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AuRon the champion

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Everything posted by AuRon the champion

  1. IC: "Oh. So you didn't seriously mean 'breaking in'?"
  2. IC: "So cars start by just pressing the pedals, right?"
  3. Ic: "Speaking of sisters... I have a feeling I'll be meeting one of mine soon enough," Jiyu mused. :I have very, very fine words for you, Vilda Kulrik...: Jiyu thought, his eyes narrowing as they walked towards the room Kulrik was in.
  4. Ic: "She commuted suicide." Jiyu had to admit, it almost pained him to not smile at those words. Her death had been most satisfying as well...
  5. Ic: "Perhaps. I have little idea of who would dig her back up though... I saw her sister die... Maybe someone among the Herupa guards?" Jiyu said, gently stroking his chin.
  6. Ic: "And as demonstrated every single day of everyone's lives, the impossible happens on Mata Nui," Arden bemoaned. Hey, hey, hey, maybe our spirits were just- Don't you dare say it Aeolus-! -Meant for each other. What did I ever do to deserve this?
  7. Ic: "The only way of course, something happened with his iden."
  8. Ic: "His spirit entered my body... And now we're... Stuck," Arden said with a frown. "And that's why we're a toa of steam. Turns out, that's what you get when you mix fire and water."
  9. Ic: "We're both fine, I think," Arden said, eyes glancing away from Asa's. "She just wants to know if you people have a medical way to deal with two spirits in a body," Aeolus said, a distinct edge on "his" voice.
  10. Ic: "I'm not a ma'am," Aeolus growled. "Yes you are, shut up," Arden sighed, her face promptly met her palm.
  11. Ic: The two began walking to the car. "So maestro, what are we gonna work on first?" Kristen asked, smirking at the chronokinetic.
  12. Ic: "Yes," Aeolus lied. "No," Arden said, at the exact same time.
  13. Ic: "Ready to go Dal?" Kristen asked, putting her hands on her hips, already anticipating the upcoming drive.
  14. Ic: "It's ah... An unique power..." "Yea, we're the only ones on this whole island who can do that!"
  15. Ic: They were getting interrupted. "Steam, toa of steam..." Aeolus muttered.
  16. Ic: He nodded, extending his hand to Shuuan. Inokio's precensce made him think of the Chojo Rora, and how much of a close-minded brat she was. It also made him think of Hana, and he wondered not for the first time what she was doing... Jiyu couldn't claim to say he saw Eshiwa die... But he knew she was dead. After all, he -had- killed her. Of course, he'd never admit that out loud. Once the duo had reached the library, he began to speak softly again. "I can't say I saw her die... But I saw her body. It was dead."
  17. Ic: She grumbled under her breath as she changed into a completely new set of clothes from yesterday. Just under seven, discluding her knee socks which she began to pull on as she sat on her bed and tilted her head at dal. "Enjoying yourself?"
  18. Ic: "... How often do you deal with people who have more... Mental injuries?" Arden mentally kept Aeolus an arm's length away from controlling their mouth.
  19. Ic: "Are you going to let me get dressed then? Or should I find another room to change in?" Kristen asked, raising an eye at dal.
  20. Ic: As the situation escalated, Aeolus and Arden nervously watched, their imperfect control over their unique element being influenced by their sudden anxiety as steam began to roll off their body. They awkwardly shuffled towards Asa. "Say... You said you're a healer, yes?" Arden asked softly.
  21. Ic: "... I don't know, I need to get dressed before anything else," Kristen said, folding her arms.
  22. Ic: Kristen silently watched Ashley bounce on the bed.
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