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Status Updates posted by Kanakalackin

  1. When we cease to grow is when we begin to die

    1. Ghidora131


      So if I lose weight, I'm on my deathbed?

  2. Who else thinks that the meme is a good introductory picture?

    1. CeeCee


      Its not really a meme, but its funny non the less

  3. Who is going to BFVA 2013?

    1. Chro


      ... 2014!

    2. Kanakalackin


      :( I'll be in Italy.
  4. Who likes velociiraptors hefting shotguns with two ammo belts crossing their chests? (Scroll down my about me page!)

    1. avak5


      velociiraptors+lara croft

  5. Who remembers the spiky back?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kanakalackin


      Now, who did I use it on?

    3. Kanakalackin


      It WILL make another appearance...

    4. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      The person you are named after.

  6. Who wants me to post pictures of my LEGO/BIONICLE media collection

    1. tahukan


      (Raises hand)me!

    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      The mighty Tuma supports this.

    3. Kanakalackin


      I have the pictures. Just have to upload them.


      Maybe I'll do it in a blog entry if I get a premier membership for my birthday.

  7. Who would like what better: Stormer 1.0 Revamp? Or Bulk 1.0 Revamp?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Makuta of Time
    3. Kanakalackin


      Challenge accepted.

    4. Kanakalackin


      Gonna need to give them both custom weapons. I have to ditch Bulk's gun (it's broken ;_;) and Stormer's gun was so-so.

  8. Who's going to BF VA 2013?

  9. Who's going to BrickFair VA this year?

  10. Why aren't I on your "Awesome Dudes" list? :(

  11. Why does it feel like I've invaded the BBC forum in the short period of time that I've been here?

    1. AdaptingChaos


      Because you posted topics on the BBC forums? :P

    2. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      Maybe you should post fewer MOCs and spend more time on each one.

  12. Why hello there. You're probably wondering why I've summoned you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghidora131


      I know why. It's because...





      That, or because I am commander of the lego space marines. Either way.

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Say that in an elevator full of people. Enjoy instant win. :P

    4. Ghidora131


      Fancy seeing you around.

  13. Woop! I'm descending into Protodermis!

  14. Working on an Okoto fanfic. Really loving the new BIONICLE. :)

    1. BrickPharaoh


      Read it. Kinda like it. Your style has matured significantly since I last read stuff by you.

  15. Working on my avian MoC for BBCC 65... Meep Meep!

    1. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Tweet, Tweet. Tweet Tweet.

    2. Kanakalackin


      *Whistle Whistle, Whistle Whistle*

    3. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      *makes Nuju noises*

  16. Wow. The comics portion of the contest. The problem was dealt with swiftly and efficiently. I fully agree with B6's and HH's judgement (not for my own sake).The forums, or anywhere for that matter, are no place to argue about BZPower or the members that keep it running.

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      I find it odd that both entries were considered valid at first, and only dq'd after all the fighting.

  17. Wrill looks awesome!

  18. Yay, you're using my av!

    1. Falcon Lord

      Falcon Lord

      Yes, I think it came out quite nicely!

    2. Kanakalackin
  19. You have a MOCpages!

    1. Falcon Lord

      Falcon Lord

      Yeah, still haven't gotten to posting anything yet. How did you find out about it?

    2. Kanakalackin


      You commented on Kranos.

    3. Falcon Lord

      Falcon Lord

      Oh, I forgot about that!

  20. You know that you're a bit crazy when you say "sorry" to MoCs that you're taking apart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Legendary TNT
    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Now that's messed up right there.

    4. Van Hohenheim

      Van Hohenheim

      I feel bad when taking apart official sets, but I never take apart my "main Moc"

  21. You like my DSS Olisi?

    1. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      It's ok. It needs the outline and better shading, but good shape.

  22. You said yes and held me high, and I believed when you told that lie. I played soldier, you played king, and struck me down when I kissed that ring. You lost the right to hold that crown, I built you up, but you let me down. So when you fall, I'll take my turn, and fan the flames as your blases burn.

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