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Everything posted by skratchR

  1. I turn into a cloud. I rain on your chalk, and it dissolves. My mask.
  2. Death by falling (in the) nether. My mask.
  3. You didn't say my mask. You die from the incorrection. My mask.
  4. I throw a pebble at you, but it becomes stuck in your stomach, and begins to burn. For the next twenty years, you have a pebble burning its way down through your innards. My mask and reference.
  5. I may have a faxon to photograph by saturday of next week. If nobody has sent a photo by then, i'll send it myself. Sorry for not having it at hand at the moment.
  6. I play the star wars 7 trailer for all of you, and you all die of supreme hypeness, which combines with the previously existing bionicle 2015 hype. My mask.
  7. Whoa! I have seen flaws everywhere! Gali appearing as kopaka, missing names, the links take you to wrong places, the description of the region of fire is the description of the protector of fire, all the webs for the regions are named 'region of jungle'... AND THE WORD TOA IS EVERYWHERE! WOHOOOOO!
  8. I open MC edit, and erase you all from the world. My mask.
  9. I type /gamemode 1 and then make another bedrock cave which encloses you all. Then, I sit back to see how every one of you kills each other inside the cage, without knowing I had the mask all along. My mask!
  10. If you showed someone who didn't know any better both the Toa Nuva and the Toa Phantoka/Mistika, how easily do you think they would be able to say they're the same characters? Would it be an automatic click? Or would you need to tell them? I'm pretty sure it's the latter, which means no, they did not achieve it. But would it be an automatic click between the Mata and the Nuva? Just because they have the same colour schemes and builds doesn't make them instantly recognizable as them; look at Jaller Mahri and Jaller Inika. Same build, near-same colour scheme, nearly unrecognisable. Exactly how does a Hau Nuva look like a Hau? it looks like a half molten Hau.
  11. The difference between mata and nuva were minimal. New armor and different masks don't make a toa be completely different. Besides, at least the Hau Nuva looks like a normal Great Hau, but made of molten lava and thus, flowing downward. I always thought of it as a blob of magma on tahu's head. And the other masks at least still make you get the idea of their purpose and powers. On the other hand, the mistika Hau does not look like a mask of shielding, nor does the kaukau look like a mask of water breathing, nor does any of the others look anything like it should. Only possibly the Akaku looks like a mask of X-ray vision. Besides, it is supposed they were given new adaptative armor before going to karda nui, not thet they took away their brains and stuffed them into new bodies. One would think they simply put on some equipment.
  12. No empecemos a hablar en idiomas extraños, que acabamos mal. Non cominciamo a parlare in lingue strani, che questo fine male. Let's not start to talk in strange languages, or this will end badly... My mask, and three fluent languages (LOL)
  13. I think the phantoka should have looked like this fan art, made by ToaTiome: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/447/015/e24.jpg Decent transformation, but fairly recognisable.
  14. lolwut? Hang on, I'm going to get a book of matches and some audio recording equipment. Come on! a bit of imagination! When you start a gas kitchen, the fire makes a similar sound. No, but it reminds me of water in some wa i cannot explain... I can explain it. It's because you know the characters and their elemental affiliations, and probably have for a while. Because of that, you're naturally going to associate their names with their elements. But to anyone else, the names won't mean anything. "Tahu" won't be the literally hotheaded team leader, Kopaka won't be the icy loner, Gali won't be the master of the waves. Those are really only associations you can make after learning about the characters. Also, gas stoves sound more like "click click click fump" to me. Well, I hear tahu instea of fump. My ears are bionicleized after all those years...
  15. lolwut? Hang on, I'm going to get a book of matches and some audio recording equipment. Come on! a bit of imagination! When you start a gas kitchen, the fire makes a similar sound. No, but it reminds me of water in some wa i cannot explain...
  16. You're right, we need stupid names like Avak back. :b Really? I quite like most of the Bionicle names, even the somewhat silly ones. They sounded pretty cool. And if not, they at least deserve points for creativity and originality. Von Nebula just sounds cheesy and stereotypical for a villain. None of the bionicle names I can recall is silly. Of course, none get to the epicness of the toa mata's names. I mean, come on! If you go over to a complete stranger who does not know anything about bionicle, and make him match names to elements, he will surely get them all right. Tahu even sounds like the sound a fire makes when it's started!
  17. I carry a mirror. Good luck with that sword. My mask.
  18. With the time-reversion, everything is brought back, but due to your time incompetence, it ends up fusing. So, the snipe-gukko-gozilla-ciber-hologram-etc-thing is created. It kills you all except me, because I brought it into being with my post. My mask.
  19. Er... the nui rama is lifted by a mask of telekinesis? Nuju is teasing the local rahi?
  20. The snipe gets sick of being thrown around, son he goes to the SUS (Sindicate of Unified Snipes) and gets on strike. After some very violent months, a snipe-bolshevik revolution happens, and the snipe becomes our supreme leader. He then proceeds to give the mask to me for safekeeping. My mask.
  21. I throw billions of thornax at you. And an orange. My mask.
  22. As i am comatose, my brain does not have to do all the actions required for movement and non-comatose day to day life. So I can use all my brain to send mental blasts at you, which destroy your heads in explosions of brains and bionicles (which we all have in our head, controlling us in a city they call SkratchR Nui). Also, I wake up from the noise. My mask.
  23. Indeed, I am watching. I was studying all your moves. I know where you live, where you work and where you go out with your friends. I then proceed to stalk you all and kill you in very violent ways. My mask.
  24. I still haven't seen the rebooted head anywhere! How do you get to see it? This image illustrates it fairly well, and The Three Virtues has some photos and videos that show it from different angles. Thanks!
  25. Now that I don't have a body, I am an ethereal being. I proceed to fuse myself to the universe, order the stars so that they show my face and grab the mask. I then eject it outside the universe into my personal planet, which is in another universe. My mask.
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