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Coconut Fella

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Posts posted by Coconut Fella

  1. I... have no idea. Honestly, I'd expect they just go straight to the Armory. Can't waste good resources, after all.


    Then there's also the problem that only a Rahkshi of Ice Resistance (or maybe Plasma) can reload them. You might get a few shots out of it though.

    Yes, but keep in mind that Fate is something of a firearms enthusiast. I'm sure she would find uses for them.


    When I say firearms enthusiast I mean she already has built her own collapsible rifle and pualdron guns.



    IC: Fate - Courtyard

    I didn't want to damage the armor, so from this point on I dug without the aid of my molecular disruption. Digging just a bit farther, I exposed the face of the corpse.

    Cold, empty eye-slots stared up at me. The void was in this rahk's eyes, that lifeless place that the souls of rahkshi and makuta go to when our time is done in this life. Whoever this rahk was, I wondered if they still had any form of consciousness, on some plane of existence beyond ours. And I wondered, if that were the case, were they aware of me digging up their body?

    My hand stilled when another Rahk had entered the courtyard, apparently to pay their respects, but they started to leave rather quickly. I continued exhuming the body.







    This is what I get for being gone for so long, and not really paying attention. Fate, you better watch out. Shock has nothing left to lose.



    It's okay. You can use Char's body. No one liked her anyway (well, the one person that did like her is now very far away).


    Hmmm..... Would she still have those flare guns on her? Or is possession burial a thing that doesn't happen 'round here? Or maybe she dropped them prior to death, idk.


    IC: Fate - Courtyard

    I didn't want to damage the armor, so from this point on I dug without the aid of my molecular disruption. Digging just a bit farther, I exposed the face of the corpse.

    Cold, empty eye-slots stared up at me. The void was in this rahk's eyes, that lifeless place that the souls of rahkshi and makuta go to when our time is done in this life. Whoever this rahk was, I wondered if they still had any form of consciousness, on some plane of existence beyond ours. And I wondered, if that were the case, were they aware of me digging up their body?

    My hand stilled when another Rahk had entered the courtyard, apparently to pay their respects, but they started to leave rather quickly. I continued exhuming the body.







    This is what I get for being gone for so long, and not really paying attention. Fate, you better watch out. Shock has nothing left to lose.




    I can't think of a clever response for the life of me so... okay. She will.

  4. IC: Fate - Courtyard

    I didn't want to damage the armor, so from this point on I dug without the aid of my molecular disruption. Digging just a bit farther, I exposed the face of the corpse.

    Cold, empty eye-slots stared up at me. The void was in this rahk's eyes, that lifeless place that the souls of rahkshi and makuta go to when our time is done in this life. Whoever this rahk was, I wondered if they still had any form of consciousness, on some plane of existence beyond ours. And I wondered, if that were the case, were they aware of me digging up their body?

    My hand stilled when another Rahk had entered the courtyard, apparently to pay their respects, but they started to leave rather quickly. I continued exhuming the body.

  5. IC: Sim - Library

    "A pleasure." I offered my hand for a shake.


    IC: Fate - Infirmary >> Memorial Grounds

    Clattering out the door and through the hallways, I kept moving at a speedy pace. That had taken longer than planned. The nurse has far too much work on her hands, and could barely carry a conversation, let alone approve exhuming a body for study and dissection. It didn't matter though, as long what needs to be done is done. Brooding on the poor underemployment situation, I finally reach the memorial grounds.

    It was a... melancholy sight to say the least.

    "...I am sorry. But I have need of you."

    I knelt down at the most recently disturbed soil, and sat silently for a moment.

    I finally speak in a quiet tone, "Destiny has lain you to rest, and before me. Thank you."

    I bury one hand into the soil, and immediately feel the ground churning. It parts with ease, spreading like putty. In a matter of moments, I feel cold, pitted metal.


    IC: ??? - Ruins

    They stood right back up. Their legs felt strange. Bad. But not too bad. 

  6. IC: ??? - Ruins on the Water

    Suddenly losing interest in Pentaghast, the white rahk follows Vyper with their eyes as she slowly climbed down the tower. Well, that just seemed slow. Jumping would be much faster. So they went and jumped.

    Jumping was fast! There went Vyper-



  7. IC: Sim - Library

    "O-oh! Me. I didn't realize... no, I didn't address you. In fact I was debating on whether or not your were too busy for me to."

    To Melody, I said, "It's very nice to see you too." I bowed again, for emphasis. Hee.

    "I see that you've already managed to build an even larger group." I specifically directed this at Sepulchral.

    "And you are? I don't believe I've formally met anyone of the group but Melody here."


    IC: Slif - Gym

    I worked through three sets of forty, and then moved on to somE PEC-RIPPING ARTAHKA PUSH-UPS. The ground gave me two good grips to hold onto, and I started going at it.

    "One, *huff*, two, *huff*, three *huff*, four *huff...."

    The pain felt amazing, if at least because I could feel it.


    OOC: Artahka push-ups would be the equivalent to our universe's Superman push-ups.

  8. IC: Sim - Library

    "It's nice to know we have some semblance of actual education here." I remarked in response. It didn't seem to be an expansive library, but it certainly had a large quantity of books.

    "I think that's them over there," I picked out Melody standing with a few of the others, as well as some newcomers. "They do seem busy though..."


    IC: Fate - Hallways to Infirmary

    I needed to do something. I needed to... get my hands into something.

    My feet scratch into the floor as I stop dead. I turn a 180 and head right back into the infirmary.

    "If you would allow it," I announce as I speed into the room filled with the sick and the dead, "Would whoever is in charge here allow me to study any remains?"


    IC: Slif - Gym

    Thankfully enough, all of the rahkshi found their own landing spaces, whether caught by other rahk or summoning landing. Letting my own safety restrictions melt into the ground.

    "That was exciting. I almost wish it had lasted longer." With a quick sigh, I brought up a pillar of stone, roughly half of the width of a kanoka disk, in front of my face.

    "Hello, and how are you?" I swing my fist hard and fast, smashing it into rubble.

    "Good to hear!" I summon another and pummel it.

    "Haha, feels great catching up doesn't it?" One two, left right, one rock after the other.

    "Oh, great news. I'm in a school for psychopaths now!" Boom pow, rubble. I will a column twice the width as before, and pound the side. My fist gave for just a moment, but I won.

    "I think I fit in great."


    IC: ??? - Ruins

    The white rahk poked it's head over the edge of the crumbling tower.


    Very nice, they were definitely getting the hang of this 'speaking' thin.

  9. Exxan probably wouldn't think Slif was Omega, but I'd like to see his reaction to another Omega impersonator...


    Speaking of that, has he met Mu yet, either?

    I forgot that they actually have met, early in Slif's arc.

    • Upvote 1
  10. And a sigh of relief was heard...


    This really sounds like a cool idea for a character though. You could argue that his natural magnetic tuning would allow him to pick up on electromagnetic and radiated frequencies/vibes often associated with paranormal activity.

    • Upvote 1
  11. IC: Sim - Hallways

    "Alright then." I started off with him. The hallways seemed much emptier than earlier.


    Slif - Gym

    The harness did it's job well. I felt a lot of wind, but I was kept snug. Then all of a sudden the wind died. And rahkshi began to fall out of the sky. I didn't have enough time to get out of my harness without being in danger of a falling rahk.


    OOC: Slif open for interaction.

  12. IC: ??? - Ruins

    THIS WAS AMAZING!! The pale rahk gaped visibly at the... well, the thing, whatever it was. It sort of looked like a very large gun, with no trigger. Very odd. But still, unbelievably cool. Or at least, they thought so. The certainly didn't want to be on the receiving end of it as Vyper seemed to be now.


    Well that's not very nice.

    They gave Pentaghast something of a disappointed stare.


    IC: Sim - Hallways

    "We have a library? Hmm. Didn't expect that. That's likely our best shot, good idea."

  13. IC: Slif - Gym

    HOo boy.

    I was uncomfortably close to the cyclone. The pole came down as my thoughts started furiously constructing a safety harness. Living stone rose to meet my body as I lowered it, putting my center of gravity low to the ground. I smiled as I realized that this could easily be the next step in my exercise. But that would be stupid, so I kept going with my harness. I realized I could stop the cyclone by summoning a wind breaker wall, but who knew how many rahkshi would break against that wall. The stone wrapped around my chest, and I sank into the ground just enough that no wind could get under my body. Some cross-wired rahk was actually stepping towards the cyclone, and another that was running around it in circles yelling things. I couldn't understand a word they were saying over the wind.


    IC: Sim - Hallways

    "That's a good question," I thought aloud.

    "Maybe they've taken up residence in a neutral area? Somewhere that no rahk would dare to start a fight?"


    IC: Fate - Hallways

    Sim was still hanging around Carapace, I could hear them down the hall behind me. He was SO incredibly infuriating, always butting into my personal life. Despite my mood I forced myself to relax, and loosen my muscles. I was still infuriated, but I wasn't going to give anyone the pleasure of seeing me as such.


    IC: ??? - Ruins

    "Peeehmtahgaasst." That was a hard name. The white rahkshi didn't feel much like trying to say it again. They just smiled and nodded again, hoping to get past that part. They approached Pentaghast, staring at their odd appendages. They were quite different compared Vyper's and their's. The large claw was rather scary looking, but in a way that just made them want to get a better look at it.


    OOC: Slif and Fate OFI.

  14. IC: Slif - Gym

    After attempting and failing to get the attention of Johdonn several times, and then watching him fly off, I finally gave up and started doing my own exercises. Everyone in here was busy using the gym as a fighting arena instead of an actual gym, maybe it was a misnomer, I dunno. A raised pole lifted up at my thought and I whipped out a few wide-handed pull-ups. I had just reached thirty-five when a sharp piece of something stabbed into my exposed muscle. I don't need to elaborate on how that made me feel. Whirling my head around, fire in my eyes, I came face to face with... an enormous cyclone.


    Great beings above.


    The fire in my eyes was put out fast with the humbling waters of awe, while soaking my smile to droop in a grimace. I heard someone yell a quick "run!" before panic settled into the room, and into my chest.

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