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Posts posted by AdaptingChaos

  1. Gatanui. You have made so me so happy for this amazing find! 

    I honestly cannot wait for Bionicle to be back! Now we just have to wait and see what they reveal at NY Comic Con! :D

    Btw I love the design on this new mask the new mask design. Hopefully its a brand new mask that we havent yet heard of before.

    Also sorry if Im just randomly posting here in the middle of all this discussion you all might be having. Its just that with work and school, I really wasnt able to find the news out until recently. :P

  2. I have bought some Bionicle and Technic pieces from Bricklink a while ago but that was mainly to finish some mocs, replace broken pieces and finish off some of my multiple McToran. These purchases werent really influenced by the Bionicle 2015 rumors. But now having a job,i know it will be easier to purchase any of these supposedly rumored 2015 sets when compared to 5 years ago at the age of 12/11 LOL :D

  3. I agree. But even if they do change the masks, I don't want to see them changed too much. If they really want to remake the masks from earlier years, they still have to look like the old masks, otherwise there's no point. They might as well just make brand new characters with brand new masks, otherwise. 

    I dont agree with your last statement however I do respect it and understand why you would think that.


    A character, to me in my opinion, doesn't need to have the same mask or appearance for that matter to be the same character with the same background story, personality and everything else that makes the character who he/she is. If Tahu, for example, ends up having a mask that in no way shape or form looks like a Hau, but it is in fact stated by TLG itself that it is a Hau, then so be it. At least to me that is. Appearance isnt everything that makes a character. Its the story behind the character that makes them who they are. I mean just look at Phantoka/Mistika Toa Nuva!

    • Upvote 3

    I hope the mono-gender tribes will be scrapped. I don't expect any past characters to change gender in the new story, but assuming the reboot takes the story in a new direction, perhaps a future series of Toa/Matoran/whoever can have a more even ratio, and in the meantime the canon would allow for more diverse side characters and OCs.

    Agreed. A lot of people want to change the genders of characters already established in addition to retconning gender-specific tribes. I have no problem with scrapping the mono-gender tribes, but I don't see the point in changing the genders of past characters.


    Wait couldn't the mono-gender tribes thing actually work out now considering that the Agori and Matoran now live together on Spherus Magna? I mean I could be wrong, but werent Agori excluded from the mono-gender thing? 

    Edit: LOL I originally started writing this and completely forgot that I didnt click 'Post' since opened new tabs..

    • Upvote 1

    According to BS01, the kraata you have listed is in fact a Kraata of Heat Vision.

    Edit: LOL beaten by a new member :P

    Btw that Bricklink seller is a very good one. I have purchased numerous items from him and they all arrived in great condition :)


    I know you're not the owner, but what is the shipping cost? I mean, what would be approximately what it wold be. Here is my cart.


    2 Piraka Feet

    Heat Vision Kraata

    3 Voodoo Heads

    Glow in the Dark Rhotuka

    Kanohi Rode

    Inika Armour Cover

    2 Metru Chest

    Piraka Head

    Yellow Hau

    Estimated Weight: 1.25oz

    I've never bought from BrickLink before, so I don't know these stuff. If you can help that would be nice. Since you said you've bought from him before, how long does it take for the offer to be approved?


    Well I know this wont be accurate and shipping also depends on where your located. I myself am located in the NY area.

    Either way ill still let you know how much I know, while again this wont be 100% accurate here it is:

    My last purchase consisted of: 

    Blue Bionicle Tohunga Foot (x2) 

    Dark Orange Bionicle Tohunga Foot (x2)

    Lime Bionicle Tohunga Claw Arm (x1)

    Lime Bionicle Tohunga Disk Thrower Arm (x1)

    Lime Bionicle Tohunga Torso (x1)

    Orange Bionicle Mask Pakari (x1)

    Sand Blue Bionicle Mask Akaku (x1)

    Tan Bionicle Tohunga Disk Thrower Arm (x1)

    Tan Bionicle Tohunga Torso (x1)

    Yellow Bionicle Tohunga Foot (x2)

    For a total of $3.03 and had an estimated Bricklink weight of 1.17 oz or 33.09 g . However the seller rounded this to 2oz and shipped it in USPS First Class/Priority Mail raising my price by $1.93 to $5.96. The seller also includes a tracking number (something many Bricklink sellers charge for separately) .

    • Upvote 1
  6. According to BS01, the kraata you have listed is in fact a Kraata of Heat Vision.

    Edit: LOL beaten by a new member :P

    Btw that Bricklink seller is a very good one. I have purchased numerous items from him and they all arrived in great condition :)

    • Upvote 2



    Okay, the NYCC news just posted on the front-page is not totally the staff hinting that they know, is it?


    GAHHH! I always go to NYCC. I bugged my Dad to get the tickets, but they were sold out before I could convince him. And to think I could literally witness BIONICLE coming back (possibly). Does anyone know where I can get them now?


    You could try the contest here... But is that a ticket to the whole thing, or just a pass? *wonders*


    I can't go though. Wrong place, wrong time, way too much homework and other things that need to be done.


    it says "...because LEGO is giving BZPower twelve New York Comic Con passes for all day Thursday to give out to members in the New York City area" i have school and i live in pennsylvania, so i can not. go :( i hope someone catches it on video or something like that.




    If I do get to go, Ill see what I can do ;)

    Also I hope it is Bionicle that will be shown, however it could also be something else.

    • Upvote 2





    The Av-Matoran builds weren't that bad, in my opinion. Durable, and with plenty of different uses. And Bionicle was always a little darker than other Lego themes. There was a surprisingly large number of deaths in the first movie for a Lego theme, if you stop and think about it. Bionicle was always a little more mature than other themes, and I liked that about it. As I matured more, the story grew darker, and I really liked that, because it felt like the story was growing with me. 


    Getting "dark" isn't "growing up", especially not how Bionicle did it. Voya Nui was the darkest, grittiest location Bionicle ever had, and you know what? It felt like a farce. Locations and Rahi were described by how many people they'd killed, characters constantly made sure to trash the brighter mood of earlier years, everything was extreme and deadly, blah blah blah. It was terrible. That's not the Bionicle I want to come back, and that's probably not the Bionicle that's coming back. Do you know why?


    Sorry, I had to come back to this after rereading it. You're complaining that locations and rahi were described by how many people they've killed, but last time I checked (and I live in Australia, so I check often), that's the way we gauge how dangerous a thing or place is in real life as well. You can't fault Bionicle for being realistic and logical for once.



    Except it wasn't just to gauge how dangerous it was. It was describing ANYTHING on the island. Was Mata Nui described similarly? Was the Vuata Maca described as the darkest, most terrifying tree that a Matoran once exploded upon attempting to climb? Was the Mangai Volcano described as a death pit that could roast any Matoran that fell into it? Was the Hoi described as a terrible beast of torment that claimed the lives of thousands of Matoran each day? Because that's what I mean. Everything on Voya Nui was described like that. The entire island was like a bad parody of a dangerous location.



    But that's justified, since Mata Nui was meant to be an island paradise, whereas Voya Nui was a fiery ###### (EDIT: okay, seriously, why is the opposite of heaven filtered?) by comparison. Voya Nui was a dangerous location because it was the hiding place of the legendary Mask of Life. The volcano was violently active, the landscape had been decimated by a hurricane, and, to top it all off, the Piraka had gone through and conquered the place.


    I think the whole thing was meant to establish the idea that the stakes of the story had been raised, and that they were now fighting to save Mata Nui's life. Voya Nui wasn't a "bad parody" of a dangerous location, it was a dangerous location. 



    It came off as a bad parody; Greg Farshtey went over the top to try and establish it as a dangerous location, and thus turned it into a crude farce of one.


    But I mean wasn't Voya Nui considered "Island of Doom"? I think that wouldn't necessarily be all of Greg's fault for trying to make the story a little darker. I mean Mata Nui was dying. And all in all I really don't consider 2006 and beyond becoming "dark", sure there were aspects that did become a little dark but I think overall it was a good year and I enjoyed it a ton. :)

    • Upvote 7



    Capar is dead though. :(


    I personally hope that the new main villain(s) is/are something/someone completely different, something/someone we haven't seen before. Basically I would love to see a new main baddie, but having help from or using the old baddies, like TSO, the Skakdi, etc., as servants or grunts. That way Lego can get Bionicle a fresh new story somewhat and not have the new fans rely on old information on these really fleshed out characters. I dont know, I think they would want to avoid that.


    While I still want the old baddies to return as a threat, I imagine Lego would try to not complicate the start/revival of a new returning theme (that ended for being too "complicated") by making the main villains the old baddies with complicated background stories.


    By the way, sorry if my paragraph up here is sorta difficult to understand. :P


    No, it all made sense. I get what you're saying, but:


    If they had TSO and the Barraki following the orders of someone else, it wouldn't be very true to their characters. After being helpless to stop Makuta taking over their entire universe, they've all kind of gone off the rails. All they want to do is conquer and rebuild their old empires. And I don't think the 100,000 years worth of backstory is entirely necessary to understanding their characters. Lego can just go and say "these are this year's bad guys" and give a brief introduction of their characters: TSO is the leader of a mercanary group called the Dark Hunters. The Barraki are four warlords working together to build a massive united empire. Takadox is a sniveling traitor whose prone to compulsive backstabbing syndrome... 


    The old fans will know all of the extra background and be able to further understand their characters, but really, their past actions aren't going to have a massive impact on the new story, I don't think. Think about Annona, the creepy Tren Krom-esque villain of Sahmad's Tale. We didn't really find out much about her before she was wiped out by a Dues Ex Machina from the Golden Being. 

    Oh that makes so much sense! Thanks for clearing that all up :)

    I mean, I still personally hope that the new main villain is someone we haven't seen before. But still I can now see them doing the Barraki or TSO as potential threats that will excite the older fans. And like you said, their background information would be irrelevant to the story, so it would be easier to understand. 

    Also thanks for understand my previous post :P

    • Upvote 1

    It would be nice to see the Barraki again. Now that the Mata Nui & Makuta thing is over with I am excited to see what Pridak and Friends decides to in terms of terrorizing the peaceful setting. 


    Pridak, Kalmah, Eehlek and Mantax all have armies. Takadox is scurrying around somewhere probably trying not to get himself killed. Knowing his history, he'll probably try to ally himself with the most powerful person he can find he won't immediately trying to kill him - probably our old off-the-rails friend The Shadowed One, who is also building an army out of the surviving Dark Hunters, rogue Skakdi and Vortixx, the Bone Hunters, and some of the Skrall Remnant. 


    If Bionicle 2015 is a continuation, even a time-skipped one, I'm putting my money on TSO and the Barraki being the main villains, whether they end up working together or fighting separately remains to be seen. 


    Capar is dead though. :(


    I personally hope that the new main villain(s) is/are something/someone completely different, something/someone we haven't seen before. Basically I would love to see a new main baddie, but having help from or using the old baddies, like TSO, the Skakdi, etc., as servants or grunts. That way Lego can get Bionicle a fresh new story somewhat and not have the new fans rely on old information on these really fleshed out characters. I dont know, I think they would want to avoid that.


    While I still want the old baddies to return as a threat, I imagine Lego would try to not complicate the start/revival of a new returning theme (that ended for being too "complicated") by making the main villains the old baddies with complicated background stories.


    By the way, sorry if my paragraph up here is sorta difficult to understand. :P




    If you ever want any doubles, I have about 30 extra masks now. And here's another good deal: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bionicle-Collection-/251610105150?&_trksid=p2056016.m2518.l4276


    Could you please PM me anything you have extra? I would love to see what I could possibly be interested in!


    Sure thing :P


    :D thank you!


    If you ever want any doubles, I have about 30 extra masks now. And here's another good deal: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bionicle-Collection-/251610105150?&_trksid=p2056016.m2518.l4276


    Could you please PM me anything you have extra? I would love to see what I could possibly be interested in!

  13. Yes, regardless of how things turn out, I'll buy some of the new sets just for old time's sake, and to see what they're like.

    Yeah I will greatly support the line (if it comes out) :P

    I just hope the sets are designed well out the box. I no longer own my old Bionicle stuff and I didn't collect Hero Factory, so I can't really make any alterations to things I dislike.

    Yeah I hope they are well designed. I never really got many HF sets so I hope if theres something I dont like, which Im hoping there isnt, it can be easily modified.

  14. I sure hope that the Toa sets are fairly similar in size, specifically Tahu, Gail, Kopaka and Lewa. Im so used to seeing Pohatu and Onua in a shorter size (excluding Mistika Onua), so for them it wont really matter. :)

    I just hope theres not a huge different in sizes and part variations.

    • Upvote 1
  15. I got my first set in 2002.  Don't know when I started the story, (I think I found Bionicle Story.com around 08) but I now have a practically encyclopedic knowledge of Bionicle.  You should see the documents folder on the computer I'm on right now -- almost every file is about Bionicle.  There was a time it seemed I only ever thought about Bionicle.

    And once again, NatoGreavesy says what I'm thinking.

    Mine was in 2005 with Hordika Matau :D 

    (i secretly love them..) :P



    Hello, I'm new here...


    Anyway. I've been into Bionicle a lot of my life (I'm 15) and now that I see rumors of it returning, naturally, I was hyped.

    I fell off the hype train around SDCC when rumors were that they'd unveil it there, but didn't.

    I took a hit, and drifted away from lego altogether, with my only links back to it being Lego Marvel Superheroes.


    And then this S@H thing happened, and, using the SSB4 hype train to catch up, I'm back with Bionicle!

    Welcome! And yeah Bionicle was a huge part of my life as well (Im 16 now) LOL

    But basically you should join all of us on this #HypeTrain and never fall off, as Im sure it'll start to speed up faster in the next coming weeks. :P


    Oh, I'm here to stay. And the speed isn't an issue, have you seen the Smash Bros hype train? :P


    LOL I personally have not been on that train, but I have seen and heard alot of stuff on that specific game ever since E3 and Evo!

  17. Hello, I'm new here...


    Anyway. I've been into Bionicle a lot of my life (I'm 15) and now that I see rumors of it returning, naturally, I was hyped.

    I fell off the hype train around SDCC when rumors were that they'd unveil it there, but didn't.

    I took a hit, and drifted away from lego altogether, with my only links back to it being Lego Marvel Superheroes.


    And then this S@H thing happened, and, using the SSB4 hype train to catch up, I'm back with Bionicle!

    Welcome! And yeah Bionicle was a huge part of my life as well (Im 16 now) LOL

    But basically you should join all of us on this #HypeTrain and never fall off, as Im sure it'll start to speed up faster in the next coming weeks. :P

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