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Everything posted by Volatile

  1. I accept the Rider's truce and we team up. He heals me and I share my mental powers with him. We kill ungluedBike and take the mask. We would also kill SV but today is his birthday so we just give him a choclate cake and enjoy a truce at the his gaming party. This was a fun day while it lasted
  2. You know how humans HATE(extra emphasis) Being under control of someone that forcibly takes over. earth may be a risky choice (not to mention lack of protodermis).
  3. I just freed your people. They're not dead or anything. Just free of your Hypnotically achieved tyranny. I teleport to the universe you're in due to everything dying with the mask destroyed and all (I think we need a "Steal the mask 3"). I slice your cigar off " I hate the smell of cigar.(for reals)". Now let's go. We have a universe to save.
  4. Ok so is it a bunch of people except the rider or is it free 4 all
  5. I teleport back and wait for you to decide what to do with the mask Still your mask
  6. These are awesome! They certainly look like lego sets (complete with ridicilously high prices)
  7. "TRAITOR! I swore to protect that mask from hands of evil and I will if it is the last thing I do!" Except I have no idea what you guys are gonna do with it. Still your mask
  8. However the mask doesn't like being eaten and therefore destroys you from the inside. Nobody's mask
  9. I shoot you with the gun on my shield. Since we already had the mask this is just for joy still our mask
  10. I telefrag SV and kill TSM and take over his gunship. NOW WE HAVE A GUNSHIP I wonder how many kikanalos would fit here? Crime levels: My mask
  11. I then drive my saber through your throat and into the wall. Crime levels: (I'm kinda bored with the level thing so I just decided to use the frogs to indicate my swag levels on the posts see post #2972 for an example) My mask
  12. Guitar bash! You are ded. Not big surprise Crime levels: My mask
  13. You then realize that you are losing blood really fast due to 4 ripped out ribs. Then you die. I then hypnotize pupwa with my unending sunglasses man. Crime levels: My mask
  14. I rip ot two more ribs from you and use them to stab the death deelers. and then I stab you with your own ribs Crime levels: My mask
  15. I kill the drummer of "The fold" and become their new drummer with your ribs as my drumsticks (Didn't you guys declare truce?) Crime levels: My mask
  16. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO OVERCOMPLICATE THINGS SO MUCH!?!? I travel to the time wich the bacterian empire has been created and influence the creators so that they don't create a bacterian empire in the first place. I guess that's a paradox. Crime levels: Nobody's mask
  17. Reminder: I destroyed the bacterian empire soooo You're alone. OH! BTW: if you look under the mask you'll see a plasma bomb Crime levels: Our mask
  18. I then decide to do a little space travlel and free universes of SV's tyranny. I AM INTERGALACTIC HERO !1111!!!111!!1!!ONE! I then run over you with kikanalos That I borrowed from The Rider. Crime levels: Our mask
  19. what hive? with the flick of a finger SV is all by himself again. . I perform an x-ray attack on SV stunning him long enough to snag the mask and teleport next to the rider (of kikanalo). I offer truce. Sadly SV can't follow due to 24 (wich is all of them) broken ribs, cracked skull and fractured neck. Do I need to mention I slowed his regeneration? Crime levels: My mask
  20. I trap SV in a detergent tank. If you've passed 8th grade you know what alkaline liquids do to cells Crime levels: My mask
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