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Coconut Fella

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Posts posted by Coconut Fella

  1. IC: Slif - Gym

    Some kind of smart missile is zooming around in the gym and no one seems to care. Wait....

    I grin.

    That's a rahkshi.

    I step casually in, acting like I don't have a care in the world. I need a stress release, maybe some tag will do. Or, a good game of roadblock.

    He's booming back and forth, not a care in the world. I step to the wall, and wait for him to get close above me to boost off of the wall above my head. I keep an eye on him as I pretend to slump against the wall and rest.

    'There!' I thought. 'He's practically headed straight for me.' I shoot my hand up and forward as he gets close and...


    OOC: And what pohatu?? ',:]

  2. OOC: Shard gave me permission to bunny Carapace for a bit.


    IC: Sim/Fate - Hallways

    "I can't believe these people."

    I stalk down the halls, carrying Fate under one shoulder while Carapace held the other.

    "They all flock to trouble like carrion birds to the corpse, but when the opportunity to help arrives, they become as spineless as the slugs we really are."

    "Oh be quiet..."

    "Shh shh shh! Don't exert yourself. We should be getting close to... the... oh Sim, you stupid Spiriah."
    I stopped in my tracks.

    "I don't even know where the infirmary is!!"



    IC: Slif - Hallways

    I head down the hallways, trying to find the gym.

    "Ugh... everything looks the same."

    Eventually, I make a lucky turn and end up in front of a door to a huge room, full of fighting rahkshi. I smile.

    "Finally. Something I'm good at."


    OOC: Sim/Fate and Slif all OFI.

  3. IC: Sim - Causeway

    "So that's a no then? *sigh*.... Come on Carapace, we can't wait around all day. She needs to get to the infirmary."

    I start moving forward, gesturing for Carapace to follow.

  4. IC: Sim - Causeway

    "Carapace, I can't thank you enough. You too, Voha." I smiled at the both of them.

    "Well?" I asked the others again. (OOC: Vaalku and Teeth)

    I look at the two-headed rahk, "You've already helped, and I thank you for that. I don't ask anything of you, but if you want to help, I would be in your debt."

    "That goes for you two as well." I say to the stragglers.

  5. IC: Sim - Causeway

    "Well... thank you anyway. And thank you for calling me over here, this means a lot to me."


    IC: Fate - Causeway

    "Unnng... Ussal-face..."


    IC: Sim - Causeway

    "Yes, old Ussal-Face. Don't worry, we'll get you to the infirmary."

    I turned to the twisted-up Rahk and the spindly one.

    "Would you help me carry her to the infirmary, and keep her safe? She has a very specialized suit, other Rahk have tried to take it before."

  6. IC: Sim - Causeway

    "I.... yes, I think we should."

    I make my way over to the now four Rahk assembled near the doors.

    Something about the Orange one was... vaguely familiar.

    "What happened here?


    IC: Fate - Causeway

    Oh KARZ WHY.

  7. IC: Slif - Hallways

    The echo in the halls from the shouting match up the way woke me up.

    "Huh... Oh wow, I fell asleep, didn't I."

    With a groan, I got up to my feet. The wall had a slight depression from where my back had been.



    OOC: Slif still ofi.

  8. IC: Fate - Causeway

    "I'd walk myself... If I could..."

    Breathing was becoming difficult. I would go into standby mode if I didn't need to help support myself.

    "Something is... Broken inside... Me."

  9. IC: Fate - Causeway
    "No- n-no, I'm fine. I just...."
    I lifted an arm to shoo them, when I felt it suddenly feel heavier at the base. I let it fall down and the weight shifted to my hand and fingers.
    If rahkshi could pale I would have by now.
    "Oh.... Actually, yes."

  10. IC: Fate - Causeway

    I smiled. I was starting to like Glaciem. Ignis though, he was indeed annoying. They were a package deal though.

    It was at this moment my legs started caving in again.

    "Whoa... whoa-" I fell to the ground again.

    My head felt light, like I was underwater.

  11. IC: Fate - Causeway

    "And you as well."

    Should I...


    "Also, just for clarification, I think I should say that I identify as Female. These suits are hard to make to look like any specified gender."

    I felt a bit like an idiot saying so.

    "I feel a bit like an idiot saying so."

    Yep. That was out loud.

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