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Everything posted by Athmos

  1. I don't care about the body style, but for element, I would pick Matoran of Stone or Ice. I like making stuff and history.
  2. I don't imagine the Rahkshi are going to differ in power levels from the Movies.
  3. You become a spirit, and no one else can see you, but you can see the Physical world. For two Iden users to see each other, that would require a spirit world, which starts going into more magic-ish stuff. I would say they can see each other, but not be able to touch each other. Would make for a good fan fiction.
  4. Dat gun. He should post instructions for that gun. I would build a few of them, if I had the parts.
  5. "INVADE THE VILLAGE! KILL THEM AL-oh darn, they blocked the gates! Go home everyone."
  6. Ta-Koro's walls didn't exactly help them in MoL.And the lillypads can be sunk if you stab them enough times. Or take out those pump thingys(Are those even canon?).
  7. So Makuta will rule over desert hicks?
  8. Good point. I wonder if the Rahkshi are going to attack, or just blockade the villages. Makuta probably wants some Matoran to have as slaves.
  9. IC(Kaerhi): "Good, I just want make sure I'm not insane. Pass the sugar?"
  10. I'm actually tempted to have my elderly Vortixx go out and poke a Rahkshi with his cane. Either way, I bet everyone is going to have a character killed/seriously hurt
  11. IC(Kaerhi): "Uh, did anyone feel that?"
  12. That's how I thought Lariska to look.I always imagine them robotic, but with fleshy parts. IT's hard to explain.The characters that had no sets or canon images I just didn't imagine.
  13. IC(Roase): "Why I you stuck up-" and Roase suddenly began whacking the Matoran with his cane, and as he backed up, Roase advanced. "Telling an old man that he has no right to be here! FOR SHAME! I outta teach you a lesson, you shriveled up piece of brakas!"
  14. I think it's a Faxon. This is gotta one of your best drawings. I love how realistic it looks! The way you designed the neck is probably the best part. It just looks so great. It's hard not to heap praise, in a way. It's just near flawless.
  15. IC(Roase): Roase smacked Maioro in the shin with his cane. "I said keep it secret!" he snapped. "You Toa and your big mouths!"
  16. IC(Kaerhi): "You have two tea sets?"
  17. IC(Roase): Roase gasped when he saw the inside of the restaurant. It was far fancier then he thought it would be. He begin searching around in his robes for a while, pulling out several rotting towels, much to everybody's horror, before pulling out a foul-smelling hat. He placed it upon his head and gave a disgusting grin. "'Always wear a hat in a fancy restaurant,' my father told me."
  18. IC(Roase): Roase suddenly switched from crying to a violent coughing fit. This went on for a few seconds, but he recovered with a smile on his face. "I do like the sound of that, mister Toa!"
  19. IC(Roase): Roase buried his face in his hands and started sobbing. "I-I knew it! Y-you want t-to make me fat so-so you can eat m-me!"
  20. IC(Roase): A rather stupid grin spread over Roase's face. "You know something, mister Toa? I bet he really does like me! Next time I see him, I'm gonna give him a big hug! It's the least I can do for him getting me that mash."
  21. OOC: Pssh, no worries. I don't mind. IC(Roase): "Do you really think so? I always tried my best. My wife always used to say, 'Roase, would get the kraz off the couch and do something for once? The stars aren't gonna name themselves!'" Roase starting clapping after something in the air, then closed them tight as if he was holding something. "How do I know if the other mister Toa really does like me? Lots of people have gotten me mash. My wife always used to call me, 'her mash-eater.'"
  22. IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi picked up the teacup and turned it upside down and shook it a few times. "I imagine this cost a pretty widget, didn't it?"
  23. IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi took his seat at the table and smiled politely. He turned to Velan and mouthed, "Sit. Now."
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