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Everything posted by skratchR

  1. Isn't that coral or something? It looks great if it is.
  2. If any writing is to be done, and it does not involve anything about knowing about programming or such, I gladly volunteer.
  3. And what if, apart from a continuation or a reboot, it is only a parallel story? For example, in 2015 it would be set at the same time as 2001, but talk about the adventures of some explorers in metru nui. There could be some links between the old story and the new one, etc.
  4. I agree on that the last years had too much detail. But more than detail, it was the unnecesary things. I never really liked the glatorians and the mata nui saga, and I cannot name any character outside of the ones that appeared as sets (or most of them). I think that the last two years were really boring in fact. I missed the days of 2001 where the story was as simple as six guys fighting animals, but with a map, matoran populations, etc. Basically, what we saw in MNOG would be enough for any year. If they had made a MNOG-style game for every year, BIONICLE would not have fallen into what it was in 2009-2010. And the main interesting part of bionicle is the mystery, which was even helped by the songs (such as closer to the truth), the videogames and the movie, which left many things without explaining (impassable rock layer in MNOG). And that mystery all died in 2009, with 'oh, look in fact it is a big robot'. I personally think that 2010 was unnecesary (and i hated BIONICLE STARS with all my being).
  5. For the same reasons I said in the other topic, chroniclers.
  6. If we had to have a term, it should be chroniclers. Mainly because that is what we were doing 2001-2010 and now: looking at the events as they happened and analysing them. And now, in this very site, we discuss and write them down. We are like hard working Takuas.
  7. Deeplink that because it isn't public. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/skratchR/BIONICLE-artwork/bionicle_2015.png Err... this?
  8. This is marvellous. I am browsing through this topic and it is full of people saying 'at last i'm back', or 'i finally returned to BZPower'. The fanbase is reviving, and getting on the hype train, which is now a hype super star destroyer, executor-class. This is what will happen in 2015: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/skratchR/BIONICLE-artwork/bionicle_2015.png BEWARE.
  9. When I saw this, the little respect I have from my sister has vanished. I started dancing gangnam style on my bed. But it was worth it. It was that or brain explode. But, I have to say, I am very scared of what can come out of this. If they manage to capture the feeling of 2001 and 2002, I will probably mail my credcard and my wallet to wherever the owner of lego lives. If they manage to capture the feeling of 2003-2007, I will spend most of my days roaming around the closest store hunting for anything with BIONICLE written on it. If they capture the feeling of the last years (and the building techniques), i'll just go to a corner and cry... So many years of waiting... It is similar to what I feel about star wars 7-9. And the mask is very clearly a legendary kanohi. Probably the mask of creation, but it looks like a mask of scavenging with a crown on it...
  10. I was under the impression that Velika wanted to annihilate the MU population, seeing them as tools who already had done their work. At least, the GB's saw them as mere software. I thought Velika wanted to annihilate them and then take over the planet?
  11. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that Click can be the informant. It reminds me a bit of Scabbers in Harry Potter. He is the pet of one of the main characters, not really being essential, but appearing several times during the story. He even is sided with when the cat Crookshanks (however you write thet name) tries to eat him. At that point everyone's 'oh, poor scabbers'. Bu at the end (SPOILER ALERT) he ends up being a fat man who gave away the hiding place of the Potters to Voldemort. Click would be similar. A cute bug, who saves Mata Nui's life every now and then (maybe Velika has plans for him?), and that instantaneously has the audience's favour in the movie. But, imagine suddently he has been informing Velika the whole time. Of course, as the only informant, he wouldn't be very useful. As a bug, he can only inform on what he sees directly, although he could be using his fellow scarabaxes as helpers (after all, he could use them to create a large mounstruosity). And nobody stops talking when a scarabax enters the room. Besides, as I said previously, maybe Velika has plans for Mata Nui when he arrives on Bara Magna, or maybe is really concerned because he thinks that Mata Nui may take control of Bara Magna in his absence, ending his plan before it starts. Thus, he would need information on what was Mata Nui doing. And certainly, scarabax beetles run away from meteor explosions, except in the case they have a really good reason. And Click has mechanical implants. That means that he was already alive when the GB's were ruling the planet, and he may have been outfitted with a communicator. Besides, if Bionicle is coming back in 2015 (if our prayers are heard), some main enemy must be created. Velika is ideal: the agori, glatorian and MU inhabitants fight against extermination/subjugation. And to create the necessary situation of 'Velika is the embodiment of evil' to new fans, or fans that are not that deep into lore, he must be seen doing something purely evil, not only trying to assasinate people who only us old-guard fans know and love. And breaking a friendship between the main character and his pet/friend is a perfect way to transmit this. And I repeat, to create this situation, you have to do something which can reach every bionicle fan. Most people think that the story ends with 'Mata Nui crushes Makuta's head against a lump of stone. The End'. No Velika trying to kill people, no people floating around in space, not even 'Velika is a GB'. So, they cannot see Velika as a terrible enemy. It's like you suddently reveal that the mastermind behind the Great Cataclysm was... Amaya the Flax-maker.
  12. Well, he definetly follows mata nui around when he gets expelled from the MU... He would be a well-placed informant.
  13. Malum. He lives alone. He is away from society. People run away from him. But all he did was an arena crime. A glatorian who has been fighting for all his life does not simply get 'carried away'. If he wants to kil, he kills. If he does not, he doesn't. Simple. I think his crime was commited to get away from society, to be able to communicate better, without having to hide each time. Besides, he knows the desert better than most. He has access to more locations than people living in villages.
  14. You really should make something like this for the other three movies.
  15. Nuparu's quest is possible to complete: The cog he is missing is lying to the west of the little podium-thingy to the front of Whenua's hut. (Does anyone know what the actually is?) Third person would be interesting, but it would unfortunately be like Minecraft's 3rdPC. It wouldn't be used much, as the controlling would feel strange and clumsy, so I'm not sure it's going to be implemented anytime soon. Thanks for the feedback![ ] I believe that thing in front of the hut is a place where turaga onewa tells his stories with his little stones. you can imagine him, onepu and taipu around it, with the little statues: ''gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the bionicle, but fast, because that highway is not going to make itself!'' Also, i believe you haven't put any suvas on po nor ga koro. I don't seem to remember where the po-suva was, but the ga-suva was in that main square, under that larger lilypad that serves as a sort of ceiling: http://biomediaproject.com/bmp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Ga-Koro-ruins-31.png It should be there. In the bohrok online animations it is there. The nuva symbol appears just there.
  16. So, here's a fanfic about what happened after the battle of bara magna. I was NOT impressed in the way that BIONICLE ended, so I decided to make it stretch a bit so there could be an ending which promises there will always be more. I have always liked the 'I won't tell more, but the story goes on' type of endings, so this aims to do exactly that with BIONICLE. So, let us start. After the battle of Bara Magna, the great spirit robot is destroyed, so it falls on the new planet. In it's fall, the head ends up surrounded by the newly-made seas coming from the aqua magna fragment. Now, the great spirit robot actually had lots of energy inside it when it exploded, Teridax was killed before he could use up all of the energy. So what happened with the head fragment of the robot? It's systems activated al at once due to the surplus of energy. And, of course, the camouflage system did also (see where i'm going?). With the camouflage systems active, the fragment used up all it's energy and lay still on the sea of spherus magna. The camouflage system, of course, had created an island which we all know well, surrounded by the same waters, but without any inhabitants. Now, the matoran from the matoran universe were having problems with the local population. They did not understand their ways, least of all their scavenging for materials, while it was in the matoran's nature to build. The agori started to skavenge from the Matoran, and the matoran could not understand why the others did not create things. And last of all, the agori did not understand the principles of unity, duty and destiny, because they were never planned as artificial workers inside a robot. Thus, the two races became separated, so the turaga had a meeting in which they decided that the best way to live along with the locals was living in places apart from the agori villages, but mantaining contact with them. So they sent toa to look for areas which would suit the matoran. Eventually, Takanuva came to the new island on the head of the great spirit robot, and recognised there his old home, in which he explored, fought and (sometimes) worked. So he went to the turaga and spoke to them about their old island, which was close to the coasts, but somewhat isolated. If they settled there, they could be in contact with the Agori, but still live like thay always had, with their koros and all. But there is a problem: the new planet is huge. There are not enough toa to defend everything from vorox, bone hunters and others. So a new generation of Toa is required. One which can defend the matoran on the new Mata Nui, but not leave the rest of the matoran undefended. So lesovikk steps in. He wants to clear his name for the murder of karzahni. As he cannot prove his innocence, he would rather be a turaga than a toa which no one trusts. So lesovikk transfers his toa powers to toa stones, and gives them to the Toa Nuva, so they can decide who gets the stones from the matoran of Mata Nui. The toa Nuva, of course choose the chronicler's company, because they had already proved their worth in the great war. The new toa team, the toa magna, travel with the rest of the mata nui matoran to the new island to start again with the building, as they did a millenia ago. So, what do you think? I have thought of more, of course. Should I continue writing? Is it too unlikely? Would any of you be interested in such a story? Do you like the idea of bringing back the island which we loved when we werekids trying to figure out how to play MNOG?
  17. I have played the game and I am jumping up and down in happiness. It's the mnog 2 we never had. it is perfect. looking forward to seeing ta, le and ko-koro. The only issues are: -You should make a third person view. -Nuparu's quest is unfinishable. -The matoran houses look a bit too irregular. -the desert, po-koro and onu-koro are too small. -onu koro's ceiling is too flat. -the most important: put a sign at the place where you start saying: WARNING! extreme epicness ahead!
  18. If they brought back BIONICLE, they should aim it for an older audience, because most of the people who will follow it will be people who grew up with BIONICLE. That means they should make a new story, but based on the old one and with a more complex approach. I think it would be good to get a story from the time of the league of six kingdoms, and other pre-great cataclysm times. It would be really good to have the toa mangaia, or the barraki in their original forms, or even lesovikk's team.
  19. I always liked the 'beware the swarm'. Not only beacuse it was REALLY creepy to find it, but because it's so iconic.
  20. I am the biggest nerd I know, and I even write school side-notes in matoran.
  21. I don't like it. Apart from the sets, which I don't like, the story is basically 'good people kick bad beople in jail. period.' Also, I saw in a video some time ago that said: the story is more 'for kids', but not really educative. What I loved from BIONICLE is how you could grow up playing with the sets (and not getting anything about the story). But when you grew up, you stopped playing with the sets, and started learning the story, greater than many bestsellers. And BIONICLE was great for kids, because it taught them to work together and hard to archieve your goals (unity, duty, destiny). When the kids saw the matoran (who some saw as a 'kid' stage) turn into Toa (adult?), they got the message: everyone can be a hero. Even matoran (kids?) can be heroes sometimes. And then they turned into turaga (old men) and were wise leaders, so kids can also be wise someday, they only have to work towards it. BIONICLE also taught kids the difference between good and bad, taught them about respecting their environment and boosted their creativity. On the other hand, in HF, heroes are made in factories. Not anyone can be a hero, you have to be built for it. There are no three principles, no toa code, etc. There is no semi-tribal feel to things, which led to kids seeing the beauty of nature; now, there is a huge city, with not one tree. And the difference between good and bad? Kids get the idea: 'If you are a mad person with a strange plan to get a rather unimaginative objective, you are bad'. On the other hand, in BIONICLE, kids had bigger lessons: it is easy to become a bad person, It is easier to act wrongly, the good people are always better, etc. And none of you needs to be told about the effect that BIONICLE had on older fans.
  22. You don't need to draw anything perfectly, just get a decent representation so when I draw in it Flash I have something to start from. Ah, good. Anyway, i suppose you want a better back view bohrok?
  23. GREAT job. There was one more matoran that didn't make it out.... keep talking with all the matoran around Ta-Koro, one of them will mention the last matoran. Then report to Whenua who is missing. But stabby-stab is just so cool.... lol, I'll take this into consideration. What do you mean? the image overhead is a rather crude back angled isometric view. In fact, I am upgrading it at the moment. I mean something like an overhead view, to match the released preview of the battle engine. I don't know how good you are at art, but drawing up some views like these for the Bohrok would be really helpful. NOTICE that there are only 2 unique views, the other two are mirror images. Upper Left and Right are Mirror images of each other. Lower Left and Right are mirror images of each other. So something like this might work well for both lower Bohrok images: PS: My computer is having issues.... so I'm in the process of upgrading to a much MUCH faster pc! So you mean I repeat the pahrak in this angle? That is going to take time... But I'll do it if necessary.
  24. Thank you for your answer (and fastness).
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