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Ixius Uberius Maximus

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Everything posted by Ixius Uberius Maximus

  1. Kanohi TARDIS, mask of wibley-wobley, timey-wimey... stuff... couldn't resist. user can travel through space, time, dimention, sanity, et cetera. side affects include British accents, bowties, Star Trek Shakes, and EX-TER-MINATE! sorry, being serious now. Kanohi Nui, mask of spirits allows user to detect ghosts, people using masks of Astral Form, invisible/incorporeal foes, et cetera. Kanohi Ashhpd (no, i cannot pronounce it either) this bizzare mask can produce two connected portals, one orange, one blue. side affects include bizarre puzzles, weird science labs, evil robots with creepy monotones, and SPAAAACE! Kanohi Satirum, mask of parody truly a powerful mask, allows its user to alter the fabric of reality itself in strange and rather humorous ways.
  2. granted, but some kid steals ALL OF YOUR CARDS shortly after. i never tried that, but im guessing that would be devastating. i wish for full Katarn class Commando armor, a DC-17m with all attachments, and a VERPINE RIFLE! (those who have read the Star Wars: Republic Commando book series know EXACTLY what i am talking about, ner vod.)
  3. denied... wait... i meant to corrupt this, but i didnt, but... AAAARRGGHH!!! (your head explodes for no readily apparent reason) there we go! propperly corrupted! i wish i was as smart as Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstien COMBINED! TIMES TWO!
  4. yay! trekkies! personally, my two favorites are TNG and DS9, i never really bothered with VOY, i heared they messed up Q, and Q is awesome. also, my favorite trek race is the Klingons. i like warrior races.
  5. granted but EVERYONE ON THE PLANET focuses on whats fun, not whats right, leading to a dystopia of selfishness... great job ruining the world. i wish i was good at math... inconcievable as that may be.
  6. granted, but Mantax runs up and punches you in the face for no reason. i wish i was was an ubersauce gamer.
  7. granted, but the game is gLitChY, and everyone ganks you, so you rage quit. i wish my i could learn via osmosis, or something like that.
  8. granted, but some of the corruptions are REALLY weird. i wish i had a million zillion wishes
  9. granted, but, as most people know, all the most famous artists were (at least briefly) insane, and you are no exception. you often believe you hear the sounds of a legendary battle coming from your dresser. i wish i had the combined MOCing all the great BIOMOCers.
  10. all your base are belong to us! (no idea where that came from... it just popped into my head...)
  11. granted, but you sleep through your house exploding. you never woke up. wow, where did all these grim-dark ideas come from? i wish for an unlimited library.
  12. granted, you are killed by Darth Revan, ALL HAIL THE REVANCHIST!i wish for a time machine, preferabley disguised as a tellephone booth, or Delorean.GREAT SCOTT!
  13. denied. :Pi wish for the Enterprise
  14. granted. all 20 feet of it. you freeze.i wish for the ultimate gaming computer.
  15. granted, but you are assassinated in your sleep. you never knew what hit you. the person who hired you is actually you jealous second-oldest son, who wanted to inherrit you fortune. he eventually planted the seeds for world peace, but first he needed the money.i wish for a pet DRAGON!
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