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Makuta of Time

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Status Replies posted by Makuta of Time

  1. Kandosii sa kra'ta, Vode An. (One indomitable heart, Brothers all.)

  2. I'll be on even less due to lack of working computers.

  3. I'll be on even less due to lack of working computers.

  4. It seems the top bar is not only following us now, but is 2D and blue.

  5. The secret side of me, I never let you see. I keep it caged but I can't control it.


  7. My Superiornatural epic was released yesterday!

  8. I really want to create a Bionicle game, but I don't know how to make ONE.

  9. Avengers, ASSEMBLE!

  10. Qui scribit, bis legit.

  11. Halo 4 = Good Game

  12. Halo 4 = Good Game

  13. Halo 4 = Good Game

  14. Halo 4 = Good Game

  15. Halo 4 = Good Game

  16. Halo 4 = Good Game

  17. Who would be interested in a Halo COT RPG? I might make one if enough people are willing.

  18. "Everybody hates J Tibbs." - J Tibbs.

  19. Superiornatural: the Epic officially has 3 authors: me, JiMing, and Axilus Prime!

  20. Superiornatural: the Epic officially has 3 authors: me, JiMing, and Axilus Prime!

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