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Ok I just saw the most recent Death Battle of the Dragonzord Vs. Mechazilla and it got me trying to think of a possible Bionicle rep. While I settled on Toa Tahu Mata as our hero I cannot for the life of me think of any characters in other media that could work, I've had this conundrum before ages ago after seeing the Charizard fight Augumon. Tahu's skills, strength and abilities can be quantified and all his masks (This is why I picked his Mata form as the Nuva doesn't have all his masks anymore, granted Death Battles are set in alternative and often conflicting timelines a one on one fight makes the Nuva's share enhancement moot) The best idea I have for a suggestion is The Human Torch of Fantastic 4 fame but he isn't exactly a fair opponent since Tahu can literally pull his power away and into himself. I'm not sure if the forums allow for this kind of discussion, since by and large a Death Battle with Wiz and Boomstick as the hosts automatically mean someone has to die and it could be messy. But I can't think of any reason it would break any rules I know of. If it happens that it isn't I ask the Admins to lock or delete the thread and as well give me a warning, I do not want to be banned from a place as awesome as Bzpower. As the great Scott McNeil (Who was the voice for two of the Toa Nuva in Mask of Light) "I have found my clan" one of many I do not wish to be banished from, and I know what you're thinking "I think you're over thinking the
Author's note: just a quick something i thought up and wanted to write. i figured the red star must have been functional at this point, right? what would that have been like, since i'm sure it was being used a lot... I got logged out while typing this, so was only able to post this much. I'll either finish it later, or add it as another post. Currently having problems while editing on mobile, so that's fun too. Anyway... Here's what I managed to save. Is there a way to save draft posts manually? For a while now, the city of Metru Nui had been at war. It had started as something petty between po-matoran and ta-matoran, but the other districts eventually got drawn into the conflict, and the fighting started to get more serious. today, that's why there was a ko-matoran sitting at the top of a knowledge tower in a sniper's nest with some new kind of launcher the city's matoran had recently been employing to great lethal effect, rumored to have been built on Xia. there was a small scope on top of a long cylinder, with a trigger mechanism at one end. when the trigger was pulled, a small explosive charge launched a tiny metal fragment out of the other end of the cylinder at a very high speed. The ko-matoran willed the mechanical lens in his akaku to activate, sliding down in place over the right eyehole in his mask. it softly wirred as he inspected the landscape. if his intel was correct, the canal below him was about to allow a small squad of ga-matoran to sneak into the metru, and break into the knowledge tower he was in to steal or destroy some rather valuable documents detailing plans on ko-matoran war strategy. as the sniper on his team, it was his job to take them out as they arrived in the canal, before they could do anything to the researchers in the tower on the floors below him. nobody thought they'd be dumb enough to openly row in on a boat, but just as a precaution, all shipments to the area had been put on hold for the day. Snow began to gently drift down from the grey skies above. the ko-matoran still sat in wait, peering out the open window. every once in a while, he'd check his weaponry, making sure everything was ready, even though he knew it was. a couple times, he almost reached for his radio to ask their leader if they were sure this was the tower the ga-matoran were after, but realized the noise could give away his position to anyone who might be watching - a relatively new tool, the radio he was using was not refined, and made a loud cackle whenever someone on the other end started talking, so it would have to stay off for now. As the appointed time limit came and went, every ripple in the water made the ko-matoran jump. the gentle breeze moving between the towers made far more ripples than he could pay attention to, but some were larger than others, and drew his attention quickly, and increased his heart rate, which, he noted, was not good for someone who needed to be a good shot. There. That last one wasn't just a wind-created ripple, he was sure of it this time. once more employing the lens on his akaku, he zoomed in, and saw that, indeed, a small and discreet periscope had just surfaced in the canal, peering left, then right. with his heart pounding, he willed his mask's lens to move out of the way, and instead lined up his eye with the scope on his weapon. a blue mask came out of the water, and the matoran wearing it followed. as the ga-matoran silently climbed out of the canal, three others surfaced and followed. at the top of the tower, the ko-matoran made a mental note that their latest source of intel on ga-metru was one for one so far. still watching through his weapon's scope, he slipped his first finger over the safety switch, and disabled it. the ga-matoran who had climbed out of the canal first turned away from his teammates and began moving towards the tower, signaling for the others to follow. the ko-matoran had a perfect shot, but once one was down, the others would be harder to hit, and he'd likely be compromised. he exhaled all of his breath. it was a risk he'd have to take, since there wasn't anyone else on this mission with him today. maybe we ice matoran should reconsider working alone, he thought. his finger began to squeeze the trigger... moments earlier... A ga-matoran and her three ga-matoran teammates swam through the icy canals of ko-metru. over their kanohi masks, they had a breathing apparatus that would allow them to stay under water without surfacing for air. besides that, they did not have much else with them, for they were on a stealth mission - they aimed to steal valuable information on enemy positions, and more gear would just be noisy and slow them down, particularly in the typically quiet district of ko-metru. when they reached the designated spot, their leader swam towards the surface of the canal, and pulled out a periscope to scout the area. the ga-matoran watched his head breach the surface, and then his signal for the rest to follow. the ga-matoran waited for her turn as the second of her team swam her way to the surface and climbed out, then she followed. as her head breached the surface, she felt the frigid air blow across her mask's eye and mouth holes, and the back of her head, chilling her. she climbed out of the canal, and turned to help her last teammate, who slipped a little as he climbed out. their leader nodded to them, turned and motioned for them to follow him to the knowledge tower he was pointing at. CRACK. The loud report of the rifle echoed a thousand times through the icy ko-metru air. up above, the ko-matoran took a breath, and reached to chamber another round in his weapon before realigning his eye with the scope. on the ground, it seemed like the next half second took an hour, and the following seconds ages. the ga-matoran saw her leader stiffen and jump backwards, then twist and collapse, supine on the ground before his team. the first thing they noticed was that his eyes and heartlight were dark. then their attention was drawn to the spiderweb of cracks on his mask, all drawing their origin back to a large hole where he'd been hit. blood began to seep from behind the mask and the back of his head, staining the many snowflakes that had begun to accumulate on the street. his second-in-command gestured sharply for the team to retreat, and they obeyed without questioning her order, although the ga-matoran couldn't help but steal a look back at their fallen leader. her teammate that she had helped out of the canal dove back in, quickly resurfaced, and raised a smaller projectile weapon, aiming where he thought the attack had come from, covering for his two remaining teammates. High in the tower, the ko-matoran took aim at the woman who was obviously the first man's lieutenant, and fired again. his first shot had been a bull's eye, but with his targets now on the move, his second shot missed, and barely clipped the arm of the other woman on the team. the last ga-matoran still standing, a man who had been carrying most of their minimal gear, was already back in the canal, and was returning fire, giving time for the lieutenant to go back for their fallen commander. as the matoran in the canal fired wildly, the ko-matoran was forced to pull back for a moment as a stray shot came too close for comfort, even though it was obvious his opponent had no idea where he was. Two of the ga-matoran were now back in the canal, and the last was on her way. the ko-matoran fired again, forcing her to drop the fallen first matoran as the ko-matoran missed and hit her hand. the ga-matoran tripped, and fell into the water. the ko-matoran leaned out the window just a little more to get a better shot - this was his last chance to hit another one of them before they got away, he was sure of it. his shoulder brushed up against something, but he payed no attention to it - he had to make this shot! unfortunately, that something started to fall out the window, and too late, he realized het'd made a fatal error - his radio! if that fell, then his position would be compromised, and beyond that, anyone who took the fallen item might be able to spy on ko-matoran communications. he took his hand off the barrel of his weapon to swipe at the falling object, and... He caught it. just barely. inching himself back to safety inside the tower, he held the radio in one hand, and his weapon in his other. however, with only one hand to support the weapon, it was too heavy, and began to sag forward, and the stand he had it propped up on to steady it popped out from underneath it. the sudden motion pulled him forward, and with both hands full, he desperately grabbed at the window sill to no avail. he slipped from his perch, and watched the ground suddenly rush closer, with the wind whistling in his ears. *** The body of the slain ga-matoran laid alone on the ground in streets of ko-metru. the snow was falling harder now, and the other three still living matoran had fled, under attack with no obvious source, and unable to defend themselves. were it not for the body and bloodstains, the scene would be peaceful, beautiful. as if to remind an onlooker that this scene was not in face peaceful nor beautiful, a second matoran, this one of ice, suddenly came falling from the sky and crashed to his death on the pavement next to the first matoran. his armor was cracked all over, and his blue eyes and heartlight flickered briefly for a second before going dark. his hands slackened, and the rifle and radio he was holding softly clattered as they laid on the pavement. *** the ko-matoran woke up, or at least he was pretty sure he did. there were bright lights, bright enough to make it hard to see. he was laying on a slab, and someone or something, maybe many someones or somethings, were poking, pulling, and prodding at him. before he could figure out much more of what was going on around him, he fell painfully back asleep.
Hi all! Random fast build (took only 1 night to create) — little emogirl. Click to show
Death is a simple thing. It is the opposite of living, which is what you are doing right now. It is what you would like to not be doing within the next five minutes. Unfortunately for all of you, you have been captured by the fearsome MAKUTA TOD (“Tod” means “Death” in German, for those of you unaware. Just ask Google! They are never wrong). Now, being captured by any old Makuta would be fine, but MAKUTA TOD likes to eat his subjects with shadow hands, and when MAKUTA TOD eats his subjects with shadow hands, his subjects die. Luckily for all of you, you are all selfless individuals, and have also all been conveniently trapped within a large room together – a room in which there is a vast variety of many various things that you all might use to defend yourselves or escape the shadow hands of MAKUTA TOD. Unluckily, it seems that selfishness (even the type of selfishness that involves self-defense, such as “oh my god that is a shadow hand coming to eat me I better jump behind this couch”) will cause you to die immediately. As in your heart (or whatever Matoran have) will instantly stop beating and your corpse will drop to the floor, and MAKUTA TOD will eat you. But of course, there are so many of you in this room that it won’t be a problem. For you are warriors of sunshine! And lollipopss! And rainbows? And you will defend each other to save each other, so that all of you might live again amongst the flowers! THE OBJECTIVE Keep each other alive until the game ends! You get one point every time that you save someone from MAKUTA TOD. Additional points will be given out for creativity, moral support, and other sunny dispositional things. Maybe I will give you extra points just because I am feeling nice, and that is what nice people do! If you have the most points at the end of the game, you win! If everybody is alive at the end of the game, you all get to be freed from the imprisonment of MAKUTA TOD! If someone somehow convinces MAKUTA TOD to join you on the side of sunshine and lollipops and rainbows, they will get a billion points! If this happens before the game ends though, then MAKUTA TOD’S boss will start trying to kill you. If you convince MAKUTA TOD’S boss to join you, then MAKUTA TOD’S boss’s boss will start trying to kill you. If you – well, you get the point. The game won’t actually end until it’s supposed to end. When you save someone from MAKUTA TOD, I will award you points, and then somebody must save you. If I am not around, multiple people can be saved in rapid succession and then I will give points whenever I return to the online world (if this happens, bonus points will be given for not being rude and leaving somebody to maybe die before I can make it back). The only rule is that you cannot be violent. Obviously. No hurting anybody, including MAKUTA TOD. If you do, negative points! Or maybe just a frowny face (which is worse). Anyway let’s go have a fun time! Become the Ultimate Sunshine Warriors! (I would caps that but MAKUTA TOD has caps on lockdown, sorry). PLAYER LIST Just sign up! However many people we have after 24 hours will be the people we play with. (This is also where points will be tracked). 1 - Shadow FF - 11 Mortal - Naota Takizawa - 15 Tod Jr - Smoke Monster - 17 Pikachu - Deemo - 14 Bird - Underscore - Batman - Kanohi Ko-llector - 14 Pineapple - Onaku - Clock - Vicarath - 16 Makuta - TOD - 4 Kindness
SO LONG, PUNKS! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! (And that is what it will say on my tombstone) GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3
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Mafia: Heist of the Centuries. The story: Tonight’s the night, the grand opening of the Great Artakha Gallery, showcasing the paintings and sculptures and other works of the most talented artists in the entirety of the Matoran Universe. But all is not well on this night. A vengeful artist, whose own works were deemed unworthy of display in the Gallery, has arrived with a team of assassins under his employ, intending to slaughter the other guests and burn the Gallery to the ground. At the same time, a trio of thieves have mingled with the crowd, planning to pull off the ultimate heist in robbing the Gallery of its riches on its opening night. But more intriguing, it seems the Gallery’s own esteemed Curator may have some secrets to hide… Also among the crowd are an eccentric painter, a well-known art critic, an off-duty medic, a pair of lazy, donut-devouring security guards, and a down-on-his-luck rookie private investigator. The canvas is set, the brushes are ready, and soon the walls of the gallery shall be painted… in blood. Roles: Mafia – their win condition is to kill everyone. Assassins (x3) – regular murderers with no special abilities.The Pyro (x1) – kills things… with fire.Vengeful Artist (x1) – the employer of the group, cannot kill anyone unless all of the other mafians have been found and lynched.Village – to win, they must both thwart the assassins and find the thieves. Detective (x1) – investigates a player each night. Medic (x1) – chooses a player to save each night.Security Guards (x2) – bumbling, sluggish morons with mind-boggling levels of ineptitude.Guests (x20) – renowned artists who were famous – and unfortunate – enough to get invited to the Gallery’s opening night.Thieves – their goal is to survive, and escape with the stolen art. The Con Artist (x1) – a very persuasive talker, their votes count for three.The Art Forger (x1) – plants a fake clue in every scene implicating a player of their choosing.The Inside Man (x1) – an outstanding member of the art community, who can use this reputation to their advantage.Other – various other roles with unique/specific goals. The Curator (x1) – a master of disguise, the Curator has gone into hiding. Want to know why? You’ll have to find him first.The Eccentric (x1) – inspired by mysterious visions, they paint a cryptic clue each night implicating the real killer.The Critic (x1) – investigates a player each night, for unknown reasons.Rules: All BZP rules apply. Vote switching is allowed, so long as you indicate who it is you’re swapping from. Please don’t go betraying your side or revealing other player’s roles. Rounds will be 24 hours, or until I get around to posting the scenes. Obligatory line about Xaeraz having fun with spines, or something. Please be civil, this is just a game, after all. Remember, the art world is a dangerous place, and all may not be as it seems…Spots: - Lord Commander Manducus. Guest, killed by Vengeful Artist night seven. - Quisoves Potoo. Rare bird, hunted to extinction night two. - The Present Automaton. Guest, survived. - Korkoa. Curator, survived and got away with his crimes. - Xaeraz. Guest, died from involuntary spinal surgery night eight. - Taka Nuvia. Inside Man, survived and escaped. - Ghidora131. Art Forger, assassinated night one. - fishers64. Security Guard, survived. - An/A Blade. Assassin, lynched day four. - Rahkshi Guurahk. Con Artist, lynched day eight. - Festivescore. Guest, lynched day two. - The Chattering Corpse Heap. Detective, survived. - Unit#phntk#1. Guest, survived. - Pahrak #0579. Security Guard, survived. - Ehksidian. Guest, lynched day three. - Dio Brando. The Eccentric, incinerated night one. - FF the Forgotten. Guest, survived. - Nik the Three. Vengeful Artist, lynched day nine. - Pilgrim Shadow. Guest, survived. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - Shadowhawk. Guest, lynched day four. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - Strange Festive Luroka. Critic, incinerated night five. - Kyle Whyte: Speed Itself. Medic, assassinated night four. - Toa Onaku. Guest, lynched day seven. - ShadowVezon. Pyro, watched the world burn day six. - Kylo Ren. Assassin, lynched day two. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - NULL. Died of food poisoning. - Tiragath. Assassin, lynched day five. - ToaKapura1234. Guest, lynched day three. - Colonel Roy Mustang. Guest, killed by the Vengeful Artist night six.
Well, Godfather, it seems our time has come. I have finally finished my preliminary investigation. Counting your esteemed self, your two lackeys, and I there are twenty Matoran left. The Detective is still alive and to make things worse he seems to have graduated from medical school. This means he can investigate and protect at the same time, but his rusty bicycle only lets him follow one Matoran each night. Of the fifteen Matoran left, eight are utterly unremarkable and can be ignored for now. Three have armed themselves and are prepared to kill anyone with hostile intent. Another three possess impressive criminal records and might be persuaded to join us. The last one is somewhat disturbing. I cannot term this one anything other than a Maniac. Strangely enough, the Militia, Piraka, and Maniac all seem to think they are regular Matoran. This does make finding them rather hard, but I feel certain that it will prove no trouble for me. For ease of reference, I have included a condensed list of the different roles and the names of all present. I have not been able to link the two lists together, but I will update them regularly based on my investigations and current events. Insincerely, The Private Eye Role List: Mafia: (wins by killing the Town) -Godfather x1: Head of the Mafia. Should you die I will do my best to take your place. -Private Eye x1: I couldn't resist creating an entry for myself. As you know I will observe a player each night and deduce whether they are hostile, neutral, or even friendly. I am also your second-in-command and will take over should you die. Mafioso x3: A pair of rather dull brutes if you ask me. All they do is follow orders and shoot people. And stab, poison, burn alive, poke, hang, bludgeon, and occasionally electrocute. Town: (wins by killing all the Mafia) -Detective x1: A slippery fellow. My investigations have turned up nothing but a forged medical degree from a disreputable institution of higher education. But all the same I must admit his deductive skills are greater even than mine. Players he investigates are also granted temporary protection from us. If investigated by me they will show up as Hostile. -Matoran x9: Boring. These players are about as normal as it gets, except for the persecution mania. If investigated by me they will show up as Neutral. -Militia x4: Rather than react as they should and cower at a hint of danger before randomly lynching some innocent, these fools have decided to fight. They will kill any Mafia-affiliated players who try to kill them (unless the only remaining players are either Mafia or Militia). If investigated by me they will show up as Hostile. -Piraka x4: These Matoran could prove quite useful to us. Should we succeed in finding them I feel confident they will join us. If investigated by me they will show up as Friendly. -Maniac x1: An utter psychopath with selective amnesia. The Maniac can be Patriotically Insane, Criminally Insane, or Sane at any given time. While Patriotically Insane, they get an extra vote and act like Militia. While Criminally Insane, they have no vote and act like a Piraka. While Sane, they act like a normal Matoran. The delicate state of the Maniac's mind also renders investigation useless. Player List: (More spots can be added if need be) Blade - Matoran, killed Night 6. Quisoves Potoo - Mafioso, executed Day 1. Pahrak - Matoran, executed Day 7. Luroka - Militia, gone to Karzahni Day 3. Petewa - Private Investigator, won! Dragonstar - Matoran, executed Day 5. Ghidora - Matoran, gone to Karzahni Day 3. Fishers - Piraka, executed Day 1. Automaton - Militia, killed by Mafia Day 8. Tiragath - Matoran, devoured in judgement Day 2. Toa Korkoa - Mafioso, barbequed Day 6. Pulse - Piraka/Mafioso, converted Night 7, won! Unit - Matoran, incinerated Night 4. Manducus - Militia, executed Day 4. Taka Nuvia - Matoran, flattened Night 2. Clownpiece (ToaD) - Detective, heart disintegrated Night 1. FF - Piraka/Mafioso, converted Night 8, won! Underscore - Matoran, barbequed Day 6. Nato - Maniac, killed Night 3. Burnmad - Godfather, executed Day 4. Shadowhawk - Mafioso, executed Day 4. Aerixx - Matoran, poisoned Night 5. Rahkshi Guurahk - Piraka, gone to Karzahni Day 3. xccj - Militia, executed Day 1. Additional Rules: -No screenshots please. -Stick to your side. Unless betrayal is a part of your role you shouldn’t be betraying anybody. -Rounds are twenty-four hours each, but the formal deadline is whenever I post the scene. Rounds may be extended whenever necessary. -Only one vote change per Day scene. You must also list who you are switching your vote from. -This is a game, so don't take things too seriously. Discussion and debate are encouraged, but arguing is strictly prohibited. -Have fun! Failure to comply is punishable by torture.
I was messing around with the CCBS parts and I came up with this creature. I thought of him being a creature from another island or an ancient warrior of Okoto with the ability to run at super-sonic speeds. He'd probably act like an evil Quicksilver, I don't have much of a character fleshed out for him. I imagine him running at high-speed and disemboweling his enemies.
- 5 replies
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- Skull Spider
- Bionicle 2015
(and 3 more)
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Welcome, all. I am death, your omnipresent narrator. It seems that The Shadowed One had grown bored of his Hitman games. Apparently, having some assemblage of characters kill each other just didn't carry quite the same... excitement that it once had. So, this time, he decided to make a few... changes. The first of which is merely an addition to the fact that you have no ultimate control over your fate. For every time you try to kill someone, I will roll (RNG) a 10-sided die. If you get a "6", then, unfortunately, your attack method fails. Badly. So badly, in fact, that you are the one to die. By your own hand, though not intentionally. So sorry. Your profile must be sent in. You will set up your profile in the following way. There are six weapon options. There are six numbers (1-6). You will assign a number to each weapon. Then, that will, in essence, be your "tolerance" to that weapon. So, if you set a weapon to "4", and someone attacks you with that weapon, and they roll a four, you're safe. But if they get a five or a six, then you're toast. By this standard, whatever you set for "6" is your can't-be-killed-by weapon. Obviously, you can only use each number once. Here is an example of a profile: Knife - 4 Sledgehammer - 3 Explosive - wait a minute. No. These weapons are much too boring. I'm gonna pull my rank here and move TSO's hand myself. We're upping the ante with these weapons. Instead of the normal ones, you get to choose from these: Saw Nail Meat Cleaver Syringe, with a filling of your choice Red Hot Poker and, of course, the infamous and highly deadly Rusty Spoon So, an example profile would be: Saw - 3 Nails - 1 Meat Cleaver - 6 Syringe - 5 Red Hot Poker - 4 Rusty Spoon - 2 Ah, yes. This looks good. This should be a... very fun round. For me, at least. When you send in a kill, it will look something like this. "I wish to kill ~~~~~ with a ~~~~~~." That's about it. If two people target each other, then they will be ordered chronologically. So, if the first person to send it in kills them, then they don't get to try to kill the first person. But if the first person fails, then the second person can have their turn. Oh, and I guess I'll copy these rules from the previous game. They look good. 1. Use only a single PM to send in your targets - that is, don't start a new PM each round; just add a reply to the existing PM. 2. No changing targets. I will accept the first PM you send me, and will ignore any others you send in an attempt to switch your target. 3. No complaining about outcomes. I am not biased; I am genuinely just rolling the RNG. This game is a little bit of strategy with a whole lot of luck. Oh, derp, forgot a roster: 1. Neo ShadowVezon (Did not send in profile) 2. Col. Mustang 3. Doorman 4. Chris Pratt 5. Axilus Prime 6. Makuta Lukora 7. Chro 8. JAG18 9. 10. 11. 12. (gonna make it a little smaller this round for sake of simplicity/not killing me, as well as generally smaller games recently)
Joan Rivers, a well-known comedienne and TV icon, just passed away. I've never been a huge fan of Rivers and only really know about her because of her time on the Celebrity Apprentice, but this is sad news just the same. First Robin Williams, now Joan Rivers. Dang. -TNTOS-
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- Joan Rivers
- Robin Williams
(and 1 more)
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Reading "The Powers That Be", it's clear that we still don't understand everything that goes on in the Red Star. So I'm going to pick it apart and try to make some sense of the parts that are still confusing. “I had not thought of the star in so long,” Gaardus continued. “Not since the death of the Nynrah. The star was why I stayed in the Nynrah’s village for so long after my escape. Now I wonder if what I was waiting for was up there, not down among the land and water.” So we can infer that when the Nyrah were killed, Gaardus knew they would be going to the Red Star. But his second comment is strange. It seems that when he escaped, he already knew of the Red Star. Did he die before his transformation, and somehow remember the Red Star? Or did the procedure kill him? If so, how did he go straight back to the village after he was revived? Did he just teleport home after being revived and relocated? And the big question: why did the Red Star motivate him to stay in his village? And what was he waiting for? Pohatu looked down the hallway. Three small beings clad in purple and black armor were moving toward them. Something about them seemed vaguely familiar, like Pohatu had heard them described before, but he couldn’t remember when. As soon as they saw the two Toa and their winged companion, they seemed to grow very alarmed. “What are you doing here?” one of the beings asked. “You need to go back. You should be gone by now.” “No,” said another. “Don’t you remember what happened the last time? They wouldn’t go back and we had to --” The third interrupted, pointing at Gaardus. “That one has been here before. He was the last. He must know why no one can go now.” “But look at them!” said the first to speak. “It must be working again, or how could they be here like that?” The others paused, as if acknowledging their friend had a point. The one who had remembered Gaardus nodded, saying, “Very well. But if it doesn’t work, do we need to end them like the other ones?” All three little beings produced wicked looking hand weapons. “Naturally,” said the first. “How else are we to make things right?” Here many of the implications are things we already understand. The Kestora are familiar to Pohatu because Takanuva encountered them in another universe and evidently told him about them. They see the live visitors loitering in their hall and want them sent back. But the sendback failed long ago. Gaardus was the last sent back, and they blame him. The next comment is bizarre, though. What must be working again? The sendback is the only thing we know is broken. Must the sendback be working for revived beings to be wandering the Star? Or did the sendup also break? If it did, it must have been after Mavrah's sendup only 1000 years ago. After that... so apparently they destroy those that can't return. Great. “We are the Kestora,” said one of the purple and black beings. “We are the ones who keep this place operating. But it has not been operating, not for a very long time. And it is his fault,” he added, pointing at Gaardus. “I said – oh, never mind, you know what I said,” Pohatu chuckled. “Now what’s all this about coming and going? What is this, some kind of a transport hub?” “In a sense,” said one of the Kestora. “Yes, you might say that,” said the second. “Or you might not,” the third interjected. “Anyway, the three of you need to be going. You got what you came here for, time to leave.” This is all stuff we understand. What a relief! “Now, listen. Where is it we are supposed to be going?” “Back to Mata Nui, of course,” said one of the Kestora, as if he we speaking to a child. “Back where you belong.” “Mata Nui is so much junk in the Bara Magna desert by now,” said Pohatu. “You guys must not get out much.” “If that’s true, then we can’t send them back,” said the first Kestora. “There is nowhere to send them back to.” “Well, they can’t stay here,” said the second firmly. “We have too many as it is.” “We could keep them,” suggested the third. “Maybe a dissection would tell us why they can’t go back. Of course, we tried that before, and all we wound up with was a mess … a lot of messes, actually … but maybe this time --” So we learn that there are too many revived dead on the Red Star. Why? Didn't the Kestora destroy some? Do they have a limit on how many they can destroy? Are any at all too many? So this is apparently why they destroyed those that can't be sent back: for answers. It explains why they haven't destroyed everyone. Dissections take time. Kopaka triggered his Akaku Nuva, piercing the walls around him with x-ray vision. In one direction, there was nothing to see but outer space. In the other, he saw things – a lot of things – he could have lived without seeing. When he spoke, his voice was raw. “We need to move,” said Kopaka. “Now.” “What’s the matter?” “You don’t want to know. Grab my hand. We’re finding a way out of this.” The sounds were coming closer now. Some sounded like rodents skittering, others like bodies being dragged across a metal floor. At one point, they saw a lighted corridor up ahead, but as they approached, the lights went off there too. Worse, the noises were starting to come from up ahead as well as behind. Okay, there are lots and lots of unpleasant things I can imagine crawling around the Red Star. But it seems from the manipulation of the lighting that the Kestora are using them deliberately as a security measure. “It’s not safe out there,” their rescuer said. “But then you probably figured that out. A lot of very unhappy people up here, you know.” And what exactly does Mavrah mean, 'out there?' Do he and others stick to hiding places in the Red Star? Lots of questions here, any attempts to answer them would be welcome.
Earlier today, my grandfather died in a hospital a few states away. This wasn't unexpected, mind you. See, when I was on vacation at the beginning of this month, it was an out-of-state family reunion thrown by my grandparents to celebrate their 60th anniversary. My grandfather caught pneumonia early on, however, and had to be taken to the nearest hospital. He was there throughout the whole weeklong reunion and remained there even after everyone went home. My grandmother stayed to take care of him, with some of my other family members going there to be with her and support her during that time. He had other health problems far worse than pneumonia, however, which is partly why we didn't expect him to survive. So when one of my aunts called earlier and told us he passed away . . . well, like I said, it wasn't unexpected. But it does hurt. Not sure when the funeral is going to be. My grandfather is getting a military funeral because he was in the Air Force, but again don't know when that funeral will be, exactly. All I know is that life, as usual, goes on and will go on even after the funeral is done. My grandfather was one of the toughest and kindest people I knew. Always quick with a smile and a joke. He was always supportive of me and my brothers and was a great person all around. I'll miss him terribly. -TNTOS-
So, I'm curious. Which of you have made someone a fan of Bionicle, after it ended? Also, how did you go about doing it? In reality, it's not really any different from getting someone into any of the other hundreds or thousands of stories/fandoms/etc. that have ended. I guess it might just seem harder to us, because we were given the story very serially (not to mention the sets), and there are so many spoilers and stuff it's hard to get people hooked enough to continue without looking up information non-chronologically. But what have been your experiences with it?
The scourge of Spherus Magna. The tyrant of the universe. Brickshelf: Mocpages: In an alternate universe, Flaredrick had defeated Melvair, he gained the power to stop the Shattering. He then later constructed an empire, one that no one could imagine. The power of it, would make the Element Lords fall to their knees. The Great Beings made an attempt to stop him, and his empire, but he threatened to destroy the whole universe. There was later an uprising going on inside his kingdom. He soon sent out an all out assault to stop this revolution from amassing. When the uprising was defeated, he had gotten word of who was its leader. He was shocked and saddened to hear hat it was his wife Seria. He later changed his color and elemental powers to that of Water, and Death. He also took up a Kanohi Shelek, abandoning his Ignika, to a more fearsome mask. Comments and Critisim are accepted.
When the lightning strikes and the thunders roar I am the waves that rise above the storm I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar I am the fire within, ready to swarm I am the earth, I am body, I am Life. When the earth swallows and covers you I am the life that devours I am that which turned you blue I am one who’s beside you in your final hours I am darkness, I am soul, I am Death. When the unthinkable happens or a memory is lost I am that unexplained moment of pure bliss I am a path that cannot be crossed I am when something is amiss I am hidden, I am confusion, I am Undefined.
This is about a Reaper of Death named Dmitri. He is a scientist, a doctor, and a warrior. Character bios Interrupted plans Fourth wall already!? Other info This story takes place in the mortal world and the spirit realm. All references of Heaven, Angels, and Heavenly beings are not based off of any specific religion. They are just characters I'll be using for the sake of the story. This story will be slightly humerous, with a backdrop of sentimentality and what it means to be "human". If you are somehow offended by this because you find it to be "religious" in anyway, please PM me so we can talk about it. PGS list: Maybe later, Dmitri, Death, and Lora are all developing characters, so we can wait a few episodes. Credit to Soran for Chimoru R and helping me with effect techniqes, he's an awesome friend.
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Does anyone think there is a BIONICLE afterlife? Like a place BIONICLE characters go when they die?For example, a Toa and a Makuta die in battle. The Toa goes to some kinda heaven or another awesome place where he/she can roam free without trouble brewing. The Makuta goes to a place of suffering. Do you think that happens? Discuss it here.-Sybre
When the Matoran of Metru Nui returned to their home island after living on Mata Nui for a millennium, they received some terrible news. Turaga Dume had seen in the stars that Mata Nui was dying. My question is, did people in the rest of the universe know he was dying? Was it common knowledge, or a secret? Everyone knew when he briefly died, and we see Matoran in the comic rejoicing at his resurrection. But was his death sudden to them, or did they see it coming over the -- how long was that story arc anyway? A couple weeks?
Last night I saw a status update somewhere that said a 13 year old child in the area had stopped breathing. They life-flighted the child to the next largest hospital in our area. When I woke up this morning, I found out that it was my cousins eldest daughter and that she unfortunately passed away last night. She was prone to having seizures and has had them since she was a small child. There were many different surgeries and tests that she endured through. Last night she had a seizure, stopped breathing, and despite her Mothers best attempts at resuscitation and the hospitals... there was nothing they could do. Positive thoughts towards my family right now would be greatly appreciated. My cousin was an only child, and her parents (my aunt and uncle) went through many failed attempts and sorrows just to have their daughter. No parent should have to bury a child, and neither should a grandparent a grandchild. This is going to be a very tough time for them and everyone. So please send us any positive thoughts you can.
More Technic fun. I went tromping off through the Nether Portal I set up in a Siege Castle I captured a while ago, taking only weapons and food, with the intention of acquiring a few Blaze Rods so I could craft an Ender Chest or two... well, exactly two. Thaumcraft plans. Knowing that a Nether Fortress would be the best thing to find, I set about the task of wandering aimlessly until I found one - finding, instead, this cheeky little pigman in a funky robe who immediately started setting me on fire, making me nauseous (a nasty little effect that makes your vision swim about) and spawning pigmen (not even zombie pigmen, just pigs on two legs) to rush forward and... I don't know, hug me? They weren't very good in battle, and judging by his swift death, neither was the Great Wizard Chuckles. So more wandering ensued, followed shortly by falling in lava, dragging myself out, and burning to death. This resulted in a knee-##### expedition to find the site of my death, which resulted in abject failure, and the creation of a new escape Portal... which dumped me in a cave, under the ocean, more than three kilometers away from my house. ...Yeah.
Recently, I was looking at another topic on this here forum ( ), which dealt with deceased Matoran. A lot of that debate deals in Matoran scavenging parts off their dead, which would apply if the Matoran Universe is a closed circle of matter and energy. If that were the case, I would imagine that said parts would have to be reused or recycled in some manner. But there is actually evidence to the contrary. I propose that the Matoran Universe is NOT a closed circle of matter and energy. There is actually energy inputs into this system. These inputs come in the form of protodermis, found on the planets that Mata Nui was visiting. These planetary deposits would, theoretically speaking, been placed there by the Great Beings prior to Mata Nui's departure of Spherus Magna. Why would the robot need inputs? The second law of thermodynamics seems to apply in Bionicle, seeing as the Matoran have to accept energy inputs. And the robot has to have heating systems, seeing as it is traveling through space with living beings inside it. While the robot does have an extermely thick hull to prevent such energy loss, we are talking about the difference between the temperature suitable for life and that of space, which is freezing cold (understatement). Multiplied by the robot's rather large surface area, this would translate to a small, if signifigant, amount of energy being lost over time. Greg has confirmed the existance of heating and ventilation systems, which would require energy to use, energy that might not be easily reabsorbed. (Not to mention the system of artificial gravity)I could also argue that the MU robot would likely need some sort of system to move when the robot is in space (to change direction). This would likely involve projecting energy into space. The Red Star might help with this process, but even it has to get its energy from somewhere ( who knows where). I think there was a reference to Makuta, while in command of the MU, using "rockets" to get from Aqua Magna to Bara Magna, but that could simply be a reference to him using the Red Star, so I'm not going to go overboard with that. The entropy by its own is likely good enough reason. Also, it would not be too far out of line for the Great Beings to try to influence where their creation should go; they might have given him a certain amount of free reign, but they wouldn't have wanted the MU to run amok like their other creations ( which would be a major league disaster that could destroy multiple planets; Makuta=Exhibit A). It would also conveniently explain why the GBs did not interfere major league (alternate GBs in the other universe are an exception here) in the big battle between the two giant robots, because even if Makuta won, he would be unable to do universe wrecking damage because his energy would run down. But, logically speaking, this energy loss would be rather small, especially when Mata Nui was on a planet (optimum temprature and air already there, especially on Aqua Magna), which meant that Makuta had enough energy to power up the robot when he did. (Passage between Mata Nui and Metru Nui= energy saving ventilation shafts?) Logically, energy reactors in the MU (fuel) would be protodermis, since everything in the MU (last I checked) is made of protodermis. And the sophisticated sensors of the MU would likely pick up such deposits. ***Enter Zaktan, and that quote from Legacy of Evil. What confuses me is to why proto mining would be hazerdous; or even a death sentence in the MU. If proto is composing everything in the MU, then why is mining hazerdous? Inside the MU, I would imagine it as a strip mining operation to harvest the proto that's right beneath your feet. There were caves in Po-Metru; but those were made by Matoran. This "real proto mining" was deemed too hazerdous for Matoran, so much that they hired ill-tempered people like Zaktan to do it. The term "mining" refers to the extraction of one mineral from another; the only other time we see the term used is in Mata Nui, which is not in the MU. I propose that a certain number of individuals, like Zaktan and other Skakdi, who were considered expendable, were sent outside the MU when the robot landed on a planet with a protodermis deposit on it, which would occur, albeit infrequently. This would be "mined" from the surrounding areas. Said deposits would be placed underground in the first place to avoid the detection of the native inhabitants, but they might still have an interest in the mining operation. Said mining would likely occur in tunnel-mining fashion in order to quickly get what the robot needed with a minimum of attention (strip mines are pretty obvious!) The beings who did this mining would likely have to shield themselves from the natives, not to mention the possible tunnel collapse...hence the powerful beings and the danger involved. Even more important, and dangerous, would be the knowledge involved; possible exposure to aliens and learning that they are invaders; carrying of proto to fuel chambers, and just plain flat knowing that they move in and out of a universe that moves would be knowledge that nobody wants in the wrong hands. The easiest way to prevent that knowledge from being spread? Kill them all. Somehow, Zaktan slipped through the crack. Or maybe he was reserved enough, possibly horrified enough that he wouldn't talk; they just shoved a death threat in his face and shoved him on his way. (That, and I think TSO rescued him for some reason - there's evidence that some of the other Piraka, likely Reidak and Avak, were involved or at least familiar) Maybe Zaktan didn't fully get it until he read Makuta's plan on the walls of the fortress. There was obviously joy in that moment; I think the mystery behind the horrors he had seen haunted him for years, and its resolution changed him from the retisent and creepy to the proud; he knew something everyone else did not, and that quickly went to his head. So go and like Mata Nui examine my theory, and consider the holes bigger than Zaktan that art present there.
This is a preview of my new epic. It is also my entry for the SS contest. Happy Halloween! ______ Two Le-Matoran stumbled down a wooded ravine, neither sure of where they were going. The air around them was cold and the sky was unnaturally dark—the sun’s efforts to reach them were defeated by the layers of thick, leafy tree canopies above them. “I told you we shouldn’t go out,” said the tall one. “Shut up,” said the short, round one. He tripped and fell first into a small creek. The tall one burst out laughing, both amused and thankful at the chance to stop. “So,” tall one said, taking a seat on the ground, “how many Rahi have we seen?” Short one spat a number of venomous curses in his companion’s direction. “None. That doesn’t mean I was wrong.” “But it does mean I was right.” Shorty sighed. “Look, I only know what I was told. That kid back in the village said he saw some animal or something, so the Turaga told us to check it out.” “You’re missing the point,” tall said. “I said that kid didn’t see anything. We both know he didn’t. If you don’t, you’re just… well, you’re just being stupid.” He glanced over his shoulder, before continuing somewhat ominously. “And we both know it’s time for the tribute.” Shorty laughed patronizingly. “Sure sure, I know all the stories. ‘Deep into darkness, a Matoran send, for the reign of terror, quickly to end.’ Do you really believe that? Do you really want me to believe that the Turaga would send two of his own to be eaten, or killed, or whatever you say, every month?” He looked away. “You’re the stupid one.” Tall sprung up. “Yeah, you laugh! You make fun of me, but you don’t realize what’s going on here! How many of us are there on this island? A hundred? Two hundred? And still we live in fear.” His companion stood. “Now wait a minute—” But Tall would not listen. “We out number him! We need to stand up to him, and show him the true power of what Matoran can do! There’s nothing that could stop us, if we put our minds to it! But not, instead we listen to feeble minded… twits like you who are fine with being slaves! ‘Oh no, the Toa will come they’ll save us…’ You’re the fool for believing that, let me tell you. There are no Toa. There never have been and there never will. We all know the Turaga just tell those lies to calm the hopeless. We’re alone on the island, each one of us, in more ways than one. We need to forget our pointless bantering and actually… do something!” The air chilled. Silence bid its way into the forest, as the two stood motionless. Shorty grasped for something to say, his face containing a look of anger and disgust, but he soon turned away. Tall at last spoke. “Let’s get back to the village already. There are no Rahi, no Toa and no Makuta out here. We’ve wasted our day.” “Do you really doubt me?” Tall’s eyes narrowed. The voice had been higher and gentler than Shorty’s. He must have not heard correctly. “What did you say?” Shorty turned to face him. “I didn’t say anything.” “But then who…” “I did.” Tall one nearly jumped out of his armor. He spun around to see another Matoran wearing a cloak. The newcomer’s Kanohi was entirely hidden by shadows. “Who… who are you?” asked Tall, backing up. By now Shorty had noticed and had likewise turned around. He was equally stupefied. “I have many names,” began the newcomer. “Some call me Everything. Some call me Nothing. But you, my children, may call me Master.” Shorty chuckled. “That’s a good one, Master. But really, who are you and what are you doing here?” But Tall was not so oblivious. “I don’t think you should…” “Oh please, he’s obviously crazy and just looking for someone’s attention here.” Scarcely had the words left Shorty’s mouth when he rose from the ground and was flung against a tree—he screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. Tall tried to move to help his companion but found himself unable to move. The newcomer slowly walked over to the fallen Matoran, his footsteps making now sounds as he drifted across the forest floor. “Pity,” he said, a touch of irony in his voice, “that any of my children must leave me.” Shorty started to scream. He flailed his legs violently as he clutched his throat, his yells becoming more and more muted… until finally they faded all together. The newcomer paused, looking down at the now-dead Matoran, before turning to Tall. He slowly and deliberately paced around Tall, speaking as he walked. “And so,” he said, “you have seen the fate of those who challenge me. You… have realized my awesome power and woeful might. And for that, you will be rewarded.” Tall relaxed himself. He found himself once again able to speak. “Thank you… master… what I said early was just… just talk…” “Stop the apologetics, before I regret my decision. There are a thousand ways I could kill you, each one of them more painful than the last. I have made more powerful beings than you scream in utter horror—screams which would make your blood curdle and your ears cry for mercy. It is only by my benevolent grace and mercy that I do not decimate this island, and all those whom you call brother with it. No, you will not die. But rather you will serve as a reminder of my good will and you shall be a testimony to my hold over you.” In one fast motion, he threw back his hood. Tall was immersed in a bath of blood red terror. The newcomer’s eyes tore through Tall’s mind and soul, as though they searched through every moment of his life. All in one moment Tall’s greatest fears were realized around him, while he saw his greatest desires shattered. He saw his loved ones dead, as his enemies stood over their bodies. Every awful moment of his life was relived, even as the good were forgotten. It was over in a matter of seconds. Tall fell to the ground, twitching slightly. He muttered incomprehensible nonsense under his breath, his mind having been destroyed completely and utterly. The newcomer sighed. He replaced his hood, and his blood red eyes were once again hidden by the shadows of his cloak. He looked down at the now demented Matoran. “Do not forget. I am everything. I am everywhere. I am forever. I am Makuta.” And he was gone.