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Kovika: Visorak Lord

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Posts posted by Kovika: Visorak Lord

  1. My Skype info? Kovika of Ko-Koro.

    Going to post later tomorrow morning to compensate for today. Just got back from watching Jurassic World and it's like 1 AM. Should be posting more frequently again instead of once a day. G'night, or perhaps G'mornin' depending on location, to y'all.


  2. IC: Sidonas - Sidonas' Subconscious

    As Sidonas' mind wandered for some time, he soon became lost in his labyrinth of a mind. Time grew irrelevant. Seconds felt like years, and centuries felt as if no time had passed, it felt like the more he travelled, the more time became irrielevant. After wandering for seconds, or was it years? Sidonas could not tell, but he came across something...strange. What, if you tried to visualize it in rational terms, looked like a giant door in his subconscious. The door was locked, and no key was to be found. Sidonas looked around, searching for a lockpick or dagger, anything he could use to unlock the obstacle ahead of him. After searching for some time, he stopped, sat down, and took a breath.

    Okay, just relax. There must be a way to get past this door. Stop and think: If I were a key to a locked door in wherever the Karz I am, where would I be?

    Sidonas thought about it, but found no reasonable conclusion, as he knew little of his surroundings, if anything at all.

    After sitting and pondering the question for decades, or seconds, a faint whisper was heard coming from a long corridor behind Sidonas, it sounded foreign, yet familiar, entrancing, and persuasive..

    Inventor... Follow meeee......

    "Hello?! Who is there?" The noise startled Sidonas, he jumped up and reached for Hook, but found it not there. Immediately after he reached for his bag, but found it not there. All he found was a screwdriver, which he immediately picked up and wielded like a dagger. He ran down the hall in the direction of the whisper, ready for whatever came next, yet shocked and surprised.

    Who is that? Why are my things not here? Where even is here anyways?

    Sidonas hoped he could find answers, for the labyrinth of his mind gave him none.

    • Upvote 2
  3. IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office

    Sidonas wandered through his subconscious, sifting through memories as if his mind were a categorized library of thoughts and perceptions of what he had seen throughout his life, though he did not know it was his own he was looking through.


    OOC: Going to make next Sido post my usual length. Need to edit an idea.

  4. IC: Haken - Outside Tridax's Office

    After Haken was escorted out of the headmaster's office, he clumsily walked to the infirmary, clenching his side as he did.

    One day, that Rahk will regret accusing me of treason. I should go see the healer, then Doubt should be located. What was done to him in there just then? I hope he is alright.

    Haken made his way to Palma, falling into a bed due to his disorientation.


    OOC: Haken Open for Interaction. Going to post another installment of Sido's subconscious later today.

  5. Yes, he killed both Zex and Dane for a total of three kills (so far :evilgrin: ). Not to mention that on Visorak he had Caoutchouc running for his life and nearly managed to kill Fang. I'm going to try update his bio with all this sometime today.

    He also nearly had Sidonas on his list of people killed. I feel like Shark should have his own slasher film in the form of a dream he or someone he tried to kill has.
  6. Now I very badly want to make animations of a Corpus Kombat tournament, characters that use gadgetry or weaponry instead of a sword or their fists included. So we have our Shao Kahn. How about Raiden?

  7. Had an idea I've been thinking about for a few days, so I'm just going to throw it out there and see what y'all make of it:

    Corpus Kombat

    What do you think Corpus would be like as a spoof of a certain fighting game? Which Rahkshi fit which characters?

  8. IC: Haken - Tridax's Office

    Haken felt the blade cut his side, sick and unbalanced, he fell to the ground, stumbling back up when he could keep himself off the floor. Haken drew one of his knives and charged at Draco, slashing wildly in his nauseas state.


    IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office

    Sidonas' mind pondered the question he had presented himself with, taking things out of context, debating the reasoning behind all of the answers he found. Images flashed through his mind as the thinker in him would have enjoyed this, the thief would have probably just wanted to steal something.

    If a light falls to evil doing, can it be redeemed?

    Hmm..Perhaps an answer can be found in this thief. We shall see.

    Images appeared, memories flashed. The thoughts continued, and the mind kept trying to solve the puzzle that had been laid out in front of it.

    This thief, this Rahkshi, was earlier seen providing fruit by leaving it at doorsteps. Is this some form of repentance? For what, if that is the situation?

    Here he is again, speaking about peace. A thief speaking of peace talks, something I have never thought to be possible.. Perhaps one can return to the light if they fall. If one knew the light but gave themselves over to evil or fell to it, they still knew good at one point. If one were to hold onto that light, they might just find it in themselves to bring themself out of darkness and back into light. I wonder, how did this thief fall? How did he atone? Let us see...

    The deep sleep continued, Sidonas further traversing his own mind while under its' influence.

  9. IC: Haken - Tridax's Office

    Upon hearing claims of treason from Draco, Haken, though sickly and groggy, kept himself in somewhat of a position to fight.

    "I will prove to Lord Tridax that I have nothing to hide, but first I will give him your head for such claims against me!" Haken swung a rage-filled punch at Draco, spinning somewhat due to the sickness.

    He WILL pay for what he has done! One who harasses a fellow Rahk and uses such foul play against an honest warrior deserves no honor in combat! I will see him suffer for such an act!


    IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office

    Sidonas still remained in deep sleep, his mind floating through events and things he had done, though he viewed it like an outsider.

    A thief, lurking in the shadows, caring little for who he harms or steals from. He seems angry. Upset about what?

    The same thief is here again, the woman, it seems like a woman, is bringing him somewhere? Trial. He is facing his crimes.

    Here he is again, leaving foods and fruits at doors, speaking something about peace talks with an angry people. Who is this thief?

    The reminders of thievery faded, and his mind, lost in what was being witnessed and remembered, thought upon the idea of one who works from shadows.

    Shadows, darkness, night, these things are used to hide, to conceal, to cloak. Thieves, rouges, assassins, all of these use such empty spaces where nothing is visible to lie, cheat, steal, kill innocents. What good do shadows serve?

    Sidonas' mind simply whispered the answer: May darkness be used to serve light?

    Yes. Though there are those who hide and take advantage of the weak, there are those who would see justice be done from the shadows. Masked men, those who take from the rich and corrupt and give to the poor and innocent. Some work in the dark to serve the light, but that does not mean they are of the darkness. Only a light who allows themself to dim in shadow, so they might do works of good unnoticed.

    A question then hit Sidonas' mind, one that in the deep sleep, it felt like he pondered for centuries.

    If light may work in the darkness, and it falls to the darkness, how can it return to the light?

    • Upvote 1
  10. IC: Haken - Tridax's Office

    Haken stirred, feeling groggy and somewhat dazed. He pushed himself up, putting his hand against a wall to keep from stumbling.

    "Wha?! Where am I? What has-"

    Haken stopped at the sight of Draco. He stared at the Rahk with a piercing gaze.

    "You! Assaulting me in public with no provocation! Calling me a traitor to the Makuta! Where have you brought me?!"

    Why would I be accused of treason? What acts have I done that would be considered to be against the will of the Makuta?

    Haken clenched his fist, the brute's expression obviously angry.


    IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office

    Sidonas was still unconscious, lost in his thoughts while in a sleeping state. Images moved, flickered, and flashed in his mind. Equations, schematics, memories, places, and people. Most did not reoccur, except for a few. His mind sifted through the images in this deep sleep state.

    Rahkshi. Green eyes, purple colors mostly. Who is she? Or he?

    A book, thick and leather-bound. Has a strange image on it. Who wrote it?

    A building. Big, a toothy entrance, on some island. What is that? Where is it?

    Who am I? What am I? Is this a dream or reality?

    There is a word, I feel like I know it. A name? I feel great joy in it, what ever the word is. I feel great sadness also. Rejection. Failure. Hope. Love

    More images flashed through Sidonas' mind. A finned Rahkshi, some sort of grappling hook, and something about freedom from someone, and something about loss. An image of the green eyes came to him again. Had she lost someone? Had she been lost? Sidonas' mind darted between the images and memories, looking for answers.

    What is this all about?

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