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AuRon the champion

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Everything posted by AuRon the champion

  1. Ic: "Ah- I was going to go out with Dal- my dal, mind you. He was going to teach me how to drive today..." Kristen said, scratching the back of her neck. "Maybe when I get back?"
  2. Ic: "Oh." Kristen wished she knew what these Pokemon were.
  3. Ic: "Which Pokemon?" Sadly, Kristen knew little of Pokemon.
  4. Ic: "I see..." She'd seen this Ashley around the institute for the past year now... The differences between the two never ceased to amaze. Neither did the similarities. "You know, if you ever need a place to stay, there is a spare bed here."
  5. Ic: "Crashing in people's rooms?" Kristen asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
  6. Ic: "Oh..." There was a silence. "So... We've never really talked much... Do you usually do stuff like this?"
  7. Ic: These people are weird, Aeolus decided, yawning. Dont be rude Aeolus. Its not being rude, it's being honest. Big difference. It's less of a difference than you think, Aeolus.
  8. Ic: Kristen breathed a sigh of relief, slinking out of bed and gently taking it for her. "... Did you sleep on the floor the whole night?" Kristen asked, raising an eye at the paper armies.
  9. Ic: Jiyu tilted his head in thought. "Exciting? ... I wouldn't call it that, but I can see your point," he noted, pausing a moment to reflect in their thoughts. A small smile appeared upon his face. "Sounds good to me, I'd enjoy it."
  10. Ic: "Hey noisy, if metal is rare where they come from, don't you think giving them widgets is enough to really mess some stuff up?" Beynii asked.
  11. Ic: "... Did you read anything on the paper...?"
  12. Ic: "A- Ashley... Why are you in my room..?" Kristen asked, peering out from beneath the covers, face tinged red.
  13. Ic: Some time passed. Kristen woke up. A quick glance at the windows confirmed that it was morning. A quick glance at the clock told her it was eight. A quick glance of te floor told her that Ashley had snuck in and completely destroyed the list before crashing on her floor. A quick glance at the wide-open door and Nicole commenting on the situation told her that it was time for her daily embarrassment. "WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" She shouted, eyes wide as she tried to hide under her covers. She never admitted it, but she enjoyed sleeping in the nightgown she had got from some thrift store. It wouldn't be much of a problem if it wasn't partially transparent. That's when it finally dawned in her. Ashley had the list. The one that had some sensitive stuff on it. And Ashley had taken it, and turned it into paper soldiers... ... What if she read it..?
  14. Ic: "... I haven't told anyone, just because its impossible-" He shuddered. "Herupa Eshiwa, my... Dead mother."
  15. IC: Jiyu almost raised his hand to place it over where his eye had been. Almost. "... I was attacked," He said carefully, his shoulders raising slightly as he remembered the day his sister left. When his mother seemingly had come out of her grave to kill him.
  16. Ic: "I can understand," the one-eyed Jiyu said with a nod. "Although, for me, I enjoyed the thousands of bios between me and my mother."
  17. Ic: Arcadia groaned and rolled her eyes at the choice of "hold music".
  18. Ic Kristen remained asleep, although she did move about a little. That, and mutter something something Dallas something in her sleep.
  19. Ic: Plangori. Shuuan. "Greetings, friend," the giant said with a nod and smile, "I didn't know you spent time around here."
  20. Ic: The trio caught another car after leaving the hotel. They quickly headed back home, Kristen getting the opportunity to think to herself. She could finally think without someone interrupting and trying to drive her off the deep end. She thought about her mother. About Dallas. About Ashlynn. There was something about her that seemed almost off, almost like- Her eyes widened as the thought cept into her mind, suddenly glad she was facing away from Dallas. What it Ashlynn was interested in her? She sighed softly. No, Ashlynn was probably just hungry... After all, while she did have a nice body, Kristen wasn't sure if she wanted an... Intimate experience with her. Not yet anyway. She couldn't say that she knew te vampire too well... Seeing the car pull in front of the institute snapped her out of her thoughts, and she quickly got out of the car and said her goodnight a to Dal and Tali. When Kristen got to her own room, she changed into more apt clothes for sleeping. As for the list... She left it on the counter next to her bed. After all, her roommate had never even set a foot in her room, just like everyone else. Except Dal. He always had a habit of walking in, especially when she was changing... It wasn't the most comforting thought. Regardless, Kristen sat down on her bed, weariness slowly starting to overcome her. For the first time in a long time, she was content.
  21. Ic: "To report, or not report?" Arcadia muttered to herself. She was in no mood to deal with the authorities... But there were two good gumshoes she had heard of... Arcadia went back into her house and dialed Slo Jamowitz's number.
  22. Ic: Arcadia quickly separated the logo and serial number from the partially melted scrap, examining it briefly before stowing the frozen air-cooled metal. She put the rest back in the smelter.
  23. Ic: Trinity nodded excitedly, finishing off her cookie.
  24. Ic: "Yo so can anyone learn this or is this a you-thing." Aeolus asked.
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