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Everything posted by randomreviewerbros

  1. What are your favorite comedic quotes or videos, can be from anything you wish! Share your quotes or videos here! My favorites would have to be mostly from Kramer in Seinfeld, I love some of his quotes they are absolutely hilarious, here are some of them: Swimming in the pool: 'Well I had been swimming for three hours and I was in a real grove so I decided to keep going. But at ten they start the aqua-sonics. Thirty-five geriatrics throwing elbows. It was like I was swimming through a flabby armed spanking machine.' Breaking up with his girlfriend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLJtAEnkx58 Meeting a Pigman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42zKhHgWb9s
  2. From what i saw in reviews and pictures of the Throwbots/Slizers they were really awesome and i hope to actually get some of them one day on Ebay or something, just as a nice collectors item But im on the fence about whether LEGO should try to market them again, as what they really were, were prototypes for what was to come and as we all know obviously is BIONICLE and im not sure they would sell as well competing with Star Wars, Chima and LEGO's other big themes at the moment, whereas BIONICLE would fair a lot better from lasting for 9 years and often finishing higher in sales then Star Wars, which seems to be difficult these days.
  3. I would have to say Pohatu if he was wearing his Kakama, he is pure speed, unstoppable, but Sonic would be a very fair challenge for him
  4. Yeah its kinda gonna be a timeline history, that goes in order of story and year of set release, but we are actually working to try and put some of our own custom content into it so its kinda original
  5. What are your favorite main character(s)? (These are my own opinions on who had the biggest impact on the story for each year and yours may be different) Personally my favorite was Roodaka because I just thought she was a really cool character in the Web of Shadows, very manipulative, and controlling, just a really well thought out character Vote in the poll!
  6. That it is this is just a rough outline of what it is going to be, its going to be way more official than that trust me, we still have a month left of hard work in creating it, so wait till then and it will be great!
  7. Man dem photos, so real lol, well done on the Ogrum Lewa, Furno XL Tahu, Stormer Kopaka, Gorzan Onua, Evo Gali, and Jetbug Pohatu, lol, cant wait for these haha evil
  8. Does anyone know who actually owns those prototype Bohrok which BZPower was given around 10 years ago and gave away in BBC competitions?
  9. Platinum Avohkii advertisement paper on Ebay I just found, thought it was pretty cool, here it is: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2003-two-page-Cartoon-Network-Toonami-ad-LEGO-BIONICLE-/371090852654?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5666bd0b2e
  10. lol the last 4 of us who have commented like the years that not many others seem to like, thats pretty cool!
  11. Well I have no idea, I've even wondered this myself before, but maybe its something to do with a him being able to disguise as someone else or something like that, but I don't know what the reason could be
  12. All MOCS here are absolutely fantastic, this contest would have been so difficult to judge, congrats to the winner!!
  13. I liked those Knights Kingdom action figures i have 4 of them they are pretty cool, I wouldnt mind seeing more of those
  14. I was shocked, when I got it on DVD I kept pausing it to look at it lol
  15. My favorite would have to be 2005, I loved the Hordika, the Visorak, the Rahaga and the Titans, they were all so different to any sets before and after
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