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Posts posted by Klanadack

  1. IC: Jason Ferro- Ruins


    Ferro had emerged from the dropship, and begun making his way to the gathering of heroes and villains. Before he could get there, saw an evil looking Titan give orders of some kind to a winged ally, before taking a shot at a hero who was leaving the group. Ferro wasn't positive, but these guys just might be villains. Seeing the winged one take flight, then quickly drop to the ground, running away from the fight. No. He wasn't about to let any these thugs leave this with their freedom intact. Ferro quickly created two high strength magnetic fields, in order to pin the villain to a large piece of metal debris near her location. He quickly followed up by throwing a pair of cuffs, which immediately began to seek out the villain's wrists...



    IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    Gorn hated being right. The second Traferous took the shot, Gorn ignited his plasma sword, waiting for an opportunity to strike. He had seen enough defenseless civilians die that day, and he didn't want to injure another by mistake...


    On second thought, maybe this one wasn't so defenseless after all.

  2. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Flawed victory


    Gorn jerked his shoulder, forcibly removing Wolfe's hand, but otherwise showed no signs of continuing his advance.


    "Being a hero isn't about having the moral high ground! It's about protecting the Galaxy! What does it matter if I'm feared? I do my duty. We were created to protect those who can't protect themselves, and yet we endanger them and ourselves by letting people like him live! He won't ever have second thoughts! He won't reform! He'll just keep killing, until someone puts a stop to it! PERMANENTLY. I learned my lesson about sparing killers long ago. It's only a matter of time until you both learn yours."


    Gorn deactivated his Plasma sword, but still gripped it tightly, his fist shaking in frustration.



    IC: Jason Ferro- Dropship


    Ferro highly doubted his magnetism had caused the prisoner any significant damage, but he felt like this wasn't the time to point that out. Releasing the magnetic field, Ferro created another one under the prisoner, weak enough as to not overpower the rogue hero's body weight. He slowly weakened it, lowering the unconscious villain to the floor without so much as scratching their paint job.



  3. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Flawed victory


    Gorn rose to his feet, eyes glowing with rage. His opponent seemed have lost functionality in their legs. And now they were trying to question his morality. Pathetic.


    "Me?! No better than YOU?! We are NOTHING alike! There were ten thousand innocent people working in that building, just trying to live their lives without constant fear of being robbed or killed by people like you! Now, most of them are DEAD, because YOU and your lowlife allies couldn't handle the fact that someone was trying to stop you from TERRORIZING the Galaxy! The same Galaxy that I have FOUGHT TO PROTECT ever since me and my brothers were powered on! We have stopped things more powerful than you could ever hope to be! We have stopped wars, genocides, saved MILLIONS of lives! We've made the galaxy an INFINITELY better place to live! All YOU'VE ever done is commit massacres for your own benefit! I heard about what you did in Mekron! You killed for NO reason! Those officers wanted no part of this, they had friends! Families! A REASON TO EXIST!!! You have NONE! You're nothing but a disgusting excuse for a living being! THAT's why I'm going to kill you. And believe me, nobody will miss you when I do."


    Gorn slowly advanced, sword glowing, his eyes never leaving his defeated foe...

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  4. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- FINISH HIM!


    Saracen had fired when the sword was already in mid stab, knocking it to the side. Not enough for Night Stalker to completely avoid being stabbed, but enough to prevent instant death. Bulk's order fell on deaf ears. Not a chance. He had lost almost everything in a situation like this before. He wouldn't let it happen again...

  5. IC: Night Stalker


    Night Stalker struggled to rise from the hole in the ground as Gorn tried to pin him down. He stepped onto his chest, which was a problem. Then he stepped onto his arm. That fixed the problem. Night Stalker heaved upwards with his arm, hopefully knocking Gorn off. The moment his gun was free he emptied his whole gas clip on Gorn, the concentration high enough that even he needed to get out of the cloud asap. Gorn's already corroded armor had about a second before the gas would get eat through it and start messing with his systems, and assuming his plasma sword has less armor than he it's as good as gone.


    Night Stalker manages to get to his feet even as small holes start appearing in his own armor. That's when the gas gets into the hole Gorn put in the back of his knee. That leg stops functioning, sending Night Stalker toppling to the ground yet again. He begins dragging himself out of the cloud, the concentration lessening as he progresses.

    OOC: I would think that Night Stalker's poor reflexes would prevent him from doing anything like that in the split-second he would have before Gorn kills him.

  6. IC: Jason Ferro- It Burns!


    The last thing Ferro had known, a flaming black thing had been flying at his face, probably about to latch onto his face and lay eggs in his chest, or something.


    "Tell me about it. I can't decide if what just happened lightened the mood, or made things worse."



    OOC: Would Night Stalker really be able to throw Gorn off of him using only one arm, that quickly after being knocked over? Keep in mind that the whole point of what Gorn did was to kill Night Stalker before he has a chance to react. Falling generally leaves you helpless for several seconds, which Gorn knows and is taking advantage of.

  7. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- FINISH HIM!


    Gorn got back up to his feet the instant he touched a solid surface. Rushing over to the villain, Gorn planted one foot firmly on Night Stalker's chest. The position, combined with the villain's damaged legs, ensured that he would not be able to get up. He planted the other on his gun arm, preventing the villain from shooting at him. Concentrating, Gorn raised his blade into the air, and stabbed downwards at the villain's chest. The blow would kill Night Stalker instantly.


    "Your life ends here."

  8. OOC: Scourge was supposed to be sitting at the bar, drinking, while eating the severed arm of the police officer it killed earlier. Once it decided to leave to hunt Focus and Uerub, it left the money to pay for it's drinks in the grip of the officer's severed hand, which it left on the counter, because Scourge probably thought it was funny.


    IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Brawling


    Despite his opponent beginning to fall, Gorn continued in his attempt to sever both of Night Stalker's forearms. The villains distracted state practically guaranteed his dismemberment.

  9. OOC: Oh, I apologize. I thought that Night Stalker had grabbed Gorn by the breastplate for some reason. Now that I think about it, that's pretty much impossible.


    IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Brawling


    Gorn's sword deactivating caused him to miss Night Stalker's arm entirely. Fortunately, this also caused Night Stalker to miss as well. The villain's blow went in between Gorn's arm and his own, and the energy blasts pulverized an innocent piece of debris a few meters away. Having realized that Von Nebula was behind his sword malfunctioning, Gorn immediately ignited the blade, using all of his willpower and strength in his hand to keep the switch in the "on" position, while quickly transitioning into an upward slash, one that would easily cleave through both of Night Stalker's arms should the villain not react in time.



    OOC: Scourge is invisible at the moment.


    Scourge stifled his cackling as they watched the hero and his companion take refuge in an alleyway. Oh, this was just too easy! With the narrow alleyway limiting their mobility, the pair wouldn't stand a chance against it! Extending it's insectoid legs, it used them to silently follow the pair, before proceeding to climb onto the side of one of the buildings creating the alley. Slowly, the creature positioned itself directly above the pair, waiting for an optimal time to strike.





    Von Nebula tried to turn the sword off again.

    IC: Saracen Rune - Airborne.


    He couldn't risk firing at the arm holding Gorn without potentially hitting the other hero, so he circled around and started firing instead at the backs of the villain's legs, hoping that the high-impact energy blasts would be enough to bring him down.

    IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Brawling


    This was it. Victory was at hand. Just as his blade was about to slice through Night Stalker's shoulder... it shut off.




    Screaming like an a obnoxious bot who had just lost a Call Of Duty match, Gorn was snatched by Night Stalker in mid air. Quickly, he grabbed the villain's wrist, before igniting his sword again and attempting to sever the hand that was holding him.

    IC: Night Stalker


    As Night Stalker snatched up Gorn he used his gun arm as a club, smashing it into Gorn's sword arm and letting loose with a few energy rounds and bullets at point blank range, aiming to blast the arm off. As the first few energy blasts strike his legs he almost falls but manages to turn around instead, putting Gorn in between him and Saracen and forcing the flying hero to either shoot Gorn or stop.

    OOC: Autohit. Also, Night Stalker is almost certain to blow off his own arm as well, seeing as it's right behind Gorn's.


    IC: Scourge- Shady bar


    Having been eavesdropping on Uerub's conversation like practically everyone else in the bar, Scourge decided that this would be a great opportunity to stock up on some food. Chuckling evilly, the monstrosity cloaked itself before exiting the bar to silently follow the hero, leaving the hand from the severed arm it had been eating on the counter, clutching the bartender's payment.

  11. IC: Jason Ferro- I think I saw this in a movie once.


    Jason removed his hands from his face, only to see a small, black thing burst out of the prisoner's chest. Normally, Ferro would have been far more curious. After all, it wasn't often that he got to see what was apparently the birth of a parasitic life form. Unfortunately for the creature; however, Ferro really didn't feel like being in a horror movie today. Recovering from the initial shock, he created two attracting magnetic fields: One on Kaiba Blader's chest plate, and another on the dropship's ceiling, directly above the villain and the parasite.

  12. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Brawling


    This was it. Victory was at hand. Just as his blade was about to slice through Night Stalker's shoulder... it shut off.




    Screaming like an a obnoxious bot who had just lost a Call Of Duty match, Gorn was snatched by Night Stalker in mid air. Quickly, he grabbed the villain's wrist, before igniting his sword again and attempting to sever the hand that was holding him.



    IC: Arsenal- Shady bar


    Arsenal raised a mechanical eyebrow. They made TEA here? Having drunk enough to calm his nerves, he paid the bartender before getting up to leave.

  13. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Brawling


    Gorn anticipated Night Stalker firing back at him, strafing to the side, enabling him to quickly close in on the villain. Kicking off of a piece of debris, he leapt into the air, going for a killing blow.

  14. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    As Von Nebula disappeared, Night Stalker began firing at Captor, who has snuck up behind him. Taking advantage of the distraction, Gorn ignited his sword before charging the villain. He kept his shield in front of his torso, wary of the damage it had sustained.



    IC: Jason Ferro- Dropship


    As the smoking wreckage of his home came into view, panic began to overcome Ferro once again. He slumped over in his seat, burying his face in his hands. Nothing was left. It was all gone. Everything he had known in his short life had been wiped off the face of the planet. What now? What could he possibly do? His thoughts immediately fell on the perpetrators, whoever they were. They deserved to be melted alive. Torn to pieces before being plunged into a molten pit. They... NO. They should not be killed. The Hero Factory was never about vengeance. It was about protecting the Galaxy. Giving the perpetrators a gory death would solve nothing. While the factory itself was no more, it still lived on through the heroes it created. They would protect the galaxy until the very end. It was up to them to make sure that the perpetrators didn't escape to kill again! After that? He had no idea...

  15. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    "Trap him? The only mechanical device I have at the moment is my Plasma sword. How do I get him to enter it? And if he does, how do I keep him in it?"

  16. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    "He doesn't have anything on him. Heck, I don't think he's even in a physical body. He didn't break them out of prison, just cuffs. I think he deactivated the power draining function. One of the villains was able to break out on their own after that. The other's still unconscious, and probably needs medical attention at this point."



    IC: Arsenal- Shady Bar


    The bot's back was turned, but Arsenal deduced from the conversation that they were making no effort to hide that the being speaking to Uerub was a rogue hero. Admittedly, this story could easily be true. Heroes defecting had been a problem even with their prototypes. Some former heroes had even actively fought against their former allies, like Von Ness and Marcus Steel. Whatever this rogue's motivations for leaving were, Arsenal saw no reason to kill him. Sure, he could probably get some money out of it, but it was probably best not to dissuade heroes from defecting by killing them immediately after they did so...

  17. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    Stormer was alive. That was good. Perhaps he could prevent Night Stalker's escape after all.


    "Unfortunately, it is not. Preston Stormer, This is Wilhelm Gorn. I have... a bit of a problem, that I need your guidance to solve. You see, using my amazing combat prowess, I successfully captured two of perpetrators of the factory's destruction. I followed standard procedure, cuffed them, all of that. I then left for a moment to pursue a third villain who had hidden. While I was gone, Von Nebula showed up and freed them, somehow. He and both perpetrators are still here, and they haven't seen me yet. You know Von Nebula better than anyone else, so I'm calling to ask for your advice on how to defeat him... I just realized how dumb this whole thing sounds."


    IC: Arsenal- Shady bar


    Arsenal entered the unfortunately named bar, only to see that a huge fight had recently taken place. One patron in particular was lying down in a corner, too injured to move. A quick scan of the place revealed a few familiar faces, including Uerub Kalslaan, a bounty hunter with whom he had been forced to work with on a few different contracts in the past, each having been large enough in scale that the client believed hiring multiple mercenaries was necessary in order to get the job done. Considering how happy she was acting, Arsenal guessed that she was probably the cause of the patron in the corner's condition.

    With any luck, she wouldn't recognize him while he was in this humiliating state.


    Taking a seat at the bar, Arsenal ordered a drink and began contemplating how to go about his repairs. Simply replace the rocket launcher, or use something new?

  18. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    Gorn was fully prepared to charge Night Stalker, when he noticed someone else. Conversing with Night Stalker was the incorporeal form of Von Nebula. Gorn honestly didn't know what to do. He had met the villain a few times back when he was still going by Von Ness. He had been a member of Alpha team, despite not being especially heroic. When he deserted his team during a fight, Gorn remembered being unsurprised by the news. However, if what the current Alpha Team members had said about him was any indication, he had truly become a force to be reckoned with in the time after his desertion. Gorn would have no chance against him in combat, but combat was all that Gorn knew. He needed guidance from someone else on how to handle the situation. In desperation, Gorn tried contacting Preston Stormer. He had no idea if the Alpha leader had even survived the Factory's destruction, but if anyone knew Von Nebula, it was him...



    IC: Arsenal- Mechna


    As "The Lamprey" touched down upon a landing platform, it's pilot took a moment to take in what was going on around him. The streets were filled with thieves, arsonists, murderers, and jaywalkers. Buildings were all in poor condition, and looked almost as shady as those walking by them. From the pilot's seat, Arsenal could see a mugging taking place, where the victim was in the process of being stabbed to death once their valuables were in the hands of their attacker. All in all, a typical day in the grunge district.


    Emerging from his ship, Arsenal began making his way to his favorite bar. After all that had happened, he needed a drink. Or ten. Even missing an arm, Arsenal had no need to worry about being attacked. After all, who would be stupid enough to try and mug a walking attack helicopter?

  19. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    Gorn's head whipped around at the sound of the gunshots. He was met with the sight of a newly freed Night Stalker, and Fravi as unconscious as ever.


    "What?! How did he get out?!


    OOC: Is Von Nebula visible to everyone, or just Night Stalker?

  20. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    There seemed to be no trace of the mystery villain Captor had spoken of. All Gorn could see was rubble from the headquarters of a once great organization. Metal beams, sections of wall, random broken equipment, a... Rock?


    Why would there be a rock here? The factory had been made almost entirely of metal and concrete, so a random rock on top of all the rubble was a strange sight indeed.


    Perhaps it was fake? Igniting his Plasma Sword, Gorn swung downwards, aiming to bisect the rock.




    IC: Jason Ferro- Antropolis


    "Alright then. We should probably get going."

  21. OOC: Not the weapon itself, but how it's fired. Arsenal's rocket launchers are attached to his body. He doesn't have to do anything physical to fire them. I assumed Night Stalker's gun arm worked a similar way.

  22. IC: Wilhelm Gorn- Ruins


    Gorn examined the armor.


    "Wow. How did he do that? Claws? A sword?"


    Gorn began walking in the direction Captor had come from, looking for any sign of the villain.


    "You said he looked like a bird. Can he fly?"



    OOC: Vestak, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I was under the impression that hero cuffs left prisoners with enough power to do little more than walk and talk. For example, when Arsenal was cuffed at the beginning of the rpg (and I tried desperately to get him out of it) he wasn't able to fire his rocket launchers, which I would assume are fired in a similar way to Night Stalker's gun arm.

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