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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. So you're saying these are good viruses? Then why would they be called viruses and not helpful programs that spread without people want them too? Zakaro
  2. Wait, what?!? Viruses? Organic or Computerized? Attacking Technas or Hackers? Zakaro
  3. OOC: Krash is open for interaction.IC: Lekar (unknown) "Tain, you coming?" Lekar said, as he stood in the doorway between the chamber with the levers and the hallway that led back to the chasm.Zakaro
  4. IC: Krash (Krahzia)Having completed his staring contest with the pack, Krash simply got up and dragged the pack behind him as he walked through the streets of Krahzia. "This is the song that never ends! It just goes on and on and on my realative-allies! It never stops, never slows! Always fast, always goes! This is the song that never ends! It just goes on and on...." he sang loudly as he continued to walk through Krahzia.OOC: So that's what the switch does...IC: Lekar (unknown) "Let's go guys" Lekar said, walking out of the room. "Not sure about you guys, but I want to be out of here ASAP."Zakaro
  5. Name: DaykiaGender: FemaleSpecies: ToaAppearance: Light grey under armor with steel armor (Silver over light grey) PicKanohi: Mask of Time PerceptionPowers: SonicsWeapons: She uses two short swords stored in sheaths on her back.Implants: A built-in sonic mapping device which is connected to a screen in front of her right eyePersonality: She's a kind, caring person that just seems to have bad luck in certain areas. She's always willing to help anyone in need. Daykia gets embaressed easily and follows her heart, even when it's not the best thing to do.Alignment: TechnaBio: Daykia is one of the people who is almost always late. Whether it be sleeping too late or getting stuck in a jam, she's seems to be constantly late, even though it's almost always never her fault. If she sets an alarm clock, it will break or not go off until she's already late, if she goes by foot she'll forget something and have too go back or will go help someone along the way. She was one of the last people to come to the Techna Nui. She's currently in the CHI, and is one of their best scouts due to her implant. Zakaro
  6. IC: Pokorix (Po-Wahi)Realizing that laying on the ground wasn't the best place to be with a Tunneler on the loose, Pokorix prepared to get up. First he created a stone 'cast' around his broken left leg, the he slowly got up, ignoring the sharp pains from his ribs. Making a stone staff to lean on, Pokorix rested.Zakaro
  7. IC: KrashHaving finished the bomb and put it in his pack, Krash got up and tried to get it on his back. After many unsucessful attempts, he gave up, backed away and stared at the pack, insane grin still on his face. He then began humming the Jeopardy theme.Zakaro
  8. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Odd one?" Krash said. "I prefer 'Explosivly inclined insane bomb-maker.'Or 'That guy with the bombs.' Either works." Finishing the bomb he had been working on, he placed it in his pack, not noticing Unari had walked away.Zakaro
  9. IC: Lekar (Unknown) "Fine." Lekar then pulled three more levers and went to the last three. "What exactly is going to happen when I pull these?"IC: Krash (Krahzia)"I don't know and I don't care!" sang Krash under his breath as he took the gunpowder from his implant and began using materials from his bag to create another bomb. "Don't know what you want, just don't you dare!" Zakaro
  10. IC: Lekar (Unknown)"Alright, no need to get annoyed." Lekar said, pulling two of the levers. "Happy yet?" he asked sarcastically.IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Hey, where did everybody go?"Zakaro
  11. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Pyromaniac? I prefer 'Explosively oriented insane person.' Or 'That guy with the bombs.' Either or." He sat down and put some small pebbles into his implant, which began to grind and wiz.IC: Lekar (wreakage)Lekar moved across the bridge, saying " Be quiet for once, will ya?"Zakaro
  12. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Pet? Pet? No, I'll decline on that one. But you can have this!" Krash said, shoving a block of C-4 into the leash. "Would you rather have a different breed? This one's the most stable." OOC: I've decided Krash is really fun to write out.IC: Lekar (wreakage)"Alright, now that we have a bridge, who wants to go first?"Zakaro
  13. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"HEY! I'm not an it! I'm a... a... a..." His mouth fell open and his face went blank, except for the crazy smile. "a... Mat-or-am? Mack-or-em? Mat-or-kan? M-ato-ran! Mmm-atooo-ran. Yes, that's it." His face returned to it's insane look once more. He also ignored Mror.IC: Lekar (wreak of ship)"Tain! You coming?"Zakaro
  14. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Hey!" Krash said, pulling away from Twila. "You can't have those! You can have this though!" With that, he pulled out a bomb and threw it into her hands. OOC: It's not lit.Zakaro
  15. Processed.Waiting list:Manas v. Jaller(JiMing must reply)Lewa v. Jaller (JiMing must reply, won't happen until afer Manas v. Jaller)Currently battling:Onepu v. Kongu Done:Onepu v. KapuraKey points: Kapura was lacking in Resistance and Experience- Onepu was seriously lacking in Experience- Kapura won! Kapura gains 1 Morale, +10% Chance, and 4 stat points! Onepu loses 1 Morale but gains 2 stat points! Zakaro
  16. IC: Krash (Krahzia)Still singing at the top of his lungs, Krash happily walked past Mror and Twila. He then tripped over nothing and face planted. Lifting his head up, he still had that insane grin on his face. "I can has tripping?"Zakaro
  17. IC: Pokorix (Po-Wahi)"Unhh..." Pokorix groaned as he began to awake up. "What happened?" Trying to sit up, a sharp pain ran through his side. "Alright, that's one rib broken and one leg broken. Not good." Sighing in annoyence and pain, he simply lay there, trying to regain his strength.Zakaro
  18. IC: Lekar (wreak of ship) Beginning to walk down the hallway, Lekar stopped at the intersection. "You guys coming?" IC: Krash (Krahzia)" Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to blow-stuff-up I go!" Repeating this over and over and over and over, Krash entered Krahzia very loudly. "Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho!"Zakaro
  19. IC: Lekar (testing chamber 3)"Alright. Let's go." Lekar stepped into the last elevator.Zakaro
  20. Yes. Entirely. Try to kill him. With explosives. Unless Blade claims he's a Hacker. Which only has a 50% chance of working anyway, cause Krash would blow someone up just for the fun of it. Zakaro
  21. This is nice. The one thing that looks out of place is the trans-lime parts on the legs and the left shoulder armor. Still a very nice MOC.Zakaro
  22. Whoa. Crazy thought- Mafia v. Cult with villagers stuck in between. And now we wait for the PMs.Zakaro
  23. Well, Krash is around.. Not sure if you would want to meet him though.Zakaro
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