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Everything posted by Volatile

  1. Then it is separated again. Into a million pieces from the force of the collision. Swag yolo
  2. Out comes Robot rhino, tiger, eagle, bear, wolf and lion. In goes a big lump o' fat
  3. Granted. They lose. I wish that the test PM would work
  4. A calm before the storm if you ask me Nice work!
  5. I destroy you with good ol' fashioned 105mm HEATFS(High Explosive Anti Tank Fin Stabilized) rounds. My mask
  6. The world falls to anarchy. A young Japanese school girl admires a beautiful fountain!
  7. Out comes EVERY GAME EA MADE. EVER! In goes Bethesda game studios
  8. Granted. Nothing happens. I wish I knew how to write code.
  9. I make a Yandere girl fall in love with Onaku and I tell her that you are a girl in disguise, trying to get your senpai-Onaku-to notice you! I don't know how she got that light saber though. I watch from a distance as she whoops your rear-end in oh-so brutal ways. My mask and creepy japanese girl who now has a crush on Onaku
  10. No offense but that's a very cliché'd shot. Nice work though. (I probably have a spelling mistake in there)
  11. He rage-quits and suicides. The exo-force story is given a proper end
  12. He falls victim to a... what was that rock-monster thing in "Quest for the Toa" game called? Onua dicovers that he can manually guide his Toa canister.
  13. Out comes BBC moved to channel 71. In goes a good TF2 medic
  14. Granted they suck. I wish I had a battle machine!
  15. I crush your soul by rick rolling you. My mask
  16. All dem fancy folks in Europe get mad and world war 3 begins. Lego is banned in India Edit: Watch your language, and don't bypass the filter. -Wind-
  17. Out comes... umm... a molten sword? In goes lead(Pb)
  18. Granted. It's glow comes from it's radioactivity. I wish for Fallout 4
  19. Humanity is F###ed Somebody yells "BOOM! HEADSHOT" all day errday on the streets
  20. YESS MORREE PLEASSE MOOAAARRRR This has to be my favorite chapter yet. It's so action packed and twisty 'n' what not. I LOVE IT!
  21. Granted. It's banned for being OP I wish I cloud unlock the Panzer III J1 faster
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