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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Posts posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Tarakava Battle) 


    Zakaro was, for his part, debating whether to continue attacking the Tarakava even as a majority of the other fighters around fell into the snowdrifts around. His choice was made for him, however, as he caught sight of a Ta-Toa charging down a hill, snow flying every which way in his wake. Zakaro grinned at this new opponent and charged forward himself, letting his very steps shake the ground once more. 


    With one hand, he retrieved his sword, and the purple-masked Onu-Toa called out a greeting of sorts even as he continued forward.


    ""Ello there! Not exactly your preferred climate, now is it?"


  2. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Joining a Battle)


    Zakaro was cold. Cold and bored. 


    In hindsight, wasting elemental energy on just stomping around wasn't the best of plans. Just stomping around recklessly wasn't the best of plans either. Stomping around in general, it seemed, didn't work too well.


    So now the Toa of Earth was shivering in the icy winds. Not fighting in Mt. Ihu, not continually moving quickly, was indeed one of the great downfalls that he had seen many fall into. You don't move enough, you cool down, and you can't focus. That was what Zakaro was beginning to experience. 


    Without a doubt, it was time to do something. Just in time, too, because if his ears weren't deceiving him, that was the sound of a battle in the distance. 


    Charging forward, he came upon some fighters-it was too windy to really make them out- fighting a large beast of some sort. Eh, didn't matter, that was something to fight! 


    Yelling in elation, Zakaro sent a shockwave of earth energy towards the beast, though he wasn't going to make any concessions for the others fighting it. Every man for himself, after all.


    OOC: Zakaro joining the Frost Tarakava group, including Daedalus, Zel'Sai, and Ismekne


  3. on one hand I want to be skeptical of this and dispute things


    but the potoo and RNG have both clearly chosen their champion, not to mention the bandwagon..


    Guess I'll vote for QP as well and point out that we kinda need better RNGs or something. XD


    • Upvote 4
  4. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Alone)


    Zakaro emerged from the snowbank colder, cleaner, and more cheerful than he had entered it. Considering there still wasn't anyone around- at least, not that could be seen through the icy winds- the Toa of Earth went for a blatant approach. First, however, an earth pillar rose up from beneath his feet, carrying him up the cliffside that the purple-masked fighter had first jumped off when the round began.


    Stepping onto the plains, he started forward, whistling a tone and letting his steps shake the very earth. It could be fun to try and fight off an ambush, after all.


  5. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, ..All alone?)


    Zakaro tumbled to the ground as a strange sort of silence descended over the clearing of snow and ice, spattered with clods of earth and the remains of Daltrahk's lunch. 


    He stood up and nodded to himself, speaking to naught but the air and probable cameras. 


    "I thank you, Rule-Upholder." 


    It was only after a few more seconds that Zakaro pulled his sword from the earthen spire and dove back into a snowdrift. 


    He stunk, and that was something that would have to be remedied before he continued on. Besides, other than the fact that it was cold, it was kinda nice in here. 


    "Reminds me of that one round on Ihu where the auto-timer was broken and everyone was separated in that horrid snowstorm...

    Good times."


    The ironically unstable Onu-Toa chuckled to himself. Ah, memories..


  6. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    "But that's the point, isn't it? To fight? My, my, you are a hardy one. I'm surprised you can still talk after that."


    Zakaro stomped his foot, sending a shockwave through the ground to slam into Daltrahk as the Onu-Toa launched himself forward, another earthen pillar expanding beneath him to fire the purple-masked warrior directly at his Skakdi opponent as he attempted to tackle Daltrahk.


    "Though, I must ask, do you realize that nothing you sustain here is permanent? When you appear in back in the facility, you'll be just fine~"


  7. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    The purple-masked warrior spun to a side, ending with another punch propelled by momentum and a Pakari, followed up instantly by a kick from the other side so that no matter which direction he dodged, something would hit Daltrahk.


    "It'll be... much easier... if you just stay down and get teleported out of the arena!"


  8. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    There. Movement, out of the corner of his eye. Zakaro reacted, instantly letting go and rolling to a side as something fired. Without pausing, Zakaro lunged forward again, his mask glowing as he aimed another punch at Daltrahk's gut.



  9. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    To say Zakaro was not pleased would be an understatement. His orange eyes practically glowed with anger, and his speech was low, harsh, and deep when he spoke.


    "You're lucky that's only the third most disgusting thing I've had happen to me in this place," he said, before removing his hand from the Magma Gear- the widening of the Skakdi's eyes when he had heard the thing start to crack had been a tell-tale sign that it was the reason Daltrahk's lunch was now dripping off of Zakaro's armor- and instead grasping the Skakdi's throat. 


    With Zakaro's mask glowing yet again, it was doubtful Daltrahk's throat or spine would last long enough for any hope of escaping to continue this round.


  10. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    Well, apparently a Pakari-powered headbutt didn't affect the Skakdi and he was trying to bite him. Angered, Zakaro reared back as Daltrahk's teeth scraped over his neck and head, and then attempted to knee the Skakdi in the gut while his Pakari glowed, showing his Strength going into play. At the same time, the Onu-Toa held onto Daltrahk's arms even tighter, starting to crush them bit by bit.



  11. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    The Onu-Toa barely grunted as his punch was deflected out of the way, just frowning before grinning suddenly and attempting to grab onto Daltrahk's arms, holding them both, before trying to slam his face into Daltrahk's jaw, fueled by Strength.

    If all went well, it might be the KO.


  12. Yo, ghidora? From your latest post, it seems you're not entirely aware of how the current scene is set up, I'll lay it out as I see it for ya so that you can adjust things as needed.


    Daltrahk and Zakaro are in close quarters on a ledge quite a bit below where the dragon-fighting group and a majority of the other fighters are, with Daltrahk backed up against an earthen pillar which Zakaro's sword is currently stabbed into after Dalt deflected it from the hit. Zakaro's using his Strength power and is attempting to both grab onto and then hold still the arm that has the Magma Gear on it while his right arm is punching towards Dalt's jaw. 


    Any questions?


  13. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    As experienced as he was, Zakaro would happily admit that he had little to no idea what this Skakdi was doing. His opponent had managed to deflect his broadsword off to the side, planting it in the earthen pillar, and then had taken a swing at Zakaro's skull from the close quarters. 


    Ducking, the Toa's mask glowed as raw Strength filled his body. Zakaro grabbed upwards, trying to grasp onto the Skakdi's strange weapon and hold it away from him while he let go of the broadsword and sent a Pakari-powered punch at Daltrahk's protruding jaw.


  14. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    The purple-masked Toa didn't hesitate, considering a majority of the shots weren't even aimed at him and those that were he just blocked with the wide end of his broadsword or allowed to zip by his body with a sidestep. 


    Approaching further, The Onu-Toa lunged forward, stabbing at Daltrahk, while at the same time an earthen spire rose up behind the Skakdi to stop him from retreating further.


    "Between a rock and a sharp place, eh?


  15. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    The veteran grinned and turned, snow flying as his makeshift snowshoes carved long trails in the fluffy ice. 


    "Good. It's been far too long since I've fought!"


    Charging forwards once more, Zakaro pulled his broadsword from his back and let it trail behind him as he sprinted towards his Skakdi opponent. 


    "Your move!" He shouted, getting steadily closer while tense and ready to dodge when the inevitable attack came.


  16. IC Daltrahk



    Daltrahk heard some idiot call him a newbie. He rotated around to see a large amount of rock, sifting through the snow, coming right at him. Daltrahk let out a roar and fired two quick energy blasts at it, blowing it apart.


    "Oh, I'm no newbie." He quickly prepped his Magma Gear. "And I'm not squashed so quick."


    IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Fighting Daltrahk)


    "Oh, really now?" The Onu-Toa answered, smirking at the Skakdi. With two hands, he first threw another chunk of earth at the Skakdi form above before suddenly creating an earth pillar beneath the Skakdi's feet, hopefully sending him flying as it expanded upwards. All the while, Zakaro continued forward through the snow and slush as, higher up towards the peak, he could hear the sounds of crackling lightning and roars of pain.


    "If you're no newbie, then how is it I've never seen you around? I'd bet a life this is your first time in the tournament, your face betrays you."


    • Upvote 2
  17. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu, Snowbank)


    Perhaps this wasn't a great idea after all. 


    Yes, Zakaro had remained hidden, but despite his best efforts things were unreasonably cold. Brr, brr, shiver, shiver. 


    But, he had surveyed things somewhat successfully (at the least, he could kinda hear things. Vision wasn't all that great, but that's what happens in deep snow..) and as such he was ready to fight! 


    Struggling to the surface, Zakaro glanced around for a few seconds while he made earthen snowshoes- mobility would be of great asset here- and then began his way forwards, on the lookout for opponents. Oh hey, look over there! Some gunmetal grey Skakdi was standing looking around (Daltrahk), he would be a perfect target!


    Without further planning, Zakaro charged forward, creating a giant earth mass that he proceeded to attempt to bash Daltrahk's skull with while standing a good 10 feet away. 


    "Hey there, newbie!"


  18. IC: Zakaro (Mt. Ihu)


    As the Earth Toa, for lack of a better description, slid into existence and the snow drifts of Mt. Ihu, he broke into a grin. 


    It was time. 


    All the same, his enthusiastic nature had been tempered by the various, multiple times that rushing into battle had resulted in quite the loss. No, against these totally unknown opponents, surveying their skills first was recommended. Glancing around to make sure nobody was watching him, Zakaro sprinted off the nearest cliff, twisting in midair to stab his broadsword into the stone of the sheer face. With that slight slowing, it was a simple matter to launch off the side into a deep, large snowbank in a dive.


    Zakaro landed in the snowbank and his tracks quickly disappeared from sight. 


    OOC: AKA It's time for sleep but the round just started. owell. 

    Zakaro's hiding for now, interaction will resume when possible~

    • Upvote 1
  19. IC: Zakaro (Comfort Sector)


    It was good to be back. 


    Upon arrival, Zakaro had silently stood in the back with a grin on his face, just enjoying his return to the Bionifight facilities. Even though he basically knew the gist of things, he made sure to listen for any changes or additions, it was always best to stay on top of things. Also, the Queen didn't like being ignored when she was talking to you. Though, it was interesting that it was the Queen greeting them this time, and not the Host. Oh well.


    As they were released into the hallways, Zakaro quite happily made his way directly up and into the Comfort Sector. First things first, secure personal quarters before things get too hairy. Later he'd need to venture into the tunnels for a bit to try and find some quality stones for carving, and perhaps even one of those shiny things the Staff was always interested in. 


    But that was digressing. With personal things fine and sword on his back, Zakaro entered the Commerce Sector just in time to hear the last phrases of the Host's announcement. He grinned. 


    It made been far too long since he had been here. 


    Still grinning, the Toa of Earth made his way over to a food stand-not particularly interested in anything specific at the moment- and picked up a bottle of Vuata Maca Juice. Sipping it, he began to make his way over to the stairs, casually glancing at his various opponents that were arrayed around the arena. Looked to be mainly a large group of newcomers, with a secondary contingent of Rahkshi within that. 


    "At least there isn't any Poison Rahkshi," he muttered to himself, shuddering at the memory. Getting hit by that stuff was not fun, that he knew from experience.


  20. well then 


    guess I'm a little late to the party


    Normally I wouldn't ever use 'Zakaro' as a character in an RPG, but for Bionifight... meh. I'd probably end up accidentally calling any character I make 'Zakaro' anyway, so... feh. 


    Name: Zakaro

    Species: Onu-Toa

    Power/Weapon 1: Elemental Earth Control

    Power/Weapon 2: Strength, as in a Kanohi Pakari.

    Power/Weapon 3: A heavy, dense, bluntly hilted broadsword. 

    Appearance: In essence, this, though he normally sports a jaunty grin along with it.

    Bio: Zakaro has, in a word, been around the bend a few times. He would consider himself to be one of the veterans of the Bionifight tournament, though he hasn't won. The Toa's come close, though. In all honesty he doesn't remember or care much about his life before his cycling into and out of the tournament began, just that it was a peace-time, boring little island with some people that were a little too strict, in his opinion. Didn't end up leaving anyone he particularly cared about behind when he first got sucked into the tournament. As for the tournament, Zakaro has been a competitor more than once and has also attempted to become a vendor when he's not competing. He has, at the very least, survived a number of the sometimes-lethal events, and as such has an interesting history of combat experience behind him.

    Personality/Other: Zakaro is obivously a male Toa of Earth, and as such he's often very practical and will look at things logically. On the other hand, he's not all there after his times through the tournament, and as such the Toa tends to have an interesting perspective and way of addressing things, though he has, at the least, learned to treat the Trio of Staff that run the thing with respect. Zakaro's pretty laid back and fun-loving, though for whatever reason he despises traitors and backstabbers with a passion. He happens to be more than a decent sculptor, which he has used to create figurines of various fighters he's encountered though his rounds of experience. 



  21. well then


    on one hand it's very obviously not burn, unless Sg can really only happen to make a clue that just happens to implicate him with not only font color, but 'Bur(n)ma'(d) and rhyming too?


    kinda obviously not him, but i digress, not like there's any better option. I suppose the obvious choice could be the right one but then again, this is mafia...


    I'm going to abstain for the moment. 


  22. I'll start by being totally honest here and just say that, for the moment, this Journey has reached its end, long before it truly began. 


    I can say now that it was mainly my fault for letting things run down, especially in such a GM-run concept, and as such I apologize for that. Real life and simply my laziness both contributed to the inactivity of the RPG, and as such it really just isn't doing anything. I slowed down, and so the other players slowed down as well. With new BioRPGs waiting on the sidelines for their chance, it's evident enough that with the lack of activity and any real plot progression, Journey would need to step to the side for other things to start up and give it a shot. 


    I had a great time. Truly, it was marvelous fun to see the characters begin and interact, how they reacted to the situations I created. But all the same, it's time to give it a rest. At least, for now. I still love the concept, the plot of Journey that you all never got to see. Perhaps someday I'll return to it, change things up, and bring back Ig and Lekar for another go-around at actually getting things off the ground. Sadly, though real life just doesn't permit my activity to be enough to support this, and perhaps Journey was always too grand of an idea to flourish with my inexperience. 


    To sum things up, thank you all. Thanks for playing, letting me grow in experience and getting to watch the characters work together and against, grow and develop. 


    It's been a great Journey. 



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