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Posts posted by Chro

  1. Personally, I think Toa of Gravity are OP as karz (Have you seen what Lammerz can do? I think he Westerwave, and Auron could have a nice showdown and wreck the entire universe while they're at it). I'm not really going to change the legs much (sorry, I'm not into custom legs, except for one design... That, and I have no idea how custom legs even work!), as for Rapture mods, The only fly in the ointment is that I don't have enough ball joints and technic pieces to make Rapture a completely separate MOC. Until then, I guess she and Auron are just going to have to share a MOC.
    Lammerz isn't a Toa of Gravity.Oh, and Westerwave is awful; I was being sarcastic, and referencing how he thinks that MOCs are better or worse based on how powerful you tell people they are.Anyway, on a relevant note, I understand the use of simple legs, sometimes simple is better. I personally think that it would look good when compared to the torso and arms, which have nice custom designs to them. But to each their own.
  2. Yeah, it's a pretty OP power.
    "Pretty OP?" "Pretty OP?" And I thought Toa of Iron were a little overpowered. Oh no, not at all. :/That qualm aside, the MOC itself is nice. I like the custom arms and torso. The legs may need some work to be on par with the rest of it, but are otherwise okay. And the 'Rapture' modifications are neat too.
  3. ...or perhaps "Heroes on the Half Shell". Too bad they aren't clams.Bad jokes aside, the one set looks interesting. The three non-Turtle minifigs look quite interesting to me; I mean, just look at the arms on the wolf thing. I have no idea what the set is supposed to depict (some Turtle-affiliated truck, by the looks of it...) and so I can't rightly compare it to its cartoon/movie incarnations. The suspension and weapon constructs are interesting, to say the least.

  4. Well, I do agree that it looks a lot like Hahli. I like the torso armoring technique, actually... haven't seen it used before. The hair connection construct is creative as well. Maybe if there was a little more detail, just to make the MOC stand out, I might like it better. :lol:

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