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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Lekar (Outside wreak)"So here's our ride" Lekar said, getting in. Looking at Skyra's wound, he pulled a first aid kit from the hovercraft and gave it to Skyra. "Need this?"Zakaro
  2. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)Lekar flew out to where Tain, Savina, Skyra and Equinox were. Landing his hoverboard and walking ove to them, he said "So, what did I miss?"Zakaro
  3. Waiting list:Manas v. Jaller(JiMing must reply)Lewa v. Jaller (JiMing must reply, won't happen until afer Manas v. Jaller)Kapura v. Kongu (Kohu must reply)Currently battling:Onepu v. Kongu (Need stat adjustments)Done:NoneZakaro
  4. IC: Pokorix (Po-Wahi)"Any type of... first aid kit... would be nice." He said, breathing slowly.Zakaro
  5. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)> "What? I'm fine.. Just lost. Give me a sec to find you...">Trianglating... > Location found. Provide route?>y/n>y > Map created.> "Alright. Movng to you now."With that, he turned his board towards Skyra' position and flew that way. Zakaro
  6. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)"Curse this." Lekar muttered, having walked around with no luck in seing anyone or thing. Pulling his hoverboard from his hyperspace pocket, he got on and headed towards the nearest edge of the ship. Zakaro
  7. Did you know, that at this moment, if you flip the order of the digits of the last page of the Emergeny Transmissions, you get the last page number of the RPing topic?Zakaro
  8. IC: Lekar (Wreakage) Lekar had gotten lost. Though he had been following Tain at first, he somehow slipped and fell, and by the time he got up, Tain was gone. "Oh joy." He continued wandering through the streets, or at least what was left of them, looking for anyone.Zakaro
  9. So that some random Mask of Mind Reading user doesn't come along and spill your secrets to the world.Zakaro
  10. IC: Daykia (Interrogation 3)"Again, why can't we just find a Mask of Truth? Why don't you have one down here anyway to make sure people don't lie? Is a Rode really that rare?"Zakaro
  11. First of all, how do you know the mask was resisting? Maybe the mask wanted its thoughts to get through. Second, it's quite possible. The Order of Mata Nui could do it with their members, so why wouldn't that training have been passed on to the Technians?Zakaro
  12. IC: Daykia (Interrogation 3) "We could just find a Mask of Truth and ask her if she's a mole." Daykia suggested. "Someone in New Metru Nui must have one."Zakaro
  13. IC: Lekar (Wreakage)"Good point." Lekar said. "If I ever incounter another person or robot that wants to test me for science, it'll be too soon."Zakaro
  14. IC: Lekar (wreakage)"What the- Do you think you could have woken me up a bit less loudly Tain?" Lekar complained, getting up. "At least we can get moving. Coming, Savina?"Zakaro
  15. IC: Lekar (wreakage)Lekar had fallen asleep due to boredom of waiting for Tain. Zakaro
  16. IC: Daykia (Interrogation 3) Having set up the room before, Daykia was seated in the viewing room. IC: Krash (Krahzia)"I like forks. Not as much as bombs though. You can't blow up people with a fork."Zakaro
  17. IC: Daykia (Outside CHI)"Yes sir!" Focusing her powers, she created sonic waves like a voice which spoke out over all of New Metru Nui "All CHI personel report to CHI HQ and perpare Interrogation 3." She then began to limp down to said room. Zakaro
  18. IC: Daykia (Outside CHI)>call accepted She heard Esao say "This is Esao." She began, "Sir? this is Daykia, I heard your call for a medic, but by the sounds of it you've already got some.. Is there anything you'd like me to do?"Zakaro
  19. IC: Daykia (Hovercraft) Closing her eyes, Daykia used her mask to speed up her perception of time until the 5 minutes felt like one. Upon arrival, she deactivated it and got out, taking a first aid kit that had been in the hovercraft. >attempting to call EsaoZakaro
  20. IC: Daykia (Hovercraft)"Sir? How long until we arrive at CHI?"Zakaro
  21. IC: Daykia (Hovercraft) "Alright. Could I have a first aid kit? And any other medical supplies?" she asked.Zakaro
  22. As usual, we have no evidence. I guess I'll go for Lloyd and Kohu. Just to be different.Zakaro
  23. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)She gasped as 2 messages came over her comn link. Turning to the TAC team leader, she said, "Sir! I have basic medical training! I think I could help Esao more than most other people on site. Could you get me there?"Zakaro
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