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Status Updates posted by Athmos

  1. Welcome to BZPower.

  2. It's raining.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Athmos


      But he knew Kung-Fu and fought back, till...

    3. fishers64


      They gave up...

    4. Athmos


      and returned to the shelf.

  3. Welcome to BZPower.

  4. Central Park in the fall, you tore your dress, what a mess....

  5. Welcome to BZPower.

  6. Ice Cream. I have it.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom
    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      you have it, i want it

    3. Athmos


      Grab 10 dollars, head to a corner store and buy some.


      Or you could steal it, but I don't support that then.

  7. So gloomy outside.....

  8. Welcome to BZPower.

  9. Hopeless Romantic: That's me!

  10. Welcome to BZPower.

  11. Welcome to BZPower.

  12. Welcome to BZPower.

  13. Welcome to BZPower.

  14. What series of Hawaii 5-0 do you like.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Angel Beat

      Angel Beat

      Well, I'm only really familiar with the modern version, so I'll have to say that one. :P

    4. Athmos


      Ah. I thought it was the classic version. All well.

  15. And you're the last thing on my mind....

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      who is the last thing on your mind

    2. Athmos


      It's a line from a song.

  16. Welcome to BZPower.

  17. Welcome to BZPower.

  18. Welcome to BZPower.

  19. Hackers don't want to destroy, they want to use..

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      they want to use what?!

    2. Athmos


      They want to use the system they hacked.


      If someone hacked into a Battle Captain's computer, they could give fake commands.

  20. About to leave for the Formal. Wish me luck!

  21. Welcome to BZPower.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      thanks for the warm welcome

  22. Good Morning.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      good morning to you toooo!

  23. I'm kinda nervous about the Formal tomorrow night.

  24. I'm kinda nervous about the Formal tomorrow night.

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