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Everything posted by TahuForever!

  1. Thank you very much! I'll take note of the stance, and work on getting better! The feet pointing together was to make him lok a bit more adorable, like how a cartoon child woul stand. I think I muddled it up a little, though! Ha ha, now THERE'S an idea! I might do Teridax sometime. Maybe some other characters. I gotta find those Glatorian. Okay, I see what you're saying about the stance. Although I think the attitude implied there, of a child being cute, kind of contradicted the attitude implied by the facial expression, that's all. But then it kind of adds to the idea that he was forced into this against his will. But ultimately these details are up to your own artistic discretion, of course. Yeah, a Teddy Teridax would be quite a sight. Or perhaps a Piraka... Actually, Gali might translate well in here, or any Matoran, really. They're generally a bit cute by default.
  2. All my Tohunga/Matoran related pictures have large chunky forearms and skinny biceps. Same with the legs [generally.] It's an aesthetic choice I will always have a spot for in my mushy heart. If he ever gets a name it would probably be something simple and akin to 'Chopper' or 'Copper.' But in the meantime, then, I shall just affectionately refer to him as Jimmy. Ah. 'Tis an artistic preference. Ooh, cool, I got to name him! Yippee!
  3. I'm kinda thinking the same thing about the ambition, but we'll see where it goes. As for the game, doing it in the style of Lego Battles and Lego Battles 2: Ninjago would work pretty well, I think. The comics in the magazines are lliterally always like that. If we judged lines by their comics every theme would get a D-. Chima has a tv show coming, and the information in the website is some of the most in-depth we've gotten for a Lego line. There are a lot of things that will present Chima's storyline better than that comic, we just haven't seen most fo them yet. I saw the first two episodes of the show. It felt kind of rushed, if you ask me, trying to tell too much story in too short a time and not giving any characters enough attention, but later episodes might get better since the introduction will be out of the way. If they do it as well as the Ninjago show, it'll be pretty good. I still laugh at "Grand Sensei Dareth" of the "Mojo Dojo", one day to be the Brown Ninja. And the later episodes of the show were really well done, in my opinion. The plot certainly became more and more interesting as it went along, and the action sequences got better and better.
  4. Remember Bionicle? Nearly 100% new molds for that theme. Oh, yeah, you've got a point there. Well, maybe for the system themes, anyway. Actually, they went nuts with the Friends line as well, but perhaps not quite so much as Chima. Ninjago too, I suppose, but again not as much as Chima methinks. That's nice for us, though. They haven't been released yet. We don't know if they ever will be, but if they do, not this year. Well, I probably won't be getting many Chima sets anyway, if at all. From the Chima Wiki's social networks and my blog: Ooh... Nice!
  5. Oh, goodness, I completely forgot about this last week. Without further ado, chapter 5! On a side note, whatever happened to the gasping then screaming smiley BZP used to have...? Mask of Light: What You Didn't See... Chapter 5: The Weird Snakey-Thingies... ( Last time the Rahkshi attacked Ta-Koro and we stopped in the middle of it all. Now the rampage is still going on and Guurahk smashes part of a hut's doorway. ) Gurahk: O_O I'm so sorry Wally! Stupid script... ( Two Matoran inside the hut faint in fear and Guurahk starts pushing rocks around. ) Guurahk: Tag! You're it Rocky! ( Guurahk now has Hahli cornered. ) Guurahk: Yay! You can be my special friend! Wanna come to the "Barney: Live" show with me? Hahli: *gasp* Nnnoooooo!!! ( Gali's arm comes down suddenly into the scene and grabs Hahli, pulling her up. Meanwhile, Lerahk is sniffing around. ) Lerahk: Where's the hats!? Gali: See the others to safety. Or whatever is closest to it. Hahli: Yes Toa Gali! ( Hahli runs and pushes a lever. Then a trap door opens. ) Hahi: (while falling) Wrong leveeeeeeeer!!! *splash* ( She comes back up and smacks a giant fish off her behind. She then pulls the "other" lever and the bridge comes back up. Then all the Matoran run across it. ) ( Meanwhile, Vakama is clobbering Lerahk with his staff. ) Vakama: Back, foul creature! One more step and I'll do a disco dance in really funky pants! Lerahk: O_O ( Tahu leaps down beside Vakama. ) Tahu: I'll take it from here wise one! Vakama: But I had him right where I wanted him! Tahu: Just go... ( Vakama leaves, glaring. Tahu puts his swords together and shoots fire at Lerahk. Lerahk puts up his staff and makes it dissipate. Somehow. Even though his power is POISON. ) Director: He was poisoning Tahu's elemental power. I think. Or deflecting the fire with a shield of poison. Something like that, I never read the book. ( Okay... Lerahk runs closer to Tahu and slams his staff into the ground, flinging Tahu onto his back. ) Tahu: Ah, just like the good old days... Lerahk: Can I eat it?! ( Lerahk hisses and tries to touch the point of his staff to Tahu, but Tahu holds it up with his arms. ) Tahu: Gee, those professional weight-lifting lessons sure paid off! Lerahk: Cheater! ( Meanwhile, Gali is leading the Matoran evacuation. ) Gali: Hurry! Go quickly! You must find my make-up kit! Matoran: *sigh* Yes Gali... *dashes off* ( She then sees Tahu. ) Gali: Brother! Be careful! Tahu: What do you think I'm trying to do?!!? ( Gali sends a blast of water at Lerahk, knocking over both Tahu and Lerahk. Just when Tahu started winning too... ) Tahu: You did that on purpose! Gali: Tahu! Your mask! I'm sorry! Tahu: Why? It's the best thing that's happened to me since Lerahk blasted me through that wall! ... Besides, it's nothing. ( He stands up and goes after Lerahk again. Before he gets there, Lerahk slams his staff into the ground again, this time spreading poison through the rock. ) Gali: Poison! ... 0.o Is that even possible? Director: Well... Yes. Because I say so. This is the movies. Tahu: This way! Then we'll be trapped against that wall! Gali: No! This way! Tahu: *groans* Fine... ( Tahu and Gali run to the lava river. Tahu then throws his lava board into the lava. ) Gali: Well that was stupid. You just threw away your board! Tahu: I beg to differ. *jumps on board* Gali (thinking) : He begged me! Tahu: Gali! Jump on! ( Gali jumps on with a dreamy look on her face. ) Tahu: ( Elsewhere, on a ledge over-looking Ta-Koro... ) Matoran: Well, where should we go from here? South America? Other Matoran: Yeah! Nokama: 0.o You were rather attached to Ta-Koro I see... Matoran: What? That dump? This rocky ledge is much better! Look at all this lava! *jumps in lava* Nokama: 0.o ( Gali and Tahu surf over to the ledge. Meanwhile, at Ta-Koro, the Rahkshi are smashing stuff. ) Guurahk: We are!?!? *cry* I can't believe you talked me into this Panny! Panrahk: Can it, sis! Lerahk: Where's all the food around here!?!? Guurahk: *gasp* Look guys! I found a make-up kit! Panrahk and Lerahk: Ooooooh.... ( Back at the ledge... ) Vakama: My home... Yay! I'm going to Hawaii! *grabs sunhat and suitcase* Director: Ahem! Vakama: I mean: Director: >_< Tahu: They could've destroyed us, why didn't they? I wanna be destwoyded. Gali: Ahem. *pulls out contract* Section 1,309, sub-section 12,956, page 93, paragraph 42: "Good guys don't die." Tahu: 0.o Uh... Um... What!?!? Aren't contracts usually long and wordy, and don't they typically require a dictionary to understand? Gali: Well, it also says "not valid in the state of Utah." And, uh... Oh, Vakama wrote it. Tahu: Oh, okay. Vakama: They are seekers. They want my fame and fortune. Tahu: You talkin' about us? And what fame and fortune? 0.o Vakama: No, no, the Rahkshi... And a guy can dream can't he? What they came for, they did not find. My fame is safe baby! Oh, yeah! Gali: So what were they after? Vakama: I just told you! Director: Look buddy, at least she's FOLLOWING the script! Vakama: Oh like I don't! *glares* Anyway, Makuta fears for his pink bunny slippers. Director: >_< Why me...? Gali: The Mask of Light? Vakama: Yes, oddly enough. Tahu: Then they seek the Seventh Toa. Jaller and Takua! Vakama: The seventh Toa has a weird name... "Jallerandtakua?" How do you know his name anyway?! Gali: >_< We'll summon the other Toa to find them. Vakama: To find him you mean. Gali: *rolls eyes* Right, him. Tahu: Don't trouble the others sister. I'll see to their... Uh, his- Vakama: Tahu: -safety myself. Gali: Why? Tahu: 'Cuz getting beat up is fun. Gali: No, Tahu, no! We must remain united! Besides, I never found my make-up kit... Tahu: I don't see how that's relevant, but... *sigh* If you insist. *glares* ( Elsewhere, in Le-Wahi... Takua, Jaller, and Taku are riding Pewku. ) Takua: Ooh! Ow! I hate the jungle. It's all sticky and full of- *smack* -bugs! Jaller: How can you say that? Takua: Not easily. *maniacal laughter* Jaller: 0.o It's incredible! Is there anywhere on Mata Nui where you do feel at home? Takua: Yep! The Black Lagoon! Muwahaha! No, wait! I meant, I don't complain about Ta-Koro. Jaller: But you wander off every chance you get- Takua: 'Cuz Tahu's a self-abusive maniac! Jaller: -looking for stories. Taku: Pie! Jaller: Shut it! Taku: Humph. Jaller: (to Takua: ) What about your story? Takua: You mean that book I started a thousand years ago? It's coming along nicely, I now have a title: "Bob eats a Cheeze It." All I've got is the title, though. But other than that, I have no story. Taku: Hahahahahahaha!!!!! You said "but"! XD Jaller: Can it! *wacks him* Taku: Ow... Jaller: (to Takua: ) Only because you won't stand still long enough to make one. We all have a destiny you know. Mine was to open that one pickle jar for Nokama... Takua: You're very special. You know me, always- Jaller: Full o' baloney. Takua: -different. Grr... ( Suddenly, a loud roar is heard. Right in front of them! ) Takua: O_O *high pitched girly scream* Jaller: Ash bear! Taku: Strange, looks like a robot bear to me. ( Takua, Jaller, Taku, and Pewku all scream. The bear swipes at them but misses. Pewku slowly backs away from the bear as it swipes at her repeatedly. ) Pewku: Ha ha! I'm a bear rustler! You're all like, "I'm a big bad bear and I'm scary!" and I'm like, "not in my neighborhood! I'm a rustler!" Ha ha! Rustler-face! ... 0.o Sorry, I had coffee today... Director: >_< ( The bear has them cornered by a tree. Then Jaller starts climbing the tree. ) Jaller: Keep him busy! I'm- Takua: Running away and leaving me! 0_0 Jaller: Basically, yeah. Takua: O_O AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Jaller: Just watch! *goes onto high branch, bear snarling below* Toa Tahu does this! ( Jaller does a body-slam onto the bear. ) Jaller: Ow... Takua: Yep, Tahu does that alright. ( The bear starts bucking around like a bull. ) Jaller: Yee-haw! I'm a cowboy! Cowboy-face! ( Suddenly a bunch of vines come and tie up the bear. Jaller falls off and Toa Lewa, this Spirit of Air, comes down from the trees. ) Takua: Toa Lewa: Spirit of Air. ... I just wanted to be redundant. Lewa: *gasp* I'm a spirit!? Yay! I'm a ghostie! Ghost-face! Director: Will you cut the face jokes already!? ( Lewa, Ghost Toa, tries to go through a tree, running headlong into it. Obviously, his attempt fails miserably. ) Jaller: 0.o Why'd you do that? Lewa: *growls* Takua said I was a spirit... Takua: *blushes* Lewa: Mata Nui, where did you learn to bear-fight like that, little one? Jaller: Preschool. Lewa: Well, I'd say you're a natural, but I would be lying, so... Jaller: *sigh* Well, better finish what I started... *takes out knife* Lewa: Now, now, what's that for? Jaller: To pick my teeth. It's a toothpick, standard issue, for all TOP, agents. Lewa: Riiiiight... You and ash bear got no wrong quarrel. Jaller: Uh-huh. Except that one time she beat me at foosball... Ash Bear: Good times. Lewa: O_o It talks! Pewku: You got a problem with that? Lewa: O_O TALKING RAHI!!! SOUND THE ALARM!!! Jaller: Dude, get some ice, dump it on your head, count to ten, hop on one foot, teeter on the edge of a volcano and calm down! Lewa: 0.o I don't think so... Um, *checks script* Just doing her dood- Er, duty... Heh... *blushes* Taku: 0_o Um... Gargonzola cheese! Lewa: >_< If this were your home realm, you'd doo- I mean, do the same. Jaller: Stop that! ( Lewa cuts the vines and the bear falls to the ground. ) Ash Bear: Where's the cream filling? Lewa: Go now, sister bear. (to Takua, Jaller, and NOT to Taku: ) Word is, deep wood, that you seek the Seventh Toa. Takua: He seeks. *points to Jaller, Taku jumps in the way* I follow. He's the herald, I'm just his biographer. Lewa: If Toa Lewa helped on your search, might he be a spirit lift? Taku: Why are you speaking in third person? Lewa: For dramatic effect. Taku: O_o Takua: (to Lewa: ) You? With us? Lewa: That pretty much quick-up-sums it. Jaller: We'd be honored to have you walk/trip/go to the hospital with us. Lewa: Walk/trip/go to the hospital? Ha! Not never! If you ride with me, they'll be no foot-trippin', just air-crashin'! ( Lewa whistles and suddenly a Gukko bird flies down and lands near the group. ) Lewa: Ever wind-fly a Gukko bird? Taku: I think now's a good time for me to say something stupid, so here I go! *strains to think of something stupid* O_O *gas noise* *blush* Takua: O_o Well, I've been a second, and a fourth, and even a seven thousandth, but never flown one myself... Lewa: Then today's for quick-learnin'! Taku: Yeah! *puts on teacher costume and points to a tree like a blackboard* Now class, let's start with something simple: 5 + 3 + 37+ 98 + 123 + 987 + 562963572 + 57037563058763870654706402780975 + 658057630856876357083465837625807563847563085763084756!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *maniacal laughter* Takua: Quick! Let's ditch him! Jaller: Yeah! ( Lewa picks up Jaller and Takua and puts them on the Gukko bird. ) Lewa: Stay sharp and follow well. ( Taku looks around confusedly, shrugs, and puts a pencil sharpener on his head. ) Taku: He said to stay sharp... Lewa: >_< ( Lewa takes off and the Gukko follows. ) Takua: Sorry Pewku, no room! Go on home! Pewku: O_O You dare to leave me behind!?!? I shall have my revenge foolish master!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *cackles insanely* Taku: Wait! Don't leave me too! Takua: Quick! Move it! Jaller: Hey... Takua: Oh... One, two, three! Jaller and Takua: (singing: ) I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to- Director: MOVE IT!!! And stop referencing other movies or we'll get sued! ( Takua and Jaller soar away. ) Taku (Arnold Shwarzeneggar voice: ) I'll be baaaaack! Grr... Come Pewku, let us plot mysteriously and add a surprise twist to this movie! Pewku: Yeah! *high-fives* *or high-claws* *whichever you prefer* ( Pewku and Taku walk into the shadows, laughing maniacally. ) Director: This can't be good... ( Meanwhile, Takua and Jaller on the Gukko follow Lewa up through the clouds and onto an icy cliff, entering Ko-Wahi. The Gukko collapses from the cold and crashes. ) Jaller: I knew I should've switched to Geico... ( The two Matoran go flying off the Gukko bird and land in the snow. Takua picks himself up by putting his arm on Jaller's head, therefore stuffing it into the snow. ) Jaller: Geroffawe! Takua: What? Jaller: Geroffawe! Takua: *grins* What's that? You give me all the money in your bank accounts? Gee, thanks! Jaller: GEROFFAWE!!! Takua: Fine... ( Takua and Jaller both get up, and clean the snow off of each other. Takua cleans Jaller a bit too vigoriously and Jaller bats his arm away. ) Takua: What? We're here! Welcome to the Himalayas! Director: One of these days... Jaller: Uh... *looks around and the mask shines ahead* Hey, not bad. You even kept us on the right path! Lewa: The drums of Le-Koro bring a sorry-bad tale... Takua: What? Little Timmy's fallen down the well? Lewa: No... Takua: The supply of Cheese Nips is gone!?!? Lewa: No! *listens to drums* Your village has fallen to Rahkshi: The Makuta sons! Jaller: My village? In trouble? Takua: YAHOO!!! *starts dancing* No more Vakama! No more Vakama! Ooh! Ooh! No more Vakama! Jaller: Ohh, I should've been there! Takua: Yeah! To laugh at Vakama! HAHAHA!!! Jaller: I must return! Lewa: Sorry, fire-eater, past late to help now. The mask most needs you. Jaller: Takua will continue in my place! Takua: R-really? *sniff* What a pal! Director: Ahem... Takua: I mean... Uh-uh! No way! You accepted this duty! Jaller: I accepted your duty! Takua: O_O Jaller: O_O ( They both burst out laughing. ) Lewa: *sigh* Such lunatics I work with... Stop! What is this duty quarrel? We all have a duty to Mata Nui. Mine was buying Matau that massage chair. No time to infight! I must go be with the Toa, but then I'll go to your village Jaller. Heart brea- Uh, promise. Jaller: I... I can't thank you enough Toa. Well, maybe I could get Takua to change his socks... Lewa: Hmm. That would work. Yes... Hmm... Takua: Hey! ( Lewa runs to the edge of the cliff and flies away. ) THE END
  6. I know it's long, but there's no word limit here, is there? The Golden Mask if you please.
  7. "Lego Pawn Stars." Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, oh, a new and original pirates theme. I suppose they may do another anniversary theme in 2019, but I don't want to wait that long. Or... Lego Treasure Island? Mmm. Not a series, though... Or: Lego Treasure Planet! Space + Pirates = Awesomeness. Actually, though, a prehistoric caveman theme would excite me even more than pirates, considering they've never done it. (the Duplo one doesn't count) Any good "series" out there about a prehistoric world? Enough with the lego dinos, give me some smilodons and mammoths! And... a... sloth... *lightbulb* Lego Ice Age. Actually, Dreamworks has several series that would work nicely...
  8. Man, doesn't each new molding machine Lego makes cost at least $300,000? Or was it up to $300,000? I'm not sure. In any case, Legends of Chima might take the cake for most new molds in a single theme. Ever. Lego went quite crazy with the molds in this one. And hey, where are the bears and rhinos? We've got surprise skunk 'figs (and the gorillas) but no rhinos or bears? Either there are more sets we've yet to see, (as if there aren't a million of 'em here as it is) or they left out those two tribes. We shall see. I was disappointed to see no rhino 'figs in the pictures here. So did anyone celebrate the Baltimore Ravens' victory with the involvement of LoC raven 'figs in any way?
  9. Well, in the contest of annoying glitches in a Bionicle game, I would say MNOG2 wins hands-down.
  10. Oh. Cool. Nevertheless I guess I won't be seeing them there anytime soon. Or never. *sigh* Back to haunting Ebay...
  11. To answer your question, Vorahk: A), because I don't care much for the R-rated myself, given that they have more violence or inappropriate content than I care for in a movie, just not my taste, and B) I doubt if the BZPower staff would appreciate references to such movies. However, let's see here... You mean "Alien" from 1979, yes? For it's time it had a nice effect, I especially liked the beginning, but later on was more creepy and horror-esque, which isn't my taste, and I thought the ending was kind of corny. The Cloud Atlas trailer was... Interesting. The concept of people being linked across time is an interesting romantic notion. Plus I thought the futuristic city was cool. And the music was nice. I didn't care much for the Jesse James trailers. I didn't really get the point of the story. It is a nice music piece in there, though. True Grit looks interesting. I like the tough guy bounty hunter with the eyepatch. And it's Jeff Bridges? Neat. A tough guy like him getting straddled with a little girl always makes for an amusing dynamic, too. Valenti, yeah, the Dark Knight Rises trailers are really cool, too. And hey, wow, that Star Trek trailer was really good. it's just too bad I was disappointed with the movie itself. On a semi-related note, I like the extendable sword belonging to the Asian guy, even though it doesn't make a lot of sense to have one in that day and age. Maybe I'll like Into Darkness more. It does look pretty good. Giant, Pacific Rim looks like a fun one. Giant alien monsters vs. giant robots? Awesome. I do love sci-fi. (clean sci-fi, anyway) Looks like some cool tech in there. Gotta love those hologram screens. And the giant robots are, amusingly and befittingly, reminiscent of a certain giant 'bot from the Bionicle storyline. On another note, who else saw the Iron Man 3 Extended Preview during the superbowl today? First half was funny, second half was pretty cool.
  12. "Deeplinking them is by clicking the pictures itself and copying the url to a post. And there is no way to change the order, trust me. I've got a MOC in Brickshelf, that I wish I could change the order of it. Oh...it's now public. As in, link directly to individual pictures, and not just the gallery itself? But I did... Bah. That's a pain. Hey, glad you like it. But come to think of it, the "apothecary" is a bit of a misnomer... That girl is supposed to be a doctor/nurse, and the furniture there is just a bed and a table with medicine on it, I'm not sure what else a medieval doctor should have. Nor, indeed, what one ought to call a medieval doctor. Any suggestions? And the name is mostly a place-holder name. Despite having had the castle for two years, I never did settle on a name I liked. But yeah, the "tri" is a reference to the fact that the castle signifies the union of the Three Kingdoms, and the rest just sorta sounds cool.
  13. Do they finally have sailing ship parts?!?! Oh, please let it be so! Not that it's terribly likely... Given that POTC sets are retired and there are no current such themes. *sigh* EDIT: Guess not... Closest thing I found is Element ID 4541875, the Tub. Woo. Hoo. Why?!
  14. What does it mean to "deeplink"? And are you sure the gallery isn't public? It comes up fine for me, even when I'm logged out of Brickshelf. Also, is there some way to change the order of the pictures in the gallery? I want to change which one is first, as that's the cover image, without having to re-upload them all.
  15. Welcome to Castle Triumviratum, a castle wedged between two cliffs, both serving as a stronghold to protect the kingdoms beyond, and as the officially designated meeting place for the Three Kings of the Three United Kingdoms. I built this a couple of years ago, and while it's nothing compared to other castles I've seen, I'm fairly pleased with it. it is the first model I've made of this scale, though, and it looks a lot better than any other large-ish scale MOCs I've made. (the pirate ship was pathetic...) Here's a little info on the layout: The front tower holds the wizards’ study, and another room above it with adjoining platform. In the rear tower lies the throne room, with the three allied kings standing atop it. The side towers are guard-towers, complete with catapults. The courtyard is made up of a ring around the outer edge, and a lowered area in the center. Each corner has its own purpose: forge, armory, kitchen, and apothecary. The lower area has a training dummy and a door to the prison cell. One of my favorite parts of the design is the walls, mostly the sides and the back. I love the look of it. I also love the general design of the walls, battlements, and towers ringing the courtyard, even though the courtyard itself is rather tiny. Without further ado, on to the pictures! Full View Drawbridge, Front Drawbridge, Top Forward Tower Rear Tower Rear Wall In All Its Glory Side Wall The Three Kings Three Way Practice Duel Kitchen Forge Apothecary Armoury Lion Queen And Prince Royal Guard There are a few more pictures in the gallery, which is here: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=520320
  16. This was originally meant for the Ambage Fortnightly Flash-Fiction contest, but by the time I remembered that there was a 1,000-word limit I'd already reached 2,000 words and was only about halfway done. It still fits the theme, though. There is a reference to a broken mask in here. Final word count: 5,550. That's rather funny, I hadn't planned it that way. Maybe I should add five more words. So I hope you enjoy The Golden Mask. Have you ever gotten an idea in your head? If not, then that's a paradox I don't care to consider. But have you ever gotten an idea, an idea so consuming and wonderful, an idea that so pierces your intermost being, that you couldn't help but pursue it? I did once. This is my story. Well, not my whole story, but a part of it. A rather small part I suppose, but I'm convinced that it's the most important part of my entire life. In fact it's not so much about me but rather my idea. And, well, my pursuit of it. Yeah.     So here's me, Sejon, Po-Matoran. I'm not your average, run-of-the-mill Matoran, either. I was a bit of an adventurer, an explorer, a treasure hunter. There was no Wahi on the island of Mata Nui I hadn't become more or less thoroughly familiar with. And every time I heard of a treasure or artifact? Boy, there would I be. One time I'd searched out the legendary Golden Statue of Matauka in Le-Wahi. That story actually ended up being a little embarrassing, but can I be blamed if the Le-Matoran had set up a bunch of booby traps just outside their village, if Turaga Matau had given his own little statue such a misleading name, or if he'd made a treasure map leading to it and placed it conveniently on a mountaintop, where any passing Matoran could grab it? I think not. I'd also found a cave of diamonds in Ta-Wahi, a sunken city off the coast of Ga-Wahi, ancient ruins in Po-Wahi, the hidden valley of Angri-Bah in Ko-Wahi, and I led the expedition that uncovered the fossils of the Sidirosaurus deep in the Onu-Wahi mines. I love artifacts and treasures of any kind. Even the smaller bits of pottery or tools are to me thrilling little glimpses into forgotten worlds. It is those glimpses and thrills for which I live. I even found something under the Kini-Nui, but we won't talk about that. . . Nor about the time I went after the legendary Toa Stones. If Takua hadn't been so lucky. . . Well, that's neither here nor there. But I don't like to talk about it.   Now I don't like to brag, so let's get back to the story, shall we? Oh, yes, I was a rather adventurous Matoran, you see. I was always looking through old tablets and exploring, trying to find anything of interest. Well, I tell you what. One day, I was poring over the tablets in the library of Kini-Nui, which I often did after Kolhii practice. Oh, Kolhii? I was a decent Kolhii player, too. I even won that copper mask a few times. But I won't speak of the one time I broke it. . . Wait, I just did, didn't I? Bah. Where was I? Oh, excuse me, so I was reading through these old tablets, when finally I found something of interest: An old map, leading to someplace in Le-Wahi. I'd seen it before, and even gone there myself, but there wasn't anything there. Nothing. I never could understand that. It just led to a simple clearing. No shrine, statue or pole, no cave or temple entrance, just a boring old clearing. But this time, as I looked it over again, a realization sparked in my mind. Why, just the other day I'd found a piece of an old carving. A picture-carving. I was always finding interesting bits of pottery and whatnot that I brought home with me, most of it inconsequential. But what I realized now as I retrieved the fragment, was that it matched the map. Or a small part of it. The original carving, it would seem, had been this map! Most likely the carving was the original and this full version before me a copy. Fitting the fragment to the map, I was wondering about this, when I noticed a small difference between the two. See, the map had small scribbles of instructions over it, you know, take so many steps, find the stone or tree that looks like a Mahi, the usual. But one of the instructions on the map was different from the corresponding instruction on the fragment! What did this mean? If my hunch was correct, then whoever copied the original carving had made a mistake! I was on my way home to fetch my gear in an instant. Bringing with me also the fragment and my personal copy of the map, I hastened to Le-Wahi with the speed of a Kikanalo. Once there I set off in generally the right direction and looked over the map, comparing the instructions. According to the map, the final stage of the journey was to head due south, about two-thousand paces, until you find the boulder shaped like a Muaka, and from there to turn due east for another hundred paces. But the fragment said twenty-thousand paces instead of two-thousand! Now could there really be two boulders shaped like a Muaka? I had, after all, found one near the two-thousand paces mark. But maybe there could. . . I paced along, eventually finding my old pal, Muakatherock. I then proceeded for another eighteen-thousand paces or so, which involved a lot of monotonous counting, blisters, and other uninteresting and inconsequential things which would be of no interest to you.   I paced.     And paced.       And paced some more.       Just wanted to illustrate how monotonous it was. Mind you, I'd been strolling through a forest, so it wasn't completely devoid of interest, but then I did have to concentrate on counting so I couldn't really think about much else. By the end of my journey I decided there was something very wrong with whoever drew up this map. Or else they were a far better mathematician than I, or they were hiding something worth going to all that trouble of hiding. All things considered, I hoped it was the latter. Finally, puffing and panting, I arrived at a second Muaka-shaped rock. I was ecstatic when I finally found it. By the time I reached twenty-thousand paces, I still had to search the forest for an hour or two before I finally found the thing. But find it I did! And boy, was I excited! Oh, the thrill of the chase, the thrill of seeking out old, forgotten, or hidden treasures! Setting my tiredness aside in my eagerness, I quickly proceeded to take one hundred steps due east. And what to my wondering eyes should appear, as I stepped into a brightly-lit and long-forgotten clearing in that age-old jungle, but a most incredible sight. Amid the growth of the ages, the beautiful ferns, trees, and vines, and amid the rocks and soil of the earth, stood a large, smooth boulder, sticking part of the way out of the ground. It was perhaps seven or eight feet around at the base, rising to a perfectly smooth ovoid end ten feet in the air. But what was most exhilarating was the words splayed across it, more than clearly visible in the splash of sunshine playing across the stone:                                           I couldn't believe it. . . The Golden Mask. . . The Golden. . . Mask. . . Of Mim Brano. The Golden Mask of Mim Brano! The legendary Mask, THE Legendary Mask, said to hold ten times the power of all thirty-six Great Kanohi combined! The legend rarely spoken of and even more rarely believed, but in my eyes the greatest of the legends. . . The legend through which I discovered my love of adventure and treasure-hunting, so long ago. The legend went like this: In the Time before Time, even before the Great Spirit carried we Matoran to this island paradise, Mata Nui was given the Mask as a gift from the Great Being Mim Brano, in recognition of a tremendous deed, the specifics of which are lost to time. Using the power of this incredible Mask, Mata Nui forged this very island, raising it from the sea, shaping the mountains and plains, and causing the jungles to grow and the Rahi to come into being. After this, Mata Nui carried we Matoran to the newly-created Paradise, and from that time on wore the Mask as his own. But when the Makuta, his jealous brother, betrayed him and cast him into slumber, he stole away the Mask. A brave band of Matoran, desperate to resist the Makuta and restore their beloved Mata Nui, resolved upon themselves to steal back the Mask. This they attempted, and against all odds, they broke into the Makuta's lair and retrieved the Mask. Knowing they could not use its power themselves, they hid it away where it could not be found. The Makuta, in his fury, captured these brave and heroic Matoran and interrogated them, but they would not give in. They kept their secret, and were never heard from again. The Makuta searched desperately, but never could find the Mask. . . The Golden Mask of Mim Brano. To this day it remains lost to time and history.   But now, here and now. . . Or then, actually, there and then, as I stood before that obelisk, I resolved to take it upon myself to find the mask so our Toa could use it and restore the Great Spirit. The Makuta was gone, beaten by our great Toa, who had just days ago emerged from his lair in triumph, and so I had nothing to fear from him. And this time, Takua would not be getting in my way. . . hopefully. So, I had to wonder, where to start? There wasn't much to go on from this stone; just a name. But there had to be more than that, yes? Someone had drawn a map leading here after all. Some might claim that that someone had just been a madmatoran, teasing us with a reference to a hoky legend that didn't exist, but did this occur to me, even for a moment? No, it did not! I knew the Mask was real. It had to be real. So I searched. After glancing over every inch of the stone and gleaning nothing, I searched the immediate area around the stone, scrutinizing with the utmost attention to detail. But try as I might, I could find nothing, no clues at all. Finally I returned to the stone itself. Carefully I examined every facet of its beautiful, smooth surface. Every facet I could reach, anyway. By the time I'd finished with that, darkness was falling, and I had found nothing. So I retired for the night, with every intention of starting anew come morning. The next day I sat before the rearside of the great boulder, pondering my quandary. What to do? In the earlier hours I'd managed to climb the smooth surface of the stone with my ropes and examine every detail of its surface, all the way to the apex. Nothing. The entire structure was completely smooth. My only hope now was to search in a wider radius around the stone, or go home and research. Pore over more tablets or ask questions of the other denizens of the island. After a thorough search of the surrounding area, I gave up the ghost and returned home. But had this lessened my vigour and determination by even the slightest extent? Of course not! I knew with unyielding certainty, that I, Sejon, adventurer extraordinaire, would find this Mask of Mim Brano if it was the last thing I did!   For months upon months I researched, reading through tablet after tablet with greater fervor than ever before, as well as interviewing anyone I could, anyone who could possibly know anything about the Mask! The Turaga became impatient with me, for what reason I could not fathom. Could they not see the utmost importance of this glorious quest? In fact I'd thought some would join me, but no, they all scoffed! Even Takua did not believe me! But who needed them? I'd find the Mask on my own! Oh, beautiful, glorious Mask of Mim Brano, would fortune never give me the chance to gaze upon thy splendor? Would thy sheer radiance and glow never shine upon me. . . ? As time went by, I slipped farther and farther towards despair. My hopes dwindled, but never could they completely diminish. Finally the day came that I found myself again before that stone. Many times in the past weeks had I re-examined it and the area around, but to no further avail. All this time, nigh half a year of non-stop pursuit, and what had I to show for it? Nought but darkening dreams and hopes. I sat all night before the rear of the stone, the side over-looking the river, pondering, wondering what else could possibly be done. I'd done everything I could think of! And still no clue. Not a single solitary clue. As morning neared, I couldn't help but wonder. Ever so slight a wonder. . . Could it be? Is it possible that the Mask, the glorious Mask, was nought but legend? The mere thought of it left the foulest of tastes in my mouth. And yet. . . could it possibly be that Mata Nui had built the island by his own or other means? Could it be? Could it be the Mask. . . the pinnacle of my dreams and hopes as a seeker of artifacts and treasures. . . simply did not exist? The mere possibility filled me with far greater despair than I'd ever known. What was the point, then? Of what value had been my many adventures, only to come to this? What was the point of even continuing in the consistent meaninglessness of life itself, if that be the case? Raw hopelessness gripped me as the sun began to rise, and my cries of despair finally began to take leave of me, bubbling over from my long built-up reserves of utter despondence. How could it be. . . ? Oh, Golden Mask. . . Of Mim Brano. . . Why? Why, oh why torture me for so long, drag me on through the clutches of so much negligence and ignorance, merely to abandon me now? The sun shone upon me now, fixing me in its cold, bleak light. The world was a cold, cruel place, where dreamers and hopers chase their objects of obsession in utter devotion, only to have the iron fist of reality fall upon them and dash them to bits. But as the sun shone upon me, its light spreading slowly downward, I found myself suddenly looking up, and turning to gaze upon the surface of the stone just behind me. The bare, empty surface of the horrid rock which had begun this whole meaningless charade stared back at me. I wished I'd never found that shard of the map, nor certainly this accursed stone! I stood in fury and raised my foot to vent my emotions against the rock, only to pause, transfixed, as my eyes met a strange sight: A small portion of the stone, near the apex, where the color of the stone shifted ever so slightly from the surrounding area. The boulder as a whole was actually surprisingly solid in color, yet here was a change. Ever so slight a change, but nevertheless. . . I found myself running desperately for my ropes, lassoing them around the rock, and hauling myself up to get a better view of the discoloration. I'd never even noticed it before because I'd never seen it in direct sunshine as I did now. As I climbed, I couldn't help but wonder, what was I doing? Pushing forward again, chasing blindly after dreams that. . . No, I would give this just one more chance. Even the slightest chance that things had been set right was enough for me to at least look over this one little thing. I examined the area minutely, desperately hoping, praying. After several minutes I grew impatient, and scratched at the surface. And what to my wondering eyes should happen, but that the stone wore away before my fingertips, and black markings appeared underneath! As I continued to scratch and dig, I found not just markings, but words. A clue! :e: , ? ,     My heart was lifted, my spirit soared! My eyes were overcome with emotion, and I laughed a painful, throbbing laugh! Oh, Mata Nui, the light was returning to me! It seemed the Mask did indeed exist after all! No, I knew it did! I'd sworn I'd find it, and here was the next clue! I berated myself for giving up on my hopes, to fall into the Pit of Despair when the great Rope of Dreams lay just before my nose! I cachinnated like a fool as I sat there, overcome by the glorious realization. Finally my mirth subsided, and I sat in a daze of satisfaction. Everyone thought I was mad to keep at my quest for so long, but I'd prove them wrong yet! I looked again at the words. They were rather vague, but I felt my old love of puzzles returning to me. I looked around. What could it mean? Where? Finally, I chose to climb the stone itself. I stood upon the top and looked about me. Where was the object of my search? Was there another clue awaiting me? I ran my hands over the surface of the stone, the beautiful perfection of smoothness that it was. Then finally, incredibly, amazingly, miraculously, a small, tiny, insignificant piece of the stone gave under my obsessive pressing and rubbing and poking. It bore no dissimilarity from the surrounding stone, betrayed no clue whatever to its existence, but there it was. I pressed it in all the way, and the stone began to shake, lurching violently. If it went on much longer I'd be thrown clear, and fearing for my life I leaped down into the clearing, landing clumsily but safely. Then I turned to watch as the stone, the beautiful stone, sank straight down into the ground. Hardly daring to believe it, hardly daring even to breathe, I stepped forward and gazed into the hole it left behind. There, in the ground, gazing up at me like so many adoring faces, as if proud of what my continued devotion had accomplished, was a row of steps. They wound round and round, leading deep into the underground. I whooped a tremendous howl to the sky. I must have jumped ten feet in the air! Here it was, it must be, the object of my desires! The Temple of the Mask of Mim Brano. . . Or some such place with another name denoting the treasure held within, a name lost to time. I couldn't believe what immense fortune good old Fate had chosen to lay upon me. After all this time, the ceaseless research and investigation. The hoping, the dreaming, the reaching for the impossible! And here, after all this time, the Door of Destiny lay before me. I simply couldn't believe it.   Heart pounding, mind spinning, I took a tentative step toward the opening. Then I took another. And another. Before I had fully grasped what was happening, there I was, standing at the very bottom of the stairwell. What lay before me there was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever beheld: A large chamber filled with a treacherous array of death traps, leading to oblivion. Straightening my mask and the bag slung over my bare shoulder, I examined carefully the maze of death lying before me. There were swinging axes, lava sprays, wind-bound pathways across thin stone bridges, notches in the walls from which projectiles would no doubt issue forth, impossible jumps across bottomless pits, walls of rods to climb, ropes from which to swing, and no doubt other deadly dangers hidden from my eyes. I sprang into action. I dodged through the first group of axes, made across the thin bridges whilst praying the sprays of molten liquid would miss me and simultaneously fighting the murderous wind. Those Matoran of legend, if indeed it had been they who placed the Mask in here, were, I thought at this time, both ingenious and insane. Dexterously I dodged disks and other missiles, climbed walls, swung ropes, made carefully across a floor of endless and deadly tiles, and conquered many other perils which elude my memory, for the anticipation I'd had at the time of finally finding the Mask outshines most of it. Finally I heaved myself up a hundred-foot tower, my excitement and hope for what must await me there sending tremendous energy surging through my limbs. The closer I got, the more my wonder built, knowing that I had just about reached my goal. All the sweat, the tears, the work, the prayer, the devotion, the long, long months of hoping and awaiting, and the pit of dark emotions in which I had nearly fallen. All of that had led me to this moment, the moment when I would behold the tremendous wonder that was, the Mask of Mim Brano. Finally, breathless, ecstatic, half-delirious with pure joy, I stood atop that beautiful pillar to gaze upon the splendor before me. It was as if I were in a dream, one of the most joyous and wonderful dreams to ever be had. Everything was surreal. I couldn't really be here, in this temple, finally discovering the greatest treasure in the history of the Matoran. I couldn't really be the one who would bring it to the surface, to usher in a new and glorious age in Matoran history, in which the Great Spirit would no doubt be awakened and perhaps thank me personally for bringing his Mask to him, and perhaps even use it to create another incredible work! No, it really couldn't be, could it? Hardly daring to breathe, I stepped forward eagerly to the pedestal in the center of the tower-top, upon which no doubt lay the answer to that which I sought. I could see the golden shine from where I stood. As I reached the pedestal, I stopped dead. My heart stopped, my spine went cold, my mind froze for one long, heart-wrenching moment. No. . . No. . . It can't be. . . It couldn't. . . Wasn't possible. . . It can't be! It can't be!!! NNNOOOOO!!! The howl which burst forth from my own lungs in that moment was the most horrible sound which had ever wrought itself upon my poor ears. It echoed in the chamber, bounded and rebounded off the walls, creating a swirling vortex about me of nightmare intensity. I felt as if my very innermost being had been stabbed with a sword of flame. It couldn't be! It simply couldn't be! It wasn't possible that such a thing could happen... It wasn't possible that the great and noble Mask of Mim Brano, that given to our Great Spirit by the Great Being Mim Brano, could possibly be befelled by such a fate as this. . . This increduisity. . . This horrosity. . . This pure catastrophification! I couldn't believe it. Simply couldn't believe it. The Mask. . . The beautiful, glorious, precious Mask. . . The Mask of Mim Brano! It was. . . It was. . . Even now, though the episode is far behind me, I cannot bring myself to even think the words without being overcome with intense emotion. The Mask of Mim Brano. . . was broken. There. I said it! The Mask was split in two! Right down the middle! I couldn't believe it! What evil horrendous monstrosity of darkness could do such a thing? Certainly the Mask was far too powerful to ever be broken from age! Sure, it could happen to any regular old mask, but Masks of Power were more enduring, and certianly The Kanohi could never be felled by something as simple as time! The Mask that dwarfed in power and greatness even the Great Kanohi Vahi itself! I'm not ashamed to admit it. As I stood there before the two pitiless halves, sitting upon the pedestal, my mind, horribly torn as it was, began to break as well. It was simply too much. To come this far, and find the mask in this condition. . . First I was overcome with sorrow. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, could do nothing but feel numb from the pure horror. No, it was worse than numb, I felt. . . dead. Dead on my feet. Then my sorrows gave way to rage. Rage and indignation. I swore with the utmost conviction that I, mere Matoran though I was, would never rest until the horrendous, sadistic monstrosity that had committed this utmost pinnacle of crimes would meet the fate it deserved! Then my mind began to split, stretching into many different directions at once. Rage, sorrow, confusion, fear, pain, terror, anger, and many others I could not identify. After I know not how long, through this dirge of darkness that lay upon my mind, I came to myself enough to be overcome with sorrow once more. I slumped down before the pedestal, gripping it for mere life, hardly able to feel anything of my body. Nay, all was pain, all was hopelessness. All was nothing but a great pit of sorrow. My life was now meaningless. Without the Mask, which had become my deep obsession for so long, which had become my very life, what more meaning could there be to continuing on in the realm of physical existence? As I reached the very bottom of my pit of sorrow, something clicked. Something shifted. It was as if a message directly from Mata Nui had been injected in my dejected mind. Something stirred deep within my subconscious. What if the Mask, what if this pitiless little heap that lay before me, what if this object of horror and desolation, was in fact not that Mask of Mim Brano! What if it was a fake? As incredible as it seemed that it could possibly be so, it was more understandable than was the notion that the glorious Mask was in fact broken! Yes, that had to be the answer. It must be. It was the answer. Deep within the core of my being I knew it to be true. Slowly I gathered myself from the dark recesses of doubt in which I had found myself. Breathing hard, I stood before that pedestal, glaring hard at the two pieces of evil deception that lay upon it. I picked them up and examined them carefully, every facet. After doubly satisfying myself that they must certainly be fake, I stretched my arm over the far edge of the tower, at the bottom of which lay a molten lake. After a moment's hesitation, I let the two little pieces of shiny, golden evil fall to their demise. Then I turned back to the pedestal. That wasn't all there was to it. There had to be more! Obsessively, knowingly, assuredly, desperately, I ran my hands and eyes over the stone surface, as well as the tower itself, searching for a clue! I'd nearly given up hope twice now, I would not allow myself into that terrible pit again! But as I did this the tower gave a sudden, sickening lurch. I grasped at the pedestal as I was nearly thrown clear. Then looking out across the lake I watched in horror as the very far wall of the cave was split asunder, a great wave of lava spilling down into the chamber. My time was almost out. For whatever reason the Temple of the Mask was about to be lost forever! Half-mad, I looked behind me at the entrance to the temple, to the point beyond which lay the light of day and my only hope of safety. I was torn. But I knew that if I left now, when I knew the Mask was here somewhere, I would spend the rest of my days as nought but an empty shell, devoid of any reason for existing. Frantically I hastened my search, there had to be a clue! I found nothing on the tower floor, nothing on the pedestal itself, until. . . What Lord of Fortune smiled upon me I knew not, but just when all seemed lost my fingertip pressed into a small depression, which only deepened as my fingertip pressed into it. I heard the sound of sliding stone, of mechanisms turning and clicking, and then. . . a hidden compartment slid out of the pedestal. I knew it. I'd known it. And I'd been right! Numb as I was I looked down upon the beautiful Golden Mask of Mim Brano that lay, formerly hidden, in the compartment, that I'd simply known to be here somewhere. Gently I scooped it up and briefly wondered if and how I could possibly escape with it as the tremendous tidal wave of lava surged toward me across the lake. There was no time to wonder, no time to think, the wave was nigh upon me. I pressed the Mask to my chest and chin, holding it tightly, as the rest of the world faded from my realm of awareness. The Mask and I. . . together at last. All was light. All was beauty. I could have sat there forever, with the Mask tight in my arms, in pure contentment. An age passed then and there on that tower. Then reality set in again. I was flung to the floor of the top of the tower as the wave struck. Streams of lava burst out upon either side of the tower as it teetered and began to fall. I grasped the Mask tightly. Whatever would befall us, we would go together. The tower leaned out farther and farther, and as it did I was forced to adjust my position so as to avoid falling off. As I stood upon the side of the pedestal, now sticking out nigh horizontal, I saw that the point upon which the top of the tower would land was just before the entrance! Quickly I gathered my wits about me. Just before the tower struck the ground, I leaped clear, and the tower crashed and crumbled behind me. I landed in a clumsy roll, Mask between my folded arms and against my chest. I was dazed and hurt but undaunted. The Mask itself remained without a mark upon its golden surface. The wave of lava had lost a little ground on me, but it now surged nigh upon me. There was no time to lose. Instantly I rose and ran, half-clumsily, toward the point of our salvation. By some miracle we reached it just in time, and I moved my aching body as fast as it would go up the steps. The lava splashed into the stairwell, large drops of it singing my armor, but I had the determination of a cornered Kavinika in me. Clenching my teeth and giving a slow cry I forced myself up those steps, the lava surging upwards behind me but always a few steps below. One time the lava reached the very sole of my foot before I could snatch it out, but still I would neither slow nor stop. After what felt like hours upon hours of forcing my unwilling body onwards, I saw daylight above me, and renewed vigor pushed my dying limbs out into the open. I hurtled into the daylight, landing in a crumpled heap in the clearing under which had been hidden the Temple of the Mask. The lava stopped at the very top with a gurgle, then slowly began its retreat, as if it had been some great and terrible predator desperate to devour me, only to give up upon realization of its failure. My body was frayed, my armor half-gone, my mask damaged. But I didn't care. I felt on top of the world. I felt a king. I felt pure joy well up inside me. I stood, and held the Mask high above me, marveling at its incredible beauty. Despite my narrow escape, its surface was still completely unharmed and undamaged. It sparkled in the sunlight like so many golden diamonds. It shone out upon the world with its brilliant light. I couldn't believe it. I'd done it. I'd found the Mask. I'd found the greatest artifactual treasure in the history of the world! My eyes glazed over as I beheld it, laughing giddily though it must surely cause my broken body terrible pain. What new wonders and glory would now be known in this world of ours, now that the Mask of Mim Brano was ours! Oh, Golden Mask of Mim Brano. . . For too long hast thou been lost to glory, but rediscovered now, at last! I was so happy! I was so joyful! I felt pure light inside me and could not feel the pain of my body. Nay, it was even greater than this, the feeling was beyond indescribable. The glorious, incredible feeling built up inside me until I thought I would burst. To my wonder it felt as though I were expanding, as though I were stretching beyond the limits of my body. I could feel the wind. I could feel the trees. I could feel the mountains, the seas, the rivers. I could feel the skies. A plethora of new and wondrous sights, sounds, and feelings surged within me. Then began the next step of my journey, in which I would discover an even greater light and glory than that of the Mask, as my old, lifeless shell fell to the ground, still clutching that wonder that was. . . the Mask of Mim Brano. Well, there you have it, the satirical adventure of the Golden Mask. Criticism is welcome, and I hope you enjoyed it! EDIT: New word count: 5,643. Wait. . . I know I didn't alter it that much. I guess it's counting each Matoran letter as an individual word? Ah, well.
  17. Thank you, Takua and Lockman! Here's Chapter 4. Note: For those who don't know, the "Darkest Faerie" is an evil fairy from the Neopets world, whose foretold return is heralded by massive dark purple clouds. Nixie was a Ga-Matoran that Takua supposedly had a crush on, and Larry, Moe, and Curly are the Three Stooges, a classic comedy trio. Mask of Light: What You Didn't See... Chapter 4: A Wild Goose Chase Begins ( Last time, Jaller was chosen as the herald and Makuta sent out his Rahkshi. Now Jaller and Takua are preparing to leave Ta-koro. ) Taku: *dramatically* And now the conclusion. Director: Oh be quiet... Vakama: Toa Pohatu has left for the north pole. He spreads peanut-butter on his tacos, and searches for Santa Claus! Director: Vakama: *sigh* He also spreads word of my fame. ... Oh, and of your search too... Takua: Oh! Thanks! I'll take any help I can... Uh, give to Nix- Er, Jaller, for his quest. The one I want nothing to do with. Jaller: You're a real angel, you know that? Takua: I- Vakama: Yep, I know it! Jaller: >_< Hahli: Look, don't get mushy Jaller. Jaller: O_O *turns around* Oh it's you... Huh? Mushy? I didn't even know you were here 'til you said that! Hahli: Either way... I have no time for a long good-bye. Jaller: Then why are you even here...? *reads script* Oh. I was just going to say, um... Uh... Well... Oh... MY FEET STINK! Hahli: O_o Jaller: And, you owe me a rematch on the kolhii field. Hahli: Well then, you'd better wash your feet. ... Oh, and hurry back too, because I'll be eating Cheese Nips. And practicing. ( Jaller watches her walk away while Takua hops on Pewku. Suddenly, Vakama runs after her. ) Vakama: Hahli! Wait! Hahli: Yes? Vakama: In all the excitement, I forgot your winnings. Congratulations to the Ga-Koro Kolhii Team for their incredible triumph. These tokens shall bring great honor to your village. ( Vakama hands Hahli a trophy shaped like himself and a few Cheese Nip coupons. Unfortunately, the coupons had expired three years earlier. ) Hahli: Thank... You...? 0.o I think? ( Hahli leaves and Taku runs up. ) Taku: I'm supposed to come too, remember? Jaller: *sigh* I was trying to forget... ( Jaller turns around and looks at Takua sitting in Pewku. ) Jaller: You're bringing Pewku? Takua: Um... Let's see: *checks script* Yep. Besides, I couldn't leave her behind if I wanted to. You should see her fastball. *shudders* *flashback* ( Takua is trying to sneak out of Ta-Koro, but Pewku spots him. ) Pewku: HOW DARE YOU TRY AND LEAVE WITHOUT ME!?!?!? ( Pewku throws a rock "fastball" at Takua and knocks him unconcious. ) *end flaskback* Pewku: Yep. Shooooore brings back memries. *day-dreams* Director: MOVE, ON!!! Jaller, Takua, Taku and Pewku: Okay, okay! ( Jaller hops on Pewku and so does Taku. ) Pewku: AAAHHH! You three weigh a ton! How many bowling balls have you eaten? Taku: *burp* Only three... My doctor said I needed more iron. Pewku: >_< ( Jaller accidentally bumps Takua, who tries to bump him back, but accidentally wacks Taku. Taku then tweaks both their noses and pretty soon they end up brawling like a certain Larry, Moe, and Curly. ) Vakama: The shadows of the Makuta are powerful. Not as powerful as me, but powerful nonetheless. Anyway, do not take your journey with a side salad. I did once, and let me tell you- Director: Ahem! Vakama: Um, it will tolerate none of your unity. Er, foolery. ( The three instantly stop fighting. ) Takua: Um, how will we know where to start? Vakama: Oh, just trust your Turaguition. It's like intuition, only better. Taku (whispering): Don't listen to him. Let's trust in the mask, let it be our guide. Takua: What? The... Mask? O_O IT'S ALIVE!!! SOUND THE ALARM!!! Jaller: Zip it. Takua: Fine... ( Jaller takes out the mask and it shines brightly. ) Jaller: Whoa! Hard to argue with that! Vakama: Remember your stupid- Uh, duty, and walk in your shoes. Taku: Do we even have shoes? Vakama: Uh... ( Pewku starts walking across the bridge. ) Vakama: Safely, in your shoes. ( Meanwhile, at the Kini-Nui, Gali Nuva is still floating. ) Gali: I love repulsorlifts. ( She looks up and sees a flock of birds flying by. She looks farther on and sees a lot more birds fleeing from a huge dark cloud. ) Gali: O_O THE DARKEST FAERIE IS ATTACKING!!! SOUND THE ALARM!!! ( Suddenly, a bright light erupts from the Kini-Suva, and then it explodes. A green hand reaches out and grabs onto the side. ) Gali: IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!! ( Lerahk pops out of the hole. Then Panrahk. Then Guurahk. ) Guurahk: Panrahk! Look what you did! You brokeded the poor rocky... ( Guurahk starts putting the Kini-Suva back together. ) ( Panrahk rolls his eyes and then shrieks upon seeing Gali. ) Panrahk: O_O IT'S HIDEOUS!!! Gali: *gasps* Mata Nui! ... >_< I GOTTA stop doing that... ( Panrahk puts his staff in the ground and sends a blast at Gali. ) Guurahk: Vaka- Uh, Panrahk, don't! ( Too late. The blast goes straight at Gali. She leaps out of the way and the part of the bridge she was on explodes. The three Rahkshi hop down the rocks, following her. ) Panrahk: Is it dead? Lerahk: Can we eat it? Guurahk: Would it like to come with me to the "Barney: Live" show? ( They hop down to the bottom of the cliff and look in a river. They then see their reflections. ) Panrahk: Hey! It's an evil- No, good clone! ( Panrahk leans down and claws his reflection. ) Lerahk: Can we eat it? Guurahk: *talking to her reflection* Hi there! You can be my special friend! ( Lerahk realizes it's just their reflections and drags the others away. ) Panrahk: Hey, stop that! Lemme at 'im! Guurahk: My specal friend! Noooooo! *cry* ( Meanwhile, Gali is hiding in the river. The three Rahkshi go into "flight mode" by putting their legs together and pointing them straight out in front of them, upon which point they begin to float, and take off at top speed. They fly by the river and go over a waterfall, the dark cloud not far behind. Gali's head pops out of the top of the waterfall. ) Gali: 0_0 They're headed for Ta-Koro! Good riddance... Oh wait! I LEFT MY MAKE-UP KIT THERE! *high pitched girly scream* ( She leaps down the waterfall and swims past the Rahkshi. ) ( A little later, she runs across lava-ish rocks to Ta-Koro. ) Guard on wall: The Toa of Water approaches! SOUND THE ALARM!!! THE TOA OF WATER- ( Gali leaps onto the wall. ) Gali: Is here! Guard: O_O *low pitched manly scream* *faints* Gali: Sound the alarm! Guard: That's what I said... Gali: ... Boo. Guard: O_O *faints* ( The alarm is sounded and Gali runs past the outer wall and actually "in" to Ta-Koro. One guard lowers the bridge. Gali, Vakama, and Nokama watch on a wall. Suddenly, the Rahkshi fly out of the smoke. ) Nokama: Rahkshi. Gali: Redundant... Vakama: Shadows that cower in the depths. From me. ( Tahu leaps in from nowhere and blocks the Rahkshi's way. ) Tahu: Finally we get some action! None have breached Ta-Koro's gates before- Well, except for that one Easy Button salesman, the pizza guy, and the one time an enraged rabbit broke in, so my statement is pointless! Hit me baby! ( Tahu spreads his arms wide and Lerahk blasts him through the front gate. Vakama sees this from above. ) Vakama: Mata Nui protect us. Nokama: Why? Tahu's just a suicidal maniac! Vakama: Point taken. ( Gali runs down to help Tahu. ) Gali: I'm coming Honeybunches! ... ... I mean, Tahu! >_< ( She jumps in front of Panrahk and puts her Aqua Axes on his staff. He simply raises it and sends her flying. ) Guurahk: *gasps* You killed Jimmy! *cry* Lerahk: Don't name it! Once you name it, you start getting attached to it! Guurahk: ( The Rahkshi stomp around on their big feet and the Matoran run away screaming. ) Tahu: The Matoran! ( Tahu slowly rises to his feet. He charges at Panrahk, and flips over him. ) Tahu: Take this! ( Tahu hands Panrahk a hundred dollar bill. ) Panrahk: Uh... Er... Grr... BRIBERY WON'T WORK YOU COMMON PEST!!! Tahu: Darn... Then take this instead! ( Tahu slams his swords into the ground and sends blasts of fire through it to surround Panrahk. ) Panrahk: The floor! It buuuuurns!!! Gali: Good job. We must get the Matoran to safety now! Tahu: Surrender? Good idea. Gali: It's lost Tahu! Tahu: What? My sanity? Duh! Let's surrender already! *walks away* Gali: We need to regroup! Tahu: I KNOW! Gali: Oh... Heh heh... THE END Taku: Precisely whose idea was it to end a chapter in the middle of a fight, I'd like to know? Director: Well...
  18. The Protar Chronicles Chapter 4: Protok Crawls Along So there he stood, before Helryx, head honcho of the Order of Mata Nui. They were in a grand hall, although it wasn't so much the bright and grand atmosphere one would expect from nobility, but more the semi-shadowy seclusion one would expect from a top-secret agency. Nevertheless it struck Protok as a place of imperial grandeur. Helryx sat on a small throne of sorts, a pair of hulking figures by her side and two dozen guards lining the hall. What a reception, Protok thought. Is this per the usual, or are they afraid of me? Protok had recieved no little surprise to find that Helryx was, in fact, a Toa, and a Toa of Water at that. This was rather in contrast to the hulking, imperial figure he'd been expecting. How many Toa are in this organization? Toa were normally very front-and-center, broad daylight type of heroes, not the type you expect to be involved with secrecy and deception. Toa Helryx did, however, make for a very imposing figure in her own right. She held herself with the dignity and poise of a strong but just ruler. Yet even at a glance he could tell: She was ancient. Her armor was the most pitted and scratched Protok had ever seen on a Toa, evincing the thousands of battles in which he imagined she must have taken part. Her mask bespoke a wise and powerful presence, while her eyes revealed the experience of untold ages. After being released from his cell, Protok had immediately been fitted with a small device that served the same purpose as the cell bars. Any effort to command elemental energy at all, or even the slightest touch to the device from his hands, and he'd regret it. The walk from the cell to Helryx's hall had been rather uneventful, as Protok had been blind-folded. He'd been taken through several hallways, some larger chambers, and at one point passed through an area exposed to the elements. There he gained a clue as to the climate of the island: It was blisteringly hot. Now Helryx looked him over carefully. He felt as if the ancient eyes were scanning his inner being. Finally she spoke. "I've heard a lot about you, Protok. Once a denizen of Xia, later mutated, then traveller of the world. Friend to the Toa and Matoran no less, I've heard. And yet... You went rogue. Joined the Dark Hunters, caused a lot of pain and suffering, and even foiled a few of our own well-laid ploys. Nevertheless... You're known to avoid harming Matoran when at all possible. This I find curious. Now, you may speak, Hunter." Protok thought the matter over, wondering what stratagem he should use before this benevolent leader. In the end, he chose a very simple strategy, although one he deemed to be the wisest. He told her his story. He began with a short overview his life on Xia, unpleasant as it was, then moved on through his mutation, without mentioning certain specifics, such as the voice he'd thought he'd heard, an over-view of his travels through the Matoran Universe, and then reached his time with the Hunters. "I hated it there," he ejaculated ruefully. "I regret that I'd been so ignorant of the world that I hadn't already known of them. It sounded all well and good at first, but I soon realized what monsters they were. Stealing, maiming, and murdering, just for money..." He shook his head in disgust. He realized this may look like it could be an act, but what form of honesty didn't? It is to my shame that I didn't leave them sooner, he realized. Although the Shadowed One forbade it, and they would have hunted me down and killed me. Not likely that I could have eluded his agents for long... All the same, to go along with them for so long, and do so much harm... Was cowardly of me. Helryx gave her verdict. "You've done a lot of harm, Protok. You've hurt many Toa and Matoran, if mostly indirectly. Despite what appears to be your inner love of Matoran, you still chose to remain with the Hunters." It was as if she'd read his mind. "It was very selfish of you, despite the harsh threats with which you were faced." She tapped the edge of her throne with her fingers for a moment, lost in thought. Then she straightened up. "Nevertheless, it is needless perhaps even to ask, you are willing to divulge what you know of the Hunters?" "Most certainly." "Very well. Then we shall see what comes of this information, and what shall become of you yourself. You are dismissed." After that he was returned to his cell. She hadn't said what exactly was to become of him. Well, naturally they want the information first, and to know whether it's legitimate... But what then? He didn't like to think they would simply kill him. But then, if here was yet another powerful organization like the Brotherhood and the Hunters, with just as little morality, what hope was there for anyone in this Universe, anyway?     He was soon interrogated, and he told them all he knew of the Hunters' fortress, members, and The Shadowed One and his plans. Truth be told, though, he didn't know much. Naturally the Shadowed One didn't really trust him. He was able to offer descriptions of different members, though, as well as information about the fortress itself, and forthcoming missions he'd been aware of. It wasn't, by any stretch of the imagination, nearly enough to cripple the Hunters, but it helped. Or he hoped it would. After this he spent most of his time during the next few weeks in his cell. He was adamant to remain on his best behavior, and to glean as much information as he could about the Order. The Toa who had originally captured him visited often, and during this time Protok finally discovered his name. He was Toa Torinn, Toa of Fire. To Protok's surprise he found that the two of them would have long conversations together, about the world, about the Great Spirit and the Three Virtues, and especially about the Order. Torinn was surprisingly willing to tell him many things about the doings of the Order, about its members, and about their island fortress. When asked why, he replied with a laugh. "Well, it's quite possible this 'goody two shoes' thing of yours is an act, and that you might betray us, but there's no hope of rescue for you, and if we find you're not one of us, which we will if you aren't, then you won't be alive much longer." It was a funny statement. On the one hand, it wasn't very reassuring, but on the other hand, it opened up the possibility that the Order was actually considering letting him join them. The more he heard about the Order and its doings, the more he became certain that he wanted to join them. Unless, somehow, the Order wasn't what it appeared to be, a suspicion he still couldn't disregard... After a couple weeks, his friend returned with good news. "Congratulations, pal. Your information has proved quite helpful. Several thefts and murders have been prevented, and a couple dozen Dark Hunters have been captured by the Order, thanks to you." Protok felt a flash of satisfaction. The Order had some reason to trust him, and the Shadowed One would be seething. Over the ensuing weeks and months he underwent further examination and scrutiny, and before long he was allowed out of his prison, although still inhibited by the electrical device and escorted by his short red friend. He discovered that the island of Daxia was oblong in shape, that the climate was stiflingly hot and harsh, that it harbored an immense fortress, as well as other fortifications, and was easily defended. Regarding the members themselves he found that they weren't always amicable, but were generally, as he saw it, noble and devoted to virtue, if somewhat irascible and hardened by their trying lifestyle. Protok couldn't help but notice that he himself retained something of a sour and ignoble attitude from his time among the Hunters. He managed to make a few friends among the members. Some of them seemed to trust him, like Torinn did. Others more or less half-trusted him, while most were outright suspicious. He engaged in many conversations and learned more and more about the Order, but some of the more suspicious members seemed to think he was a little too eager to gather information. Over time, though, their relation with him eased more and more. His own attitude eased as time went by, and one by one the Order members became convinced of his sincerity. In fact, he was eventually allowed out of his cell and given more amiable living-quarters, albeit with 24/7 guard, as well as being required to wear the disabling device all day and night. Nevertheless, the day finally came, a year and-a-half after his capture, when his Hau-bearing friend came to visit him with a long-awaited message. "My friend, I have some very exciting news for you. After much debate, Helryx has decreed that an offer be extended to you. An offer that, should you accept, shall give you right to become a junior member of the Order of Mata Nui." As per the usual, any reviews, comments, or criticisms are welcome in the review topic Here.
  19. Hey, awesome. And it seems to be saving for me. This is a great game, and I haven't played it ever since it left Lego.com. This'll be fun. Thanks for the help, all!
  20. I hadn't even thought of that, CHTrilogy. But you're right, although I think the movie was released in September. Nice to find another fan of SPIRIT's comedic talent, X-Ray! You're right, it is a high bar to meet. Glad you three are enjoying it! Mask of Light: What You Didn't See... Chapter 3: The Mask of Light. Is a bit rusty... ( Last time, Ga-koro won the Superball and the Mask of Light was found. Now, Nokama is translating the writing on the back of the mask at the Ta-Suva. ) Nokama: Makuta... Jaller: *sigh* I'll never get to my yoga class. Takua: What's she doing? Jaller (sarcastically) : Ordering take-out. Takua: Oh, cool! From where? Wendy's? Jaller: Oh, it's a new place. McMoron's. Takua: Oh. ( Nokama steps forward. ) Nokama: This is the Great Kanohi Mask of Fashion: A mask only to be worn by yours truly. Director: Nokama... Nokama: Fine... And if you push this little button here- *beep* -it becomes the Mask of Light. A mask for a Seventh Toa. Yay. Gali: The prophecy is being fulfilled! Tahu: What prophecy? Gali: The one where Nokama becomes a super model. *shudders* Tahu: Nokama: A Toa... Of Light. Takua (sarcastically) : Gee, thanks for clearing that up, I'd have never guessed what kind of Toa it would be given the name of the mask... Nokama: You're quite welcome! Takua: >_< Vakama: Legends foretell the coming of a seventh hot tub for me. Now where's my hot tub?!?! Director: You don't get a hot tub... Vakama: I don't...? Uh, I meant the coming of a Seventh Toa. Yeah, that's what I meant... *coughs* Um, who would bring presents to all the good Matoran, and leave lumps of coal in Makuta's stockings. All ten thousand of 'em. Oh, and awaken Mata-Nui too... ( Tahu jumps forward next to Vakama. ) Tahu: What are we waiting for? Takua: Nokama to order take-out! Jaller: >_< Tahu: We should prepare for this Toa's arrival. When will it be? And where? Onewa: Ah, this Toa will not simply appear and do nothing but eat Cheese Nips, as you and the others did. The Seventh Toa must be called. *bends down* Here Toa of Light! Here Toa Toa Toa! *whistles* Vakama: >_< Oh the senility of it all... Nokama: It really has to be found. And the mask chose who would find it. Vakama: ME! Nokama: NO! Perhaps it also chose who would deliver it to its master. Takua: Choose? The mask is alive! WE'RE BEING INVADED!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!! ( Everyone ignores him. ) Jaller: Great, now I'm gonna be a delivery boy... Director: Don't wreck the movie! Jaller: Oh, right. Tahu: If you're quite finished!!! ... Wait, at the stadium, there was a sign. The mask threw all its light on one Matoran: Taku: Me? Tahu: No! Vakama: Me! I knew it! I am the greatest!!! Tahu: And the loudest... >_< No! You're not even a Matoran! Every Matoran in the Crowd other than Jaller: Me? Tahu: No you imbecilic morons!!! Jaller!!! Jaller (who was trying to sneak out the door): Drat. Tahu: He must be the herald of the Seventh Toa. Jaller: But- But I didn't- Takua! Tell them the truth! Say something. Takua: I do say something! Vakama has a gas problem. ( Everyone stares at Vakama, eyes wide. ) Vakama: Takua: I also say: Hail Jaller! All hail Jaller! Herald of the Seventh Toa! ( Everyone throws hail at Jaller. ) Jaller: Ow... (to Takua): You cannot do this to me! You have to be the herald! Vakama: Leader of the Protector-Things, get over here. Nokama: Oh, you have such an amplitudinous vocabulary Vakama... Vakama: Thanks! ... Wait, what? Jaller: Boy, I am never gonna get to that yoga class... Takua... Takua: Go on! Make us proud! Be a man! *pushes Jaller* Besides, I bet Taku you'd find the Seventh Toa before sundown. Jaller: Takua, sundown is in five minutes. Takua. Oh... Get goin' ya' big galoot! Search like your life depends on it! SEARCH! Vakama: It seems the Mask of Light has chosen you. It seems so, but we all know it chose me. Jaller: Uh... Yeah. Okay. *takes the mask* Vakama: Will you seek the Seventh Toa? Jaller: Well, I have nothing else planned. Oh yeah, EXCEPT FOR THE YOGA CLASS!!! Vakama: Is that a yes? Or a no? Jaller: I guess I might as well... I will. And Takua the Chronicler has volunteered to join me. Taku: No he didn't! He didn't say a word! I VOLUNTEER! Vakama: Perfect. While I make history here, Jaller will go on some goose-chase-thing, Takua will write down what happens to him, and Taku will annoy them along the way. Soon, we will have another great chapter to add to our wall. Takua: Yes Turaga. It will be full of Jaller's Cheese Nips. Unless I can keep his hands off it... Oh, and his brave deeds. Or lack there of... Vakama: Yeah, well it better have my brave deeds in it too... *growls* Takua thinking: "This morning Vakama married an alien from outer space. Then an army of ants attacked his bride, but he fought them off bravely. Then they had a pizza." Takua talking: Uh, sure, why not? Tahu: (to Pohatu) A Seventh Toa. Pohatu: Duh. Where've you been all chapter? Tahu: But why now? All the Makuta's threats have been defeated. Pohatu: Who can fathom the wisdom of Mata-Nui? Director: I can. I got it straight from the story team. Pohatu: I'm simply- Tahu: Someone who's head's full of rocks? Pohatu: Uh... Happy to bring good news to the north... Tahu: You travel with Gali? Pohatu: Why'd you make that assumption? But no, she has gone to ponder the Great Thoughts. Tahu: What a cheesy name. Pohatu: Yeah, kinda... ( Meanwhile, at the Kini-Nui, Gali is sitting cross-legged in a circle. She then sees a seventh star in the sky. ) Gali: *gasp* A seventh star! ... Well that was redundant. ( She closes her eyes and begins to float. ) ( Far beneath the ground, in Makuta's lair... Makuta is singing the Barney theme song with pink heart underwear on his head and wearing a My Little Bathrobe. ) Makuta: *high pitched girly scream* DON'T YOU BRING A CAMERA IN HERE!!! ( Makuta runs to the changing room. ) Director: >_<... The drama of this scene is completely ruined. ( Makuta presently returns. ) Makuta: You morons better cut that bit out... *ahem* The earth shudders, my brother. Earth: Do I? *shudders* I get nervous, okay!?!? Makuta: Who are you...? Earth: Uh, no one. *runs off* Makuta: ...? The Seventh Toa has begun its approach. Earth: *shudders* Makuta: GO AWAY!!! ( Earth runs away screaming. ) Makuta: Planets... >_< Again the prophecies of the Matoran oppose the prophecies of the Rahi. Director: ...? Makuta: Must I release those who should never see the picture of me at the "Barney: Live" show? *shudders* ( Makuta pulls two kraata out of himself and throws them on the ground. ) Makuta: I must preserve your refrigerated food. Their unity can be smothered in Tobasco... ( As he says this, several kraata crawl into rahkshi armor and activate them. ) Makuta: Their duty will be tripped and laughed at. Their destiny, I must post humiliating pictures about online... Director: Who hired this guy...? Can't you stick to the script?! Makuta: I'm an artist, okay? I ad-lib. Director: Right... ( The three rahkshi head towards the exit. ) Makuta: Go, my sons. Use the pie... And keep my cocoa-cola cold. Oh, and my brother asleep, too. Guurahk: You got it Daddy! Panrahk: Put a sock in it sis! ( Guurahk puts a sock in her mouth. ) Lerahk: Be quiet! Let's go do what Dad said. And then we hit the amusement park! All three: Yeah! Makuta: Just go... ( The rahkshi leave. ) Makuta: It seemed like just yesterday they were little worm-like freakish creatures and now they're off to destroy theme parks! They make me so proud! *sniff* I'm soo happy! *cry* Director: *sigh* I'm not sure how much more of this "ad-libbing" I can take... THE END
  21. Hey, anyone else remember the old Lego Spybotics game, "The Nightfall Incident", they had on the Lego website? You played as a secret agent computer hacker and used your little programs on a grid to beat the security programs, and as you go along you buy bigger, better programs. I miss that game. It was so much fun. Does anyone know if it still exists anywhere?
  22. Trying to play ANY Traveller's Tales game on the computer. Yeesh. At least the molasses is good for waffles. Otherwise, a glitch in Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (or at least the Wii version) where after beating the "all gold bricks" bonus level, you're stuck in Diagon Alley and can't return to Hogwarts. And it's not a glitch, but how annoying is it that in Lego Star Wars III, stud multipliers don't work in multi-player ground battles? I was so disappointed by that.
  23. Ooh... What a conglomeration of beautiful artwork! The winner isn't exactly what I think of when I hear "battescape" but I guess that's part of the originality. It does look really cool, though. Kind of like a movie poster, too. And the graininess is a nice effect. And it's a cool sort of "epic rival confrontation" thing, too, like a Star Wars duel. Awesome. My Little... Bionicle? Okay... Well, I love it. Tahu with hooves... What a concept. How many more times with those poor Toa undergo transmogrification? Ooh, space vs. cowboys. What strange warp in space and time is going on here...? But it's a cool picture. Is this based on a scene from Lego Battles? :eyeroll: The Honorable Mentions are really good, too. Congratulations, all you winners!
  24. But the Dragon Knights in Kingdoms were pure human. As are/were many of the villians in Star Wars, Indiana Jones, POTC. And you could count the criminals in City, and then there's Baron Von Baron, Basil the Batlord... There have been plenty of human villains, even in original themes. But in recent years there has definitely been an influx of non-human villains. To stay on topic, though, yes, Lego definitely re-uses similar ideas in different things. I hadn't realized energy crystals (go Rock Raiders!) had been used so often. I don't remember them in Bionicle, though. This is true. .
  25. Hey, this is very funny. The way you altered the whole story to befit Makuta was great. You even took the songs from the movie. My favorite parts: There are a lot of good jokes in here. I like the name of his Visorak. And Jaller was a really funny replacement for Cindy. Oh, yeah, and I actually loved the "robo mega death dove" line. I couldn't believe it when you nearly ruined the ending. Then I was relieved to find you hadn't. Also, a couple of spelling mistakes I caught, which I included in here. "Lier" and "a appalling". I also thought that Jaller's age should be something like 1,010. It would rhyme better. Kudos, this is really funny!
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