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Posts posted by bionicleFanatic



    Also, Ninjago never had elementally-inspired names, at least in none of the foremost characters. [ :P] And Bionicle only had that in it's first year [:P]


    I'm pretty sure "Kai" relates to fire, don't quote me on that though,


    and the earth guy is literally named "Cole". :0


    Actually, Kai means "ocean". Sorry for quoting you. :P



    Well, that's totally fine, of course. Which basic idea you prefer more is up to personal taste, but it's not just about the basic idea, it's also about the execution

    Funny, I made exactly this point today; it's why TLM was a flop [:P] (again, IMHO [:P])


    Wait, what? In movie terms, a "flop" isn't a thing that's based on opinion, however humble. A flop is a movie that is a critical or commercial failure. Critics are almost unanimous that The Lego Movie was good (it has a stellar IMDB rating), so it's not a flop critically. And it earned $468 MILLION internationally, with a budget of only around $60 million, meaning it was far from a flop financially.


    The thing about opinions is that they can't contradict actual facts. "I like living on Earth" is a valid opinion, but "the earth is flat" is not. Similarly, you can say you didn't personally like The Lego Movie and be holding an honest and valid opinion—but it wasn't a flop by any stretch of the imagination.



    A flop is a failure [:P] It doesn't need to be a worldwide no-show for it to be a personal flop [:P]


    Exactly, but I never said/meant that TLM was bad, fact. [:P] I said In my humble opinion. [:P] Or, did you miss that? [:P]

  2. There are several reasons I could not possibly be a Catholic priest, no.





    Good. [:P] Not, good that you're not a Catholic priest, but, good that you're not the person I was thinking of [:P]






    Alfred Hitchcock couldn't have made a thriller from Bionicle, either, even at its faux-darkest, so I'm not sure what your point is.






    9_9 It's a saying [:P] Or at least, I think it is.. [:S] I certainly think I've heard it before [:P





    Overall storyline, Tolkien still wins out. 

    ...In your opinion [:P]




    That's why I said "Robots (Almost". Oh and by the way, I disagree that a robot necessarily has to be non-sentient but that's another topic entirely. 


    Oh dear, been watchin' too much Marvel [:P] [:P]



     However, your argument that beings in BIONICLE are sentient because they are not entirely mechanical seems kind of arbitrary to me.

    In layman's talk, a robot is a machine meant to do something/somethings, and only that thing/things which the owner would rather not do [:P] Like a slave (where the word originates from [:P]) And I never said they were sentient because they weren't mechanical. [:P] I just said they were Biomechanical [:P] Totally different to robot [:P]


    Well, that's totally fine, of course. Which basic idea you prefer more is up to personal taste, but it's not just about the basic idea, it's also about the execution

    Funny, I made exactly this point today; it's why TLM was a flop [:P] (again, IMHO [:P])



    ...Don't know how to get rid of this [:P]  I






  3. @Wally (You wouldn't happen to be a Catholic priest, would you? [:P] Very unlikely, but bigger coincidences have happened.. [:P]): True. But from what we have seen of it, it doesn't exactly look like Hitchcock could make a thriller from it [:P]


    Did I say it was? [:P] I said overall storyline, not individual documentation [:P]


    @Gatanui: 9_9 Bionicles (Yes, I call them Bionicles, deal with it [:P] [:P]), are not robots. [:P] A robot is something like Cleverbot, who can't actually think for themselves.  http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Sapient_Species All the main species listed there are Biomechanical, one being totally organic [:P]


    I personally think a universe, within a universe, living beings keeping a massive one going, is even more epic than a fantasy world where a powerful ring is at the source of the story [:P] Mind you, it's close, but Bionicle tops it [:P] Again, in my opinion [:P]


    @Aanchir: As you say, the "main cast" was mostly from 01. [:P] Most, if not all characters introduced after that didn't have elementally-themed names [:P]

  4. Ninjago: Ninja, Samurai, human-sized snakes, massive mechs, ultimately evil overlords...


    Bionicle: Biomechanical beings with incredible powers, richly detailed personal stories and characteristics that run deeper than Makuta's envy, an overall storyline that's so mindblowing it tops Harry Potter and LotR, etc. etc.


    Elves: ....Well... Elves. With tattoos. [:P] I mean, come on. How you can even start to compare them is beyond me [:P] It's like comparing Black Beauty to MLP [:P]




    Also, Ninjago never had elementally-inspired names, at least in none of the foremost characters. [:P] And Bionicle only had that in it's first year [:P]


    Oh help [ :P] Friends way okay, but this... [:P] It's like Disney got hold of Belville and crossed it with their pink-iest franchise...  :begging: [:P]


    Really? To me it seems significantly less pink than their other girl-oriented lines. If anything, its focus is lavender.


    Besides colors, this line looks like it has more in common with Bionicle and Ninjago than it does with any of their previous girl-oriented themes.



    Duh. [:P] You know what I mean [:P]


    O_o Really? [:P] You're comparing fairies to Bionicle? O_O

  6. Call me a curmudgeon, but these videos do not make me confident that this story will be even remotely as good as the old stuff, even with how convoluted and messy it got.  


    You're a curmudgeon [;)]

    The legend of the Toers is told once again!


    Does everyone seriously not call them "toe-ah"? [:P] [:P] What do you call them? [:S] "too-ah?" "toe-ai"? [:S]

    • Upvote 2
  7. Okay, first of all:


    TEH HYPE! [:D]


    Okay. Done. [:P] Secondly, here's some points of interest/genera observations [:P]


    1. So cute, the little villager! [:D] I can imagine a plushy of him... @-@ [:P]

    2. What horrific voice acting :\ [:P] Maybe it's just becase I hate british accents [:P] (and before everyone starts yelling "RACIST", I am english, so.. [:P]) Kopaka's voice in the 4th vid particularly narked me, but it was okay in the promo, seeming to have switched to Pohatu and Onya Onua...  So I'm not too fussed about that.

    3: Mask of time! [:o] It's everywhere! [:o] This is much, much more than a throw-out to the older fans... O_o [:D]

    4: Did anyone else notice the six elemental planets in the Prophecy of Heroes? Looks like there might be a whole new set of worlds out there... O_o [:D]

    5: The Elder of fire is Sensei Wu gone Biomechanical. [:P]



    Tahu: How come I'm supposed to defeat evil?   :???:

    Elder: You are destined blah blah blah OMG SPIDAHS!

    Tahu: -Owns spiders- Like a boss Cool_%28New%29.png


    7: I can't wait to see the "I am Lewa/Iron Man." memes pouring in [:P]

    8: ...Onua, have you been takin' sneak peaks at Okoto Online Game? [:P] Because the rocks falling thing when you get to your golden mask is exactly like it [:P]

    9: "I didn't slip."  :begging: Please no more... [:P]

    10: Gali, you sound like a bloke [:P]

    11: Looks like we have our Takua-ish star for the upcoming bionicle game [:P]

    12: This isn't the end of the videos: We have yet to see the scene where the Protector of Fire is piggybacking on Tahu [:P

    • Upvote 1
  8. If possible, i think that a local multiplayer can be a good thing for playing this game with friends.


    I can tell you now, unless Nuparu quits his job and works full time on it, it's not gonna happen [:P] Even multiplayer on Unity, which has integrated networking support, is incredibly hard to use and understand [:P]So trying to program it in the java used for MNOG would be an incredible feat of coding [:P]

  9. Just a heads up to everyone: It'll do no good to whine and threaten other people once the winners are announced. No matter how angry or upset you might be over the final decisions, the important thing is not to overreact and flood the forums with complaints and name calling.  Not only does it make you look like a sore loser, but you're also putting a damper on other people's moods as well. Just think about all the fun people had building, submitting, and looking at MOCs for this contest, and how many of them entered not because they wanted a gold mask, but because they wanted to have fun and build again. I know I had fun digging into the old Lego bin and getting creative (For the first time since 2010, mind you), and I'm sure everyone else had as much fun as I did as well.


    And if you're still feeling upset, remember: No matter who wins, Bionicle is still returning! Even if you didn't win a gold mask, you'll still have a new story to look forward to.


    Here here [:P]


    Personally, I'm just happy to have built something that complex/big [:P] My previous MOCs were limited mostly to combo-models of Tahu and Turahk, or very small Voya Nui Ko-Matoran XP Nothing to write home about... [:P] [:P]

  10. @Flex Likes Groot: Thanks! That might be because the villager shown is Kaiitu, not the Protector of fire. He's just a simple villager, not an elder.


    @The Skakdi Chronicler, Banana Gunz & Pohatu: Master of Stone: Thanks :) Just working on the Earth Region at the moment, after that's done I'll choose some Beta testers to give it a look over.

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