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Great Being Velika

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Posts posted by Great Being Velika

  1. Mine was piraka reidak. I remember seeing him at border's books around 2/12/06 and convinced my grandma to buy him for me just because I thought he looked cool. I got a couple other piraka (Zaktan and I think Thok) a few days later from my other grandma, and that opened pandora's box for me

  2. Hm, this is kinda hard for me to put my finger on exactly. I really liked the phantoka but had a hard time getting as into the mistika. They just all looked ugly to me, save Krika (although he wasn't toa, he is one of my all-time favorite designs). I think I really liked the sky-battle aesthetics more than the swamp and that influenced my perception. The cordak blasters were much better imo as well, and I thought the kanohi on the mistika were far uglier than the nuva or mistika (waffle-eye anyone?)

  3. My first set was Reidak. I found him at borders books(retro, I know) in probably february 2006 with my grandma. I had never heard of Bionicle before and had only gotten into lego about 9 months previously with the Revenge of the Sith SW sets. Anyways, I had no clue who Reidak was but he looked cool, so of course I begged my grandma to get it for me (That was easy. Back then canister sets were so cheap lol). I loved it, and a few days later my other grandma gave me Zaktan and Thok. Uhhh after that I have no idea. Started buying up the visorak and remaining piraka (last one was Avak) then over the years backtracked my collection thanks to ebay.

  4. On 10/1/2019 at 4:19 PM, 25K Now! said:

    @Tyler Durden and @Krayzikk keep me around because otherwise the BZPRPG loses like 50% of its player characters.

    I mostly come back to see if there are any new member title/post rank images getting unlocked by the top posters and gawk at my new spinny. Been itching to see yours for quite a while now. Honestly pretty happy for this update!

    Bionicle was my entire childhood, and, although I was on the younger end, it blows my mind I've been here 7 years and that Bionicle ended around half my life ago. Bionicle has been in my life somehow since I was 6, and this community and bionicle youtube were what got me through ages 10-15.

  5. Current! Although I still have my bionicle stuff, as a 19-year-old, I have definitely outgrown it. I still have it for nostalgia's sake rarely take it out or do much with it. It's still a goal of mine to get the last big sets that I've wanted since childhood (the manas and exo-toa come to mind), but, being a busy college student with an actual life, I can't justify spending three figures on a relatively small set. Now that I'm older, I still love lego, but my focus has shifted from the play aspect to the building aspect as I've grown. I love the creator expert sets, especially the modular buildings, and, since most of them are marketed towards 16+ I can say I fit in that age range. Since they're so expensive, they have become more of a once or twice a year kind of thing, but I still enjoy the experience tremendously. On top of that, I made pretty good money over the summer working at the lego store in my hometown, and, coupled with my employee discount, I was able to pick up a couple really fun sets for myself.

  6. Bought pokemon ultra moon a couple months ago. Really liked the game, especially since the last pokemon games I played were HGSS. I got held up for about a month trying to shiny hunt Giratina in the ultra wormhole, but finally after taking a few weeks off from hunting I found him in 20 minutes, pummeled the E4, and now I'm having a lot of fun IV breeding and training some awesome 'mons!

  7. Ugh this is hard. It's probably a toss-up between 2001 and 2006. I have reasons for both of them, and they always meant a lot to me in different ways.


    2001-the Technic aesthetic. I really love how fun these sets are, the Rahi especially. They're so fun to build and I get hours of fun out of them.

    2006-My first year of Bionicle. I got into the series relatively late, and my first sets were the Piraka. For me, 2006 takes the cake because of Vezon and Kardas. That set is just plain fun and is probably my favorite Bionicle set of all time.

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