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Nato G

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Everything posted by Nato G

  1. IC: Dayeth. Dayeth sat up once more, and swung off her bed, testing her leg. Pain ripped through the wounded limb, and she sat back down, biting back a cry of pain. It was still too soon; she would have to bide her time...
  2. IC: Lash. Lash loved her new Rahkshi. IC: Reson. The quiet of the streets Sajis had been enjoying was abruptly shattered as Reson spotted her, shouting out from the end of the street. "Hey Sajis, wait up! I'm back!"
  3. OOC: Think I'll stick with Naishe and Marda. IC: Zaara. Turning her back on the house where the Skakdi and Toa still seemed to be fighting/flirting, Zaara nodded to Marda. "Sticking with you guys sound like fun. I don't know anyone else around here. Just one thing... where exactly are you travelling to, because I don't think walking into a sandstorm sounds like nearly as much fun."
  4. Am I the only one who thinks the battle at Ko-Koro is never going to freakin' end?!
  5. What part of the RPG did you think was real? I don't think the R-word really applies to any part of the BZPRPG world. At all. Ever. ______________________________________________ I also have no pretty boys. I have a Skakdi who currently views Grokk as his role model, a confused Toa of Plasma with no memories of her past, a perpetually drunk Toa of Sonics, an neutral/evil Vortixx who is very talented at hurting people, and an evil Ta-Matoran who likes setting stuff on fire. Yep... I'm a terrible person...
  6. IC: Dayeth. (Inside the Ko-Koro Hospital) With her leg stitched and bandaged, Dayeth sat on the edge of her temporary bed in the hospital and looked around. Dahkapa and the others will still outside, and the Vortixx was still bound in chains; there was no way she could free him without getting spotted. Sitting back and pulling her injured leg up onto the bed, Dayeth closed her eyes and tried to think of a plan.
  7. IC: Lash. Lash got clumsily to her feet, dusting herself off while wincing involuntarily at the flash of pain that speared through her left arm. She coughed, wheezing for breath, which only made her new wound hurt all the more. When she'd fallen, the Rahkshi had struck, stabbing at her with its staff. It was only her lucky throw with the Antidermis vial that had saved her life. As soon as the liquid darkness had come into contact with the creature, it had stepped back, pulling its staff away from her, slicing a narrow but painful gash across her left shoulder instead of spearing her right through the heart. The orange and black Rahkshi of Vacuum now stood motionless a few feet away, her blood staining one end of its staff. It was her Rahkshi now, she knew. Hers to command. A sly smile crept across her narrow Vortixx face. “I’m going to call you Breathless.” She decided. IC: Reson. Reson yawed, sitting up in the corner of entry hall to the Ussalry headquarters. For a moment, he wondered what the he was doing here, of all places, but then he felt the badge newly-pinned to his chestplate, and the events of yesterday all came rushing back. Sajis had given him a job in the Ussalry, and asked him to sleep off his hangover before joining her on patrol somewhere. His mind clear, more or less free from the effects of his last drinking spree, Reson got to his feet and set off to go find Sajis.
  8. IC: Natharius. The joke seemed to be going a little too far... Surely Grokk realised that everything Dorian was telling him was absolute ######, and that none of it was true? For someone who seemed as attuned to lying as Grokk was, he was terrible at spotting when other people were lying to him. Unless he was playing along... OOC: Where is Zaara? Did she stay with Naishe and Marda or go with Casanuva and the others?
  9. PLOT TWIST: Makuta is the door. That would be the most a-door-able plot twist ever. Yes... you can all feel free to shoot me now... I'm ashamed of myself.
  10. Well, we aren't going to notice anything until it happens. If Makuta was an eldritch abomination of pure evil, he probably didn't "open the door" in the way most beings would open it. He's a demonic god thing. He doesn't play by our rules.
  11. IC: Reson. "Right... okay..." Reson stammered, pinning the badge to his chestplate and looking for somewhere to lie down. "I'll talk to you later, then..." He shook his head, still a little drunk. He found a warm corner and curled up to rest, digging through his pockets before he did so. A handful of widgets that probably weren't his, and a small bottle of something extremely alcoholic. for a moment, he considered taking a swig from the bottle. Shaking his head, he tossed it into the nearest bin, before lying down to sleep off his hangover. It was time to start his new life. IC: Lash. Lash was, admittedly, more than a little surprised to find herself still alive.
  12. OOC: Sorry if my prose is dopey; I'm kind of in a rush. IC: Lash. The Rahkshi didn't attack straight away, so Lash attempted to duck around it. It stepped sideways to block her path, swatting her out of the way with the flat of its staff. It was toying with her! Cursing, she drew one of her whips, bringing it up to strike, only to find herself choking for breath. There was suddenly no air in the room. Seeing the faint glow around the Rahikshi's staff, she out two and two together and realised that it was the Rahkshi sucking the air out of the room. A Rahikshi of vacuum then, it seemed. Lash tried to strike out, but the Rahkshi easily avoided the clumsy blow, before buffeting her with a blast of air: the same air it had just leeched out of the room. hitting the back wall, Lash took a deep breath, knowing it might well be the last one she ever took, and threw herself at the Rahkshi, uncapping the vial of antidermis that Zaktan had given her. The Rahkshi pointed its staff right at her, and it seemed to draw the air right out of her lungs. She stumbled, flailed, and fell, bringing her hand up to make one last desperate throw of the vial... IC: Reson. "That's it?" Reson gaped. "No oath, or badge of office, or swearing in ceremony? That's pretty laid back. I like it. So... what do I do, now that I'm an official member of the Ussalry?" in the back of his mind, Reson knew he was acting like a giddy Matoran, but he didn't really care. This was pretty much the only positive and exciting thing that had happened to him in recent times, and he was well going to enjoy himself! "Sajis?"
  13. I'm only now coming to realise how crazy difficult it is playing as an evil matoran.
  14. IC: Dayeth. "Will I be alright?" Dayeth asked weakly (she didn't even really have to fake it anymore; she was the verge of passing out). "Of course." one of the stretcher-bearers said as they helped haul Dayeth into the hospital, but they didn't sound too certain. Dayeth was a very good liar, one of the best, so she knew when someone else was lying to her. It was her own stupid fault anyway for acting prematurely. But still, it had gotten her into the hospital, so that was a start. The hard part was coming up with a plan to use her position here to ensure a Nightfall victory. But first she had to know if she would be still be able to walk when the day was through.
  15. IC: Reson. "So..." Reson coughed, looking around. "What now?"
  16. IC: Zaara. "Sorry," Zaara apologised to Casanuva, "I don't even have anywhere for me to stay. Or money to pay for somewhere, for that matter. Do any of you have any ideas?" she addressed the rest of the group.
  17. Which leads me to my current problem; I can't pull it off. Right now. My character is a wounded Makuta Worshipping female Ta-Matoran, and there a still guards around. She can't take them out on her own. I needs help from more evildoers!
  18. Well, there goes that whole plan right out the window. How about I just blow up/burn down the hospital to demoralize the defenders? Would that have a better chance of working? (My character isn't currently in a position to do that right now; I'm just being hypothetical here).
  19. IC: Reson. Reson understood the message and nodded meekly. He had to be serious now; no time for fun and games, or drunken ramblings. Doing his best to act more sober than he actually was, Reson followed Sajis inside.
  20. Hospital is full of helpless injured people. If bad guys threaten the aforementioned injured peoples, the good guys will be forced to surrender, yes?
  21. IC: Reson. Reson tried to suppress the involuntary spring in his step as he followed Sajis to the Ussalry headquarters. Joining the Ussalry was quite possibly the single best thing that could happen to him. He could use his Toa powers to help the village and protect the Matoran. He could finally make up for his past mistakes and do something worthwhile with his life. Why hadn't he thought of this before? OOC: Answer: because he was too drunk to think.
  22. Don't forget Dayeth. She was the one who started the wildfire in Le-Wahi (which is driving the beetles straight towards Le-Koro), and is currently trying to figure out a way to hold the Ko-Koro hospital hostage to force the defenders to surrender. If there are any bad guys already in the city who want to lead a coordinated strike on the hospital to ensure a swift Legacy victory, feel free to do so.
  23. IC: Dayeth While the two Toa spoke, Dayeth looked towards the chained Vortixx, turning her head so that only he could see the subtle wink she gave. One Makuta worshiper to another, it was a silent promise of aid. The only problem was the two Toa. There was no way Dayeth could take them down by herself, even if she wasn't already injured and disoriented. "Sorry to interrupt," she turned back to the two Toa, "but I really need some medical attention." Once her injury was dealt with, she would work on coming up with a plan for freeing the Vortixx and then helping Makuta's faithful win this battle. If she could take the patients in the hopsital as hostages somehow, then she could bully the defenders into surrendering. But first things first... "My leg, please..."
  24. IC: Reson. The final question came as a serious surprise to Reson. First the guard had called him out for being drunk in public, and now she was offering to help him join the Ussalry? Reson didn't know what to think. This was a serious opportunity here,a chance to turn his life around and do something that was actually useful. A chance to use his powers for a good cause. How could he possibly say no? "Yes," Reson said gratefully, "I'd be honoured to join the Ussalry."
  25. IC: Reson. "Orderly conduct..." Reson actually had to stop and really think about that one. He spent a lot of time drunk, and when he was drunk, he was loud, and rowdy and rude. But... he thought back to his time as a Matoran, before he'd become a Toa and everything had gone to . Orderly conduct had been something he'd liked to see. Sure, it was great to have a little fun every now and then, but disorder wasn't the best thing for a city as huge and prosperous as Onu-Koro. So... "Yes," Reson agreed, "I do like Orderly Conduct."
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