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Posts posted by CeeCee


    There is a Hero Factory IFB Polybag of a Small Mech with Breez

    IMO I just don't like it


    I think it's excellent. It's about time we had actual figures as impulse sets/polybags again. It'll do a much better job of roping in non-constraction fans than things like the Black Brain (I can't imagine anyone but a devoted Hero Factory fan seeing much use in that).

    I think you're right. Not only that but it comes with some parts for MOCing that you can never really have enough of if imagine

  2. I'm almost certain I saw stringer in the trailer. Yeah there wasn't a clear shot but I'm fairly certain it's him. Another reading for me thinking Nex and/or stringer will be out as sets this year is the number of heroes we have in this up coming wave. In BA we had 4 and then 3. In BO we has 5 and then 4. In this first wave we have 5. I know this year is different from past years with heroes appearing in sometimes multiple sets, but maybe looking at the "pattern" if you can call it that. May show us what we got in wave 2. I personally can't see them releasing only 2 new hero figs in wave 2 but hey ho.


    another minor plot point, but how exactly would a hero "redeem himself"?

    The redeeming part is more about villains or heroes turned villains who seek redemption by for example being good citizens, being charitable or fighting for good

    Hi there. Im here to review your epic. As you have not written much just yet, I cant say much about the plot, but what I will say is it seems a little confusing. Now you say its after Makuta and Mata Nui are gone. As I know a little bit about the Bionicle story I think that this is on Sepherus Magna. Whats important to remember is that you have to assume that the reader knows very little about the universe you're creating your story in. You don t have to go out crazy and explain what a Toa or Matoran is, but maybe something a little more detailed, like where are they and why are they there. For example right something explains that they are there because The Mata Nui universe was destroyed and hoe that happened. You don't have to do paragraphs on paragraphs explaining this but maybe a few sentences would be nice, just so we get a grip of where the stories talking place and ultimately makes it a more pleasurable experience when reading your work.


    Another thing I would like you to do would be to proof read your work. Whilst reading through it, there is a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in your work which makes it very difficult to read. Before you post, just make sure to read through it carefully and see if it makes sense. If possible get someone else to do it for you. It can be hard to read your work the way others might.


    Also, when characters are speaking, make sure you always start on a new line when a new character speaks otherwise things can be really confusing. You seem to have some decent dialogue in there but with out it being tidied up, Im not sure who is saying what.


    Just some tips to help you in your next chapters.


    PM if you need any more help.

    Thanks this is really helpful I think I'll do some explaining here if that's ok about the spelling I'm doing a lot on a tablet and the touch screen is let's just say "difficult"


    Oh, trust me I know. Still, do try reading over it when your done. It pays off and people will be more willing to read your work

  4. So that was a finale...

    Yeah, it was long and awesome, but it didn't really have a feeling of closure...

    I 100% agree. I think it was the lack of episodes before that that centered on the main team. As much as I love Juane, if RBWY are meant to be the main characters, they should have at least gotten two episodes devoted to each character, but Blake has one and Yang has none. I think its ridiculously late to start expanding of what are meant to be the main protagonists.


    Besides from that, the ending after the credits just blew my theory of Pyra being that flame/fire woman and she was manipulating Jaune to become her apprentice because she knew he had potential. Then there would be a big story arch of Juane picking sides. In fact a few episodes back when Juane was talking to Pyra about him wanting to be a hero and about him not actually being Beacon worthy where Cardin was listening, I half expected Juane to kill Cardin at the end of that episode to keep his secret, thus building up Juane to be the main villain which would be an unexpedted but in my opinion plausible given his back story of inadequacy and having that anger and self doubt burning inside him. Then Pyra would play on that(remembering that Pyra is evil and manipulating Jaune in this theory). Then we could have a good love triangle between Juane, Ruby and Pyra as Juane conflicts about which side he belongs to and it would all be exciting.


    So yeah, that wont happen now, but I thought it would have been cool.


    Also I totally love Roman Torchwich. There is just something about him that makes him an interesting and charismatic character.

  5. Hi there. Im here to review your epic. As you have not written much just yet, I cant say much about the plot, but what I will say is it seems a little confusing. Now you say its after Makuta and Mata Nui are gone. As I know a little bit about the Bionicle story I think that this is on Sepherus Magna. Whats important to remember is that you have to assume that the reader knows very little about the universe you're creating your story in. You don t have to go out crazy and explain what a Toa or Matoran is, but maybe something a little more detailed, like where are they and why are they there. For example right something explains that they are there because The Mata Nui universe was destroyed and hoe that happened. You don't have to do paragraphs on paragraphs explaining this but maybe a few sentences would be nice, just so we get a grip of where the stories talking place and ultimately makes it a more pleasurable experience when reading your work.


    Another thing I would like you to do would be to proof read your work. Whilst reading through it, there is a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in your work which makes it very difficult to read. Before you post, just make sure to read through it carefully and see if it makes sense. If possible get someone else to do it for you. It can be hard to read your work the way others might.


    Also, when characters are speaking, make sure you always start on a new line when a new character speaks otherwise things can be really confusing. You seem to have some decent dialogue in there but with out it being tidied up, Im not sure who is saying what.


    Just some tips to help you in your next chapters.


    PM if you need any more help.

  6. This game is going to be bad.




    It has the single most unfair role in the entire history of Bionicle Mafia.,


    If Valendale is really a member of the Mafia, he has a list of every member of the Village, every role. He can just say, 'Canis is the Turaga, we should kill him.', or something like that.


    Unless I am reading this wrong, of course, but hosts can never be part of the game.


    Now, you could just revive dead Matoran after Night Four as a game role, but for you to actually be a part of the Mafia? That is just, without a doubt, unfair.

    I actually kind if agree unless there is something Im misunderstanding...

  7. Brilliant, simply brilliant.


    It's not some sort of extraordinary talent here, the guys at RoostertTeeth simply have an awesome sense of humor.

    Well, I got into them through Red Vs Blue in like 2008 or something and loved them ever since

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