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Coconut Fella

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Posts posted by Coconut Fella

  1. IC: Fate - Causeway

    Insults don't really phase me. I was still frustrated though.

    "I- guh- GAAAAAah fine. The spikes are fine, you probably don't lose that much speed anyway. But if you ever change your mind..."

    I shrugged and smoothed out the gash on my shoulder some, just for show.

    "Anyway, what do I call you two? I've been saying blue and red in my mind but... some people don't like being called by how they look I guess? People are weird."

  2. IC: Fate - Causeway

    "Don't get me wrong, he got a lot right with your suit, it's just the shape of the spikes on the shoulder. It's not very aerodynamic. If they were rounded off then that would make more sense, air could easily pass around them. Right now you're probably losing a little speed to the flat edges here, pushing up against the air when you fly or walk."

    I stood back and looked him over.

    "Really, I'm kind of in awe right now. How do you get a suit to be controlled by a conjoined kraata? It's incredible."

    I REALLY  wanted to adjust those spikes right now. All I wanted. Just the spikes. If they'd just let me reshape those spikes.


  3. IC: Fate - Causeway

    "So it IS a duality suit? Two different kraata commanding a joint unit. It's a wonder you don't have more limbs though, that would be exceptional. I think I could rig that with time, if I had the parts." They were a bit taller than me, so they had to crane their necks to look at me.

    I had to take a look at the back. Red looked confused, as did blue but only slightly with a more controlled curiosity. It gave me a good look at their neck construction, the way two funnels ended in the carapace...

    "You are a conjoined Kraata, aren't you? That must be tiresome. That's some serious work on the control tags, whoever built you must be a genius."


    "If sloppy. And tacky, all those spikes make you look ridiculous. Functionally they don't even make much sense in some of those places."

  4. IC: Fate - Causeway

    They were definitely staring at me. I wasn't too peturbed by that though, I mean, I was staring at them. Was that a plural them? Unidentified them? Gah, I needed to know how that suit worked! Was it two different direct feeds or was it taking advantage of a double header just for added sensory perception. My legs could rest later, I had to know. I picked myself up and stowed my rifle away. The shoulder mounts shut their teeny barrels away for good measure. I walked up to the two headed Rahk. No reaction.

    "...How does your suit work?"

    No sense beating around the bush. Burn the bush. Burn it.

  5. IC: Fate - Causeway

    I picked myself up off the ground. One foot under me, then the other... And then my legs decided they weren't done resting. I fell back into a sitting position. There were deep, scorched gashes in ny armor at the shoulder and upper arm. They were leaking pretty bad, if I didn't close them up I'd lose too much lubricant, and probably have to ditch the suit entirely, which was DEFINITELY not going to happen. I put my fingers at the edges of the gashes, and started to pinch. The matter making up my arm started to feel fuzzy as it became unstable, but I was used to that. The gap started to close as the metal became pliable, and soon it was sealed. The shoulder could wait for intensive work, I needed to keep the internal mechanisms safe. It was as I smoothed over the last of my bent armor on my arm that I noticed a strange figure watching me. It took me just a moment to realize that it was a rahkshi with two heads.

    It sure did look mechanically interesting...

  6. OOC: Time to bring Fate out to play!


    IC: Fate - Forest


    I unloaded another clip into my assailant. I had no idea what it was, I just knew it was trying to kill me.

    Right now I was running for my life through the woods, shooting at something I could hardly see.

    I swiveled to face it and launched a round from my shoulders.

    "Nnng, karz!" 

    I was out of ammo.


    I made a break for the cliffs near Corpus.

    "Augh!" Something sharp, and white hot, carved through my right arm, right as I made it out into the open. There was the Causeway! I just had to make it to Corpus-

    Another white hot shoot of pain reached through my shoulder. I whipped my arm around and fired off a shot from my rifle, aiming for what I hoped was a center of mass. I looked ahead just in time to see the cliffs. I jumped to the first pillars in the causeway, still not slowing down. And there it was -oh thank destiny- the doors. One last jump...

    ...And I was safe. No monster dared come to Corpus, not even an invisible one. With a laugh, I collapsed to the ground.

    "Haaaha ha... whoo."


    OOC: Fate open to interaction

    aw yiss.

  7. IC: Sim - Causeway

    "Brakas.... I was hoping that we could find them there. They seemed like the types who would actually go to class."

    A Rahkshi had come running out from the school, and was just now out near the causeway.

    "Do you think it would hurt to ask?"



    Completing the Virtue trio with this character!!




    Name: Fate


    Variation: Molecular Disruption


    Level: 2


    Gender: Female


    Gear: Heavily modified rahkshi suit. Ballistic weaponry are embedded in her shoulder casings, firing off miniature protodermis pellets at breakneck speed. Aided by her molecular disruption, they often burst in miniature explosions on impact. Collapsable cordak rifle hidden in a side compartment on her waist.


    Appearance: Flame Yellowish Orange


    Personality: Fate is brash, unflattering and cocky, but begrudgingly(but not really) helps people out all the time. Call her out on it and she may try to punch you in the gut. Overall has a hard time being sociable, prefers welding and metalworking over anything else. One of her favorite things to do is learn how to rig new explosives. She lets whatever happens happen, and is a firm believer in Destiny.


    Bio: For Fate, everything happens for a reason. Had she not been left for dead by her parent makuta, she’d have never found her way to her own Rahkshi suit. Had it been a pristine, freshly made suit, she would have never learned how to get it running and learn it’s inner workings. Had she been any other variant but Plasma she would certainly have never been able to fix the suit. But all of this happened, and now she has a suit often coveted for its sleek design and function. She regularly runs out of ammunition, but is quite capable of acquiring new rounds. Using her power, she can disrupt binding molecules and scoop solid chunks of protodermis out of blocks of the stuff, and shape them with low frequency disruption.

    I generally don't allow Cordak as those things are insanely powerful, so I'm going to have to say no to that rifle.

    Those Iron Man-esque shoulder launchers might pass though; how powerful an explosion are we talking about here?

    Would a lower grade variant work out, instead of cordak(didn't realize just how infamous that is) a more traditional spark/ignition rifle with piercing rounds(non-explosive but impact-savvy and very sharp).

    I'd say it's like if a firecracker had less fire and more cracker. Enough to leave a dent on top of the impact dent but not a serious threat. These things are more for pushing the enemy back and whittling away armor.

  9. Hm... not meaning to shoot down your ideas here, but I'm not sure that's quite how molecular disruption works... As far as I can tell, it's like a nastier version of disintegration. It makes things slowly dissolve/melt, not explode. 




    I imagine it like her loosening up the bonds of the material, leaving enough of that excess energy to fester so that when impact occurs the added energy causes something akin to nuclear fission, albeit with non-radioactive materials. It wouldn't be much larger than little firecracker bursts.

  10. IC: Slif - Hallways

    "...Alright then. Have fun."

    And I was alone again. All I had for company was a stupid book.

    Stupid, useless, unimportant book.

    I got angry. The book soared through the air, skidding off of the ground and slamming into a wall.

    My knees gave out, and I sat against the wall next to the door.

    I felt like the book.


    OOC: Slif OFI.

  11. Completing the Virtue trio with this character!!




    Name: Fate


    Variation: Molecular Disruption


    Level: 2


    Gender: Female


    Gear: Heavily modified rahkshi suit. Ballistic weaponry are embedded in her shoulder casings, firing off miniature protodermis pellets at breakneck speed. Aided by her molecular disruption, they often burst in miniature explosions on impact. Collapsable rifle with ammo hidden in a side compartment on her waist.


    Appearance: Flame Yellowish Orange


    Personality: Fate is brash, unflattering and cocky, but begrudgingly(but not really) helps people out all the time. Call her out on it and she may try to punch you in the gut. Overall has a hard time being sociable, prefers welding and metalworking over anything else. One of her favorite things to do is learn how to rig new explosives. She lets whatever happens happen, and is a firm believer in Destiny.


    Bio: For Fate, everything happens for a reason. Had she not been left for dead by her parent makuta, she’d have never found her way to her own Rahkshi suit. Had it been a pristine, freshly made suit, she would have never learned how to get it running and learn it’s inner workings. Had she been any other variant but Plasma she would certainly have never been able to fix the suit. But all of this happened, and now she has a suit often coveted for its sleek design and function. She regularly runs out of ammunition, but is quite capable of acquiring new rounds. Using her power, she can disrupt binding molecules and scoop solid chunks of protodermis out of blocks of the stuff, and shape them with low frequency disruption.




    Edited for Wyrd's adjustments.

    • Upvote 1
  12. IC: Slif - Library

    Little miss perfect gave m a curt nod before moving on past me. Wonderful.

    I looked back. Here came Squid, getting out the door. That left Sepulchral and Exxan.

    "You comin'? Or do you want to keep on reading while an insult match is going on?"

  13. IC: Slif - Library

    I butted into the conversation.

    "-Because that'll be so productive. Yeah. We get it. Look, you can get back to your book, we can book it out of here. I'm sure this guy here has some great stories to tell us about arms here, right?"

    The bait was set, hopefully new guy took it.

  14. IC: Sim - Ruins

    "I have no idea. they could be in the refectory again, maybe?"

    The village around me was incredibly depressing. So much livelihood brought to dust.


    IC: Slif - Library

    'Oh no, this don't look good.'

    I don't know what to do. I doubt either Rahk will listen to me, and I don't want to get caught in the middle of a blood bath.

    "Aw geez..." I say quietly.

  15. IC: Slif - Library

    I started to grin. This guy's enthusiasm was infectious, it really got into me. I chuckled again. Another thing was his light saber comment. That sounded like something I had heard, but definitely not around town.

    "Well, good enough for me. Wha's your name brother?"

  16. IC: Slif - Library

    I almost tackled the new guy before he started laughing and hugging four arms. Note to self: Get his name.

    "Friend of yours?" I asked arms.


    IC: Sim - Forest

    "What say we find them when we get back?"

  17. IC: Slif - Library

    I looked at the four armed rahk again. He was anxious still. What a buzz kill. I did want to know more about him though, hopefully to understand him better. I didnt say anything yet though, I just kept an eye on him.

  18. IC: Slif - LIbrary

    I cocked an eyebrow again, with one of those 'really?' looks.

    "Fellowship of Peace? That's the name your going with? ... Well, I guess it's fairly to the point."

    I step away from Sepulchral, getting back into the circle better, and say,

    "I do agree with you on that point though. The things Rahkshi freak out over, yeesh."

  19. IC: Slif - Library
    "We really were just curious. I got tired of reading, wanted to talk to talk to someone, this looked like a group of friendly, sociable types." I had a straight face, but grinned again, "No harm no foul, right?"

    IC: Sim - Forest
    "What do you think of that offer, from those Rahk we met just before we left?" I ask.

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