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Posts posted by AdaptingChaos

  1. Wow! The bios you came up for them were really cool and honestly make me want to get into the HF story! :P

    Besides the amazing bios, I gotta say those are some pretty basic mocs, but it is something you wouldve expected during the 2.0/3.0/breakout/brain attack line. I find the color schemes pretty interesting as Ive never seen these characters with these colors.

    Still cant get over those dark and gritty bios you came up with! Props! :D

    BTW Stormer reminded me of Core Hunter :P



    Congrats on finally getting it MC



    I must say i am not very impressed. Yes it is the ultimate collectors piece but i feel ever since you started collecting for it you have practically bragged about it which just puts me off.. However here is my question. How do we know you actually took that picture and just did not take it off of some various site and what not? Pictures can easily be faked and stolen.


    I think I have to agree with this guy, I don't think that you could have made 15,000$ from selling your Bionicle collection that fast.

    You'd be surprised.




    Thanks guys, and to "a vox in a box" I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, I was just advertising my B/S/T topic. I didn't for sure have it secured yet so I was doing everything I could to get it.


    You can tell it's mine because that is my solid gold hau and the display in the picture, but if you don't believe me, you will soon enough, this us just the teaser topic after all.




    You have been bragging about it, everywhere you could in fact :glare: . Also the gold Hau really means nothing to me, even if it is another one time only thing, you could always have made your own, or photo shopped it in !!!.


    This really turns me off, what is an 20 year old doing buying a mask for $15,000? You would think that someone that old would spend their money more wisely.

    He doesn't really seem to be bragging. As far as doctoring the image goes, You'll find confirmation of possession in this article. Furthermore, your criticism of his use of $15,000 is inappropriate. The money is his to spend as he sees fit. He seems to be a rational individual. As such, to him, the marginal benefit of having the platinum Avohkii is worth the $15,000 he spent to get it. My Technology and Society teacher knew someone who bought a solid gold toilet seat. While I disagree with such a decision, I respect that it is his.

    On a side note: MC, you should update your sig now.



    I should have put more in my post, you misunderstand me.


    I recognise that the $15,000 is his to spend as he sees fit, I just think it seems like a waste of money when he could be spending it on helping his family(if he has one yet :) ), or on other stuff.


    Also I have to agree with you here:


    Furthermore, your criticism of his use of $15,000 is inappropriate.


    I shouldn't have been so hasty in posting this.




    I suggest that we all just be happy that a fellow and active BZPower member, has obtained the Platinum Avohkii!! :D

    • Upvote 1
  3. I think in general, toys are meant to be played with. Even if you just like to have them displayed, you cannot have Teridax strike an epic pose, or show off his scale in that he towers over the rest of the early sets, if he is still in the box.

    +1 !!!

    But yeah I agreed with what you said :P

  4. Ok, everyone, I have updated the list with things I would like to buy. transactions can be made in a week or so (paypal is still clearing my funding), but if you have anything on the list then let me know !

    I cant see the new things you listed that you would like to buy. I just wanna see what your interested in to see if I have anything lying around and such :)

  5. I voted for myself :) Entry #2.

    Of course I would like my entry to win. Having a YouTube channel of my own, what I tried to do is really focus the content of BIONICLE on the center of the image since thats what the viewers will see the most. Having a YouTube channel of my own, I also didnt put much on the top and bottom of the image mainly because I know it would eventually get cut off on the website and mobile versions of YouTube. Also I didnt include a picture of Hapori Tohu because the main profile picture on the BZPower Youtube Channel was already that and I believe that we dont really need two of the same pictures, since it would look pretty ridiculous in my opinion. I also made sure the proportions of the image are correct to be visible on the Website, TV, and mobile versions of YouTube.

    However good luck to all the entries!

  6. Hey there guys! Here is my entry to BZPower's General Art Contest #20. I really wanted to participate in this contest since I normally make my own channel art for myself and others. However I had no idea on what I wanted my entry to look like. I started today and finished in less than an hour.The only program I used is Photoshop CS5. I really only focused on the center of the image, considering that the only time you see the full image is when you see YouTube on TV and YouTube cuts out everything on the top and bottom. I didnt really put the Hapori Tohu image in my YouTube channel entry because the BZPower YouTube channel already has the picture set as the profile image. Most of these images I got just by searching Google.


    Click for Fullsize:


  7. I too have experienced multiple problems with the later Technic/BIONICLE joints. However I never had a problem with the Lesovikk I bought from a BZPower seller and my Hahli Mahri only cracked once.. the joint near her head. However my Phantoka are cracked but still strong enough to support movement. My Glatorian are also in perfect condition I would say, besides Vastus.

    Anyways here a tutorial on YouTube that explains an alternative on how to "fix" the cracked joints:

    Hope that helps! :D (BTW not my video)

  8. Its cool that you were actually able to finish making a creation on LDD. Usually when I start I never finish due to time and stuff. But anyways I really like the types of colors you used they remind me of the original Mata colors for Tahu. Also I would consider trying to add atleast some type of armor on the chest so I doesnt look to plain. But overall nice little experiment on LDD. A little more practice and Im sure you'll see improvement :)

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