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The Forgotten Chronicler

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Status Updates posted by The Forgotten Chronicler

  1. Join the Bioniclers Cast today! (The official name is still being approved)

    1. Show previous comments  46 more
    2. Arzaki


      How about we all just be quiet and go home? That sound nice? Yeah? Yeah, that sounds nice. I think I'll go do that now.

    3. Bonkle


      That's what I said earlier. I said I respected your decision. And who came back? Ghidora.

    4. Tahu3.0


      When Geha sees this

  2. The blade you hold - do you know what it means? What it's capable of? No - I see you are merely a puppet. Come then — it is time for one of us to truly die.

    1. Tahu3.0


      Lava Blades are wonderful weapons.

  3. Last time we met, you bested me. A warrior of my stature, taken down by one such as you, it was humiliation. I've had years to hone my skills after the last battle.

  4. I’d heard whispers that a nameless immortal was wandering the Vault of Tears. Whispers that this warrior showed legendary skill with the Aegis forms.

    1. Ghidora131
    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      I care nothing for your petty squabbles. Nothing else matters for me except retaining my glory!

    3. Ghidora131
  5. Well, fight your way over here. Then we’ll be on with our climatic final duel, or whatever you want to call it

    1. Arzaki


      ill fite you irl m8


      1v1 me m8

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Very well. *summons The Infinity Blade* Although it will be a shame to see you dead

  6. Papyrus, do you want anything?


  8. Everyone get on the floor, everyone do the Dinosaur!

  9. Yes, I thought you might fall for that. You opened the pathway to my dungeons, after all. I do believe she was planning on taking the sword and betraying me. A pity, but I suppose you did me a favor by killing her.

  10. Of all those who dared to face me, you are the first to prove worthy. So, I offer you a choice, noble warrior - join me, and learn the true meaning of power. You need not perish this day.

  11. Excellent - you have chosen wisely. I was once a mere mortal, as you are now - but as you will come to learn, there are more powerful beings in this world than I. Deathless ones who have grown too powerful, too corrupt - together we will vanquish them all.

  12. Welp, if there are any drawings (most likely not), then P.M. them to me

  13. Only 1 day left. Anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, look in the "About Me" section

  14. 2 days left

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      So who's at least given a small go at drawing me and Kasha?

    2. Bonkle
    3. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Look in the "About Me" section

  15. 4 Days left

    1. Tahu3.0
    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      That, and whoever drew for my mini contest (no one)

  16. So, no happy Christmas for Grimlock? Me still king!

  17. Me Grimlock say, Happy Christmas!!

  18. Can you draw? I'm holding a mini contest to see who can draw fan art of me. Yes, you can include Kasha. Yes, I do prefer to have Kasha in the picture with me. Yes, you can draw me and Kasha doing that. You can do it on whatever you want (online or pencil). Yes, you can draw me as ultimate Geha. Go ahead and draw Kasha the same way. Any other questions?

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Oh, and no, I don't want to be Optimus Prime

    2. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      The winner gets... I don't know. The glory of winning? Gets put in my game? Put in my comics, or epic? That's up to you

    3. The Forgotten Chronicler
  19. So I heard there are Sega Genesis Megatrons and a Playstation One Optimus'. Might get those sometime

  20. So, what's everyone been up to?

  21. I don't know anymore. Anything could be on my mind. You tell me

  22. I need ideas for my epic, if you've already checked it out. If you haven't, check my topics page to find it

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