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Quisoves Potoo

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Posts posted by Quisoves Potoo



    Any spot please




    Hahaha too bad.


    I do like loopholes. This way nobody can complain if I'm a little bit early or late.

    So the 24 hour thing is just an estimate?

    I don't mind that, as long as I'm forewarned. I just don't want to operate under the assumption that I have a fixed, minimum amount of time, when I actually don't.


    It won't be any earlier than 24 hours. 



    Two things I noticed:
    There are twenty roles, including the PI. There are twenty slots, and you're not on the player list. Either you're hiding something from us, or you got the number of slots, or players, wrong


    Secondly, "The delicate state of the Maniac's mind also renders investigation useless." Does this mean that he shows up as is dependent upon his current insanity? What happens if the Detective investigates him?

  2. Simple solution: if you join the King, you are granted protection from death for that particular night. Slightly increases your chances of survival, with the downside that, if you are targeted for death that round, anyone not allied with the King will suspect that you have accepted the offer (or know you did if the Medic is already dead).

    Personal survival isn't the problem, though. If any player, other than the King, is killed, his faction survives. If the King dies, his whole faction is as good as dead. I think you might fix it by making his first recruit his heir. It still seems a bit shaky, but it might work.


    EDIT: You've given me an idea for a Mephistophelean role...

  3. But I mean, I feel like there's some incentive in automatically winning the game if enough people become loyal to the King, as opposed to risking both death & losing if you refuse. In a 20 person game, allying with the King could theoretically guarantee you victory by Round 5.

    True, but there's the constant threat of the King being taken out, leading to instant defeat for his couriers, not to mention the possibility that some players will refuse the offer for purely arbitrary reasons. 


    The Mafiosi are probably the ones who'd be most enticed by the offer.

  4. Hahaha too bad.


    I do like loopholes. This way nobody can complain if I'm a little bit early or late.

    So the 24 hour thing is just an estimate?


    I don't mind that, as long as I'm forewarned. I just don't want to operate under the assumption that I have a fixed, minimum amount of time, when I actually don't.

  5. Half of the total players.


    King isn't very overpowered; they have no control over whether players decide to become loyal to them or not. They also aren't immune to death in any way, and have no special abilities beyond picking two players each night to ask. If the Mafia of the game ends up targeting them, well, sucks to be the King.


    If anything, the King would be severely under powered.

    The loyalty bit slipped me by, sorry about that. I also assumed that he took the place of the Mafia.


    Well, that might work. I'm still somewhat dubious. The King seems like a distraction. Why should any player want to side with him?

  6. game idea for anybody interested


    Bionicle Mafia [Fates]: Conquest


    King-type role. Each night they pick one or two players; these players are giving the option of either becoming loyal to the King, or turning against them. Nobody knows how many players have received the offer, nor do they know how many have accepted.


    If the King manages to get more than half of the game's players loyal to them, they and all of their loyal subjects automatically win the game. But if they fail to do so, all players not loyal to the King will win instead.

    Hmm... This sounds a bit messy. Hail the Mad King worked, thanks to the urgency caused by the Pyros. Here, you've got a man-hunt with nothing to go on, which, methinks, is conducive to the sort of Type 2 behavior that would make this a wash for the King. Even if everyone was a Type 1, the King would still be overpowered. All he has to do is lay reasonably low and use his cronies to prevent his hanging. 


    Do you mean half of the game's total players, or simply half the living ones?

  7. Quisoves is dead, so the real current vote tally is:




    First the anti-Potoo pogroms, now this! :o


    Do I not die like the living? Do I not sleep like the living? Forsooth, the aspects in which I resemble not the living are but the tools of idle persiflage!

    • Upvote 3
  8. I'm voting Nevermore, just to continue the Edgar Allen Poe theme. 

    Thus the happy-dandy Flos Aeris of Java bears, it is said, a beautiful flower, which will live when pulled up by the roots. The natives suspend it by a cord from the ceiling and enjoy its fragrance for years.

    • Upvote 1
  9. According to "the Kingdom," the plan was Nuju and Nuparu's. However, there's no saying that Velika wasn't involved. He could have subtly planted the seeds of the idea, and given assistance where necessary. This does beg the question, however, of why he waited 10,000 years. Perhaps spaceflight wasn't his field, and he had to wait for Nuju and Nuparu to make the appropriate advances?


    I say that if we include Doctor Who (which I'm all for,) we exclude any Timelords as player characters.

    Ah...Timelords are cool...ah well, I would suggest just banning time travel, rather than Timelords. Or both, both could work.


    Even without time travel, Timelords are OP. You could take the amnesiac Eighth Doctor from the "Caught on Earth" arc, and he'd still be an ultra-powerful character. If you did play as a Timelord, he'd have to be on his final incarnation, and even then, I have my doubts. I suppose if your character was someone like Runcible, from the Deadly Assassin, it would be more reasonable, but even then...

  11. Also, just a bit of clarification as to why things would have happened differently, given a few more hours:

    I was in contact with Fishers and  JiMing, and I'd asked the former to switch me and Burn, instead of Nato and Nevermore (thus allowing Nato to block Nevermore) and the latter to target Blade and Rylinth. I was considering protecting Burnmad.


    Essentially, Fishers, Burn, and me would have been spared, and a Ninja would have died.

  12. 01011001 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01001111 01101110 01100101 00101100 00100000 01011001 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01001111 01101110 01100101 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00001010 00001010 01001110 01101111 01110000 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101110

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