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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. Waiting list: NoneCurrently battling:Lewa v. Onepu Kapura v. ManasDone:NoneAll stats adjusted.Zakaro
  2. IC: Lekar (Ship w/o gravity)Lekar sighed. " Of course Krayzikk and the others had to float out of view. Anybody know which way I came from? Because they're probably in that direction." Zakaro
  3. And now I'm all unhappy because I had to eliminated the first person from my first game.

  4. Waiting list: Lewa v. Onepu (TR18 must reply, won't happen until after Kopaka v. Onepu and stat adjustments)Kapura v. ManasCurrently battling:NoneDone:Kopaka v. Onepu No blurb. Key Points: Well.. they're not really needed because... Onepu won. ToD, Kopaka is dejected and refuses to fight any more. Onepu gains 1 Morale, 6 stat points and +10% Chance for eliminating Kopaka. Kopaka loses 1 Morale and has quit. LeaderBoard: As of now, in terms of Morale, the board is- 1. Onepu2. Kongu3/4/5. Lewa3/4/5. Manas 3/4/5. Jaller6. KapuraThis will be updated as people are eliminated. Or whenever I want. Zakaro
  5. Stat points adjusted.Waiting list: Lewa v. Onepu (TR18 must reply, won't happen until after Kopaka v. Onepu and stat adjustments)Currently battling:Kopaka v. Onepu Done:NoneZakaro
  6. Wait, wait, and wait some more. Or go and invite random people until we get 2 more. Which ever one you want. Zakaro
  7. IC: Lekar (Zero-gravity city)Lekar sighed. He then used his air powers to send most of the Hacker squad up beyond most of the buildings, leaving only the ones near Blade. Lekar shot his air blaster at 2 of the remaining Hackers. "Happy? I doubt any of the Hackers that I sent flying off will be back, so can we go?Zakaro
  8. IC: Lekar (Warzone)"So you're saying you're willing die just to take out a few more Hackers?" Lekar asked in disbelief.Zakaro
  9. Stat points adjusted.Waiting list: Kopaka v. Onepu (TR18 must reply) Currently battling:NoneDone:Onepu v. KapuraToo lazy for blurb right now. Key points: Kapura didn't have enough Resistance-Onepu was lacking in ExperienceOnepu won! Onepu gains 1 Morale and 4 stat points, Kapura loses 1 Morale but gains 2 stat points.Zakaro
  10. IC: Lekar (Zero-gravity warzone)As he propelled himself with his air powers, Lekar could see Blade fighting Hackers. "Blade! Calm down! We need to regroup before the ship goes down!"Zakaro
  11. IC: Lekar (Warzone) "OK. You do that, I'm gonna go get Blade and calm him down." Lekar then used his air powers to "fly" towards Blade. Zakaro
  12. IC: Lekar (Warzone)Lekar was moving towards Blade-wait, now he was floating, his hoverboard deactivating and floating pat him. "What the-" As he floated, he realized that at least a few people were sure to shout "It's the end of the world!." 'So how long until we stop floating?' he wondered. Zakaro
  13. IC: Lekar (Warzone)Lekar sighed as he saw Blade let lose his lightning. "Alright. Those who can't fight may want to stay back and out of sight. Since Blade just ruined any chance of sneaking past the incampment, we're going to have to fight. I'm gonna go see it I can get Blade out of there and knock some sence into him." After stating this, he pulled a hover-board from his hyperspace pocket using his Mask of Hyperspace and got on, and rode quite quickly toward Blade.Zakaro
  14. IC: Lekar (Warzone)"I'm OK. Let's get moving before anymore granades or sinpers try to attack." He got to his feet and ran back in front of the group. "I can see their incampment. They see to be celebrating, but that could change at any moment."Zakaro
  15. IC: Lekar (Warzone)Lekar stopped, listened to Zaphos's suggestion, looked up, saw nothing unusual, looked down, saw a granade, and continued on his way. Then he realized what he saw. "Curses." Lekar flipped so he was faceing the granade, held up his shield, and said, "DON'T GO AROUND THE CORNER! There's a granade, and it's liv-" KA-BOOM! Lekar was pushed back a couple of feet, but was unharmed due to his shield. "All..Clear.." he said, winded by the shockwave.Zakaro
  16. IC: Lekar (Warzone)"OK." Lekar moved in front of the main group and began looking for any threat in the area. "Not seeing anything yet."Zakaro
  17. Stat points adjusted.Waiting list: Kopaka v. Onepu (TR18 must reply) Currently battling:Onepu v. KapuraDone:NoneZakaro
  18. IC: Lekar (What's left of the Hotel)"Alright. Since this is completely gone, I'd like to go. Before I get blown away. So, which way to Police HQ?"he said, calmly checking his air blaster.Zakaro
  19. Ok, Ok, I lied. I didn't get the battle up last night. To make it up to you you'll get a blurb! For sure!Waiting list: Onepu v. Kapura (Waiting for stat update)Kopaka v. Onepu (TR18 must reply) Currently battling:Done:Kapura v. Manas And here's the blurb!"There they go again! Kapura and the Manas have been fighting for about a half-hour, and they seem evenly matched! It's gonna be close.. Kapura moves in for a strike.. but the Manas sees him! It strikes.. AND IT'S ALL OVER! The Manas has won, but that was a great match!" Manas won due to tiebreaker coin flip. Manas gains 1 Morale and 4 stat points! Kapura loses 1 Morale but gains 2 stat point! Zakaro
  20. IC: Lekar (Hotel)Lekar blinked as a voice thundered throught the Techna Nui. After listening to it, he said "Well. Forget that. Now we know a Hacker force as got the ship under their control. So, we still need someone who can find the control room, someone who can drive the ship, and a huge group to take out the Hackers in the control room and protect the people that know how to get there and drive. I think it's best if we all move out, but it's your choice."Zakaro
  21. Tahu- 10Karzahni Plant- 11Gahdok- 10< HurtKardas Dragon- 2Makuta- 9Makuta Nui- 8-------------Toarobot18- 13Moc1- 11Kohu - The Living Element- 12Lhikevikk- 11Zakaro- 12Rocka's Bane- 12Shyyrn- 12Count Bleck- 15Teezy- 12Toa Onarax- 12Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons- 6< Healed Zakaro
  22. @ MoC1- Whenever I stop procrastinating. Truely though, some time this evening.Zakaro
  23. Let's see.. Grey seems to be a solid MOC. I can see there's a custom torso and legs, which are solid. The one thing that urks me is the unarmored left arm. It seems quite out of place compared to the armored legs. The right arm/implant is thin but effective, and I really like the hand. Overall, a good MOC.Zakaro
  24. I'll take Spot 25. Maybe I'll last longer than the first round this time... Zakaro
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