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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)Daykia sighed in relief as the rubble was moved, and then she grabbed the hand of the subordinate and got to her feet. Once she was in the hovercraft, she looked at her leg. "Gonna need some new armor" she muttered, removing the dented and cracked leg armor. "Got any bandages?" she asked. Zakaro
  2. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)"Thank you." Daykia said. "But my leg's gotten stuck under one of the larger pieces of rubble. I've tried to lift it myself, but it won't budge." Zakaro
  3. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui) Being a Toa of Sonics, she could hear the footsteps coming before a normal Toa would. Hoping that it was someone who could help her, she called out in a hoarse voice, "Is anyone there?"Zakaro
  4. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)She groaned. Everythng hurt. Daykia could feel one of her legs trapped under a large piece of rubble, large enough to keep her from moving it. She sent out another, stronger high sonic wave, maybe even strong enough to reach the CHI building, though not go through its walls. Too hurt to do much more, she lay there hoping for rescue.Zakaro
  5. We have gathered here today to mourn the passing of Blade: Sodium Hypochlorite who was shot on April 8th, 2012 at 12:36 PM for reasons unknown to the public. He was a great RPer, and he shall be missed. *Taps plays* Zakaro
  6. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)Awakening. Hurt. Pain. "Help..." she whispers. Still too quietly. As darkness once again overtakes her, she uses her powers to send a high, weak pulse of sound, so high most would not be able to hear it. Zakaro
  7. Maybe you get to get an Umbrae? I don't know. Anybody want to interact with Krash? He's been singing in Krahzia for the ast hour in-game. Zakaro
  8. IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was beginning to wonder why no one responded to anythng he did. No mater how loud he sung, or how annoying the song, no one told him to shut up or stop. "What do you think? Really? I didn't know that." The insane Matoran continued to walk through Krahzia.Zakaro
  9. IC: Pokorix (Po-Wahi) Pokorix looked up. His face turned to one of confusion. "Is that... a Manas? And a Le-Matoran with it?" he wondered to himself. Taking a step towards the pair, he gasped and clutched his side as his broken rib reminded him of its presence. Zakaro
  10. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Alright" Lekar said, stepping off the other end of the bridge. "Now we just need to go back to the elevators, through a unsealed door, down a hall, through another unsealed door, and we should be out."IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was bored. No one to annoy or talk to, nothing to blow up, and simply nothing to do. He began singing 'the song the never ends' once more.IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui) Light. Pain. Daykia groaned. Hurting. "Need help.." she whispered once more. Pain. Darkness.OOC: Krash and Daykia still open.Zakaro
  11. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)Light. Pain. She opened her eyes slowly. Every movement hurt. Pain. Hurt. She opened her mouth and whispered "Help..." Hoping that against all odd someone had heard, she closed her eyes once more. Pain. Darkness.OOC: Still open. Last post for the night.Zakaro
  12. What Blade said, plus the CHI is interrogating coughvery painfullycough 4 Hackers that made the explosions. Zakaro
  13. Ya, of course we all did. "Hey guys, let's all go away as soon as Blade comes back!" Zakaro
  14. IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)Pain. That was all Daykia could feel. She groaned. There was so much pain. Pain.. Pain.. Darkness.OOC: She's still open for interaction.Zakaro
  15. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Good," Lekar said, crossing the bridge. "Where's Savina?"IC: Krash (Krahzia)Now Krash was just annoyed. He was about to hit his 600th verse and still no one had tried to stop him. What was the fun in singing if nobody listened. He stopped singing and sat down, a grumpy look in his eyes though he still had an insane smile.Zakaro
  16. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Tain? You there? Can you check the bridge now?"IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was bored. No one had responded to his constant singing, which was strange. Usally someone told him to shut up after the 3rd verse, and he was currently one his... 539th verse. Continuing to sing 'This is the song that never ends', he walked through the city.OOC: 1st post for new character! IC: Daykia (New Metru Nui)(5 min before explosions)Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!A muffled sound came from under a blanket.Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!The sound came again, louder this time.Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiin-A silver armored hand came out from under the blanket and shut the alarm clock off. About three minutes later, the Toa of Sonics that was in the bed straight up and leaped out of the bed muttering "Curses!" After about 1 and a half minutes, the Toa went running out of the room, down the hall and stairs and out into the street. "Can't be late again!" she said to herself. She was running, and then- sound. lifting. pain. The Toa of Sonics, named Payzia, fell unconscious among the rubble of a building. OOC: Payzia and Krash open for interaction.Zakaro
  17. And that's how you get rid of everybody but PCs. Blow up a city! Zakaro
  18. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Alright Tain. Can you make sure your bridge is still safe?" IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash was still singing and walking and dragging. By now anyone who could hear him would be very annoyed.OOC: Krash is still open. All my characters are too far away/ too closed in to hear the explosion.Zakaro
  19. And I'm still waiting for my newest character to be approved. Zakaro
  20. IC: Lekar (unknown)"Well then, let's go!" Lekar quickly moved back to the chasm, and turned around, waiting for the others.IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash happily continued to walk, drag and sing his way through Krahzia. Being very loud, it would be hard to ignore him if he came nearby.Zakaro
  21. I feel strangely insulted. But, I was serious on the 2nd part: Can a GM go look at Daykia?Zakaro
  22. Can you at least answer my question? The latest one about Umbrae or viruses, not the others. Also, could a GM head over to the directory and look at Daykia?Zakaro
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