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Makuta of Time

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Status Replies posted by Makuta of Time

  1. I wanna rock and roll all night.

  2. I got 2 tickets to paradise.

  3. I know, I'm just as shocked as you that I'm on

  4. I can't get no satisfaction.

  5. I can't get no satisfaction.

  6. Why are you all staring at me like that? o_O

  7. I am a staffimon for Loophole. You should check it out in the Bionicle RPG forum.

  8. Well it's finally out. My epic.

  9. Well it's finally out. My epic.

  10. DANG! I forgot it was my BZPower birthday! I've been on for 5 years! I guess the comic will be a day late.

  11. Going to brickfair Al?, Please contact me...

  12. WARNING: I'll be on hiatus due to the annual vacation in Switzerland from December 30 to January 5. So, happy New Year in advance! :)

  13. "Probitas laudatur et alget."

  14. "Probitas laudatur et alget."

  15. "Probitas laudatur et alget."

  16. Merry Christmas After After!

  17. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  18. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  19. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  20. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  21. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  22. Happy Christmas. Have a good one.

  23. "Destiny... is hard to meet. It'll hunt you down somewhere long the way."

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