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Flex Lord Splash

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Everything posted by Flex Lord Splash

  1. IC: Nicole overheard Dallas asking this new girl out, her face turned almost the same shade as her favorite flavor of pink. She stopped doodling in her book and glared at the back of Sakuya's head.
  2. Which characters do you mean? I feel like I've portrayed a lot of them the way I saw them in XMDD. But you're right about one thing, I will start messaging everyone whose characters I've used to see if I can improve. What justification for murderous actions are you speaking of? You mean the Enforcers thing and John's comment? He would of said that, its in character for him and the Enforcer attack was NOT to justify anything it was a major plot device.
  3. Part 3 Rene Lebeau shuffled his worn deck of cards while he watched Showstopper sip from his cappuccino. He looked over at Angela but her eyes looked distant, she got this way when she was seeing things that were about to happen. “We’re about to watch the TV,” Angela said cryptically. “I don’t think we’re going to like what we see.” Okay, that was enough to peak Rene’s interests. He got to his feet, tucking his deck into his pocket as he approached the TV, grabbing the remote off the shelf underneath the screen before he walked back to the table and flipped it on. “BREAKING NEWS! The world is reeling in shock after today’s events in Las Vegas. It appears half of the city has been destroyed by a shock-wave of flame. At first officials believed it to be a massive bomb set off by the terrorists, but further investigation of satellite imaging has confirmed this to be the work of a single mutant named Ashlynn Summers. She is believed to be incredibly dangerous and the Enforcers are working hard to find and detain her. The death toll is continuing to rise as relief efforts are being sent in. President Binder has yet to comment on the matter but we are expecting an official statement soon.” The screen showed an overview of the destruction and replayed scenes of the flames rolling through the city. “Would you look at that…” Dallas said. “Looks like the goody two-shoe X-Men got more than they bargained for. Wonder if any of them survived that. I sure hope Christopher wasn’t with them.” Rene didn’t have the words to express how he felt about what he’d just learned. The News Cast continued however. “In other news… The Enforcers began their raid on the Brotherhood stronghold of Genosha this morning.” The screen now showed what was left of Genosha, which wasn’t much other than rubble.” As you can see Genosha is no more, it is unknown if Terrorist leader Pietro Maximoff survived the blast, or any of his right hand Brotherhood members for that matter.” Rene turned the TV of now. Using his powers over kinetic energy he reversed the energy he’d spent on carrying the remote from the shelf, watching as it flickered up into the air before placing itself onto the shelf. “Shiloh…” he said, hoping, no praying that she hadn’t been there when they’d blasted the place to bits. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed his sisters number. “Hello?” it was her voice, she was okay. Rene sighed in relief. “Just making sure you were okay, I saw what happened to Genosha on the news.” Rene said. “I’m fine; I’m with Pietro, Kane, Dom, Magnitude, Caden, Abraham and Nate. We’re floating around in some huge metal ball Pietro made; he got us out just in time.” She explained. Rene mentally counted the heads, there didn’t seem to be much of the Brotherhood left. “I’m glad you’re fine,” he said evenly. “I’m in Starbucks with my friend Showstopper; he’s the Ultimate Dallas in case you didn’t know, and Angela, we’re in Pennsylvania.” “Pietro says we can come to you. He says he can use you in what is to come.” Shiloh said, she didn’t sound too certain. “And what is to come?” Rene asked. “I don’t know Rene, but I want to see you.” “Fine, I’ll text you the address once you’re off the phone. Stay safe and I’ll see you soon.” He said before hanging up. “My sister is with the Brotherhood, they escaped Genosha and now they’re going to come here. I want to make sure Shiloh is okay.” “Wait a darn minute,” Dallas said. “I didn’t come back to this universe to join murderous frat; I came back here to find my missing and sometimes-murderous-raptor teammate, Christopher.” “He’s going to convince you.” Angela said. “No he’s not.” Dallas shot back. “Dallas, what if the Brotherhood knows where Christopher is? What if they can help us find him? And if you say no I’m still going, and that will mean you won’t get to look at me and enjoy my presence while you go and look for Christopher alone.” Showstopper electric blue eyes didn’t look happy. “Fine, but I’m not joining the Brotherhood, plain and simple.” “No one said you had too.” -****- “Why did they kill kids? Like me?” Jesika asked Nathan as she watched the X-Men finish up their mass burials. “Because they are bad people Jes, that’s why.” Nathan said hugging the little girl closer to him. “I’m sorry you had to see this, it isn’t right.” He said softly. Zack stood about twenty feet away, next to the pile of dead Enforcers. Beast had them strip them of their power armor, saying that the technology could come in handy and they would burn better without it on. Zack now raised both of his hands, focusing on the shard of Phoenix power he felt inside of him. Flame burst from his hands and flew into the pile of bodies. He watched as they caught flame and the fire began to grow. He turned away not wanting to stick around and watch them burn. He watched Tali busy lowering bodies of fallen students and institute friends into the graves Beast had dug for them. He wished they had been able to bury the dead X-Men they’d left behind in Vegas, instead they had just left them there in that destroyed building to rot and be found. He still couldn’t believe his sister had done this. Yes, they hadn’t been super close his entire life but she was still his sister… what if it was the other way around, what if the Phoenix had chosen him instead? What if it had been him that had destroyed Vegas and killed all those people? He didn’t like to think along those lines. Alec walked up to Alex who was busy messing with the dead Sentinels. There was one in working order still, the one John had hijacked, the other three however had blasts through their chest, and one was missing a head. “What you doing Alex?” Alec inquired. “Trying to fix these Sentinels and repurpose them. They could be an effective guard for wherever Beast is going to take us. Either that or we leave them behind here as decoys to distract the Enforcers when they come back while we escape.” He said, clearly busy doing his technopathic work. “Ah, sounds like a good idea.” Alec said. “I’m going to see if there is any of their weapon systems I can acquire for my arm…” Alec said before investigating further. “I found this inside a closet.” Krystal said as she moved over to Nero, who was currently laying down in the grass looking up at the sky. She was pushing a silver wheelchair with large X’s on the wheels. “I think it used to belong to Xavier.” She said. “That’ll work, thank you.” Nero said to his fellow lycan infected mutant. Krystal bent down and helped pull Nero into chair. “Don’t mention it; we have to look after each other. Especially now.” She said. Inside the mansion, Christine and Matt stood vigilant next to Aleks still form. Christine was having a hard time looking at him with all the IV’s hooked up to him. “Are you sure he’s going to be okay?” she asked. “I’m sure.” Hank nodded from a few feet away. “I’m pumping him full of a healing serum designed from the cells of a healing factor mutant. It should speed up the healing process.” Beast informed. His name was Aleksandr Belikov, but the people he knew and loved knew him as Aleksander English. Aleks eyes suddenly snapped open and he bolted upright breathing hard. “Matt?! Christine?! Rebekah?!” he shouted before actually seeing where he was for the first time. He knew this place; it definitely wasn’t some random hospital in Vegas. He was back at the mansion he was home. He smiled at Christine and Matt and then turned to see Hank beaming at him. “Glad to see that you’re awake Aleks; Matt and Christine refused to leave your side.” Hank said. “They’re stubborn like that, but I’m lucky to have them.” Aleks said before he sat up with a cringe, he then immediately began pulling the tubes out of him, cursing in Russian while he did. “Aleks you should really leave those in for a little longer…” Hank said but it was already too late. “I’m fine,” Aleks said. “Whatever you did worked wonders on me doc, just feeling a bit sore." "Where is Rebekah?" Aleks added. "She's fine, she's with Brooklyn, somewhere." Christine said. “I really am sorry,” Matt spoke up first. “For what happened to you it was all my fault, what I did was so stupid.” “Don’t mention it tiger,” Aleks said. “I don’t think I’ve kept you around this long for your intellect.” He said with a wink, Matt’s face flushed. Christine walked up to Aleks and then pressed her lips to his for the second time ever. Their first kiss in Vegas had been more in the moment, but Aleksander couldn’t complain about this one. When she pulled away he could tell her mascara was smeared from crying. “Ah was so worried. Don’t you think you can go do something like that again you big idiot.” She said with a playful shove. Aleks wasn’t sure he was awake or still dreaming. All his time working for Weapon-X as an assassin, and working alone most of the time… he hadn’t felt this much love from two people in a very long time. “I’ll try not too,” he said as he got to his feet. That was when he noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He had a few freshly acquired scars and scabs but it could’ve been worse. “Either one of you got a shirt?” he said looking to Christine first. “I brought one for you.” Matt said as he handed Aleks a blue baseball style T. Aleks wrinkled his nose a bit but pulled it on. “That’ll do pig.” He said in a voice mocking Shiloh’s Web. “Hey that’s mah favorite movie.” Christine said defiantly. “Oh, I know.” Aleks grinned. Ric Carisle sat next to John on the steps of the school, looking out over the field while other X-Men worked hard on damage control and as young kids who hadn’t been shot walked outside collecting their most important items in backpacks and other bags since Beast had told them they’d be moving on soon. “Weird leaving behind the mansion hun?” John said as he sipped from the beer Ric had found inside. “Yeah,” Ric said simply before taking a sip of his own. “I’m sure we’ll be back.” Ric added. “That is if Ash doesn’t torch us all or something.” “I know what you’re feeling man.” John said suddenly. “You do?” Ric said before looking over at John like he was crazy. “I know how you feel because I love her too. I always have. We both have, maybe its cause we were always trying to outshine each other when we were little, even though you were older than me I was always looking up to you.” John said. “Maybe that’s why we both fell for her.” “Either that or it’s just a sick twist of fate.” Ric said. “I still love her but I don’t know what to do John. I know she’s dangerous, I know she’s killed millions of people now but I still wish she was here. Everything seems empty without her.” “I know man, I really do.” John nodded. “When it comes down to it, if we have too… do you think you could? Or even I could… you know… end it if we had too.” he knew his father had killed Jean, but John wasn’t sure he could do the same with Ash. Ric gulped, he didn’t want to think along those lines. He was still furious at his father for trying to kill Ash. “I don’t know John; I’d like to think one of us could if there was no other choice. But look what happened to my dad when he tried. People died. Everything I know just got turned upside down and I don’t have any answers.” “Well, I learned one thing from your classes.” John said. “History tends to repeat itself. I guess that’s what we’re experiencing now, what our parents went through with Jean.” John drained the rest of his beer. “Yeah, we should have been more prepared for this.” Ric said. “There’s no preparing for something like this." "Sorry about Liliana, that couldn't have been easy." "Thanks, I feel like I should be more upset about that then I am." John admitted, he looked at the wedding band still on his finger and then pulled it off before tucking it into his pocket. John then noticed a blue Mustang creeping up the drive before pulling up. It was Matt Summers car. He knew instantly who was behind the wheel. “Cali!” John said as he jumped off the step and launched himself towards Matt’s car. The doors opened and Dallas climbed out along with Nicole, Ashley and some dude John had never seen before who stood next to Nicole. Dallas looked the same as ever, dirty blonde hair falling over his electric blue eyes, same sense of style and same grin on his face as John approached him. “Glad you’re here man.” John said to Dallas. “You didn’t really give me a choice.” Dallas said before he held up a brown paper bag. “I thought you might need this; its’ a little souvenir from our trip, some Cali tree.” John accepted the bag and tucked it away before embracing Dallas in a hug. “Man I love you.” John said before pulling away. “No homo of course.” He added. “Of course,” Dallas nodded. That was a first, hearing John say that, it had been unspoken up till now. Dallas cast his eyes around the school and his smile began to wane. He started to pick up on the emotions permeating around the place. So much confusion, over powering sadness and anger, it was a lot to bare. Dallas shrugged it off however, because he had too. He had to look strong in front of John and the others. “What happened here?” Ashley said as she took a step forward. “The grass is telling me about terrible things… they were covered with blood, so much blood.” Ashley shivered. “Enforcers showed up a few minutes before we got back from Vegas. Started gunning down kids and students alike. We got here in time to save a lot of them, but a lot of them didn’t make it either.” John said darkly. “They brought sentinels too.” He said before pointing at the massive robots Alex was working on, Julia was sitting on the leg of a Sentinel and talking with Alex. “So what’s the plan then?” Dallas asked, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. “Beast can’t expect it to be safe here after this right?” “Right, he said something about us all relocating somewhere, the kids and students are packing up.” John nodded. “Whose the new guy?” Chris trotted up to the group and then peered at Robin. “His name is Robin and he’s like my boyfriend now.” Nicole said before she grabbed Robin’s hand. “He’s also way hot and half vampire.” She then glanced at Dallas to see if he was jealous but he didn’t seem to react at all. “You brought a half vampire here Nicole? What the HeII, we’re all mutants this isn’t a vampire refugee group.” Chris said. “If Cali thinks he’s okay, he’s okay Chris.” John said. “He’s ight.” Dallas said, he honestly hadn’t known Robin for very long, though he couldn’t be completely sane to date Nicole. “Maybe we should go grab a pair of new Sentinel Hands before we leave then.” Dallas said to John who broke out in a grin. “I’m on it.” John said before racing off towards the Sentinels with his claws out. It was then Dallas noticed Beast walk out of the school, followed by Christine, Aleks and Matt. “Children and X-Men of Xaviers institute.” Beast began. “I know it is sad we must leave what has been our home for so long. But as long as the Enforcers know where we are we will never be safe.” Hank said sadly. “I have decided to relocate us all to San Francisco.” Hank said then. “There is an old X-Men base there that is relatively unknown, it hasn’t been used in years and I doubt the Enforcers will know to look for us there. There is plenty of room for all of us.” San Francisco, sounds promising. Dallas thought.
  4. IC: "Hey priest..." John whispered to the man he smelled next to him. His scent had changed positions quite suddenly a few moments ago, first being in front of Captain Allergen and then behind him in a matter of seconds. That lead Johnathan to believe he had some sort of mutant power that was good at moving from place to place. "You think you can get us out of here? I'll be in your debt." Johnathan really didn't want to get detained because of this. He hadn't done anything wrong, but he didn't trust the police. Not at all, and he was pretty sure Dallas, Rebekah and Kristen had no choice but to leave him here. He could already smell Dallas and Rebekah getting father away. IC: The criminal on the bicycle was too fast. Terrance stopped running, breathing hard as he mentally kicked himself. That was when a large drop of blood landed on the ground by his feet. He glanced up at the sky, to see what appeared to be a superhuman floating through the air, blood falling down from what appeared to be bullet wounds. "Hey! You alright up there? I got some first aid in my apartment not too far away!" he cupped his hands and shouted at Zephyr, he decided helping this wounded mutant was probably better then tracking down a mask wearing bike thief.
  5. Don't worry, Jesika will be fine, I promise. She's pretty hard to kill anyway if I remember her powers lol.
  6. So is it just me or does it look like each toa has to fight a different LoSS once they get to their golden mask, before or right after they put it on? I loved the animations, the style, humor etc. The voice acting for Gali did gripe me but I'm pretty sure its a Protector telling her part as if he was Gali. The other voice acting was fine. I like the actiony parts, and the young Protector is adorable. Would be cool if he is Takua. As for the Vahi everywhere, pretty neat, I didn't think about the Toa being the same ones from the old canon transported here for some reason, would be interesting.
  7. OOC: JK one last post before bed IC: Walking down the street Terrance suddenly saw cop cars and heard sirens up ahead. That was when he saw some man wearing an Thor mask tear a bicycle away from an innocent man before peddling away on it. "Hey! That isn't your bike!" Terrance shouted before he began to change the rider.
  8. IC: John raised his hands after knocking Allergen out. He smirked to himself, feeling better for getting one good hit in after the guy had pepper sprayed him. He still couldn't see anything and his eyes burned like HeII. "Officers, this man and his men tried to rob this place, steal my bike at gun-point, and one of them even opened fire. He pepper sprayed me in the eyes, I knocked him out, just doing my civic duty." Johnathan explained. OOC: Well that's it for me guys, heading off to bed
  9. IC: Johnathan stumbled towards the voices, he had good hearing, and an even better sense of smell. He ignored the pain as he stumbled towards Captain Allergen as he prepared to attack Priest. "Shut the **** up!" he said as he threw a punch at the idiot's skull, using his metal hand for the blow, since it harder. Much harder.
  10. IC: John closed his eyes as the pepper-spray was sprayed at him, it still burned like . He stumbled over to Dallas' table, going into his time bubble. "Dallas, I can't see... Get us out of here man."
  11. IC: "And the lights are off... guess I'm not getting any doughnuts." Johnathan sighed. He glanced outside to see his bike was gone, but so was Julia. Good. "Anyone grab those two who ran into the back?"
  12. IC: "The cops are here, just great." John said as he pulled his claws in. "Yo, man you're an idiot. We're the X-Men, the good guys. Your buddies aren't superheroes, look at them they are criminals one tried to rip off my bike from my sister with a gun. And we are NOT Hydra. Wake up man."
  13. IC: Johnathan sneezed hard. "What the ****!?" he then saw some redheaded woman dealing with the gunman who had now taken a hostage.
  14. OOC: I edited my last post to have John attack Pikachu FYI
  15. IC: Johnathan couldn't help but notice the masked man holding Julia at gun point outside. He got up and moved towards the door but held back. There was no way this guy was getting out of this alive or unscathed. John knew she could handle herself however. Plus it seemed there were others interested. That was when the other masked guys started shooting and running for the register. Johnathan charged towards Pikachu; metal claws bursting from his fists as he attempted to slash the gun out of his hand. IC: Terrance had left the Hellicarrier not long after landing on it. SHIELD hadn't been too happy to him landing on it unauthorized and had insisted they could handle his own. So he'd returned the plane, headed home and changed into his civilian clothes, his black ###### hidden behind his clothes as he now made his way down a street in New York, looking for trouble and anyone he could help.
  16. OOC: Captain Alergen, the Mysterious Priest and the Ultimates all at Dunkin at once, its almost too much XD IC: John let out a string of curses as Julia fell to her knees and then turned her back to him. He felt for Julia he really did, but he was torn. It seemed to him she wanted to be alone. "Fine... you can take the bike back to the school if you want, just don't **** it up okay?" he said before tossing her the keys. "If you need to talk or anything, call me okay? Be safe Jules." John then pushed open the door in time to hear some dude wearing a cheap Spiderman costume ask another man also strangely dressed if he was a superhero. "New York..." John shook his head as he walked over to the Ultimate's table. "Real superheroes don't have to call themselves superheroes..." he muttered. Not that he thought he was a superhero. But the Ultimates did save their reality, this guy... well his group looked a bit sketchy.
  17. Angela and Rene are with Showstopper while this happens, I was thinking of bringing them in eventually, but not sure. The rest of the Ultimates would be back in their reality except for Card who stayed, probably going to leave them there. If you don't mind them showing up that is.
  18. IC: "Maybe that's why we need a mission... need something to save so we're not killing ninjas who attack us in the streets." John muttered after Rebekah went inside. "We all have our demons Julia, Dallas was being to hard on you. Its okay, really." but to even him his words sounded hollow. Johnathan had lost himself after being a lycan, he'd been at that point where he had not wanted to look himself in the mirror without seeing a monster. But he was trying to come back from that now.
  19. You're right. I just don't talk to a lot of you anymore, and it was sort of quick idea that I liked a lot and worked hard to put together. If anyone doesn't want their characters to be in at all and not killed off or anything please let me know and I'll remove it.
  20. IC: John let out a sigh of relief when the tension ebbed after Dallas pushed the napkins at Julia and went inside. He glanced at his sister, "Thanks for sticking up for what we did. You sure you want to go in there now?" he asked her. No killing around Card, or if she can hear it... check. Johnathan made a mental note to himself. "Though some doughnuts do sound good." he wasn't sure if Dallas was mad at him after the wink and the off-hand comment.
  21. IC: "Uh..." Johnathan didn't know what to say after Julia's comment. I don't think you're really helping Jules... He thought, hoping he wasn't about to have to chose who to back up between his one time best friend or his sister.
  22. IC: “You got it all wrong Cali,” Johnathan said. “He was out for cold blood, the Hand sent him, I don’t know if you heard that part. He was about to stab Julia, we were trying to find out why the **** he was attacking us. I also had no idea Kristen was listening in, he sliced the phone out of my hand. I don’t know what to tell you other then I’m sorry.” “Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.” John said, not to happy about Dallas low blows. “We don’t have to stay if you want man.” John said not wanting to look Dallas in the eyes for what he’d said about his time as a lycan, to John it was out of line and had nothing to do with what happened. "Its good to know my best friend never had any faith in me..."
  23. IC: "Not what she told me," he shrugged as he continued skating. "She told me she was with them from when she was like three, and some dude named Jake protected her or something, then she got arrested around twenty and sent to prison. That was when Weapon-X sent me and Jeremy Wagner in to get her. Right before Weapon-X kidnapped all the X-Men and stuff." he shrugged. "The Brotherhood used to be pretty big, not surprising you didn't know her." he slid to a stop and kicked his board up now that they had gotten back to the Brotherhood camp. "Thanks for the ride and the quick bite." IC: Johnathan and Julia pulled up outside the address for the Dunkin Showstopper had mentioned. He kicked the stand down and turned the bike off before climbing off. "They should be inside." he said before heading towards the front door to the doughnut shop.
  24. I'm going to leave it alone then, the point where this Fan Fiction takes place divulges from a very certain point in the original game during the Las Vegas crisis so they weren't disbanded and they were at the scene, I'm just gonna leave it the way it is.
  25. Okay, well I don't like loose ends, and I didn't really remember all their names, or the names of their mechs. If they did survive I just had an idea where they could turn against the Enforcers after seeing how they killed all those children and they were replaced by those new Sentinel Mech's but that's up to you if you want them alive, and I'd need some info on them to write them. They were the ones who blasted Aleks after Matt sent a warning shot at them, so it just kinda maid sense to include them, especially since the Enforcers were going to come into play and they worked for them.
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