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Quisoves Potoo

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Posts posted by Quisoves Potoo




    Not to whine, but you really should have waited until I sent my target in.

    Quisoves protects fishers from death... :P

    Well, if Voltex had waited 24 hours, you would have been able to change your targets, and I believe that Nevermore would have been unable to kill anyone. I was also in contact with JiMing, who would have been able to change his targets.


    I'm confused. I'm confident that whatever role Nato has is game-breaking - there's no way I would have been able to anticipate that. 


    You couldn't have, but I was pulling a lot of strings. I was trying to arrange things so that Nevermore didn't get to kill, and that a probable Mafioso died. But because I didn't get a full 24 hours to act, that didn't happen.


    Not to whine, but you really should have waited until I sent my target in.

    Quisoves protects fishers from death... :P

    Well, if Voltex had waited 24 hours, you would have been able to change your targets, and I believe that Nevermore would have been unable to kill anyone. I was also in contact with JiMing, who would have been able to change his targets.


    Frankly, I'm surprised that the Shadowed One did what he did. Only a Type Two...

    I'm confused as to how you got to this conclusion. 


    I'm even more confused as to how anything the Shadowed One did would cause an infinite loop. All the Shadowed One does is swap players; I'm pretty sure the unidentified figure is behind all of this somehow.


    Let's just say that I know a thing or two about the targets involved in the loop.



    Frankly, I'm surprised that the Shadowed One did what he did. Only a Type Two...

    I'm confused as to how you got to this conclusion. 


    I'm even more confused as to how anything the Shadowed One did would cause an infinite loop. All the Shadowed One does is swap players; I'm pretty sure the unidentified figure is behind all of this somehow.


    The only thing I can think of is that if the Green Ninja targeted TSO, and the Pyro targeted two people who TSO swapped, and one of them was the Green Ninja. The Pyro's RNG would have killed someone else, but now that the players are swapped, he targets Greeny. But since Greeny targeted TSO and killed him, he would not have been swapped because TSO is dead. However, if the Green Ninja is killed by the Pyro, TSO lives to swap the players.


    The best solution to that would be to have things sequential - TSO swaps, Greeny kills TSO, Pyro kills Greeny. There has to be something else in there, possibly a function of the Amber Ninja or the UF, which eludes me at the moment.  


    However, the solution to an infinite loop is to add a condition on which the loop terminates, whatever disaster it turned into. 


    Also, it may be known that I was investigated two nights before.

    FF (??) blocked by Skylor.

    Voxumo (??) investigated by Detective.

    Luroka (??) protected by Medic.

    Fishers64 (??) investigated by Nya.

    Ostrich (Matoran) killed by Green Ninja.

    Rooster (Matoran) killed by Green Ninja.

    Petewa (Matoran) killed by Pyro.

    Miras (??) spared by Mysterious Figure.

    The Ninja, for better or for worse, know who I am, and it is considerably unlikely that they would investigate one of their own, don't you think?


    Oops, I missed that. Thanks for pointing that out. Bother. It would seem that Voltex has a slightly different definition of paradoxical loop than I do.

  4. TimeFlight3.jpg_29082007

    It seems I've been naive.

    I have good reason to believe that Fishers is a Ninja, which forces me to reconsider both her ability to deceive and my conclusions concerning whom is whom in the Mafia.


    So, let's add Fishers to the list, and see what happens:

    Aerixx: Luroka and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton
    Rylinth: Nato and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton
    JiMing/Ajna: Luroka and Vicarath
    Blade: Luroka, Nato and Automaton
    Pahrak: Luroka and Vicarath, Nato and Automaton
    Burnmad: Vicarath
    Fishers: Luroka and Pahrak, Nato and Nevermore

    So, it can't be Pahrak. 
    So that leaves
    Aerixx: Luroka and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton
    Rylinth: Nato and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton
    JiMing/Ajna: Luroka and Vicarath
    Blade: Luroka, Nato and Automaton
    Burnmad: Vicarath
    Fishers: Luroka and Pahrak, Nato and Nevermore

    Any of them could be in the Mafia. 

    This does complicate matters a bit, but only a little bit.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I just realized, Manducus was on the last suspect list, so he's innocent.


    Also, I'm inclined to think that Blade is innocent. I don't see a Mafioso hesitating that way.


    Burn's also an unlikely Ninja, so let's see what happens if we assume him innocent.


    That leaves us with Aerixx, Rylinth, JiMing, and Pahrak.


    But wait. They can't all be Ninja, per my reasoning above. So I'm wrong about Burn, Blade, or both.

    Let's see. At the time of Burnmad's sole vote, Pahrak had six votes to Vicarath's five. So, either Burn was a Mafioso voting to save his confederate's hide or he was innocent, seeing as it wouldn't make much sense for a Ninja laying low to pop up without a good reason. If the former is the case, then the Mafia comprises Pahrak, Burnmad, Jiming, Blade, and Nevermore. If the latter is true, then the Mafia must be Blade, JiMing, Aerixx, Rylinth, and Nevermore. Either way, unless I'm wrong about Fishers, Blade is a Ninja. EDIT: Looks like I was wrong.

    If the Pyro and Detective would contact me, I'd moughty appreciate it.

  6. Looks like I was right about Nato.


    Sorry, Automaton.


    Here's the Day Two summary:


    Day 2

    QP-Nevermore and Automaton
    Pahrak-Nato and Automaton
    Voxumo-Nevermore and Unit
    Blade-Nato and Automaton
    Nevermore (confirmed Green Ninja)-Nato and Dragonstar.
    Nato (confirmed Mysterious Person)-Nevermore and Automaton
    Fishers-Nato and Nevermore-Comments: "This scene practically confirms Nato as Nya the Water Ninja... But he didn't kill FF & Deemo, since [Nato] isn't the green ninja. I vote Nevermore for the killing of xccj in the vague hope of taking him out too. Also because he was on the suspect list night 1 as the Green Ninja as well. His guilt is practically confirmed as well."
    ToaD: Nato and Automaton
    Rylinth: Nato and Automaton
    Aerixx: Nato and Automaton
    Miras: Nato and Nato

    Here's Day One for comparison:


    QP-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "I vote Luroka (because large numbers.)"
    Fishers-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "Luroka... for it is not the guns, but the number of them. Pahrak... for his death was meant to frame Blade."
    Pahrak-Luroka and Vicarath
    Aerixx-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "Definitely Luroka... although I think it's just a little too easy. Pahrak... because the more bloodshed, the merrier."
    Blade-Luroka-Comments: "Luroka... as that'd make for an ironic save by the Medic... I'm not sure about Petewa's killer, but maybe Nato? They [had] a sparring match of words last round, if I remember correctly."
    Luroka-XCCJ and Pahrak-Comments: "I hope you all realize just how dumb voting for me is. Like, every single time. You people keep voting me day one and I keep being innocent."
    Ajna/JiMing-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "I'm not sure what to vote for... I guess I'll do Luroka for the first scene (because trends are useless to someone like me who hasn't played for a long time), and second... Eh. Pahrak apparently started watching One-Punch Man. I'll vote for Vicarath instead. This is what happens when you watch good anime."
    FF-Nevermore and Voxumo.
    Nevermore-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "since I have no insight of my own I'll trust the mob and go with Luroka."
    Unit-Nevermore and Vox-Comments: "I don't trust the mob..."
    ToaD-Nevermore and Vox-Comments: "For a possible quad hang."
    Vicarath-Xccj and Voxumo-Comments: "Well if I'm going to bite it anyway, I may as well make someone else suffer for a crime I most certainly did not commit."
    Manducus-Luroka and Pahrak
    Rylinth-Nato and Pahrak-Comments: "I really have no clue who to vote for Rooster and Ostrich Pulse, and bandwagons did not help me last game, so... I'll vote Nato since at this point he can't statistically surpass Luroka."
    The Present Automaton-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "I'm gonna point my finger firmly at Luroka and not think twice about it. Same goes for Pahrak."
    Xccj-Luroka and Vicarath: "I don't trust Luroka."
    Burnmad-Vicarath-Comments: "I'll vote Vicarath for bloodshed's sake. I think I may be relapsing to my playstyle of years past."
    Miras-Nevermore and Voxumo-Comments: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
    Voxumo: Luroka and Vicarath.

    Totally abstinent voters: Nato, Deemo/Shadow_Ignited, and Dragon_Star.

    Partially abstinent voters: Blade (only voted for first killing) and Burnmad (only voted for second.)



    In response to Fishers' comment-QP: "Care to Elaborate?"-Fishers: "Blade killed Petewa last game IIRC."-Blade: "No; not unless it was via bandwagon, and even then I'm pretty sure that was Kapura. =P"-QP: "I killed Petewa last game, albeit by lynching. EDIT: And how would that implicate Pahrak?"

    In response to Luroka's comment-Nato: "I can't help but agree here. Luroka's clue seems way too obvious. It feels like a setup."-QP: "While I can't say I remember Luroka having a record like Blade's, I will say that I just realized that the 'no less, no more' bit could apply to Nevermore."



    So, we can surmise the following:
    Myself, Unit,  ToaD, Voxumo, and probably Fishers are not Ninja, having voted for Nevermore.

    There are 15 surviving players, five of which are Ninja. If we subtract the five above, as well as Nato, that leaves us with the following suspects:

    Nevermore (confirmed Green Ninja):









    Of the last eight, there is just about 50/50 chance that any one of them is a Ninja.

    Let's look at their voting patterns:
    Aerixx: Luroka and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton

    Rylinth: Nato and Pahrak, Nato and Automaton

    Manducus: Luroka and Pahrak

    JiMing/Ajna: Luroka and Vicarath

    Blade: Luroka, Nato and Automaton

    Pahrak: Luroka and Vicarath, Nato and Automaton

    Dragonstar: Abstinent thus far.

    Burnmad: Vicarath




    If Pahrak is a Ninja, then Aerixx, Rylinth, and Manducus are not. Conversely, if any of those three is a Ninja, he isn't.


    Burnmad is too inactive, methinks, to be a Ninja.

    I should be able to glean some more from that list, once I've mulled over it for a while.






    Final Ninja x1 – The Final Ninja. As the only survivor of the original battle between Bionicle and Ninjago, the Final Ninja is partially immune to the lynching; they can only be slain at night or if lynched twice in a row.



    Is Nato the Final Ninja? Or the mysterious figure?

    The latter, oh! The Green Ninja was sent to kill the last two nights.

  7. Sorry, okay???? I had college apps and parents breathing down my neck to deal with.


    By the time I remembered to check the topic, it was too late...

    If you have an excuse, then that's fine. I'm sure that several folks had good reasons. I just have a hard time believing that all of them did.


    I'm sorry if I came across too harshly. 


    I'd be willing to extend the round time if that would help everybody.

    That might work, though voter-participation hasn't been a problem with Voltex's current game.

  8. Wait what was this about double-voting?


    Only one vote per player please. If you want a double hang, you'll have to put in a little work.


    I won't count any double votes posted before this message.


    • Upvote 2
  9. Five of us voted before Valendale told us we couldn't double-vote: Voxumo, Myself, You, Pahrak, and FF. Only Vox didn't vote properly, afterwards.

    I realize that I forgot to count Tiragath's post-announcement double-vote, but I also mistakenly counted Nato's, so that evens out.

    In the end, that's still 16 absentees.


    In my defense I was busy with some stuff going on IRL, and by the time I could access my computer stuff had ended.


    I'm not saying that no one had an excuse. A few abstinent voters is to be expected. But 17? It beggars belief that none of them could make it.


    Here's the current tally:







    We've got a little over an hour.


    What exactly did I do that makes me so evil again, anyway?


    Whenever I'm guilty nobody votes me. Whenever I'm not everyone votes me.


    You've fallen prey to Type 2-antics, plain and simple. If you want to live, I recommend switching your vote from Petewa to Shadowhawk.

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