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Posts posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. Granted. But no one else on the planet knows what that is, so you can'- wait Havn't we done this allready???


    I wish Skyrim would love me as much as I love her.


    Granted, but I have no idea who Skyrim is, so.... [:P] Let's just say she turns out to be Gorast is disguise :\ [:P]


    I wish I had more space to store my lego [:P]

  2. Honestly? No. It's on it's last legs, it'll probably be gone by next year... not that that should stop you if you're a real fan (didn't stop me buying Bionicles for 4 years [:P]), but if I were you I'd save up for themes just coming out [;)] Like Bionicle [:P] [:P]


    It's kind of a shame, because Chima had a lot of potential.... [:(]

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