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Posts posted by AdaptingChaos

  1. Im posting a post I posted on a different thread before:

    "Thought I would put this here: http://www.ebay.com/...=item3f34cfd81d

    It is a knockoff and if you guys wants a review on this knockoff, here you go: http://www.bzpower.c...a-nui-knockoff/


    While I dont encourage the purchasing of LEGO knockoffs, to me, it looks like a pretty good deal considering the majority of Toa Mata Nui sets are usually $100+, in used condition. Also the pieces that are missing from this knock off (Mahri Jallers Sword) are easily obtainable :)"

    Hope this helped!

  2. That helmet looks kind of like some Spartan variant from Halo, but I can't place exactly which. Probably coincidence.


    I would like to say that I really like it, but I can't - not because of the execution, but because I've never liked the art style of painting Bionicles as being less set-like and less mechanical.

    Maybe the "Solider" variant from Halo 4?
  3. Thought I would put this here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/9299-DECOOL-Mata-Nui-Bionicle-TOA-FREE-WORLDWIDE-SHIPPING-LEGO-Compatible-NIB-/271468976157?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item3f34cfd81d

    It is a knockoff and if you guys wants a review on this knockoff, here you go: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/12000-review-decool-toa-mata-nui-knockoff/


    While I dont encourage the purchasing of LEGO knockoffs, to me, it looks like a pretty good deal considering the majority of Toa Mata Nui sets are usually $100+, in used condition. Also the pieces that are missing from this knock off (Mahri Jallers Sword) are easily obtainable :)

  4. Well it kind of sucks having to write this, but I thought I should let everyone know that the Gold Hau was a fake :( . It was the original red Hau that came with the set, painted in a chrome/gold color with holes punched in the side of it to look like a genuine Hau. The seller claimed ignorance to knowing it was a fake since his father supposedly gave it to him, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt (frustrating though it may be) since he did issue me a refund. Be wary if he ever puts it back up on eBay.

    - :t: :l: :h:

    Aw man. Thats horrible! Happy you did get your money back, but a shame you didnt get a Golden Hau. :(


    Welcome to BZPower!

    While it does sound cool, I don't think it's appropriate for you to post such a topic here. This forum is dedicated to topics about people's own creations in general, and must contain topics with the users' own Bionicle-based creation. That being said, if you want people to start posting MOC's based on a certain theme, consider making a contest or something. Might not be possible for new users though, I think.



    My apologies. I don't really post on forums much so I am a little inexperienced. What do you want me to do with the topic?

    Welcome to BZPower! :D

    However Im sorry to inform you but Im pretty sure a topic like this is not allowed on this forum, unless you have a creation of your own to post.


    Sorry about that. I don't post on forum's much so I am a little inexperienced.


    Its alright and im sure an admin will come soon and lock it up :)


    I'm not at all suggesting that Bionicle be resold without supplementary products, including but not limited to toys. Due to its popularity and success over a variety of media, the Star Wars films have given rise to a lot of Star Wars toys; the only difference between the two in terms of marketing strategies is that Star Wars was planned with films to be the main focal point and source of revenue, and diversified from there, while Bionicle planned for toys to be the main focal point and source of revenue, and diversified from there. It's entirely feasible that, in the hands of a company which is established in working in a variety of media, that Bionicle could be a series of films, or books, or television episodes with toys that were supplementary to the other media.


    However, Aanchir, I disagree that a line of toys, supplementary or vital to its existence, is necessary for Bionicle to be exciting and innovative. The concept of collectability is by no means unique to toys, and in fact most collectible items are not toys or items to be played with. Today, certain books, comic books, cars, paintings, baseball cards, other sports memorabilia, and many other items are collectible. Not one of those items have their roots in toys, and many have been collectible since long before 2001. Many of these items also sell better and are more marketable now than they were before they were considered collectible.


    It's a well-accepted convention in the world of visual design that audiences desire brightly colored characters and environments in science-fiction or fantasy settings, and that rule has formed the basis for much of the visual style of those genres since the usage of colored film became widespread. Our mental image of science-fantasy movies or television contains vivid colors almost by default. Even before then, vividly colored landscapes, costumes, and characters were extremely common in comic books and pulp magazines as far back as the late nineteenth century. When the tone of the work is more somber or threatening in tone, then the color palette will often be darkened and mellowed out to match that; not only is the standard for most science-fantasy, but it was used by Bionicle in 2006, 2007, and 2008 to indicate the more dangerous and somber tone of the story during those years.


    The same can be said for the novel designs of tools or weapons that was and remains eye-catching to the toy-buying public; moviegoers, television watchers, and comic book readers desire the same innovation in tool/weapon design, and have for many decades. And one needs to go back nearly two thousand years, when much of the literature which we today consider to be “classical” was composed in Greece and Rome, to record the start of our cultural interest in the natural elements and character who can control them. That one is older than dirt,Aanchir.


    In terms of short characters, do you really think that Bionicle would not make use of characters of sub-human height if it had not begun as a toyline? Elves, dwarves, goblins, gremlins, fairies, and countless species of aliens have been shorter than humans in very well known literature for centuries.

    BIONICLE could have used any of those ideas without toys. I'm not arguing against that. However, its foundation as a toy line is the reason it used those ideas the way it did.


    I have never seen a post from you that short, Ever. :P

    Anyways I hope we see another "Bionicle" as every other LEGO theme out right now doesnt catch my eye.

  7. I recently just purchased Toa Mata Nui for about 48 USD from a BZPower member in England. I dont know about you, but I think the eBay prices for Bionicle are usually very high and absurd. I wouldnt go comparing your prices from there. I would first start at the price point I paid. Here in the US, Toa Mata Nui was about 50 USD so ill use that as my starting point. Then I would look at the condition of the set. Since you said its new in a sealed box, I would add about 20-30 USD to the original price point. Since its new and a discontinued item.

  8. As a huge fan of Ryse, I'm pretty excited someone actually made a moc based on the main character. It's seems like a nice recreation, however the blue glatorian hand takes away from the dark blue armor. I would also expect for the moc to have somewhat of a dark red color as it's primary. Other than that it seems like a nice entry and you have my consideration for a vote. I'm also very fond of the shield. Good luck! :D

    • Upvote 1
  9. Ok we'll I have enough masks to make 3 purple kaukau masks. If anyone is interested in purchasing them. Also seeing as Xonar hasn't responded I'm also putting up the pink lemonade kaukau.


    Also this is it, when I sell these masks I won't be making more

    Im interested! How much for one? :)

  10. I'm a he, the video file was actually 16 hours long, 1780000+ frames, plus the interview, I'm trying to hurry but the file is so long that it got corrupted at points, and I moved into a new house just barely as well. But I'll post the video soon.



    Wow! I never wouldve guessed that!

    The longest video I ever rendered was about 1 hour long. I cant imagine the amount of time you need to render yours out. Also may I ask what editing software you are using for this video? Maybe I can help you with the corruption problems :)

  11. You can actually get these games pre-owned at Gamestop pretty cheap here in the US. I dont know if you live in the US but on their website, it states that Bionicle Heroes for the DS is about 4.99 USD while the Xbox 360 version of Bionicle Heroes is only 2.99 USD. As for Maze of Shadows, it is listed as 6.99 USD on the Gamestop website for the Gameboy Advance. Sadly they dont appear to be available online, so going to the nearest Gamestop in your area can help you get your hands on these copies of Bionicle Heroes.

    If you would like to buy online however you could possibly check eBay where im sure you'll find a great deal. However, I hope some members of BZP might be able to fulfill your needs. :D

    If you want I can PM you a link to the Gamestop listings but im sure they are pretty easy to find and sorry if you dont live in the US and have no idea what Gamestop even is. Im sorry if I also possibly just wasted your time. :P


    Thanks guys, My video is rendering now, but it had over 1 million frames, so i have to render it one more time, and then it will work. I'll post a new topic and have the video and all the pictures to go along with it.


    Thanks again guys


    How long is that video? :P


    Well this is a wild guess, If the statement of 1 million frames wasn't an exaggeration, then there are two possibilities:

    If his video runs at 60 fps (frames per second) : 1,000,000 frames /60 frames per second = 16666.7 seconds = 277.7 minutes or 4.6 hours long.

    If his video runs at 30 fps (frames per second) : 1,000,000 frames/30 frames per second = 33333. 3 seconds = 555.5 minutes or 9.3 hours long.


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