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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"So, if dipper means spoon, does spear mean fork?" Zakaro
  2. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)Lekar had stopped floating around on his hoverboard and instead was now sitting reading a book. "Can we go yet? I'd like to get back to New Metru Nui." IC: Krash (Krahzia)He gasped. "Really?" He then randomly fell over and la on top of his pack, staring at the sky. "What's a dipper?"Zakaro
  3. Well, if he's in Krahzia we've got an insane explosivly inclined Matoran talking to a complaining titan. Zakaro
  4. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"But I don't have that much C-4! And besides, I'm not suicidal, I'm insane. Like a boss. Of explosions. I need an army of self-destructing bots. Do you have any scrap metal?"Zakaro
  5. IC: Krash (Krahzia) "But he's a Toa of Fire! He wouldn't get hurt... and besides, he wasn't that annoying. Unlike Technians. They get blown up extremely fast. Usally about 5 seconds after I meet them."Zakaro
  6. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Bye!" Then he looked down into his hand. "Shoot. There goes one good block of C-4. This could have blown up a building! Now it's just ashes." He sat down. "He wasn't very nice, was he?"IC: Lekar (Wreakage)Lekar, bored of waiting for Tain to finish his call, had pulled out his hoverboard and was floating around the group on it. "Come on Tain! Can't you walk and talk?"Zakaro
  7. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"I wasn't whining. I was wondering about systems v. constractions and explosions, not complaining. That's him." he said pointing atThazris. "And I think I need to get more explosives, not be put in a ward. Or if I was, I'd just blow it up. With C-4."Getting off his pack, he grabbed a block of the said explosive and showed it to the the Toa of Fire. "Want it? I've got a ton."Zakaro
  8. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Yes, you're right. Ranting isn't a very strange word. But that's how we're different! You complain, and I go blow up whatever annoys me! Do you think that because there are star systems, there are star constractions?" OOC: Don't worry, I'm confused too.Zakaro
  9. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"For the third time, call me a 'explosivly inclined insane Matoran!' And have you tried asking him? Or do you just sit there all day ranting about it? Ranting. Ran-ting. Ra-nt-in-g. That's a really strange word. Ra-nt-in-g."Zakaro
  10. IC: Krash (Krahzia) "Didn't I already tell you I prefer to be called an 'expolsivly inclined insane Matoran?'And why do you say Ryjak's a cretin? He's smart enough to build most of these houses. Or is is just that you don't like him?"Zakaro
  11. IC: Krash (Krahzia)He gasped. "You can get things to Spherus Magna? Why didn't you do that to the ship before it crashed?" he asked, putting away the bomb and C-4 and sitting on his pack.Zakaro
  12. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"Gnat? GNAT?!? How many time am I going to have to tell people I prefer 'explosivly inclined insane Matoran!' Or 'that guy with the bombs.' You want one?" he asked, pulling out a bomb.Zakaro
  13. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"OK!" Krash put down his pack, took out a box of C-4 and a pencil, wrote 'This is UP' on the box, and opened and then closed the box. "There you go!" he said.OOC: Krash is so fun to write for.Zakaro
  14. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"This is... the song that never ends! It just goes on and on and on my realative-allies! It never stops, never slows! Always fast, always goes! This is... the song that never end..." And so the population of Krahzia was reintroduced to Krash walking around singing an annoying song at the top of his lungs.Zakaro
  15. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)"FREE!" Lekar ran around laughing. "Free at last!" He walked back to the others, a large grin on his face. "Oh, and you can have this back." He then threw the transmitter back into the hallway where they came from.Zakaro
  16. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui) "Sir? How long until we get back to CHI?"Zakaro
  17. IC: Krash (Krahzia)And now Krash was bored again. The firecracker had gone out and nobody came to find out what the noise was. He was bored. "Oh-a well-a. I'm-a gonna make-a me-a some-a bomb-as!" And that's what he began to do.Zakaro
  18. Tain, Lekar and Savina are going to have a lot of catching up to do once they get out. Assuming the com lady lets them out.Zakaro
  19. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Let's move. You guys coming?"IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)"Thank you." She said, taking it and winding it around her hurt leg. "How long until we get back to CHI HQ?" Zakaro
  20. Oh look at that- I can change my name on the 13th if I want to. Cool.

  21. I'll second that, Zoma- right after I change my name to ZZZZZZZ.Zakaro
  22. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)"Sir? Do you have any bandages?"IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was laughing a insane, crazy, laugh. He cackled as the jar continued to jump and bump due to the firecracker inside.Zakaro
  23. IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was happy. He had put a firecracker-type explosive into a jar, lit the firecracker, and sealed the jar. "Dance jar! Dance!" He shouted happily as the jar bounced around. It was glass too, so he could see the firecracker shooting sparks all over the inside of the jar. "YAY!"Zakaro
  24. Xaeraz, you have a one-track mind. See evidence below. Then we should just hang everyone! Come on people, snap to! I know you were saying something important but I saw the word blood and I sort of devolved into manic giggling. This sounds pretty legit. All in favour of lynching Rarity next round even if he's not even in the suspects, protest against my comment!Let's just take him at his word and hang him before any murders are even committed, okay? I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK, SON.And the one track leads to hanging everybody.Zakaro
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