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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Posts posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "I think I'll tag along! Might as well go before somebody blows a gasket and flames start getting tossed around, plus you're leaving and that's half the fun right now anyway!"


    She was quite happy to bounce alongside Ten as he walked, grinning all the while. 


    IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII (Comfort Sector)


    "I didn't think so. A pity."


    Bajets thinks for a moment, and then rises, speaking again. 


    "In any case, it has been good to meet you, Snarl. I must proceed onwards to the Commercial Sector to resupply myself with various tools that may have been taken from me as I was brought here, but you are welcome to come." She pauses, and then adds one last thing.


    "Whatever you decide, do realize that your intelligence is certainly beyond that of your oral skills. It may benefit you if you were to play dumb and let your opponents assume the worst. Always have an advantage in a fight, no matter what kind."


    And a bit of advice. She was pretty sure that at the least Snarl would think twice about simply attacking her in the arena, and if he would just walk away without attacking Bajets would do the same, unless it came down to the wire. 


    Once it was down to the wire, anything goes. You make it over the wire, no matter what, or you've failed. 


    Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII turned on her heel and began her walk towards the doors. It was up to Snarl whether to follow, Bajets had no intention of staying in the Comfort Sector any longer.

  2. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "Sounds like a plan, Ten! I'll try to keep him calm, hopefully he doesn't struggle to much! But it's okay, guy, nobody wants to hurt you here! Well, not yet, but that's later in the arena! Right now all anyone wants to do is make sure you're okay and not going to freak out and hurt anybody else, people like that don't get far in the tournament anyway. Do you like winning? I like winning, and I like watching people win, so if you attack people none of that can happen! Sound good? The amazingly kind and helpful Ten is here to take you to the medbay, where you'll be safe and warm and happy!"



    IC: Zakaro (Commercial Sector) 


    The Onu-Toa, amazingly, didn't wake up. So much for a nap. To be honest, he could almost be called cute, within the realistic confines of Zakaro both being a full-grown Toa, not female or really all that feminine, and wearing a Pakari, which perhaps isn't the most flattering of masks. 


    It was more akin to seeing a sleeping  bear. Cute in a sense, but still quite obviously powerful and dangerous when it wanted to be. 



    IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz (Comfort Sector)


    The duo drifted into a silence as Bajets considered her options before speaking again. 


    "I don't suppose anyone's ever bothered to teach you to write? That would be more than sufficient, but I have my doubts about that. A nod or shake will suffice as an answer."

  3. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "Seems like he found a Rahkshi of Fear or something. Or he's just paranoid. Or alone and scared in a new world of metal and wires, without a single recognizable thing that he knows and strange robotic people talking about him!"


    "Probably the Rahkshi though. I'd attribute it to you, Ten, but you're more awe-inspiring than frightening."

  4. IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz (Comfort Sector)


    The Skakdi takes a second to ponder that, debating whether it was a growl or a snarl, before vocalizing her thoughts as she spoke. 


    "I'm going to assume that was too harsh for a growl, and that a growl would be more rumbling versus the harsh exhale of a snarl and yet not the vocalization of a bark, as such I infer you're called Snarl. Perhaps I'm mistaken, feel free to speak up if I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, Snarl, I can tell you're more than you look."


    She stands for half a second to curtsy towards the Energy Hound before retaking her seat. 


    "I must apologize that communication is at such a low level. I can understand the frustration at not being able to effectively tell people what you want. Happened to me once, when I had to get my brother out of a slammer on Xia. Wasn't totally different languages, but sure seemed like it."


    Personal experiences. Bajets felt this wasn't going half bad for the situation, at the very least by this point the Hound would remember her as one to try to talk to him. Perhaps she could even gain her first ally in this tournament. Even if profit was out of the question, it didn't mean this couldn't be a chance to exercise her skills for better use later. It wasn't as if Halken was ever going to actually further the family in social and economic standings. She'd be lucky if he didn't get himself eaten again. 



    IC: Zakaro (Food Court)


    The oblivious Onu-Toa slept on, the only noise of note that he made was to sneeze once or twice. He was still there, though. That counted for something, right?





    IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "..I think you should poke it," Nisaduf said after a long pause. 


    "Doesn't seem to be responding to audio stimuli. Physical is probably the next best test. Maybe a hardlight stick? Just to keep us out of the line of fire, wouldn't want to get hurt or anything! Then you couldn't fight as well and that would be sad." 

  5. IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz (Comfort Sector)


    Bajets allows a smirk to cross over her face, leaning forward and placing her fingers together much like a steeple, speaking again.


    "Good. I was hoping that I wasn't watching you for nothing. Tell me, do you wish to be called Dog or Hound? If not, perhaps make a sound that I may call you? My name is Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII, if you'd prefer to hear mine before giving yours."


    A give-and-take tactic. Often worked on those with less skill, if you offered something first they'd be more inclined to offer you something in return. Bajets had used it often, and even within relationships it could be very useful indeed.

  6. IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII (Comfort Sector)


    "Thank you for your offer," was Bajet's final, crisp reply as she too returned to the couch and crossed her legs again, fingers drumming  a beat on her thigh. 


    "You're not the typical Hound, are you?" she muttered, regarding Snarl with an appraising eye.


    "Perhaps... ah. Yes," she said, and a sly smirk spread across her face, the first true emotion Bajets had really shown since landing in this tournament.


    "Listen here, Hound. Dog. Whatever it is you wish to be called, we shall discuss that later. Nevertheless, all I wish is that if you can understand me, nod your head."

  7. IC: Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII (Comfort Sector, with Snarl and Arkrax)


    "Depends," came the Skakdi's answer, as she stood and walked over to the Energy Hound and Arkrax, glancing over both of them.


    "If you can help with this.. communication barrier, I presume, as the Hound does clearly seem intelligent and annoyed for that matter, then indeed you may help. Otherwise, no help is needed."


    Her silver eyes betrayed little emotion, just a cool curiosity and interest. 



    IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "I'm not sure," replied the little Matoran, moving a little closer to the shivering ball. 


    "Hey! Are you okay? Have you been attacked? Don't worry, there's no Kardas Dragons here to eat you, just other dragons that collect gems and read books!"

  8. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "Sure!" she chirped, grinning right back at Ten and waving a little to the dragon. 


    "Cya later, Mr. Large Gem-owning Dragon! And it's kay, number Ten, it's the thought that counts!"


    Slipping around the bulk of Aclaraung, she bounced forward about halfway through the Commercial Sector before stopping abruptly. Without even checking to see if Ten was even behind her she stopped, looking at what seemed to be a green being curled into one tiny ball for some reason. They were also crying?


    Nisaduf just blinked. Perhaps Ten could better put this into words? She was honestly stumped. 

  9. IC: Lady Bajets von  Zakaz VII(Comfort Sector)


    A Skakdi materializes in a small room, the room which seems to be the room that she is to use as personal quarters, and looks around impassively. Checking to see what she still had on her- only Mdm. Nikila's Lightning Binders, at least those were spared- she huffed in disapproval. If they're going to nab a Lady right from her very home, they could at least let her keep her possessions! That was an expensive serrated dagger, too. A pity she wouldn't get to use it.


    Stepping forward, and out of the room, she paused. There was something in the air here, that she couldn't put her finger on, but- scratch that. Bajets knew exactly what she felt. 


    "So this is where you've run off to," she muttered, cracking her knuckles as she spoke again. 


    "Brother dear."


    Even as she made her way through the Sector, offhandedly adjusting her vibrant tie and golden monocle, Lord Halken von Zakaz III, Esq., would feel a totally different type of shiver run down his rather impressive spine. Call it sibling affinity, if you wish. 


    Coming out into a common area of sorts, she noticed, of all things, what seemed to be a Energy Hound sitting on a couch scanning the room. That fact alone was evident enough by both Bajet's skill in reading people's eyes and the Hound not seeming to really care if anyone saw him. 


    Deciding that visiting the Commercial Sector could wait, Lady Bajets von Zakaz VII sat down across from a Rahi, crossed her legs, and leaned forward, just watching him as intently as the Hound watched the room.

  10. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "That's almost as cool as Ten!" Nisaduf exclaimed, standing on her tip-toes to get a better look at the gem. Interesting, to be sure, perhaps she could benefit from getting some in the future? 


    "Yeah, Rahkshi have tons and tons of different powers. Any given power's less versatile than a Toa's, but the sheer number is really interesting. Every single power a Makuta has, I hear, and considering that there's probably at least 3 totally different powersets for Makuta across the multiverse then there's tons, and tons, and tons of Rahkshi powers." 

  11. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector, with Ten and Aclaraung)


    She just nods her head in response before Aclaraung approaches, causing her to stop and stare at the dragon for a second, eyes wide, before speaking.


    "Oh, wow! You're really big! Do you get hit by stuff lots because of it? Or does it help to have the extra bulk? What kind of dragon are you, not a Kardas, but some other kinda dragon, right?"

  12. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "That's true!" she replied, gasping as she mimed a little ball exploding into a spiky thing of doom.


    "Too bad you didn't get much action though!But, oh, oh, do you have any plans to reinstate your rivalry with Zakaro? He's in this tournament too, I saw, and the last time you two went at it was was just amazing!"

  13. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "Too heavy, really, this stuff is sooooooo much more compact and light!" The exuberant Fe-Matoran replied, taking the 'clipboard' back from Ten with a clap of the hands and grin. 


    "Makes it toooons easier to collect writing, store, and transport it! Quick, fast, and easy! But oh, oh, how was your last round? I didn't specifically see you, but maybe I was mistaken, I was distracted by some other people wanting to know about the facility at the time, although I have no idea where they are now. That's okay, I wasn't all that close to them."

  14. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    "Oh, I'm sorry!" she replied and grinned back at him, bouncing in her feet.


    "I've been around a Sonics Toa all day so speed hasn't been an issue! So yeah, could I have your signature? Autograph? Symbol of self? Whatever the heck you wanna call something that you put on a paper to signify yourself?"


    She held out her 'clipboard' to him with glee, the pen and paper attached carefully to the metallic surface. This was it! Her very first autograph, oh how exciting!

  15. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector)


    There was something she was missing, Nisaduf was sure of it. She frowned slightly, scanning the crowd again. Just the same people, that group with the Enforcer over there, the food court off in the distance, the Toa of Light standing by the door staring at her-


    wait. That was no mere Toa of Light. That was....


    "Mata Nui!" she said to herself, before promptly exploding. Not literally. Just kinda literally. 


    In what seemed like a blink of an eye, she was bouncing in front of Ten, eyes wide and speaking a mile a minute.


    "Oh wow, oh wow, I can't believe it! You're actually here, the real live Ten! of fame and fortune and hamster hardlight balls that are spiky on the inside and slowly compact into nothingness and KO that person and multiple tournaments and hardlight knowledge and super amazingness and just plain crazy hardlight shenanigans and I've always wanted to meet you and talk to you and be you and see you and get your signature and hear about all your exploits from your point of view, the broadcasts are cool but it's nothing in comparison to meeting the actual person and hearing it straight from their mouth!"


    She gasped for air and spoke again, slightly more understandable this time. 


    "Oh my, I'm really being rude today! Nisaduf, I'm a huuuuuuuge fan!"

  16. IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector, all alone)


    Oooooooooooookay. This was not fun anymore. It was fun for a while but now bad magnet things were happening and Nisa did not want the Illusion getting fried, thrown out of whack, or just plain mucked up. Nothing to see here but a buncha arguing newbies, anyway. 


    She headed over towards a door, taking up a position against the wall where she could scan the area effectively enough. Sadly the food court was waaaay over on the other side, but more people passed through here anyway. It was good enough for now. 

  17. IC: Zakaro (Commercial Sector, with Artorre, Olari, Lekona, and Harami)


    Zakaro would've raised a glass. Really. Sadly with his current situation of being asleep and not having a glass, he couldn't. Couldn't even respond, really. 


    At least he wasn't bleeding anymore. The Onu-Toa would appreciate that later, surely. 



    IC: Nisaduf (Commercial Sector, nearby the Tuyetkhamun group)


    The Fe-Matoran still had little-to-no idea what was going on, but it was at least interesting. There was a little bit of fighting going on, tsk tsk, but overall it was more than interesting enough to stick around. Not as interesting as Riss, who was amazing and talented and super fun to be around, but the singer was sleeping or resting right now and watching her sleep would probably mean she would quickly be fired from her services. 


    She cocked her head to a side, pondering just why they were arguing so much. Maybe that paper-wrapped Toa was asking them to do something and the box-man didn't want to? It was possible, though she wondered how advanced the world the box came form was if it had a full AI inside it. Not many of the universes Bionifight drew from had tech on that level.


    Ooohh! More fighting!

  18. IC: Zakaro (HP: 15/20)


    A wave of pure force of will rolled over Zakaro, pushing him backwards as he scrambled for a ledge. His Strength came into play as he just punched a hole into the catwalk and used that to grip onto it, succeeding in not getting totally shoved off. He then swung and jumped down to a lower catwalk, landing in a roll, and then used his phone pole as a sight to launch a barrage of earthen orbs at the Queen. 

  19. IC: Zakaro (Food Court)


    If Zakaro had been awake, he might have protested being left out of Lekona's little thanks list, before reconsidering and deciding that all he had really done such far was laugh and get annoyed at the badmouthing of the tournament. But he was well and truly into his power nap by this point, and not even a snore escaped his lips, just a soft breathing that would be indistinguishable amid the chaos of the Food Court. 



    IC: Nisaduf (Hallways -> Commercial Sector)


    She stood in sheer happiness and awe for a few minutes, just basking in the fact that she had gotten to meet, talk with, and be employed by Sunburst. Riss. It was all the same, and she loved that she knew that. 


    Eventually though, Nisaduf grew slightly uncomfortable with the stoic armored figure of Noroi and Sudrec, still crouched over his book, and decided to leave. But where to? 


    The Fe-Matoran gasped. 


    "I still need a pen!"


    And she scampered off, back the way she came, returning to the Commercial Sector. 


    Even as she entered the room, the little nanobot of the Illusion having returned to its spot in her armor to process and store the information it gathered in the general network, the Nynrah Ghost could instantly see how it was now filled with fighters. Grinning, she skipped over to a shop and (finally) got herself a marker and a few sheets of paper. It was a simple matter beyond that to use the Illusion itself to create a 'solid' clipboard that she could hold and give to people for a flat surface to write on, and plus it could discretely scan and gain files on more people!


    Her attention was diverted by a group of fighters, apparently arguing about something or another. Slipping a little closer to observe better, Nisaduf glanced over a group of people surrounding a being wrapped in papers, with a Fe-Toa, flickering hologram-like being, and various others she didn't clearly see yet all seeming to be connected in the conversation. She didn't notice anyone she totally knew, so it must be a group of newcomers. Still, best to start somewhere, right? Maybe one of them would even be cool enough to be worth becoming! It'd be easier to become a newbie, too. Defined less and all, plus less people might know about them and their abilities.

  20. IC: Zakaro (HP: 18/20)


    Alright, she was teleporting as usual. Perhaps, if he stretched, he could-


    "GAH!" Zakaro cried out, stumbling forward and nearly falling off the edge as something very sharp and pointy stabbed into his back, forcing him to his knees. (-3, 15/20) He took a single breath and then spun around, falling onto his back on the catwalk as he swung upwards and back with his massive weapon at where the Queen had last been. (Removal/landing on back damage, -1, 14/20)

  21. IC: Zakaro (Food Court)


    Zakaro nodded his reply, yawning again. 


    "Alright, if nobody else has any thing extremely important, I'm going to try and catch a nap before he go off doing whatever the heck we end up doing. Too tired to really think much more than that, so..."


    The Onu-Toa just yawned again and slumped forwards, his eyes drooping as he sunk down into the embrace of his arms again. He eventually mumbled out, "Oh, and if someone can get me some napkins... that would be nice. Sorry for bleeding everywhere."

  22. IC: Zakaro (Food Court)


    "True enough," Zakaro replied, nodding. 


    "Can't say that I've ever really thought about it, but then again I will openly admit my eyes were misted by perhaps the only sense of purpose I'd ever had. Even in my homeland, I was the different one. Always the one who would go and carve instead of mining like a good Matoran. But yes, there is something amiss here. Not even the fabled Mask of Life can claim to be able to revive at a whim. It can create life and end it, but not return it to a dead body, with memories and soul intact. Mutations that they can control is only another manipulation of life."


    He pauses and speaks again, contemplating things.


    "It's almost as if they have a Gem that can control life itself, at yet I wonder why we would be told to find more if they already had such power.."

  23. IC: Zakaro (HP: 18/20)


    Zakaro, of course, noticed little and continued on his way, launching another earth ball at where he thought the Queen was before creating an earthen ramp up towards about the Queen's level, so that he could at least try to hit her. Sure, it was more than the height of a Toa between the top of the ramp and her location, but he had a phone pole. That was big enough to reach!

  24. IC: Zakaro (Food Court) 


    Noise. Sentences. Someone was talking, indeed. Female, stern, knew his name... sounded like Olari. 


    Rising up to meet her gaze, he processed just what the Magnetism Toa had said before beginning to speak, slowly growing more aware as he forced his body to actually function. 


    "Well, it's a long story, though not really. Long explanation, moreso, with a shortish story that ties in and starts everything. Mata Nui, I'm probably making absolutely no sense. I hate being tired, having to sleep. Waste of time, I say. Not that sleep's bad, it's enjoyable, I just wish I could choose when and when not to do so. I digress," and at this point he paused and yawned, the action seeming to wake up the Onu-Toa just a little bit more. 


    With a few blinks and a shake of the head, he continued. 


    "Alright. To put it simply, for a majority of my life, at least the times I care to remember, Bionifight has been among the best of the moments that make it up. Perhaps that gives a little insight to my anger from before, for a while and even until recently I'd say that Bionifight was my life. Back home is just a backwater island with a buncha miners who've decided that scheduling every little thing out to maximize work time with minimal rest or play, so it's really not somewhere I'm all that proud of. I'd leave if it wasn't for the fact that nobody's willing to get me a ship because they're all so concerned that if something did happen one day, a Toa would be required~"


    He trails off into another yawn and props his chin on a bruised hand, not yet really feeling the damage to it. 


    "..My apologies. this is turning into my life story and you've only asked what's wrong. To put it simply and cut straight to the point, one of the foundations of my world has been shaken-Bionifight- and I'm not entirely sure how to deal with that. It's like you've been living a lie, and right up until the moment one person manages to break through the smoke and mirrors put in place both by those who want you here and your own delusions you had no idea."


    "..That was me. Stuck with no purpose but to fight, and yet I enjoyed it."


    "..but seeing your passion, Olari, the passion for those you've been forced to leave behind and the passion you have for wanting to return to them, that struck something."


    He's silent for a few seconds, staring into space, before a hint of a grin, a smirk, crosses his face.


    "Probably helps that you're pretty."

  25. IC: Zakaro (Food Court)


    To the Onu-Toa's credit, he didn't stumble and fall while getting to the table. Sure, he wasn't all that polite, and yes, he did lift a few people out of his way and then put them down behind him, but somehow he managed to make it there without seriously harming himself. 


    Without saying another word, Zakaro folded his arms on the table, leaving a few smears of blood behind still from his bruised fists, and sank into the darkness of his arms. 


    He'd fall asleep soon enough, and was only trying to hold off because someone might want to talk to him. It was doubtful, though, and he was surprised he could even comprehend that concept right now. When Zakaro crashed, he crashed hard. Hopefully they'd say in the Food Court long enough for a power nap. 


    The purple-masked Toa yawned. He could just feel his alertness slipping away, and darkness was rising to claim him and take him into the land of rest and dreams. 

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