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Quisoves Potoo

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Posts posted by Quisoves Potoo


    Speaking of numbers, can By the Numbers III be Prisoner-themed? 




    Do you mean Prisoner like this?

    Or this?


    either way, i wish to know why


    and also wish to inform you that you should probably be prepare to be disappointed, because I've finished writing up everything for By the Numbers 3 and am at the moment simply arbitrarily delaying its release for the sake of making you all wait even longer


    The Prisoner. The definite article, you might say.


    As for why, it's quite simple. It takes place in a seemingly cheery, sinister village where everyone is referred to by a number, instead of a name. It's a darned good fit.


    I thinks it stands to reason that Voltex chose you as the Mysterious Person. He's like that with his role choices. Deliberate, but subtle.


    From what I understand, there's nothing subtle about giving a role to someone in spot 19. 


    Oh yeah... that. I was thinking of the fact that we're so used to Shadow_Ignited's accent that we don't usually notice your absence from our dinners (if you actually accepted my invitations, I'm sure we would notice if we were missing your colorful personality.) But yeah, Spot 19. That's probably a brilliant case of reverse psychology, subtle by way of being so overt.

  3. This sounds way cool!


    I say that if we include Doctor Who (which I'm all for,) we exclude any Timelords as player characters.Ditto god-like entities such as Omega or the Celestial Toymaker.

    Fabuland gets my vote, too.

    Let's see, what else is there?

    Chima seems intuitive, though I'm not adamant on it being included, especially if you do Fabuland.
    How 'bout some Classic Space? Insectoids (the intended nemeses of Rock Raiders, at one point,) UFO, Roboforce, Blacktron, Space Police (in any or all of its iterations,) Life on Mars (not the TV series!) Futuron, and others that elude me.

    EDIT: Oh, yeah, there's Robin Hood (Foresters, I think the theme was called,) Cowboys, and Aquazone (and its related themes.)

  4. Quisoves, nice try there but Imma debunk you.


    Luroka was complaining about how people kept killing him first round and how it never worked. Aka, a trend across previous games. So I sorta made a joke of my absence and went "Well sorry dude but I wasn't around for that so I won't take that into consideration!!!"


    Now, bandwagoning, which I did... I do that every single time I have no idea who to vote for. I will admit that as much. 


    (literally 75% of my votes in previous games have been bandwagons so idk)

    Ah, sorry about that. I'll amend my post. Thanks for clarifying!

  5. Well, since this is the internet and no one here actually knows me, I guess I could qualify as a mysterious person. That does not, however, necessarily mean I am the Mysterious Person. 

    Since you're the only player in this game who hasn't supped at my Flying Potoo Fortress, I thinks it stands to reason that Voltex chose you as the Mysterious Person. He's like that with his role choices. Deliberate, but subtle.

  6. For what they're worth, here are my current reads:
    Nato: Suspicious. His behavior fits the Mysterious Person, methinks.

    Nevermore: The Green Ninja.

    Manducus, Rylinth and Automaton: Ninja.

    Voxumo, Probable Ninja, more data needed.

    Fishers: Decidedly shifty, methinks she's the Pyro, but she could well be a Ninja.

    Ajna/JiMing: Suspicious: "Trends are useless to me, so I'll go with the trend!"

  7. In my mind, that's either a confession or an honest list.


    As longtime players can attest, I am, as a matter of course, meticulously honest in my lists, regardless of my role. Now, would I have posted that list if I were the killer? That's another question, but I wouldn't put it past me.

  8. The only reason I didn't vote was because I had a feeling (which turned out to be correct) that the people being bandwagoned were innocent. Declaring that I must be the mysterious person seems like quite the leap in logic. 

    I didn't categorically state you were the Mysterious Person, only that I suspected that you were. Your defense isn't helping you. If you were so convinced that they were Innocent, why didn't you vote for other players, instead of doing nothing?


    Anywho, here's a summary of Day One's votes and such:



    QP-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "I vote Luroka (because large numbers.)"

    Fishers-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "Luroka... for it is not the guns, but the number of them. Pahrak... for his death was meant to frame Blade."

    Pahrak-Luroka and Vicarath

    Aerixx-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "Definitely Luroka... although I think it's just a little too easy. Pahrak... because the more bloodshed, the merrier."

    Blade-Luroka-Comments: "Luroka... as that'd make for an ironic save by the Medic... I'm not sure about Petewa's killer, but maybe Nato? They [had] a sparring match of words last round, if I remember correctly."

    Luroka-XCCJ and Pahrak-Comments: "I hope you all realize just how dumb voting for me is. Like, every single time. You people keep voting me day one and I keep being innocent."

    Ajna/JiMing-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "I'm not sure what to vote for... I guess I'll do Luroka for the first scene (because trends are useless to someone like me who hasn't played for a long time), and second... Eh. Pahrak apparently started watching One-Punch Man. I'll vote for Vicarath instead. This is what happens when you watch good anime."

    FF-Nevermore and Voxumo.

    Nevermore-Luroka and Vicarath-Comments: "since I have no insight of my own I'll trust the mob and go with Luroka."

    Unit-Nevermore and Vox-Comments: "I don't trust the mob..."

    ToaD-Nevermore and Vox-Comments: "For a possible quad hang."

    Vicarath-Xccj and Voxumo-Comments: "Well if I'm going to bite it anyway, I may as well make someone else suffer for a crime I most certainly did not commit."

    Manducus-Luroka and Pahrak

    Rylinth-Nato and Pahrak-Comments: "I really have no clue who to vote for Rooster and Ostrich Pulse, and bandwagons did not help me last game, so... I'll vote Nato since at this point he can't statistically surpass Luroka."

    The Present Automaton-Luroka and Pahrak-Comments: "I'm gonna point my finger firmly at Luroka and not think twice about it. Same goes for Pahrak."

    Xccj-Luroka and Vicarath: "I don't trust Luroka."

    Burnmad-Vicarath-Comments: "I'll vote Vicarath for bloodshed's sake. I think I may be relapsing to my playstyle of years past."

    Miras-Nevermore and Voxumo-Comments: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

    Voxumo: Luroka and Vicarath.

    Totally abstinent voters: Nato, Deemo/Shadow_Ignited, and Dragon_Star.

    Partially abstinent voters: Blade (only voted for first killing) and Burnmad (only voted for second.)



    In response to Fishers' comment-QP: "Care to Elaborate?"-Fishers: "Blade killed Petewa last game IIRC."-Blade: "No; not unless it was via bandwagon, and even then I'm pretty sure that was Kapura. =P"-QP: "I killed Petewa last game, albeit by lynching. EDIT: And how would that implicate Pahrak?"

    In response to Luroka's comment-Nato: "I can't help but agree here. Luroka's clue seems way too obvious. It feels like a setup."-QP: "While I can't say I remember Luroka having a record like Blade's, I will say that I just realized that the 'no less, no more' bit could apply to Nevermore."



    Please let me know if I've missed anything. Danke!

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