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The Legendary TNT

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Status Updates posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. I kinda wish that we could have seen more instruments from the BIONICLE world. I would have liked to have seen what they played in each region. Just a thought.

  2. I know someone named Steven who would just love your screen name and av.

  3. I love your sig! It made me lol so hard.

    1. Paleo


      Why thank you!

      I forgot what it was for a second :P

  4. I never realized how dependent I was to Brickshelf. Come back, my love, come back!

    1. Hexann



  5. I read that you named your laptop Zane. I don't think that's weird, since I named mine Mata Nui and my flash drive Red Star.

  6. I read your sig. You have 200 posts now.

  7. I really don't want school to start yet...

  8. I swear, you change your avie all the time. Like two to three times a week!

  9. I think people have forgotten my S&T Contest entry. Read The Last Chronicle!

    1. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      If you're wondering where it is, it's about three pages back. Don't post anything, unless it gets revived.

  10. I thought you were Dual Matrix for a second, I was like "Why did he stop using his new avie - wait, post count's too small, that's not him." So...sup!

  11. I wear your granddad's clothes. I look incredible.

  12. I wish I could be as active as I used to...

  13. I wonder when I became a Lightning Voyager...

  14. I'm a cool dude! Nice!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zacian
    3. Zacian


      But I think I'm missing someone.

    4. Zacian


      Oh yeah. It's -Jaller-

  15. I'M A TOA!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I'm back after a weekend. Woop!

  17. I'm back. I had a good birthday if anyone asks (and no one did so far).

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Sorry :(


      Hope you were happy.

    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      It's ok, don't feel bad. Yeah, I got a snapback and a pair of around-the-ear headphones.

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography
  18. I'm going to be a semi-member of Biotube soon. June 24th is the launch of TNTturnedup. Check it out on that one video website!

    1. Kanakalackin
    2. The Legendary TNT
    3. Hexann


      That video site that shall not be name- LORD VOLDETUBE!

  19. I'm gonna post a status update!

  20. I'm so glad the panels of my comic aren't turning out like a pile of Muaka droppings. They look beautiful, if I do say so myself.

  21. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but when your nephew says his favorite movie is TLR and he's seen the other BIONICLE movies...you'd be gone for a long while to trying to convince him of everything otherwise. Mata Nui have mercy on me...

    1. Hexann


      I see your missions been unsuccessful, seeing as how you've been gone for so long. :P

    2. Hexann


      Like, a really, really long time.


    3. Hexann



      Here lies The Legendary TNT.

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