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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Posts posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Zakaro (HP: 4/20)


    Even as Voxumo fell over, dead, Zakaro quite quickly noticed Mii Fighters heading his way with murderous intent. Knowing there would be no escape, he removed the TTM and held it over his heart.


    "I can see clearly now... not that the mask hindered my vision, it is transparent, after all.."


    ..punny to the end. (-6, -2, -4/20)




    • Upvote 5

    I vote valendale.

    you already did


    he said 'probably' 


    that isn't 'i vote for val'


    In any case, do we have any real reason to kill Val or are we just all following Voltex now for some reason i don't know


    because at this point

    one more vote for val is a majority, not including prince's double-vote


    • Upvote 1
  3. IC: Zakaro (HP: 15/20)


    The purple-masked Protector would admit that he was not expecting that. (-7, 8/20) He also wasn't expecting Bohrok, which ruined his day a bit more. (-3, 5/20) This had the added effect of pretty much leaving him wide open, though the Bohrok saved him from a blow that would finish him totally. (-1, 4/20)


    Bent over and breathing heavily, Zakaro grinned. 


    "Guess this'll be a short round. In any case.."


    The Transparent Tahu Mask glowed with power, heat, and fire. With his gaze fixed on Voxumo, Zakaro grinned and snapped his fingers. 


    Luroka then found himself combusting. (Drift Force on Luroka, -7)


    Zakaro proceeded to charge at Voxumo again, firing off fireballs, his chest cannon, and doing random dives and rolls because it looked cool. 


    Also to maybe dodge something, I suppose. 


    Once in range, the Protector swung his mace at Voxumo's knees while diving forward to try and slip under Vox's scythe.


  4. IC: Chekquars (Outside the Academy)


    After they've all finished up, the Darkness Rahkshi takes the messy container back and stows it within his cloak, noting to himself to clean it later. Turning to Tube, he smirks and speaks.


    "Sadly, dear minion, I have not more cake. It is a rare and valuable commodity, and as such this is the only I have ever had. However, it has given me an idea.."


    His smirk becomes an evil grin, and he leans closer.


    "Extra money and favors are resources that one can never have too much of, and as such for bigger and better schemes we will need to procure those resources. And it seems there is a simple way to get that."


    Chekquars cackles once, before his grin grows to a full-blown, maniacal, devious, evil smile.


    "What better way to make money than by appealing to others' stomachs? It's not like the Refectory is any serious competition. If we start a business that can give Rahkshi food like this cake, then we will get money and favors aplenty. Any questions, or shall we be off to plan and figure out just how to establish our company?"


  5. OOC: A general rule of thumb that I've usually used is simply that one should not directly counter another's power, instead dodge or block it otherwise. Somewhat like if there's 2 Fire-Users, they both have a unique 'type' of fire that doesn't truly mix and as such one Fire-User can't just control the other's fire. 


    but maybe that's just me


    IC: Zakaro (HP: 15/20)


    Zakaro wasn't totally sure what happened, but he was pretty sure it involved water and icepicks. Hm, those were somewhat out-of-place, this water wasn't frozen yet. (-2, 13/20)


    The purple Protector stood up only to notice Voxumo rushing towards him at speeds far too fast for his liking, therefore Zakaro promptly fired a few chest-shots at the energy manipulator. Without stopping to see if they hit, he turned and sprinted away for a second or two to gain distance before turning back to his opponent. 


    That was when the Rahkshi arrived. And the Heroes. (-1, +3, 15/2o)


    With everything accounted for, normal business could resume. 


    "We meet again, my comrade-of-little-used-letters-and-ending-names-with-o! Engarde!"


    And Zakaro threw a flaming knife at Voxumo, grinning. 


    • Upvote 1
  6. IC: Chekquars (Outside the school) 


    Once they all were seated, Chekquars once again pulled the small, metallic container from his cloak and set it on the largest rock, situated between the four of them. He had noticed Raith joining them, though he would be honest with himself in that he hadn't the slightest idea when, exactly, she had. 


    With one claw, the Darkness Rahkshi pried open the case. Bits of the decoration that had adored the cake stuck to the inside of the metal on all sides, but the little piece itself was somewhat untouched. Taking an arrow from his quiver, Chekquars slowly and carefully bisected it, then again, leaving 4 pieces of cake a bit larger than a bite. He selected one and took it, gesturing to the rest.


    "One each."


    And he ate the cake. It was a food miles ahead of what the Refectory had ever served, even with the slight goopiness and hardening the piece had gone through over the last day or three. Truly something to be savored. 


    It was in that instant that Chekquars decided that he would need to get a personal chef once he had some empire or island of his own. Food- real food- was too good to pass up. Hm. Perhaps that would be the way to gain some control over the school..


    The Darkness Rahkshi swallowed, grinned, and began to chuckle darkly to himself. It was brilliant, crazy, and totally unexpected. It would more than certainly be a way to profit. It was a plan.


  7. IC: Zakaro (HP: 20/20)


    Everything was going swell right up until fishers landed her warhammer in the center of his chest, totally stopping his forward momentum and just generally hurting. (-1, 19/20) The purple Protector turned to shout at the instigator, but was stopped by noticing a throwing knife coming for what was now his side. So he rolled backwards and glanced at Pulse, who had started approaching, but seemed to be involved with Voxumo at the moment. Tossing a fireball in that general area, Zakaro (finally) actually focused on fishers and grinned. 


    And then Spiders. (-4, 15/20) 


    Cursing under his breath, Zakaro climbed to his feet and charged fishers, screaming, yelling, and firing his chest-cannon.


  8. IC: Chekquars (Outside Academy)


    The mastermind-in-training pauses, contemplating what Tube had said for a second, before actually understanding and turning to reply. Inwardly, he cringed at himself. That whole trial debacle had really taken its toll if the Darkness Rahkshi wasn't even able to think quickly. 


    "Why, yes indeed, Tube! That is a fantastic idea, I had forgotten about it entirely in all the excitement. That would be a good way to slow down as well, I myself am beginning to feel exhausted. Now, gather round. Here's likely a good spot."


    Chekquars turned to a side, ignoring the entrance of the building in favor of going to an area beside the walls, where a few boulders lay. He soon selected one that seemed comfortable enough, and pushed it near a flatter one. 


    "Go ahead, take a seat."


  9. IC: Zakaro (HP: 20/20)


    After laughing for half a second at poor Voltex's list once again having the final person a line down from the rest, Zakaro charged forward into some random people, nobody in specific, firing off chest-blasts and fireballs every direction while attempting to slide and smash anyone who he got close too. 




  10. IC: Chekquars (Causeway)


    He chuckles even as a group of other students go by, off to the mainland, and replies to his minions. 


    "Yes, indeed we did find the arsonist. Justice has been served, but that is behind us."


    Turning directly to Tube, Chekquars speaks again.


    "Worry not about your sleeping, dear Tube. That was the exact reason why I sent both of you here, not just one or the other. Together, at least one of you would be able to monitor the Causeway constantly. Now, come! To the Refectory, I am hungry as you likely are, and we must plan our next move!"


    With that statement, the Darkness Rahkshi turned on his heel and lead the way back to the Academy.




  11. IC: Chekquars (Library ->Causeway)


    Well, at least the thing was over. With a nod towards Melody, the Darkness Rahkshi steered Torch towards her and then moved towards the door, pondering how Exxan seemed to speak to them almost as a teacher would, like they were below him yet it was his duty to help them out. 


    That would be something to remember, Chekquars decided. 


    As he left, he replied to Exxan once more before slipping into the shadows and moving away.


    "Few groups work well without a defined leader. I just stepped up."




    It wasn't until a few minutes later that Chekquars slid out of the darkness behind Whak, and with a smirk he tapped her on the shoulder. 

    It had been far too long since one of his pranks, and things were getting far too serious. Perhaps that would be the next goal to work towards.


  12. I'm going to vote against listing, if only because we tried to stop doing that and all, but..


    I think half the problem is at this point is that people want certain numbers and such

    Ehks wants his X(X)[X]'s 

    Tex wants his IX's, III's, and such

    Burn wants his double-digit games..


    Pitting concepts against one another doesn't really work out when a concept is half based upon, say, the number of the game, or at this point, the fact that most of a Mafia game doesn't seem to become apparent until into the game itself with a twist. 


    TL; DR: I don't want a list but at the same time it seems to be all we can do so :/


  13. IC: Chekquars (Library)


    "I wouldn't call this much of a trial, more of a judgement. We've established his guilt and are discussing punishments and solutions. Besides, we seem to want the same relative thing, and yet we're going in total circles."


    A clearly annoyed Rahkshi of Darkness slipped out of the shadows and focused his glare upon Pyre for a second before sliding over the others assembled there. After insuring he had all's attention, he spoke. 


    "Let us vote. I propose that the arsonist be put under constant supervision and optional rehabilitation by our willing guard," here he gestures to Melody, " until the point that she feels he has sufficiently improved to understand what he can and cannot do. As well, any remaining fire-producing devices that he has shall be confiscated, to be held by one of our number. Once the arsonist has proven himself, he may retrieve his possessions. Any against?"


  14. Member Name: Zakaro

    Weapon: Zakaro carries multiple weapons, first being a small purple energy mace, second being a pair of throwing knives, and third is his chest-mounted particle blaster of awesomeness. 

    Power: The power of multiple weapons! Yay! 

    Appearance: Zakaro has decided to get with the times and go 2015, and as such he's taken the form of the Earth Protector, with the slight modification that the trans-purple is shifted to a shade closer to the color of this text. 

    Drift Force Weapons: 

    Transparent Tahu Mask: Grants the user total control over the element of fire, the ability to create a shield in front of the user, and attack another player for seven damage once per round.

    Final Smash: Attacks 2 for 4 dmg, or with TTM 2 for 8.

    (VOLCANIC) EARTHQUAKE: Zakaro slams his mace into the ground, causing the earth to fracture and break before slamming over his chosen targets. Particle blasting follows, (along with some volcanic activity) and Zakaro finishes by sending them flying into the air. 


  15. IC: Chekquars (Library)


    The Darkness Rahkshi had stepped back, mulling over Exxan's words before eventually speaking again. 


    "It would appear that we are divided, then. Some of us wish to simply remove the problem from the world entirely, while others feel that our pyro is just misguided. Neither plan is perfect, though I myself would prefer to not cause a loss of life over a matter as simple as books. While knowledge is invaluable, and the Library as a whole could be impossible to replace, all that was lost were a few dozen books."


    He pauses before continuing, glancing at Torch in the meantime. 


    "It's clear enough that our arsonist suffers from instability in his mental facilities, so I doubt that this was anything deliberate towards an individual or the Library as a whole. At the same time, he obviously has no concept of what fire can do to harm books or even others. Whether you take this to mean that he should be removed from the picture entirely or helped to understand this concept is your choice. I stand by my idea of banning him from the Library, and that is all that needs to be done. You could still help him if you wish, but I don't think his life should end for it."


    Chekquars spins on his heel and stalks back towards the shelves, but looks over his shoulder to say one last thing.


    "Perhaps a bit of perspective would help. Would a young Kraata be punished for going somewhere they weren't meant too? They don't have enough control over their minds to truly understand what to not do, where to not go. I feel our arsonist may be much the same way."


    And he slipped into the shadows, deciding that this entire issue had quite quickly evolved beyond what his mastermind persona could work with. It would be best to stay out of it as much as possible for the time being, lest he left himself become even more out of character. It was tough to be evil in the face of utter death.


  16. IC: Chekquars (Library)


    Stepping from the shadows, Chekquars glanced over the crowd before speaking.


    "Perhaps it would be suitable to simply ban him from entering or even approaching the Library for a decent amount of time. As he has shown no respect or love of the library, he shouldn't have any problems being away from it. Said ban could last until he has restrained his tendencies toward producing flame in unsuitable locations. Couple that with a fine or some form of repayment for the damaged books and we have a punishment that is both effective and grudge-preventing."


    He pauses before smirking evilly at the group and continuing.


    "Or we just tell Headmaster Tridax about what he's done and deliver the arsonist to him for punishment. That would be more than suitable."


  17. ..I'm not sure whether it's the proportions or what, but there's something about that Hoto MOC that I find adorable in a way. 


    Thinking on it, it's the proportions and just general size. But, it fits her, being the innocent, smallish Rahk she is. :P


  18. IC: Chekquars (Hallways -> Library)


    The Darkness Rahkshi had acknowledged Raith with a nod of his head but before he could reply, one of the Rahkshi who had been in the mob showed up out of nowhere and demanded an answer from Raith. Chekquars noted the change in persona Raith went under, knowing that it was likely to keep up a guise, but he spoke anyway to help appease the excitable Plasma Rahkshi that was trying to question them. 


    "In my experience it is easier to restrain someone suddenly if they are calmer and unsuspecting, not that those of you with such blatant objectives and methods would understand that," he said, allowing arrogance and what he imagined an upper class air of superiority to cover his voice. While continuing that, Chekquars gave Raith a glance, signifying his reply to her earlier statement.


    "There are many ways to accomplish a goal, and such blunt tools and tactics are both obvious and dangerous to both the wielder and the victim. They may work at times, but the dullness of the weapon can cause it to misbehave with the possibility of injury and backlash.

    Your blind charge into the arsonist's dorm was a perfect example of such backlash."


    As he finished speaking, they came to the doors of the Library, and Chekquars slipped in to watch the pyro's fate.


  19. IC: Chekquars (Dormitory -> Halls)


    The pyro had apparently just given up. That was odd enough, but after what Chekquars had just seen it didn't seem to be all that strange. As the group moved out, Chekquars stowed his bow and arrow before slipping to the ground, quickly snatching a spare box of matches from Torch's supplies- it wasn't like the insane Rahk needed them at the moment, anyway, and they could be useful later. With that done, the Darkness Rahkshi sprinted after the group, staying relatively hidden once they came into eyesight but not bothering all too much. 


    He decided that it would be best to see what sort of punishment the group would decide upon for the arsonist before retrieving Tube and Whak, it might also be interesting to note how well they handled guard duties. 


  20. IC: Chekquars (Dormitory)


    The Darkness Rahkshi was honestly somewhat disappointed. That huge cone of flame, and all anyone had done was kinda get burnt and wander off aimlessly. While Rider and Xara were still there after everything, and Xara was even fighting the pyro, most of the mob had just dispersed. That was not the correct mob mentality at all, mobs get angrier when you hurt them. All in all, it was very odd, considering anger some had shown before. Perhaps most of them were just there because it was something to do. Still, Chekquars would have thought that fighting would be more interesting than anything else that goes on. Feh. If they were that fickle, they wouldn't be any threat anyway. This pyro had already shown more potential to be dangerous than any other Rahk involved in the incident so far, other than perhaps Exxan. 


    Shifting to a side to get a better view around Rider and his companion, Chekquars kept his bow at the ready, even as annoyance spurted back up at the reappearance of the flames. 


    OOC: While Chek may know of Xara and Rider, he doesn't have a specific connection between any name and the Rahkshi currently in the dorms fighting Torch. It's just easier to use the names instead of looking at the profiles to find out what kind of Rahkshi Xara is and/or whether that's possible to tell by her color scheme. :P


    E: Also, on an unrelated note, I'm loving how Root's prose contrasts with his dialogue and just the Root posts in general. XD


    • Upvote 1
  21. Alijar, just as an FYI, Chekquars is actively hiding on top of a dorm cloaked in shadows, so he's actually inside the building and no just outside as your post assumes. :P 

    Sorry for the confusion. :P Chek won't be available until the fight is over, so either entering the fray or going somewhere else would be best for Rotary. :)


    Also @Vlad vs. Chek: It would be interesting, to be sure. One cloaked in shadow, the other with a cloak making light. :P


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