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Kovika: Visorak Lord

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Posts posted by Kovika: Visorak Lord

  1. Nato, you should know that drastic measures usually include you having a long talk with someone...

    Or Dane just showing them how many hashtags he can use to replace a censored word.

  2. Hey. How are y'all doing?

    First of all, kinda want to apologize to Locus. As I mentioned yesterday, I've been kinda out of whack due to depression and some situations that have been messing with me recently. Yes, Sergei did mention the reason IC wise for Sido offing himself, but after thinking clearly and putting some stuff into consideration, I'm going to edit, let him get KO'd by Sliver, and see what happens from there. Not killing off my characters and leaving for the record. The OOC reasons I mentioned earlier? Just forget those, as that is what a combination of lack of self confidence, depression, and low self-esteem will do to you. Locus, I'm sorry for doing too many convenient dodges and being unrealistic, and also for rambling constantly with little realism thought in. Going to try and work on that, as it needs improvement.


    Edit: Edit Sidonas post. Once again, I sincerely apologize for recent behavior. Hope I've learned from this and can improve in the future.

    • Upvote 4


    The reason I have considered killing him off IC wise is because I see no other way to prevent a loyalist from bringing him to Tridax and exposing rebel info if Tridax searches his memories.

    That seems incredibly petty.


    Your character gets into a position where they can't escape, so you just kill them off to spite everyone else? Real mature.

    Look, I'll talk about this tomorrow. Probably edit, and get this over with. I'm very depressed right now, and am not going to stay up arguing with anyone. I probably need to clear my head, then I'll talk. I'll chat tomorrow afternoon. Have a good night.


    Hold on, there's no room to move on either side? Sure he might be up against a wall considering it's a cave, but no room to move at all?

    Well, considering that Sidonas has spent every single post of this fight moving backwards, and my Sliver post pretty specifically used the phrase "backed into a corner", yes he'd have no room to move.


    That's kind of the point.


    Plus I'm just about to probably kill him off. Considering he knows he cannot win the fight against Sliver and would rather kill himself than let Tridax and his loyalists know information on the rebels. I'm just about to get the fellow to kill himself.

    Oh, so the moment your character gets himself into a situation he can't talk his way out of, you choose to kill him off instead of accepting that? I mean, sure, there's no actual rule against it, but that does seem really petty.

    The reason I have considered killing him off IC wise is because I see no other way to prevent a loyalist from bringing him to Tridax and exposing rebel info if Tridax searches his memories. OOC wise? I've contemplated killing off Sido for actually some time now. Ever since Shark nearly killed him, actually. I know you dislike how rambly Sidonas tends to be and how he seems to talk too much, and considering how the majority, if not all the stuff I post involving combat or most other aspects of a TBRPG, needs a lot of editing, is cheap, thought up on the spot and is unrealistic. I've thought it best if I give my characters a quick and fitting end, and get the Karz out of here, as clearly I'm a bad writer and only annoy a person due to said bad writing.
  5. Hold on, there's no room to move on either side? Sure he might be up against a wall considering it's a cave, but no room to move at all? Plus I'm just about to probably kill him off. Considering he knows he cannot win the fight against Sliver and would rather kill himself than let Tridax and his loyalists know information on the rebels. I'm just about to get the fellow to kill himself.

  6. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Karz, she's speeding at me. Time dodge. Again.

    This time, however, Sidonas' attempts to dodge would be in vain, as he felt Sliver's hand hit his body before he could even find a way to avoid the loyalist combatant. He quickly grew sickly, and had few thoughts when fading into unconsciousness.

    Well, guess my luck ran out this time..

    Sidonas collapsed and fell to the ground, falling into deep sleep.

  7. Doubt is going to be interrogated, and he is a loyalist. Haken is probably going to be brought to interrogation, and he is a loyalist.

    I'm just laughing at the conversation that is going to happen.

  8. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    "Woah!" Sidonas said as he jumped back. He was not expecting that. He kept Hook ready, looking at his opponent with the same look as before.

    Is Cao crazy?! Is he trying to get me killed?!

    Sidonas shot Cao one of those 'Are you mad?!' looks quickly before fixing his gaze back on Sliver.

    "Now, that poison or whatever you used to take down my friend there, that's just cheating. How about a fair fight?"

    Sidonas didn't expect to get anywhere talking to a loyalist, but it was worth a shot. What else could he do?

  9. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Sidonas remained silent, shooting another glance at Cao that read Distract her.. and then giving Sliver a cold, emotionless look.

    I am getting you out of here Shield.





    IC: Jayar / Refectory


    Was there something about covert conversations that attracted random disruptions?

    Oh no.... They've found the fourth wall.


    How long before they find us hiding behind it?

    I'm expecting a deep conversation about chairs between Lucid and Sergei.
  11. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Sidonas said nothing, but simply gave Cao a look that said Distract her. . He sheathed Hook and hid it under his cloak, looking solemn with a cold stare in his eyes.

  12. Alright. Hmm... Guess it's back to fighting me way out. Internet is being shut down temporarily cause' some stuff got hit due to the weather last night. Might post tomorrow. Arrivaderci.

  13. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    I think she is angry. Good, gives Cao the chance to deal with her as long as she is focused on me. Time to poke the angry Muaka with a stick. Hopefully Cao figures out what I'm doing. Going to have to resort to stealth and probably a bit of running otherwise.

    So Sidonas continued, thinking back to how he had told himself he would hold his tongue when it was wise to do so.

    This was not one of those times.

    "Crossed what line? I'm not the one staring at an unaware fellow. I see how you look at some of the Rahks here, myself included. Sorry, though I respect Exxan, his sister hitting on me is kind of creepy..You're just not my type.." Sidonas said this in a cocky, sarcastic tone. He wanted to make it look like he was cocky, arrogant, as if he was the kind of joker that laughed in the face of death. Although he knew this was a serious matter, Sidonas nearly laughed at what he planned next to anger Sliver.

    If Recoil ever finds out what I said, I'm definitely going to get slapped for even joking about it. Still, even the jokes, especially the jokes about what you would never preform intentionally are the funniest.

    Sidonas kept Hook at the ready, dropping Shield into a small breathable pouch he used to carry ammunition, which was empty except for the Kraata now inside it.

    You'll be safe soon buddy.


    OOC: Storm hit my house last night. Might post occasionally here and there for the next week.

  14. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Sliver had let go of Hook, but was lunging at him anyways, not as fast as with Hook, but still fast.

    Hook retracted completely in the moment Sidonas jumped back to avoid the lunge, holding on to Shield defensively.

    In the middle of a fight with a loyalist, might need to get her off focus somehow.

    Sidonas thought of the perfect thing to say, hopefully Cao could deal with her so that he could get Shield out of here then.

    "It's sweet that you're trying to get close to me, but I really don't think you're my type!" Sidonas grinned, saying this with obvious sarcasm. Though he was serious most of the time, the occasional wisecrack or joke wouldn't hurt.

  15. IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Sliver was coming at Sidonas fast, faster than Hook could grapple her in. Sidonas could not jump, flip, or slide out of the way in time. All he could do was let himself fall over on his side to avoid Sliver's hand.

    Sidonas threw himself over to the side opposite to Cao, hitting the floor with a thud and slightly scrambling when he got back up, holding Sheild and hoping he did not suffer any harm from the impact. The grappling hook kept retracting, and Sidonas pulled on it hard, hoping the weapon would soon be free from his opponent's grasp.

  16. IC: Haken - Causeway

    Haken was still unconscious.


    OOC: Have next Sidonas post already typed up. Going to post it as soon as I get a green light from Locus that the last post I had to edit is ok.


    IC: Sidonas - Cauldron

    Sidonas caught Shield with his free hand as he was pulled towards Sliver. He switched Hook to retract as he came closer to the Rahk, pulling back and hoping the combined strength of both the retraction and the pull from his arm would free the weapon from his opponent's grasp. Sido yelled a simple "I know!" in reply to Cao.

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