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Kovika: Visorak Lord

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Posts posted by Kovika: Visorak Lord

  1. Well, the Matoran are pretty much finished at this point... Grim, Phogen and Sliver have taken control of the mortar, and the snipers in the clocktower have been eliminated. It's only a matter of time before the last of them are wiped out...

    *Sigh* Well, trade seems to have gone down to nothing.

    Then again, it was already at such a status.

  2. IC: Sidonas - Office

    "Two ideas: Move slowly or quickly and try to avoid notice. Or you could fake an injury as an excuse to leave. Only viable options I can think of in this situation. But look, I'm going to need your help getting back to my suit. Will you help me?"

  3. IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office/Comatose Land

    Wandering through the mind, Sidonas kept his screwdriver handy like a knife. At first he hesitated to follow because Kovika had been inactive for one week, then spent another in Miami he was uncertain of what that voice could mean. After analyzing the situation, he saw no other alternative other than to wander off, which he would not do for the sake of curiosity. Sidonas quickly walked, and eventually ran, in the direction of the sound of the voice he had heard, ready for whatever would await him.

    Well, considering I'm wandering through a dark labyrinth of some person's mind with no explanation for anything, might as well follow my only proof of another sapient being with no knowledge of whether said sapient being is an ally or a hostile. Here goes nothing..

    Sidonas ran, going as fast as his DIY legs could carry him, running down a tunnel that seemed to go on for centuries. Finally, Sidonas began to grow weary, tired, and exhausted, almost to the point of falling asleep. His eyes began to close, and his body was slowly giving in to sleep.

    Yes, need to rest, need to sleep..sleep..sleep..

    When Sidonas woke, all he saw was darkness..

    Except for one small thing, a light, dim, and glowing with a red hue. It seemed so warm, so friendly, so inviting..

    Sidonas got up, leaving his screwdriver behind. He began to slowly walk to the light, his only thoughts not on his predicament, but on the light.

    It's so...inviting...maybe it can help me....

    Sidonas walked for hours, or was it years? Time could not be measured, nor did it seem significant, when compared to the light. It just seemed to gentle, so sweet, so-

    Before Sidonas knew it, all that had seemed kind about the light, all the warmth and compassion, was replaced by what was really there:

    True Horror.

    The light faded to black, all along with it, and Sidonas suddenly felt shivers down his spine. It was cold, dark, evil...

    And he was not alone.

    He saw them, moving out of the corners of his eyes, they were something unnatural, creatures that could only be described as having red, glowing eyes.

    The rest was too horrible to describe.

    Sidonas tried to scream for help as they grabbed him, but his voice would make no sound. He was pulled into the cold abyss, put through levels of pain that would make Karzahni seem like a trip to the beach. Again, he screamed in agony, but out came no noise as the creatures tortured him, ripping him apart in ways that would make any man go insane if he heard of them.

    These his nightmares, his subconscious fears coming to kill him.

    They did, in the most horrible ways possible.

    At least, only in the inventor's dreams.


    Light. Sidonas saw light. The dream, the nightmare, the entire comatose ended.

    He was alive.

    Sidonas looked around, unsure of where he was, but he noticed very quickly that he was not in his suit.

    It's over...Whatever the Karzahni that was, it's finally over. I seem to not be in my suit, what happened?

    Memories came flooding back. Cao, Shield, the fight with Sliver.

    The Rebellion. He needed to find the other members of the Rebellion, he needed to get supplies, and fix his legs if he had time.

    I need to find everyone, get my suit, and get the karz away from this Karzahni-hole of a school. Now just to figure out how to do that. By the looks of it I am in the school. Sliver said something about Tridax. Probably brought me to him. Only question is, where is Tridax? Or the loyalist who brought me here? Let's hope I don't find the answer to that question soon. Now I need to make my way out of here. I last remember the Cauldron, probably a place to start. Only problem is getting there unnoticed...

    Lucky for Sidonas, he saw an unconscious Rahk directly to his right, one who he had seen when he fought Grim.

    He fought a loyalist, if what I saw out of the corner of my eye is correct. He might be able to help. Going to have to take that risk.

    Sidonas moved over to the Rahk and nudged him.

    "Hey!" Sidonas said in a low tone, "Get up."


    OOC: Talking to Mar'jik


    IC: Haken - Infirmary

    Haken looked around, tired, and not very alert.


    OOC: Haken OFI

  4. Click or NATO can give you a rundown Onaku.

    Heads up: I'm currently on my way to the airport to leave Miami and return to Houston. Tomorrow I should be posting as per usual.

    Anyone want a free internet cookie?

  5. Well, most the of the rebellion has left, Tridax has been replaced, and Phantom is now destroyed.

    I can't decide whether I'm surprised or going to have my characters in an angry rage or shocked and suprised when they learn of the situations that have occurred.



    Oh, and Raptor is back from the dead

    No he isn't.


    Blitz is being creepy and pretending to be him.


    Whilst Rider's going slightly insane.


    So, not quite back.


    Oh also, new batch of Corpus MOCs by Johnrahk. :D

    Well, brought back from the dead in the form of someone else thinking they are him.
  7. :Pokémon-esqe combat:


    Go, Flabbergaster!


    *Flabbergaster used burp*


    *Phogen, Fang, and pretty much any Rahk besides Flabbergaster uses flick*



    Now I need to create a move list, brutalities, and fatalities for Floppymustard in Corpus Kombat. Any input from the Danish Fish himself?
  8. *Gives Sergei and all of his characters Corpus Rahkshi Arts Medals, as well as a 'No MOC' Medal to Semira*

    Three people got medals today, all in all I'd say that is a work-filled day. Now I just need the time to make a long post to make up for the week I was away. Miami court cases take up so much of your time. I'd trade in beaches and sun for Texas any day.

  9. *Facepalm*

    Sometimes I wonder how I got teamed up with someone like Irrie..

    Guess I've got a library to maintain again, hopefully no nukes will destroy it a second time...

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