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Everything posted by SkyLandOceAnna

  1. I think it'd be interesting to put Sherlock and Doctor Who in the same room together. I wonder if Sherlock could tell The Doctor was an alien quickly or if he'd be able to tell at all. haha lol
  2. -The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. -Coca-Cola was originally green. -Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. -It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs. -Smartest dogs: 1) Scottish border collie; 2) Poodle; 3) Golden Retriever. Dumbest: Afghan hound. -The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.
  3. I agree with Tahu. I wish we could see more into what is going to happen or happened.
  4. I haven't played Runescape in awhile, but that is only because they keep switching the way we see it. I miss the old Grand Exchange, but they have added some better things. I love the holiday quests. Has anyone completed the Christmas one yet? Do you know what we get for finishing it successfully?
  5. The Hobbit. Completed it before the movie came out.
  6. I also like Priuses and Hybrids because they are efficient.
  7. Leave Out All The Rest-Linkin Park New Divide-Linkin Park Love Story-Taylor Swift
  8. I don't watch My Little Pony, but I do have an app for a game with them, which is quite interesting. I haven't played for awhile and I've read about many of the characters and I like Rainbow Dash.
  9. I have watched many anime, but I still regard Sailor Moon as the best. I grew up watching and have the entire series. What got to me though was the fact that they jumped to Japanese talking, which was a real shocker. It is still a great anime just the same.
  10. Tina: Go ahead! Put them on. The girls grab the ring from in front of their faces and put them on, which stops them from glowing. Tina: Ok, we'll start with you daughter and I will tell you all the powers you have. Amy: Powers. Tina: Yes. Powers. Whitney: Yes! I got blue! Tina: Green is for the earth element. Red is for the fire element. Gray is for the air element. Blue is for the water element and... Whitney: Cool! I'm water! Tina: Yeah! Yeah! Whit! Now wait till I'm done speaking. What's wrong Leah? Leah: How come there is also a guy’s mask in this box? Tina grabs the box and the mask. Tina: No reason. Whitney: There's a guy in our group. Who? Where is he? Tina: I don't know who he is or where he is. Leah: What's his power? Tina: He has the power of speed. Leah: What about me? Tina: All I have learned about your powers is that you can fly and can also produce a force field that can stop almost anything, given that you are ready to control it. Emma: That's so cool! Leah: Why am I part of this group? Tina: What do you mean Leah? Leah: I may not know everything about the elements, but I do know that flying and creating a force field is not what one would consider with an element. Tina: That's why you’re the group's leader. Emma: I thought you were the leader mom. Tina: No. I am just your guide. Leah: So, who were those men then? Tina: Before I answer, let's go into the computer room. They do as Tina said, while she goes to the front of the room and turns on the big monitor and grabs her controller to change slides. Tina: Ok now! You can either follow me on your computers or on mine. Felicia: This sounds like a class. Tina: It sort of it, except what you learn in this class can change the world. Now, the first guy, who grabbed Leah's leg, is called Mr. Sandman. Amy: Like the guy who helps people fall asleep. Tina: The same, except he only causes nightmares, and only the ones you won't wake up from. Next we have Mr. Freeze. He, of course, has the power of ice and snow. Last we have Boulder. he is the Shadow's top man, who has the power of strength. Leah: Who's the Shadow then? Tina: He's their leader. He's the one who we are trying to stop from taking control of everything and everyone we know and love. This is him. She clicks her controller. You see a dark shadowy man covered in darkness. Felicia: What can he do? Tina: He controls all the darkness in the world. He can be a huge cloud of smoke or a person's shadow in the daylight. Whitney: Why didn't he try to get us with the others? Tina: Because he can't come to Earth yet. Leah: How come? Tina: For the past five hundred years he has tried to take over the world, but has failed. When he first tried to take us, you stopped him and created a portal that trapped him. He then found a way to allow himself access to Earth every hundred years, but if he was unable to destroy you, then he would be put back in that world for another hundred years. His men though are able to come out five days before he could come to try and keep you weak so when he did come, he would be able to destroy you. Emma: So we have always beaten him then? Tina: Yes, but we almost failed the last time. Leah: Good-bye! Amy: What? Leah: I'm sorry! I can't do this. This is too dangerous. Emma: But the existence of the human race is at stake. Leah: Yeah, but weren't you listening? They almost won the last time. Felicia: But they didn't. Leah: I know, but we could we cause of them winning this time. I'm sorry! I just can't! She begins to walk away. Whitney: But we can't do it without you. Leah stops for a second, but then starts to walk towards the air shaft. She steps in and gets shot up to the surface. The wall opens and she gets out, begins to walk, but then she turns around and looks at the wall the would send her back down underground. Felicia: What do we do now? Emma: We practice and hope we can learn all we need to to defeat the Shadow. Amy: But we don't have our leader. We're gonna need all the help possible. Emma: If we work together and practice, we'll at least be able to try. Whitney: Do you think we'll be able to pull it off Tina? Tina: It's as Emma said. If we practice long enough, I believe we can. Leah: I know we can.
  11. They get out of bed and leave the room. You see many platforms coming from the wall and all the other vampires are laying on them. Kara: Well aren't you nice. Luke: What? Kara: You let them sleep on cots while you sleep in the lap of luxury. Luke: Hey! It wasn't my idea. They wanted to be like vampires and since I technically can't put thirty coffins in here, Jay thought that they could sleep on pull outs from the wall. Brothers. Sisters. Wake up. It is time to go outside. Jay. Kasey. You first. Remove the boulder. All of the vampires wake up and jump down from the beds. Jay and Kasey go to the door and remove the boulder from the entrance. They hurry and move out of the way and so do a few other vampires because of the sun light. Luke: Now to give them a drink. Kara: What? I thought that you weren't going to let them... Luke: Calm down. Not from you. They can't. From you. Kasey and Jay then come over to Luke. He holds out his hands and they biteinto his wrists and drink from them. You see blood drip from his hands.They then stop and lick their lips after standing back up. Jay: That is delicious. Kasey: Yeah! I've never tasted anything like it. I feel so powerful. Jay: I want some more. Kara begins to freak a little and grabs Luke's hand. Luke: No. That's enough. They then walk towards the exit. You see them leave covering their eyes as it has been many years since they too have been out in the sun's rays. Jay: Wow! The sun. It's been so long. Kasey: It's just the way I remember it, but yet it's different. Luke: But it's only temporary. Kara: Well I am glad that you all can experience it again. Jay: You are a gem Kara. Kasey: Yeah! If it wasn't for you, we would have never been able to see the sun ever again. Luke: And as soon as you go through with the ceremony, we will be able to experience it whenever we want. We can be together then, not only in the darkness, but also in the light. Your blood will open a whole new world to us. We will no longer need to hide in the shadows. We now have a chance to create lives of our own and make a difference in the world. You then hear a motorcycle start up. They look around and then up on the highway. You see a man staring at them out in the sun. When Luke sees him, he becomes nervous. Luke: Oh no! It's him! Jay and Kasey then become nervous too. Jay: Luke! We must go back in. Kara: What? Why? Who is he? Luke: He's a hunter.
  12. thank you for your responses...I will do a new person every day though like Kraggh did with his list
  13. A person on BZP has been compiling their list of 10 Most Beautiful Female Characters, so being a girl, I thought I could do a guy version with the Most Handsomest Male Characters in History. #10 Oliver James: He is most famous for his roles as Ian Wallace in What a Girl Wants and as Jay Corgan in Raise Your Voice. In What a Girl Wants, he meets Daphne Reynolds, played by Amanda Bynes. Daphne leaves home in search of her high-profile poititian father, Lord Henry Dashwood, played by Colin Firth. On her journey she meets Ian and a relationship arises amongst them. Daphne's father disagrees with their relationship, seeing Jay as a bad boy, and a risk to his aristocratic lifestyle. Not liking the person she becomes and realizing it through Oliver James' character, she leaves for home. Her father (Colin) realizes that her mother was sent away due to his fiancee's father, he follows Daphne and meets his lost love Libby, Daphne's mother, and brings Ian with him. They dance together at the wedding which she is waitressing and her mother is singing. Happy ending. In Raise Your Voice, Hilary Duff stars as Terri Fletcher. Due to the loss of her brother's life one night due to a car accident, Terri had lost her ambition for singing, which her brother was proud of. Frances, Duff's mother convinces her to go to a music program she was interested in and uses Aunt Nina as an excuse for where she was going, because of her father's disapproval and resentment. When she arrives, the door is locked, and she is let in by Jay Corgan (Oliver). During the course of her stay, she builds a relationship with Jay who has another student Robin, trying to rekindle their relationship from the summer before. Terri walks in on Robin giving him a kiss as he pushes her away. Terrie becomes heartbroken, but doesn't believe him that it was not his decision. Later he arrives drunk and she keeps him out of sight, so he won't have to leave. She tells him about her brother and his accident, which brings them back together, and they decide to complete the song they wrote for the final day of school. Terri's father ends up showing up and is packing her stuff. She begs him to let her finish what she started and he concedes. Jay and Terri sing their song for everyone as do the other contestants. Her father realizes that he must let her do her own thing watching her perform with Jay. Happy ending. Overall his characters are very interesting to me. Of course he has the hot appearance appeal to him, but he also is a great friend who tries to help the female leads see that they can do anything and that they don't need to change who they are. He helped them see the good in themselves and rise above all odds and understand who they are meant to be.
  14. lights keep going off...I do not like the dark...why you gotta be so mean snow

  15. I know what you mean; or like what you see in a movie. Thank you for your response!
  16. When the lightning strikes and the thunders roar I am the waves that rise above the storm I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar I am the fire within, ready to swarm I am the earth, I am body, I am Life. When the earth swallows and covers you I am the life that devours I am that which turned you blue I am one who’s beside you in your final hours I am darkness, I am soul, I am Death. When the unthinkable happens or a memory is lost I am that unexplained moment of pure bliss I am a path that cannot be crossed I am when something is amiss I am hidden, I am confusion, I am Undefined.
  17. Open with a girl riding an old fashioned bike on the streets waving to people as she goes. She stops when she sees a young girl alone in an alley covered in a blanket looking in the garbage for food. She goes up to a stand selling fresh produce and bread. Girl: May I have a loaf of bread and an apple? Man: That'll be five pence ma'am. She reaches in her pocket and then hands him the money. Girl: Thanks! She then breaks the bread in half. She puts half in her satchel and heads over to the little girl. Girl: Hello there! What's your name? Young girl: Sarah! Girl: It's nice to meet you Sarah! She says it sadly and the young girl notices. Young girl: What's wrong? Girl: You really want to know? The young girl nods her head. Girl: Alright, but first you have to come on out of there. Young girl: Ok! She goes over and helps her out of the garbage and back on the ground. Girl: There you go! She then begins to walk away, but the young girl goes after her. Young girl: Hey wait! You're supposed to tell me why you're sad. She smiles but turns around without it. Girl: Oh right! Yeah! She reaches into her satchel and pulls out the bread half. Girl: You see, I was hungry right, so I bought a loaf of bread, but after a few bites I got full, and my mom told me not to fill myself up and spoil my appetite for dinner. If she finds out I had this bread she will get really upset and I don't know what else to do. She takes a deep breath and lets it out. Girl: So you see my dilemma? The young girl begins to think and the girl sees it. Young girl: Well, I could take it for you and then you won't have to get into trouble. Girl: Oh, would you? She nods. Girl: Wow! Thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate this. Thank you Sarah! She hands her the bread and walks back until she reaches her bike. Girl: I'll always remember this. She gets on her bike and they both wave, as Sarah runs off and the girl drives off. She continues riding with a smile on her face until she goes around a corner and sees many police and news reporters around her house. She speeds up on her bike as her smile turns to worry and fear. She drops her bike and runs up to the house only to be stopped by an officer. Girl: No, that's my house! The air fills with silence except for the breath she releases as she runs to the front door and opens it after escaping from the grip of the police officer. She opens it and sees her parents lying on the floor with police everywhere. A tear releases unto her cheek. An officer then walks up to her, picks her up, and then turns to leave with her, but she looks back and watches, not knowing her life was about to change. At the police station... A man enters the room where she sits, waiting. Man: I'm sorry to hear about your parents. They were well known, giving to every charity in the community. I'm Chief Williams and I promise we will find your parents' killer. It has become one of my top priorities. As for now, it seems you have only one family member close enough that we can send you to until we figure out who your parents placed as your guardian in their will. He is your uncle. Now Mr. Vladimir has been notified about your situation and should be here shortly. He, too, is a respectable member of our society. He has taken in many orphans and made them part of his family as he has no wife to speak of. All your belongings will stay at your home and you uncle plans to stay at the house with you with the other children until everything has been finalized. Vladimir looks through the window of Chief Williams’ office. Williams: And there he is now. The chief stands up as does she and they turn around as he walks through the door. He rushes over and hugs her. Vladimir: Oh you poor child. I am so sorry about your parents. Your father was the best brother ever. Come on dear! Let's get you home! He grabs her hand and uses his other hand to shake Williams’ hand. Williams: I’m sorry it turned out this way for your brother. He was a good man who was a respected member of our dear community. Vladimir: I know. He was always great with getting himself well known through his deeds. I only wish I could’ve saved him. Williams: Seems you and your brother have a lot in common. My only hope is that we can find who did this terrible thing. Vladimir: So you think this was a murder. Williams: So it seems. We’ll be sure to let you know if anything changes in the case. He bends down to the little girl. Williams: I am sorry for your loss. You’ll be in great hands with your uncle. The door of the house then opens and you see about thirteen children waiting for them. Vladimir: These are my other children. None are my own flesh and bone though like you, but I treat them like they were my own. Now, because of your devastating situation, you will be given extra special treatment. So, what is your name? She opens her mouth until… Vladimir: No wait! Your starting a new life now so you should have a new, better name. I’m thinking Charlotte. Girl: I… Vladimir: Ah! No need to thank me. I’m going to take great care of you. You’re family. Now you can go and take some time up in your room. I know how hard it can be to lose your parents. The children and I will work on dinner. She turns and goes upstairs and then… Vladimir: Alright children! Now I want you to cook a most delicious dinner for us tonight and to do all the cleaning. I don’t want Charlotte to have to even lift a single finger. She is not to have to work at all. Am I clear? The children all nod their hands. Vladimir: Good! Then why don’t I see anybody moving? Go! The children scurry off in every direction. Vladimir turns around and shuts the double door with a huge mischievous smile on his face. You then see Charlotte in her room sitting against the backboard of her bed with a quill, ink, and a piece of parchment paper. You hear her thoughts as she writes them down. Charlotte: As I am writing this, my life is already beginning to change. My uncle Vladimir is creating a whole new life for me. I fear I will soon forget my old life and my memories will turn to stone. He seems to be up to something, but as to what, I am not sure. This note will ensure that my memories will remain close to my heart. The key to my locket shall be hidden too, with it protecting the memory of my parents as I keep the locket with me, and the secret of my true name, which has been taken away. I will then be able to find my way home, as I will place it in a secret locker known only by myself and hidden meanings surrounding my new room. You then see her look around the room. She notices a small hole that once held a knob she spots on the floor below. She puts the note and locket in a wall socket covered by a knob. Charlotte: Good luck my dear.
  18. You then are back in the cave with Luke and Kara. Kara: I'm sorry but I don't want to be part of this prophecy you’re describing. I just want to finish my last semester of school and get a job and go on with my life. Luke: Well I'm sorry, but your destined for so much more. I'll show you tomorrow. For now we must sleep. Kara: But I thought vampires only slept during the day. Luke: Normally I do, but when there is nothing else to do, I lay awake during the day and sleep at night. Kara: Sounds like being a vampire is lonely. So, there is no lady vampire that you like? Luke: No! Everyone changes when they become a vampire. They aren't the same when they become one of us. They're too wild and only want to party and drink blood. Kara: And you didn't? Luke: I did at first, but my brothers and I figured that there is more to life than drinking blood and partying. That is why I created this area where we could do that and then hypnotize them to not remember what happened to them so they can continue living. Not all are so kind. Kara: But you still take their blood. His face hardens. Kara sees this and changes the subject. Kara: So…You have brothers? Luke: Not actual brothers. They're more like bloodline brothers. They all drank from the same vampire. Kara: And where is he? I would have thought vampires stayed with their families. Luke: Yeah, well, he doesn't stay in the same place very long and he prefers to be alone. Kara then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she massages the side of her neck. Luke: Come on. It's time to sleep. Kara: You promise you won't try to bite me again. Luke: Yes. She then rubs her arms, signifying that she is cold, even though he put a furry black jacket on her. Luke: Are you cold? Kara: Freezing! I don't know how you stand this cold. Luke: Well we are technically dead. We can't feel the cold. Here let me help warm you. He goes around to the other side of the bed and gets under the covers with her and puts his arms around her. Luke: Is that better? Kara(nervously): Yeah! Don't think that this is going to go anywhere. I would've expected you to be colder. Luke: I don't! normally we are cold unless we have drank blood. It keeps our bodies warm to the touch. Kara: Oh! (regretting even asking) You then see them a little later. Her eyes are open and his are shut, but he is still awake. Kara: Luke? Luke: Yes. She turns towards him. Kara: I was wondering. Have you ever had someone that you could spend eternity with? Luke: No. Kara: It must be so lonely not having someone to talk to. Luke: Well I have the others. Kara: No. You know what I mean. Luke: Yeah, but once in awhile you meet someone that you can really connect with and makes you feel like you are human and you regret all the deaths you were a part of and wish that you could be just like them, but then they grow old and die, while you live on. But being able to spend night and day with them makes their death seem bearable, even though you are meant to live for eternity. Just to experience a little good in the world can make all the difference for us and your blood is the key. It is a God send that it was given to someone as beautiful and special as you. I'm glad that it was you. They stare at each other for a second and then he leans in and kisses her. He stops and looks at her and then she kisses him and you see them kiss for a minute and hold each other. You then see them the next morning facing each other asleep. Kara wakes up and sees him. She then slowly gets up and sees a pen on the nightstand. She picks it up and goes to his side of the bed. She holds it above her head and then looks at where she is going to stab his heart. He moves slightly which gives her a clearer shot, but she then looks sadly at him and puts her arm and hand with the pen in it to her side and then drops the pen. She goes back to the other side and gets back in bed with him. She then turns towards him and stares at him until he turns towards her and says... Luke: Why didn't you do it? Kara: You knew? Why didn't you say anything or try to stop me? Luke: You didn't answer my question? Kara: Because... Hmm! Because even though you’re a vampire, a creature that is the definition of evil, you still have a heart. You didn't choose to become one. You are a good person and I want to make sure that you can enjoy life like you were meant to. I want to go through with the ceremony so you can walk in the sun again. Luke: Really! Kara: Yeah! I'm sure you would have done it anyway. Luke: I don't know. I've kind of grown attached to you.. Kara: Me too and in such a short time. How odd! Hmmm! Anyways! Now that you don't have to worry about me running away, could I go outside the cave and let my dad know I am ok and I am going to see him soon. Luke: Yeah! I wanted to show you something and I can't if we don't go outside. Kara: Well then. Let's get going! Luke: Alright!
  19. Emma: Mom! What's happening? Tina: Your destiny. Emma: What? The building stops shaking. Leah: It stopped. Emma: What do you mean it was our destiny? A big bright light appears and then the figures of three persons appear in the light. Tina: Run! Whitney: What? Tina: Run! Get into the storage room! They begin to run in the room until Leah's foot is grabbed. Leah: Ah, my foot! She grabs onto the threshold. Felicia: Grab her hands. Tina and Emma grab her hands. Tina: Don't let them get her. Felicia: Look! His arm is made out of sand. As she points at his arm, fire comes out of her finger on his arm. Whitney: Fire! How'd you do that? We need water. Then as Whitney points, water comes out, and extinguishes the fire. Leah then kicks the guy in the face, which knocks him into the other guys, and then the light disappears. They shut the door and look at Tina moving some boxes and the carpet beneath them. Tina: Come on girls! Get in here. They run into the hole after they block the door and then Leah sees the box on the bookcase shaking. Tina hurries over to her. Tina: Hurry Leah! Leah runs into the hole while Tina grabs the box and follows. As she covers the hole, the men break the door open. Mr. Sandman: Where'd they go? Mr. Freeze: Forget it! We did our job. Let's report back to the Shadow. Back in the tunnel… Felicia: What's going on? Where are we? Leah: And what is up with that box? Tina: We're in the sewers below the city. Whitney: Eww! These are my new shoes. Tina: We're almost there! I'll explain everything when we get there. Whitney: Get where? Tina: You'll see. It is just around the corner. They reach a wall. Felicia: What are we doing here? Tina: I'm gonna show you! Hold on! Leah: What do you mean? Tina pushes a brick in and the floor below them opens and they fall and begin to scream. You see them go down a big slide until they hit the bottom. Leah: It's dark in here. Where are we? Tina: About 100 feet beneath the city. Tina flips a switch and then lights begin to turn on to a huge gym-like area. Felicia: It's an empty room. Tina: Actually, It is not as empty as you think. Tina flips another switch that opens the walls in different areas to rooms. Whitney: Whoa! Tina: Let me give you the tour. They follow Tina to the rooms. Tina: This is the computer room. The room had many computer starting up. There were many buttons and screens of different sizes. The biggest was in the back and it was about the size of the wall, with the control console below it. Emma: That's a lot of computers. Felicia: And that's the biggest one I've ever seen. Tina: That's mine! The rest are yours, but they are all set up differently for different purposes. You will all be separated by colors. Amy: Hey guys! Look at this! They leave the room and go to another room. Leah: What's up with the fire extinguishers? Tina: Let's just say that a lot of fires will occur. I also put drains in the main room. Ok, let's go to the next room. They walk to the next room, which is the size of a walk-in closet. It wasn't that big. Felicia: There's nothing in this room! Felicia begins to walk towards the room to go in it. Tina: I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Felicia jumps back. Felicia: Why? What's in there? Tina: There's nothing in there. Felicia: Then why can't I go in there? Tina: Because it'll suck you up. Leah/Emma: What? They look at each other and smile. Tina: If you step in there, the air pressure will send you up. Felicia: Up? Up where? Tina: To the tunnel we entered here from. Amy: That's not the only way out, is it? Tina: I'm afraid so. Amy: No way! Whitney: Hey guys! Come here! Quick! Tina: Oh no! She's found it. They all go to the next room to see Whitney looking at a room full of clothes. Emma: Wow! That's a lot of clothes. Leah: Yeah! And they are the same colors as the computers. Emma: Why is that mom? Tina: Follow me. I'll show you. They follow Tina to where the main room they came in. She picks the box up off the floor. Tina: In this box are the most powerful and important things I have to give to you. These, too, have those same five colors you saw in the other rooms. Leah: How do you know who gets what color? Whitney: By who calls it first. Whitney/Emma: Blue! Whitney: I get it! Emma: No, I want it! Tina: Sorry you two, but that is not how we will decide. Emma: Then how? Tina: By what's in this box. Leah: What is in the box? Tina: I'll show you if you promise to stay still. Tina gives the box to Leah, who opens it, and pulls out five rings. She then hands them to Tina. Whitney: They're rings. Felicia: How will those help us decide anything? Tina: You'll see. Felicia: When? Tina: Now! She tosses the rings up and they float in the air for a bit and then go over in front of the correct girl. They stare at them as they glow brightly.
  20. Winter springs aliveAt the end of the yearNever giving inTo the hopes of some people Thus creating a fear On the hopes they had Believing that accidents may occur Every time they braved the outside world For the ice that lay beneath the snowy Roads give chances of sliding on Ice and twisting around Every time they press on the break leading them Near the shoulder or edge of the road calling Death to take Someone who couldn’t keep control
  21. I think it's great when people can criticize their own work. When writers can determine what needs to be changed in their story, it shows how talented they are and how they aren't selfish in thinking they are the best. Thank you!
  22. Sunlight faded On wings of darkness and new light Ringing in the New YearRaising the moon in the midnight skyYou raise a glass for thisJoyous occasionOn the death of a year gone byHanging onto thoseNew resolutions andHearing the excitementOnly you’ll just beOffering themYour smile andEars to theirRaining enthusiasm and celebratory applause
  23. The alarm went off. She struggled out from beneath the covers. She wanted to go back to bed, but unfortunately her life no longer allowed her to do such things. She had three boys to get ready for school and had to make breakfast as well. She nudged her husband to get up as well, so he could get himself ready for work, as well as help her with the boys. Two were 8 and the other was 14. It was hard being the only girl in the house. Still she wouldn’t change a thing, except maybe getting some help with chores once in awhile, since she was what was called a ‘housewife’. At least she didn’t clean the boys’ rooms, just took their laundry, and they did the rest. And her husband would do cooking some nights as well when he got home. She went off to the twins’ room and flipped the switch. She told them it was time to get up and they squirmed around under the covers asking for five more minutes. She went over and pulled off their covers. They moaned as they slowly pulled themselves up and out of their beds and to the bathroom. She grabbed clothes from their closets and socks and bottoms from their drawers. She liked giving them their freedom with choosing clothes, but sometimes those old habits die hard. When the first one came back, she handed him his clothes and put the other’s stuff on his bed and left so he could change. She then went to the oldest child’s room, but he was already getting ready. He liked school and was very responsible, so she went to start working on breakfast. She first, stopped off at her room to make sure her husband was up. She heard the shower running, so she laid out his suit for work and went to start working on breakfast. She made pancakes and bacon and eggs. When she was done, all of the boys came out and sat down. They thanked her for the food and began eating. Being their father’s sons, they ate rather quickly, hardly ever taking the time to savor each bite. When done, the boys went for their backpacks, and to put their shoes on, while Becky and Jay talked about their schedules for the day. Jay would go to work and give his big presentation he put together discussing energy conservation and then stop and get some chicken from the store to cook for supper. Becky would take the boys to school and then do some laundry and housecleaning while they were at school. Afterwards, she would pick the boys up and take them to their taekwondo class. She would be able to relax for a bit whilst they were in class and probably do some folding of the laundry if anything. After this, her husband put the dishes in the sink and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and headed off to work. She then yelled to the boys to get outside to the car, so she could take them to school. That’s when the fun started. One of the twins misplaced their math homework, but Becky knew where it was. She told him to check the computer desk in the living room. Sure enough it was there. Then the other twin just couldn’t find his other shoe. She told him to check under his bed and there is was. She never understood how one would find its way in there. It was probably the dog dragging their shoes around by the strings. It was just a little dog and she never seemed to chew the shoes, just managed to drag them around the house and leave them wherever. The only reason she considered under the bed was because she saw the dog in there the night before playing around under the bed. She assumed it was her pig ear, but then decided it could be the shoe, and she was right. The oldest was at the door when Becky and the twins went to it. Becky noticed a big wet spot on his shirt and asked what had happened and why it was wet. He said he got syrup from the pancakes on it and tried rinsing it off. She asked him to go get a different shirt and that she would watch it later to make sure all the syrup was off. He went and changed as the others went out to the car. They tried getting shotgun like they seemed to do every morning, but once again she told them that James, the oldest, got it because she didn’t want them riding in the front. She thought they were still too young and that it was dangerous. James then locked the door and hopped in the front passenger seat. She dropped the boys off and went home to do the housework. She cleaned the kitchen, and then she worked on laundry in-between cleaning the living room and bathroom. It was then time to pick the boys up. She dropped them off at taekwondo and then took a walk around the block a couple times while listening to her iPod, before taking a shower. Once out she worked on putting the laundry away when the boys and her husband came in all excited about thei r class and something else that they wouldn’t say. Jay was acting weird too. While they worked on homework, Becky tried helping Jay with supper, but he told her to just relax and watch something on TV until supper was ready. She did just that and when she could smell he was just about done, she went to try and set up the table, but it was already done. She was happy that Jay had done so, so she went and gave him a big kiss and helped bring the food dishes to the table. Jay called the boys and they had supper and Jay did the dishes, which really shocked Becky. Jay didn’t really like doing the dishes, but it was in such a good mood. She figured the presentation must’ve went better than he mentioned. The kids went to bed without a fuss for Jay, probably because tomorrow was the weekend, and then Becky and Jay went to their room. The next morning while Becky was fast asleep, she heard a loud commotion. She awoke to her children and Jay wishing her a Happy Mother’s Day. Of course! How could she forget it was Mother’s Day? This was why they were so cooperative last night. They wanted her to be happy and rested for her special day. Jay must’ve talked to them on the way home about it. They gave her her breakfast, like you see in the movies, on a little table they sat across her. They all piled gifts at her as well. She made sure to take a couple bites of her pancakes with strawberries and waffles and a few sips of her orange juice before opening them. She got perfume and some bath salts and earrings from the boys. Her husband they brought in some roses from the other room and gave her a wrapped square thing. When she unwrapped it, it was a photo of the boys. She was so thrilled he had done that for her and how cute they all were in the picture. Becky was so thankful for what her family had done for her and by the kind words they put in their homemade and store bought cards. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you! Any and all comments appreciated.
  24. I do see why you used this for settlement, because they appear to be creating a settlement on this new land. I don't think you gave too much of a story though because you have the man working, partying, and stargazing with a woman. I think if you described the trip more to this new settlement they were building, it might have worked better. Keep writing! Thank you!
  25. I thought that was a great story. At first I didn't realize you were makign the worms out to be such a bad thing until the end of the second paragraph. It was very original in how you used the word settlement for this ambage, but you used it well. As TahuNuvaFan mentioned, this definitely requires a sequel. Thank you!
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