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The Legendary TNT

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Status Replies posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. Tasty Holiday Beverage AKA Hot Chocolate.

  2. And so Tonight begins. Slept in so I could be up on BZP all day long. Best part: I had no homework.

  3. I really miss the MNOLG kit, I seem to have lost mine. :(

  4. And so Tonight begins. Slept in so I could be up on BZP all day long. Best part: I had no homework.

  5. This is my new av. I wonder if anyone can guess what power my my character is using at this moment.

  6. you should read my story. yeah you.

  7. And so Tonight begins. Slept in so I could be up on BZP all day long. Best part: I had no homework.

  8. And so Tonight begins. Slept in so I could be up on BZP all day long. Best part: I had no homework.

  9. I would like to order a Bacanator....with out the bacon.

  10. I'm thinking about killing off all my characters rather brutally.

  11. I finally figured out what face I am going to make for my drivers license photo: :Trollface:

  12. I finally figured out what face I am going to make for my drivers license photo: :Trollface:

  13. I would like to order a Bacanator....with out the bacon.

  14. I would like to order a Bacanator....with out the bacon.

  15. Merry christmas.

  16. Who would like to be my right hand man when I enact my plan for world domination?

  17. Why are you all staring at me like that? o_O

  18. Merry christmas.

  19. Water + paper cut = massive stinging. Argh! It hurts when I wash my hands... -_-

  20. Wow... Twinkies are dead... ... ... ... ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, if you need me I'll be busy buying up as many Hostess products as I can just to burn them all. XD

  21. I've been on BZP for three months and a day! Woop!

  22. I'm thankful for spoons

  23. Well I finally figured out the transparency for the new gimp so I'm probably going to start doing more "Gimpy" (I like that word) things.

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