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Everything posted by Volatile

  1. Out comes groot. In goes everything ı know about Biology.
  2. Lego goes bankrupt the second that idea is proposed. Megabloks surpasses Lego in quality.
  3. Out comes an idiotic man who keeps telling people to agree with his beliefs or else he'll kill them. Wait, did the pool just throw out what came in? Meh whatever. In goes Hitler.
  4. Granted. It's just a story. It's not told anywhere, there are no sets and it just remains as a concept forever. I wish I knew more about aeronautics.
  5. I replace all your capital "i"s with lower case "L"s and vice versa. Your words no longer make sense and you, in a desperate attempt to help others interpret your speech, drown in your own saliva as your now meaningless mumblings become your last words. My mask
  6. Take as much time as you need! It's good to build some low-key hype.
  7. I was hoping for that video to see the light of day. Thank you, for showing this to me, adventurer. You are as brave and noble as your reputation!
  8. Uhh... What? Well, nevermind. I'll just snag this and depart to the glorious land of Yok Peynir. My mask
  9. I laughed WAAAY too hard at these XD
  10. Granted. It's 2spoopy4you I wish I had an easier time talking to people.
  11. Out comes Adobe flash player (what!?) In goes Html
  12. The people of North Korea rejoice under their new "Supreme leader" however, Makuta is not satisfied. With all this new tech under his claws he decides to take over the world and turn it into a giant robot to fight Mata-nui. It doesn't go too well for anyone. A new MNOG type game is released for Bionicle G-2
  13. I kinda threw myself at the line of fire there, didn't I? The lasers reflect off my magnificently shiny armor! My mask
  14. Oh good! That means I have somebody to bludgeon with my new hammer! My mask
  15. I believe you mean Takutanuva? The fly experiences tranquility as the ultimate balance of light and shadow looms below it. Takutanuva is busy getting crushed under a door however. Le-koro opens up a blacksmith's shop
  16. But where are all the electrons in your body? Back to me. I have them! Look again. The electrons are now inside a black hole! Anything is possible when your man smells like a man, man. I am on a kikanalo. My mask
  17. That was SOOOO good! Well done, Nick. You've outdone yourself!
  18. Granted you get some your tacos. Which basically means means that you are eating tacos made out of you! I wish I had a tank.
  19. Makuta decides that his plans can take action without the mask but he ends up dying of boredom. The rahaga never recover the avohkii
  20. You got some of that explosive powder thing-a-majig?
  21. Residents of the old matoran universe don't have infinite life spans. And besides, I don't even think that the red star is functional anymore.
  22. Out comes Shadowgear[insert number here] In goes dust
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