boot! The Nerscylla is also a tricksty little thing what with having multiple ways of incapacitating you, ranging from webbing to poisoning to straight up making you keel over and snooze. That's waaaaay more than the other monsters had so I'm always on my toes during the fight...... I love it! Maybe the fifth game will see more insect bosses...........
    (also the normal Nerscyllas eat Gypceros so that's a +1 in my book!)

    At first my weapons kept bouncing off even at green sharpness so I thought the Basarios would give me a really, really hard time.
    Then I realized its legs were weak enough to hit and that it actually did move like a boulder. Even though it fired fire lazors and charged, those didn't really hit me at all cause I saw em coming from a mile away. The only thing that ever really gave me trouble was the poison gas spewing thingy. Otherwise, this was a surprisingly easy fight to handle.
    Then again this thing has an adult form so hopefully I have a more challenging fight to look forward to there...........
    And that's that! How was this blog entry? Should I make more or not? Or does this suck and should I sulk away in shame?
    I'll let you people decide on that!
  4. JiMing
    I'm not gonna claim I'm not biased, because I totally am. I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was younger, and I still think it's one of the greatest cartoons-no, TV shows to ever exist. From what I've seen, Legend of Korra is also amazing, but the original will always hold a more special place in my heart.
    Toph was one of my favorite characters from the show, even if she didn't get as much character development as the others. The fact she still kicked major butt despite being blind, and how awesomely sassy she is makes me like her just as much as I do Sokka and his hilarity, really. And yeah, her Earthbending is really, really frigging impressive. There's one thing though.
    Shonen characters can sometimes be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda overpowered.... As I believe is the case for Naruto characters.
    And from the things I've read so far, Gaara looks like a beast (literally since he has that Shukaku demonthing in his belly)..... This kind of displeases me... No, it displeases me a lot, because I want Toph to win reaaaaaaaaaaaaally badly, but I'm not sure if she can anymore.......
    Then again, there's this quote from Ben Singer on his Twitter regarding this battle.....
    Does this mean I can get my hopes up? Please tell me it does.....
  5. JiMing
    So I got a Wii U over Black Friday... The Smash Splat Bundle, to be specific. It came with Smash Wii U and Splatoon downloaded to the system. Oh boy, Splatoon...
    I kinda chose a girl Inkling cause I find the boy to be sort of doofy-looking. The girl Inkling's actually pretty cute though! It helps that I am a MASTER AT FASHION. YOU WANT PROOF, PUNK??!
    PROOF 1
    PROOF 2
    Well I'm actually kinda mediocre with the freshness of my fashion, but I think it's cute so eh. xP Oh, those two pics actually do show off my favorite weapons in the game thus far: the Slosher Deco and N-ZAP '89. I like being able to toss ink over cover with Sloshers in generala, and I prefer the Splash Wall of the Deco to the Burst Bombs of the regular, which I have always found to be kinda superfluous. Meanwhile, I like the speed value on the N-Zap '89 and the Inkstrike is one of my favorite Specials to make use of thus far. I do know that I should probably start using more than those two only, but they're what I'm best with, and if anyone who plays the game can reccomend me their picks, I'll go consider getting those!
    But yeah! Splatoon came free with my Wii U and it's kinda hooked me. Yeah I know I'm late to the party to be gushing, but heck, I've just been playing whenever I can, and... Getting 0-2 on the Splatfests. Maybe next time I'll win...?
    (also yes I'm aware I have really bad skills rolled on my gear, I may or may not be fixing that later, but for now I'm just trying to play to have a good time and all that)
  6. JiMing
    Indivisible is a game that I'm not really seeing too much discussion around places, and I can't really remember the last time there was a mention on BZPower? Maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
    BUT ANYWAYS Indivisible. It's by the guys who made Skullgirls, Lab Zero Games. As such, the first thing you can expect is beautifully hand-drawn and buttery smooth character animations, and in the final product, hand-drawn backgrounds as well. The gameplay's an 2D platformer Metroidvania style game, with combat being an active-time battle RPG system with gameplay I have heard be compared to Valkyrie Profile. All I know is that when I played the demo, I had a LOT of fun, and for a Prototype, it really shows the potential this project has if it's funded.
    However, the game will ONLY happen if Lab Zero Games reaches $1,500,000!! Their publisher, 505 Games has generously offered to provide $2 million should Lab Zero games acquire the goal above, completing the game's budget of 3.5 million. Unlike most crowdfunded games out there, Lab Zero has been highly open about their practices and the expenses needed, and overall have been very genuine. As of right now though, they've made $1,032,153. That leaves $467,847 to be made in the remaining 17 days of the campaign! If they do not get fully funded, the game will not happen, and Lab Zero Games will dissolve. Now, I know that no one on BZPower is going to magically donate THAT much money and save the campaign overnight, but still! Consider donating to this project if you can!
    And if you're among those who aren't able to support the project directly, spread the word to your friends and colleagues! There's a Thunderclap campaign running as well, so please consider signing up for that as well!
    Perhaps later I'll go over my thoughts towards this project more, but all you need to know right now is that I'm confident that if given the chance, the finished product will be amazing, and it'd be a massive shame to see the campaign fail and company go bankrupt... So that's all I have to say for now then, hopefully I've at least gotten your attention.
  7. JiMing

    (another reason to fund it is because this way there will be a game where both shovel knight and shantae appear in the same game rip smash ballot chances)
  8. JiMing
    I saw on Amazon that preordering the game would discount the price from 60 dollars to 48, so I took it! I know this game's not perfect by any means, but it's the Pokemon game I've wanted for a long time, you know? I'm honestly not the hugest fan of turn-based role-playing games, even though I can enjoy a good one and highly respect the genre. But like, I never really got into competitive Pokemon battling against my friends, due to the setup needed to make viable teams. The breeding, the EVs, the movesets, all takes a huge timesink and one I don't feel is super worth it, no matter how much I love the Pokemon themselves. I like games that are easier to jump into and just bash out a few matches, like Smash Bros. over the 3DS, now that's great. I also like games that are more moment-to-moment play, cause I'm not really enough a tactical genius with team composition and the I-know-you-know trickery that goes on in Pokemon matches. Pokken really scratches that itch of a game that's easy to setup, features characters I adore, and has dynamic and fluid gameplay that's a blast to watch. That alone had me super excited for the game, but a preorder discount finally convinced me to pick it up.
    So... Which Pokemon will I use? Honestly, going by what my 7-year old self would want, it's in all honesty probably going to be Lucario. Yeah I know, it's probably the easiest and simplest character to go pick up what with having the most balanced stats and all, probably making it the Ryu of Pokken Tournament. I started out with Pokemon Diamond however, and Lucario was just my favorite Pokemon and the one I look back on the fondest, I've forgotten exactly why, but still, Lucario has been my favorite Pokemon for a long time, and my inner child tells me to main the heck outta the Aura Pokemon. But hmm, if I had to choose alternate ones... Blaziken is the Ken of the game from the looks of it, and it's one of my favorite starters as well. I also like the Bruce Lee noises during some attacks cause it's just sorta funny. xP Pikachu surprisingly enough looks very fun to play, and Mewtwo is pretty much superior to its Smash incarnation in every way... Oooh, and Weavile too. I should probably stop now, before I get to the point I sit in front of the TV screen on launch day for an hour, just deciding who to play. xP
    So... Thoughts on the game itself? Any ideas of who you'd like to main? I wanna hear what you guys have to say, cause me personally, I am super pumped for this game and can't wait 'till the 18th! =D
  9. JiMing
    Sonic the Hedgehog was a blur as he made his way to Dr. Eggman's latest fortress. It was sorta boring for him actually, another day, another scheme to stop.
    "If only something interesting happened..." he muttered to himself.
    Meanwhile, a ship was descending down the atmosphere. Inside housed the intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran. An anonymous client had offered a very nice sum of money for her to terminate a certain speedy, blue hedgehog. Landing at the coordinates given to her, Samus noticed the creature described skid to a halt next to the ship. Samus smirked underneath her Power Suit and got out.
    "So who're you supposed to be?" asked Sonic, slightly confused.
    Samus turned around and shot off a charged shot towards Sonic, who dodged.
    "Ah, something new. This oughta be good."
    Inside the fortress, Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik cackled madly. "Yes! Finally, I will be rid of that hedgehog forever!"
    So this here's a battle between Sonic and Samus, requested in the previous entry. I will now list the rules for the battle.
    Both Sonic and Samus will have access to any ability or equipment from their games, such as the Homing Attack or Power Missiles. Samus specifically will be forced to switch between her various suits and beams, though attacks like the Screwattack can be used regardless of what is equipped. Sonic, as stated will have access to any move from any game he has been in, and will also have the ability to summon various powerups, e.g. shields, speed shoes. As per all battles, the battle will continue until one of the opponents is dead or incapable of fighting any longer.
    So who do you guys think will win? Feel free to suggest more battles in the comments as well.
    P.S. Please don't say "Use Smash Bros." As fun as the series is, they are not good representations of outcomes of a fight. I mean, I played Meta Knight in Brawl, but my more experienced friend won against me with Kirby.
  10. JiMing
    As the title suggests, none of this is final. I literally just came up with it today and I haven't set anything in stone yet.
    So anyways, my idea is a story centered around side-protagonists (so no generic shopkeeps from a JRPG or anything, people with a name and impact on the story but not serving as the main point of view) from different media getting invited to a sort of... Vacation home? Vacation neighborhood? Not sure what it's called. Anyways, said characters get a letter saying something along the lines of "We feel your contributions could use appreciation!" that invites them to the place, so a bunch of these wildly different side characters from wildly different series all end up in this one place. And for the first part or more, it'd be a sitcom-ish story about this ragtag group struggling to get along well and also live a rather mundane life. However... There's the potential that, as the story progresses, those at the vacation home could discover secrets that suggest something less than wholesome at work.... Or something like that. =P
    So yeah. That's about it. The collab part comes from selecting interested folks to control two(?) side characters from some series of their choosing, no original characters or fanon additions. Aside from a few chapters that require input from multiple writers (probably handled with a Google Doc), it'd mostly be an at-your-own-pace setup, with each member writing a chapter from the perspective of their chosen characters. If this actually becomes a thing I'll formalize a selection process but for now, I'll just listen to people who habe anything to say.
    I'm sure the concept needs a ton of refinement, and truth be told, I'm not sure I could actually make this happen? But if things work out alright and enough people would want to see this... Well. Time to hope for the best.
  11. JiMing
    Jim made it out of Mauville, only for it to turn out the HM Rock Smash was necessary to pass through. He then returned to the Pokemon Center and withdrew King Duuuh.., who was unhappy at being required to perform actual work, but happy he would be returned to the PC immediately afterwards. after traversing through the terrain, Jim proceeded to catch even more Pokemon.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Pikablu the Marill
    The Marill line always has that cheery smile on their face, which must mean they're all happy, all the time, right? Not always. Pikablu is actually rather lonely most of the time, and doesn't know how to make friends. Being in the PC gives him hope that he'll learn how to socialize.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Stonebrain the Geodude
    His name is rather demeaning, but this Geodude is so lax that he never goes out of his way to complain about it. This is despite being the exact opposite of dumb, as can be seen in his alertness to sounds.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Hothead the Numel
    At first, the nickname for Hothead seems unfitting, as he's yet another jolly friend to everyone. However, the friendliness is offset by a quick temper. Exercise caution if you want to be his friend.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Carrie-tay the Machop
    Carrie-tay is very lax. As in, so relaxed that she never actually bothers to train and hone her strength, preferring to use up that time in taking naps at every opportunity. It's a good thing she's in the PC where lazing around all day is acceptable, then!
    At a halfway point to the next town, Jim ran into May along the way. A quick discussion about the size of Mt. Chimney and free healing of his team, the trainer was once more on his merry way. And more Pokemon catching was to be had.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Bruple the Koffing
    Once more, judging Bruple for his dopey expression is not the way to go. His approach to situations is highly careful and analytical. Adding on to that, he is stubborn in finding the right solution, and has indominable will in achieving what he wants.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Maggie the Slugma
    Maggie makes a great friend if you can get past the lava body. She's rather modest about herself and holds a strong will. Overall a reliable friend. The Slugma also befriended Maddie due to their similar names.
    The route was long. Absurdly long. Luckily, another run in into May meant another team healing, which was nice! But then Jim had to go through an area completely covered in volcanic ash... Which wasn't as nice. Oh well, more Pokemon were caught.... Again.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Spotty the Spinda
    An initial impression of Spotty is usually, well.... Spotty. He never says anything due to an overall quiet nature, and constantly stumbling around makes it hard to read body language. Despite the movement impediment, Spotty is highly curious about nearly everything around him.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Gaiung the Sandshrew
    Gaiung is jolly. Consequently he's taken up the role others have as everyone's best friend and confidant. That is, when he's not napping along with Carrie-tay. His schedule sadly leaves only a small amount of time to actually socialize with others.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Talos the Skarmory
    With such an imposing name and stature, surely Talos must be-okay, I think you get the point. In short, sassy and often acts like a clown. This means he's ended up the life of the party around those in the PC environment.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Aolani the Swablu
    Joy to the PC! Aolani is jolly. Of course, this makes sense due to her species and their general attitude. Being a small cloud songbird doesn't stop her from having a sturdy body capable of withstanding hits.
    After the long and arduous trail, Jim finally made it to Fallarbor Town. A quick trip to the Pokemon Center resulted in the team being healed and Stormageddon being put back on the team. Shortly after exiting, May rushed up to the trainer in a panic. Apparently the Professor Cozmo she mentioned had disappeared! The culprits? None other than Team Magma themselves... Hearing that made Jim clench his fist. He knew they were up to no good from the last time they meant.... So he jumped at May's suggestion to track them down at Meteor Falls. Of course, he was interrupted by trainers and wild Pokemon along the way, so he wasn't as quick as he'd have liked to be....
    Pokemon Acquired!-Snikt the Zangoose
    Sharp claws unfortunately make befriending others hard for the jolly Zangoose. Then again, neither does having a vain attitude and considering oneself the best there is. What a paradox.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Presly the Volbeat
    Presly has opinions. And he's adamant about keeping them. He's highly persistent in maintaining his... Persistence. Generally disliked by the PC-denizens.
    While on the way, Stormageddon evolved into a Pelipper. This meant she was now no longer base stage, and up to snuff with the rest of the team. At that moment, her haughty attitude and massive ego returned... Unfortunately.
    Just before the entrance of Meteor Falls, Jade too, began to evolve. And without the presence of a Dawn Stone, it could have only meant one thing..... The soon-to-be Gardevoir looked back at his trainer, who simply nodded and let the evolution happen. Afterwards stood the now fully evolved Jade, who was so ecstatic he drew Jim in for a crushing embrace. Getting the air squeezed from his lungs wasn't particularly present, but the only protest he made was that they had yet to meet up with May as they had promised. Only then did the new Gardevoir relent.
    Once inside Meteor Falls itself, Jim stumbled onto May just about to confront a Magma Grunt and what looked to be an admin of theirs accosting Professor Cozmo for his meteorite. Turns out said admin was named Tabitha, and he laughed at the thought of two children disrupting their plans. But after trouncing countless Magma Grunts and having May at his side, Jim felt rather confident going into the double battle. And surely enough, Jade with her newfound evolution tore through the Pokemon with little effort, leaving a very confused grunt and admin.
    The victory was quickly cut short with the appearance of another organization introducing themselves as Team Aqua showed up. This prompted Tabitha and the grunt to quickly flee after snatching away the meteorite. As it turned out, Magma and Aqua were rivals with each other, with conflicting goals. While Magma wished to expand the landmass to further human development, Aqua wished to expand the seas to provide conditions more conducive to Pokemon well-being. Their Leader, Archie said much himself, and warned Jim to never interfere with his plans.
    With that chilling sequence out of the way, Professor Cozmo was returned to his lab, safe and sound-though without the meteorite. May wanted to check out Mauville's Gym, which Jim had already beaten. Nevertheless, he took her up on her offer to head back there, for the reason of hoping to check out Mt. Chimney, apparently where Magma and Aqua had congregated. Probably. Anyways, a quick healing of the team and Jim was off to Mt. Chimney.
    Turns out Jim was already too late, as Magma and Aqua were currently duking it out. Running through the chaos brought the young trainer face to face with Tabitha, who was still sore over his loss back at Meteor Falls. One childish tantrum on Tabitha's part later, yet another battle and victory ensued. There seems to be a pattern here....
    Then again, trouncing the grunts and admins are one thing. Taking on the leader? A bit more frightening. Jim found himself up against Maxie, whom he had encountered back in Slateport. The Magma Leader made it perfectly clear he would show no mercy, yet the trainer and his team refused to back down. Once more though, the odds were heavily skewed in his favor, and the leader of a criminal organization with grand ambitions suffered defeat at the hands of a teenage, relatively inexperienced trainer. Mightyena and Golbat were nothing Jade couldn't take on, and even the trump card Camerupt fell relatively easily to Stormageddon. This obviously struck a nerve with Maxie, who claimed that had he used Mega Evolution on his Camerupt, Jim would have fallen easily. Before being capable of backing up his claims though, a certain call was made and Team Magma departed, Aqua quick on their heels.
    Dealing with one criminal team was bad enough... But two? That was worse. Sighing, the trainer went down Mt. Chimney as quick as possible, heading for the next Gym at Lavaridge....
    (I will say this. Having limited access to a laptop because your parents keep shoving you off makes finishing things hard. So that explains this MASSIVE delay, and daily updates will no longer be a thing I think. Sorry!)
  12. JiMing
    So remember this? Of course you don't. Well the gist of this whole thing is that I pit two fictional characters against each other for you wonderful people in the blogosphere to debate who the victor is going to be. Normally, I'd write up a quick narrative on how the battle started, but I cannot figure out how to do so for this match, so we're going to skip to the rules.
    For simplicity, the Link discussed is the Adult Link from Ocarina of Time. Both characters have access to all weapons and abilities from their respective games, though they cannot have any outside assistance (this means no partners or fairies). The battle goes on until one of them is either dead or unable to continue battling. And no, their good natures don't affect them and make them into good buddies at the end. Think Death Battle rules.
    Got it? Okay... GO!
    EDIT: You may now interpret which Link you would want to use. But remember, any Link is at their fullest potential when fighting.
  13. JiMing
    You Are A:
    Lawful Neutral Human Wizard (1st Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 10
    Dexterity- 12
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 13
    Wisdom- 14
    Charisma- 12
    Lawful Neutral- A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Wizards- Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
    Hopefully this isn't anything too bad or whatever.
    EDIT: Wait what the wizard uses female pronouns. Isn't that sexist and demeaning to suggest non-physical fighters are all women?
    Oh, and it speaks tantamount to my reserves of MANLY TESTOSTERONE FUELED MANLINESSS! I apparently don't even deserve gender neutral pronouns. Don't know how to feel about that. =P
  14. JiMing
    I know that not many people on this site will care whatsoever, but the fact that this exists is awesome for me. Surprisingly, the voice acting is pretty good. The translation obviously is not exact, but overall, it stays quite true to the original. And for an added bonus, they pronounce the Chinese names correctly! I always get ticked off when Chinese words aren't pronounced correctly in media. (It's Yah-ng She-ow Loh-ng, Lee-eh Ruh-n, and Soon Woo-koh-ng people!) Though it is a bit awkward with Lie Ren , because in Mandarin, that literally translates to 'hunter'. Anyways, other names like Ruby or Jaune are left untouched, because it's not really easy to find meaningful approximations of western names, contrary to public belief.
    I would post the links, but I'm not sure if the site is allowed. It's on YouTube, but in considerably worse quality. Then again, I suppose there's very few of you who will understand it. I don't even know why I posted this, maybe I just wanted to post in this blog again. And also to possibly educate a few people about the proper pronunciation of Chinese words. Anyways, that's all for now. Hopefully, I'll visit the blogosphere again soon!
    (Final Note: Ruby sounds adorable even in Chinese)
  15. JiMing
    This wonderful drawing was done by NickonAquaMagna. Super awesome to look at!
    Now, you may be wondering, who is this golden-clad being about to divekick Pohatu? Well! Then you have to educate yourself on the warrior of justice,
    Basically take Kamen Rider, make his motif a Naga and this is who he is. HE SEEMS COMPLETELY AWESOME, BUT unfortunately for everyone, it's not possible for him to make his grand debut in Indivisible unless it gets funded... =(
    Please, consider donating to the campaign! There are less than 5 DAYS left, and it still has about $280,000 to go! Indivisible is on a Fixed Funding campaign, so unless they reach their goal, Lab Zero will receive no money, and Indivisible will NOT HAPPEN.
    I understand that many people don't have the money to spare, so in that case, try to spread it to your friends and family, and see if they're interested as well!
    Another reason to donate to the game is that a person named matoro.wannabe did so yesterday. You can't make this up, folks.
  16. JiMing
    I've literally had nobody post on anything on my blog for several entries in a row, so I'm freaking out thinking my blog is invisible or that there are bad opinions of me running through the community. I know I'm overreacting, but I CAN'T HELP IT. I'm paranoid like that.
    Could people at least post saying "I'm here", so I know I'm not going mad? Thanks. If people have some tips on how to be more visible in the blog spectrum, that would be appreciated as well.
  17. JiMing
    So that Monster Hunter 4U demo, it's great huh? Want access to it? I've got a demo code!
    But see, I'm also part of a collection of members who have all agreed to change their display names rather soon to match the casts of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. We've filled up all the spots-save for one. Nikolai Nikolanikov.
    The deal is this: I give you a code so long as you change your display name to Nikolai Nikolanikov and take a new avatar.
    Sound good?
  18. JiMing
    Yes, I know this was yesterday. WHO CARES, I HAVE THOUGHTS TOO! Now, I'm too lazy to organize my thoughts in paragraphs and whatnot, so here are bullet points for each comment I have to make, in order to the things were revealed in Smash Direct.

    The stages being split could possibly lead to disappointment for some (especially me since I don't plan on buying a Wii U anytime soon), but I think it could also mean some games get represented that normally wouldn't. Like Find Mii. =P
    Kid Icarus is being represented on the 3DS AND Wii U?! YES.
    Hard rock and orchestral Skyward Sword theme is also YES.
    So the Yellow Devil acts like a miniboss of sorts? And there'll be more stages like that (coughcoughRIDLEY)? That could be very interesting, but the competetive scene will probably go NO I WANNA FIGHT DA PLAYERS! BANNED
    Online play split between the casuals and the competitive scene? I figured something like this would be implemented, but I wasn't sure how... Now that I do know, I'd say it's a great idea! Hopefully it doesn't lag nearly as much as Brawl did though. =P
    Final Destination versions of almost all stages? YES. Tourney matches will probably be having a lot more variety later on!
    Global Smash Power? Eh... Not a bad idea, but I don't particularly like it either. Matchmaking based on skill is smart though.
    New items look fun, especially the Rocket Belt, which looks amazing.
    Saki and Lyn are Assist Trophies? Welp, there goes two potential female candidates out of the picture....
    Skull Kid, Midna, Dark Samus, and Elec Man? YES. Also Pong. =P
    Not much to say on the Pokemon, other than Arceus is now summonable. Yeah.... =P
    I like the splitting up of characters who changed mid-match. It gives another move to their moveset and allows you to concentrate on how to use one fighter, instead of two or three. I hated playing as the Pokemon Trainer for that reason. =P
    Zero Suit Samus with jet boots? That's cool and all, but has any other Metroid game before featured this? I don't think so....
    Before I say anything else, Zelda's hair clipping THROUGH HER BODY is hilarious. =P Even though I never really played as her in Brawl, the Phantom move seems like a nice addition! It also references the Spirit Tracks iteration. Though that means no Toon Zelda/Sheik I guess.
    I've always preferred using Sheik over Zelda (though she's still not one of my mains). Her new moves look pretty cool, and I'm glad to see Sheik is back!
    Kirby's tweaked Hammer move looks like it should add a whole lot of usability to it, and the move still seems very powerful. And the Ultra Sword looks waaaay better than Cook Kirby ever was. Glad they changed his Final Smash.
    King Dedede now throws Gordos? Oooh... That seems evil.
    Lucario seems like even more of a monster now that it's aura moves get even stronger than they did in Brawl. Though being able to self-destruct with the new power seems to put a damper on things. And Mega Lucario is his new Final Smash? Saw it coming from a mile away. =P Though it looks much more useful than Aura Storm.
    Olimar was apparently a beast in the competitive scene, so it'll be interesting to see how these changes affect him. Only being able to have three Pikmin at a time seems like it'll make management a whole lot easier, especially since they come out in a set order. Winged Pikmin also looks like a much better recovery move than Pikmin Chain.
    For Pit, I never really used the gliding much, so meh. His recovery move seems a lot easier to use now though, and I like how they're giving him more offensive power than he did before. And his new Final Smash is the Three Sacred Treasures? YES. I hated Palutena's Army in Brawl. Glad they're replacing some of the less useful Final Smashes!
    Woah, this wasn't really focused on, but Sonic looks a whole lot more fun to use now, just look at that awesome combo he pulled off! As he was my main in Brawl (yes people like Sonic still, get over it), I am very happy.
    I like Yoshi's new design, though I will probably not play as him very often. His double jump as his recovery made it really awkward for me to use him in Brawl...
    Hah, that troll with Pseudo-Palutena. Well played, Sakurai. =P
    Rosalina looks like an interesting character with the fact that she and the Luma can fight separately. It seems like it'll open up lots of combo opportunities, which is always exciting. Also, Gravitational Pull seems eeeviiiiiil.
    Little Mac also looks like a unique character. His attacks look fast, powerful, and seem to give him super armor often. Which also looks eeevvviiiiil. =P However, his weakness in the air and horrendous recovery seem like they should even out. In any case, I'm looking forward to trying him out! Oh, and the wireframe costume looks unique and will probably please the old school fans.
    Words cannot describe how eeevvviiiiiil the Villager's Pocket move seems. =P However, Timber looks exceedingly slow and will probably be not that great in direct combat. =P I see lots of usability in every move of his other than that.
    Mega Man, like he did when the game was first announced, looks like a very unique, fun character that I really want to play as! A lot of my guesses on what his moveset would be seem to be correct, and that makes me happy. And his Final Smash? SO MUCH YES.
    Wii Fit Trainer seems as silly as ever. =P Sun Salutation seems like an out of place move, but then again, yoga can probably only get so far with making a moveset. =P Oh yeah, apparently there's a male variant too. Meh, it looks like just a cosmetic difference.
    Custom move sets? Oh wow, that's what they meant by customization... It looks amazing, and I want to know more now ugh
    So I guess Smash Run will be the stand-in for the Subspace Emissary for the 3DS version? Looks like a fun change of pace. Though I wonder what the Wii U ersion will have...
    Charizard returns! Also saw that coming from a mile away, along with the Mega Evolution. =P Greninja, though, I did not. I'm still hyped because I like his design the best out of all the Kalos starter's final evolutions, and he looks like a really fun character to use! I have a feeling I'd use him more than Charizard actually. =P

    In a nutshell, the Direct was SO MUCH WIN and hype. Summer seems so far away now.... Dang. Hopefully they reveal more information before then!
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