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Posts posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. 0qtzjo1h.jpg

    Chapter III Released!

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    Please note that any images depicting gameplay may not reflect the visuals or mechanics of the final game.
    ​Also note that Fanatic Studios® are not associated with or under employment by the LEGO® Group, and that the upcoming game is fan-made content.

    • Upvote 10
  2. This looks like a pretty neat set. We've got the technic build, which we haven't seen in constraction since 2012, we've got the elastic band powered function (admittedly not massively effective, but hey, better than the -Rama), we've got the mask of ultimate power (at least, it kinda looks like that... with the four vultraz-like protrusions from beneath?). Very reminiscent of the 01 Rahi, very neat build, and not too pricey. Only qualm is the faceplate: using a printed chestplate is kinda making him seem like a fake, in a way :\ Like he's not actually real... that might not be noticeable when you actually have it in hand though, so I suppose he's one for the Like list [:P]



    ......Who am I kidding, like anyone's going to bother to read the above, or even care what I think about the set XP XP [:P]

  3. Let's see.... Gosh, gonna have to do this by year [:P]


    01: Tahu Mata, Turagas Vakama and Nuju, and the two Nui-Jaga.

    02: None (shamefaced)

    03: Macku, Hafu, Turahk, Kurahk, Nuhvok-Kal, Kohrak-Kal, and Pahrak-Kal.

    04: Nokama, Vorzakh, and Rorzakh

    05: Roporak (and the Battle for Metru Nui playlet, if that counts)

    06: Piruk.

    07: None (even more shamefaced)

    08: Lewa, Pohatu, Gali, Antroz, Solek, and Gavla (yep, this is when I started getting into Bionicle properly [:P])

    09: Strakk, Metus, Berix, the Thornatus, Kiina, Vastus.

    10: All. Yep, all. Skrall, Nektann, Rahkshi, Tahu, Gresh, and Takanuva.


    ...And two MOCs. So that's 35, 37 if you count the MOCs [:P] [:P]

  4. (Note: Sorry about some of the pics, they're pretty big. But then again, so is he.. XP)
    Name: Chronicrull
    Species: Botar's species (unnamed)
    Affiliates: Dark Hunters
    Distinguishing Features: Spiked wings, flaming eyes, giant sabre, massive claws, trail of dead toa behind him...


    Evil Meaty Pose (Primary picture)
    Double-handed Deathgrip


    Battle Swing



    (Notes: My first titan. Stands over a meter tall. Seriously hope I've got the format right for this... [ :P])

    • Upvote 6

    If I somehow manage to win, I will sell the mask to Mask Collector.


    Not to be rude, but I think you're kind of missing the point of the contest then. If you're not interested in keeping the prize, then why enter in the first place?



    ....Mate, the mask is probably worth about fifteen thousand quid [:P] THAT's why he's entering [:P]

  6. Woo, this looks good [ :P] Already got a prototype model ready, but I doubt my poor mocing skills will be any chance against the pros [:(] [:P] So whereabouts do we post our entries? [:P]


    EDIT: Just a question, is it allowed to put another, smaller figure in the picture to show scale? Because my evil Botar looks great towering over little Macku... [:P]

  7. Yep [:P] It adds irony [:P]

    Grammer Freak season 1, episode 2, part 2 [:P]



    Grace; Anyone fancy getting the cafe out before we air the next episode? icon_mrgreen.gif

    botven; Whatever. I'm in such a state of shock that I don't mid if you have a meal at my expense.

    Grace; Excellent! icon_mrgreen.gif -clicks a button and the studio furniture swivvels around to reveal a cafe table, chairs and a juke box playing some naff 70's music.-

    Tanner; MOUNTAIN DEW! LEMMEATIT! -Rugby tackles the owner who randomly appeared-

    Bonsey; Want enything botven?

    botven; Yeah. Properly behaved guest stars and a studio that doesn't turn into a cafe at the drop of the hat. T_T

    Grace; (to owner) Got any pickledew? icon_mrgreen.gif

    Bonsey; -walks out of the studio- I'm going to get something to eat.

    Tanner; -Finds a barrel of mountain dew and faints in ecstasy-

    Grace; -Comes back with a tall glass of pickledew and a plate of pickles- Well, that last episode was a success, wasn't it? icon_mrgreen.gif

    botven; Don't remind me. Oh, the shame... icon_redface.gif

    Grace; Come on, it's not that bad, and the next episode will be good. icon_mrgreen.gif

    botven; Third time lucky?

    Bonsey; -Comes in with a dustbin and empties it all over the table-

    botven; I thought next time we could do some audience interaction. You know, get the public's opinion on spelling.

    Random Byestander; DOWN WIV THE GUVERMINT!

    botven; Ok, scrap that. icon_e_confused.gif

    Bonsey; -Finds a bone and proceeds to gnaw on it-

    Tanner; -Is lying under the mountain dew barrel with the tap turned on- GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG!

    botven; You're no better when you're off air. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Grace; -Flips a pickle towards her mouth but misses and hits Bonsey-

    Clyde; Can I stop filming now? I have an nature group to go to. icon_e_geek.gif

    botven; WHAAAAT? icon_e_surprised.gif YOU DIDN'T JUST FILM ALL THAT DID YOU? icon_eek.gif -Dives at camera and the screen goes black-

    That's all folks! icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_wink.gif

  8. Grammer Freak Season 1 Episode 2 Part 1:



    B_F; It's baaaak! Welcome to Grammer Freak! [:D]

    (Shorter theme song plays - we where on a budget [:P])

    B_F; Thanks to everyone who posted and liked on our last episode, including our own guest stars. And no, I didn't put them up to it. [:P]


    Canned laughter; Ha ha ha ha!

    B_F; Clyde, you where late with the button!

    Random Clyde-like voice from the shadows; Sorry.

    B_F; Please welcome our honered/honerable/dishonerable guest stars. On my right sits nobody. on my left hand sits someone who will be appearing shortly.

    Bonsey Tanner and Grace; -Pull up on a battered quad with a old trailer full of chickens attatched to it-

    B_F; (Trying to keep calm) So in this episode we're going to talk about newbie's spelling. Bonsey, get off. Generally newbies tend to have average or poor spelling when they start posting, then they get better as time gets on. However, you do get some newbies who are betear peillars than me! [:S] Tanner, why do you think this is?

    Tanner; -Wrestling with a hen- HUH? SPEAK UP, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

    B_F; -Pulls chickens off-

    Bonsey; -Starts sliding around on the floor looking for bones-

    B_F; So Tanner, what...

    Canned laughter; Ha ha ha ha!

    B_F; Clyde, you're on probation!

    Clyde; What does probation mean?

    B_F; ..... It mean's if you don't do you job right I'll prod you.

    Bonsey; Ha ha ha ha!

    B_F; You're better than the real thing..

    Canned laughter; HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    B_F; Clyde! -Turns angrily towards sound booth and sees...- Gasp! It's gracelw1!

    Grace; (From the effects room) I keep pushing this button saying pickles but nothing happens!

    B_F; It's Giggles, not Pickles!

    Grace; (knocks a wired mic against the central heating and there is a tremendous ammount of feedback)


    B_F; (Completely panicked now) Till next tome folks! Thank you and goodnight!

    Screen; (stays live - the camera's haven't gone off!)

  9. Bionicle_Fanatic;Welcome to LEGO MB grammer freak!

    -Cheers and the theme song plays; a tacky midi tune with the autotune kicking in at points-[ :P]

    B_F; Thank you very much for tuning in, I am you host B_F1, and I hope you enjoy the episode. We pick a few users every month who use good punctulation and speellign to appear on the show.[:P] For this week, please welcome Gracelw1, IndianaBonesSulfrix9, and TannerJ2598!

    -More cheers-

    B_F; So, gracelw1, what do you think about the current spelling situation in LMB's?

    Grace; Hmm?

    B_F; (whispering audibly) You're on air, grace.

    Grace; Oh. Well, I do think that there are lots of good spellers on here, but on the other hand (looks pointedly at B_F)

    B_F; (Goes red) Grace, this is my talk show! please don't embarrass me!

    Grace; How come you run this show when you can't even spell embarrass? You're hopeless!

    B_F; (leaves in shame)

    Grace; Great, now we have the show to ourselves! Bonsey, what do you think?

    Tanner; I don't![:P]

    Bonsey; Pickles, anyone?

    Grace; Pass!

    Bonsey; Sure! -Drops them in the bin-

    Grace; O.O D: Why did you do that?

    B_F; -comes back-

    Bonsey; You did say pass.

    B_F; seeing as this is technically my show, I can come and go if I want, eh?

    Grace; Well...

    Tanner; (Stage whisper) Shall we give grace a pickle?

    B_F; No. I really wouldn't.

    Grace; Pickle? -Lightbulb appears over head-

    Bonsey; Catch! [:D] [:P]

    Grace; Yum!

    Tanner; Grace, go gett B_F!

    Grace; [:o] YOU MADE A TYPO! -Faints-

    Tanner; I really don't mind. It's not my prob. [:P]

    Bonsey: Stop shortening things! -Starts playing super mario bros.-

    Audiance with Cr9 and Dude sitting in it; Boooo!

    B_F; We started the show with an orderly group of guest stars, a confident presenter and an eager audience. We end the show with a word-shortening bearded master of epicness, a mario playing skeleton, a pickle addict, An uncomfortable presenter and an angry audience. Goodnight!

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